New Books Since June 14, 2012

This list is updated every Thursday. Titles are arranged in call number order.
To view previous lists, see our archives page.

Call numberTitlePublisher
B819 .S546 2012Situating existentialism : key texts in context / edited by Jonathan Judaken and Robert Bernasconi.New York : Columbia University Press, c2012.
B1626.D854 D85 2012Dummett on abstract objects / George Duke.Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
BF175.4.R44 L58 2011Living authentically : Daoist contributions to modern psychology/ edited by Livia Kohn.Dunedin, Fla. : Three Pines Press, 2011.
BL51 .K667 2012The epistemology of religious disagreement : a better understanding / James Kraft.New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
BR555.C2 D63 2011From Bible Belt to Sunbelt : plain-folk religion, grassroots politics, and the rise of evangelical conservatism / Darren Dochuk.New York : W.W. Norton, c2011.
CD2333 .D4 1930Sommaire des archives turques du Caire / par J. Deny.[Caire] : Impr. de l'Institut Francais d'Archeologie Orientale du Caire, pour la Societe Royale de Geographie d'Egypte, 1930.
DA910 .H38 1837The history of Ireland, from the earliest period to the present time derived from native annals, and from the researches of Dr. O'Donovan, Professor Eugene Curry, the Rev. C.P. Meehan, Dr. R.R. Madden, and other eminent scholars and from all the resources of Irish history now available. By Martin Haverty.New York, T. Farrell & Son, 1867.
DD256.5 .N3553 2012The Nazi concentration camps, 1933-1939 : a documentary history / edited and with an introduction by Christian Goeschel and Nikolaus Wachsmann original German documents translated by Ewald Osers.Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press, c2012.
DK268.4 .R66 2012Opposing Jim Crow : African Americans and the Soviet indictment of U.S. racism, 1928 - 1937 / Meredith L. Roman.Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press, 2012, 2012.
DS62.4 .C59 1982Les provinces arabes et leurs sources documentaires a l'epoque ottomane : actes du 5eme symposium du Comite international d'etudes pre-ottomanes et ottomanes (C.I.E.P.O.), Tunis 13-18 septembre 1982 / preface du professeur Mohamed Mzali.Tunis : Revue d'histoire maghrebine, 1984.
DT46 .A51L'Egypte ancienne et moderne et son dernier recensement, par F. Amici bey, ingenieur ...Alexandrie, V. Penasson, 1884.
DT46 .C7L'Egypte, apercu historique et geographique, gouvernement et institutions, vie economique et sociale.Le Caire, Impr. de l'Institut francais d'archeologie orientale, 1926.
DT46 .M12 1880Egypt as it is / by J.C. McCoan with a map, taken from the most recent survey.London New York : Cassell, Petter & Galpin, [1880?]
DT48 .C3 1956Voyageurs et ecrivains francais en Egypte / Jean-Marie Carre.Le Caire : Institut francais d'archeologie orientale, 1956.
DT51 .U6La geographie de l'Egypte a l'epoque arabe / Omar Toussoun.[Cairo] : L'Impr. de l'Institut Francais d'archeologie orientale pour la Societe royale de geographie d'Egypte, 1926-
DT77 .P7Precis de l'histoire d'Egypte / par divers historiens et archeologues preface de Mohamed Zaky el-Ibrachy pacha.Caire : Imprime par l'Imprimerie de l'Institut francais d'archeologie orientale du Caire, 1932-35.
DT96 .J17Merveilles biographiques et historiques, ou, chroniques du cheikh Abd-el-Rahman el Djabarti / tr. de l'Arabe par Chefik Mansour bey, Abdulaziz Kalil bey, Gabriel Nicolas Kalil bey et Iskender Ammoun effendi.Le Caire : Impr. nationale, 1888-96.
DT100 .F8La question d'Egypte, par C. de Freycinet ...Paris, Calmann-Levy [1905]
DT103 .D6 1930L'Angleterre et l'Egypte : la politique mameluke (1801-180[7]) / par G. Douin et Mme E.C. Fawtier-Jones.[Caire] : Impr. par l'Institut francais d'archeologie orientale du Caire pour la Societe royale de geographie d'Egypte, 1929-30.
