All computers can access Citrix, if you don't see your desired program listed below. 
Learn about programs installed on the Learning Commons computers.

Program Name

Laptops to check out
from Circulation

Dell Latitude Chromebooks
1 Week Loan 1 Week Loan
Windows 11 Chromium OS

ArcGIS Pro


For information on Chromebooks,
see the Chromebook Quick Start Guide

Blender X
Chrome Browser X
Citrix Workspace X
Firefox X
Google Apps  
Google Drive X
Internet Explorer X
Microsoft Office Suite X
Office 365 Web App  
Paint 3D X
PDFCreator X
Python 2.7 X
R Studio X
Screen Reader (Windows logo key + Ctrl + Enter)  X
Snip & Sketch X
Symantec Endpoint Protection X
VPN Access to Campus X