DT103 .D62L'Egypte de 1802 a 1804 correspondance des consuls de France en Egypte, recueillie et publiee par Georges Douin.[Le Caire] Impr. de l'Institut francais d'archeologie orientale du Caire, pour la Societe royale de geographie d'Egypte, 1925.
DT104 .B4Une mission militaire francaise aupres de Mohamed Aly correspondance des generaux Belliard et Boyer.Au Caire, Impr. de l'Institut francais d'archeologie orientale pour la Societe royal de geographie d'Egypte, 1923.
DT104 .B45Une mission militaire polonaise en Egypte.[Caire] Imprime par l'impr. de l'institut francais d'archeologie orientale du Caire pour la Societe royale de geographie d'Egypte, 1938.
DT104 .B68 1927La mission du baron de Boislecomte : L'Egypte et la Syrie en 1833 / par Georges Douin.[Le Caire] : Impr. de l'Instuit francais d'archeologie orientale du Caire pour la Societe royale de geographie d'Egypte, 1927.
DT104 .C28Mohamed-Aly et l'Europe [par] Rene et Georges Cattaui. Pref. de F. Charles-Roux.Paris, P. Geuthner, 1950.
DT104 .D582 1928L'Angleterre et l'Egypte : la campagne de 1807 / par G. Douin et E.C. Fawtier-Jones.[Cairo] : l'Institut francais d'archeologie orientale du Caire pour la Societe royale de geographie d'Egypte, 1928.
DT104 .D584L'Egypte de 1828 a 1830 : correspondance des consuls de France en Egypte / recueillie et publiee par Georges Douin.Roma : Stampato nell' Istituto polografico dello stato per la Reale societa di geografia d'Egitto, 1935.
DT104 .D584 1927La formation de l'empire de Mohamed Aly de l'Arabie au Soudan (1814-1823) : correspondance des consuls de France en Egypte / recueillie et publiee avec une introduction par Edouard Driault.[Caire] : Impr. de l'Institut francais d'archeologie orientale du Caire, pour la Societe royale de geographie d'Egypte, 1927.
DT104 .D587Mohamed Aly, pacha du Caire (1805-1807) correspondance des consuls de France en Egypte, recueillie et publiee par Georges Douin.[Le Caire] Impr. de l'Institut francais d'archeologie orientale du Caire pour la Societe royale de geographie d'Egypte, 1926.
DT104 .D67L'Egypte et l'Europe : la crise de 1839-1841 correspondance des consuls de France et instructions du gouvernement / recueilles et publiees avec une notice bibliographique, une introduction et des commentaires historiques, par Edouard Driault.Caire: Impr. de l'Institut francais d'archeologie orientale du Caire, pour la Societe royale de geographie d'Egypte, 1930-1934.
DT104 .D7 1925Mohamed Aly et Napoleon (1807-1814) : correspondance des consuls de France en Egypte / recueillie et publiee par Edouard Driault.[Caire] : Impr. de l'Institut francaise d'archeologie orientale pour la Societe royale de geographie d'Egypte, 1925.
DT104 .P6Le conflit turco-egyptien de 1838-1841 et les dernieres annees du regne de Mohamed Aly, d'apres les documents diplomatiques grecs, par Athanase G. Politis.[Caire] Impr. de l'Institut francais d'archeologie orientale du Caire pour la Societe royale de geographie d'Egypte, 1931.
DT104 .P62Les rapports de la Grece et de l'Egypte pendant le regne de Mohamed Aly (1833-1849).Roma, Stampato nell'Istituto Poligrafico dello Stato per la Reale Societa di Geografia d'Egitto, 1935.
DT106 .D68Histoire du regne du khedive Ismail.Roma, Stampata ... nell Istituto poligrafico dello stato per la Reale societa di geografia d'Egitto, 1933-
DT106.I83 G96 1946Ismail : d'apres les documents officiels / Georges Guindi Jacques Tagher.Le Caire [ l'Institut francais d'archeologie orientale] 1946.
DT106 .M3Egypt under Ismail, a romance of history with an appendix of official documents.London, Chapman and Hall, 1889.
DT107.4 .S3613 1981Egypt for the Egyptians! : the socio-political crisis in Egypt, 1878-1882 / Alexander Scholch.London : Published for the Middle East Centre, St. Antony's College, Oxford [by] Ithaca Press, 1981.
DT182 .M8 1974Actes du Premier Congres d'histoire et de la civilisation du Maghreb.Tunis : Universite de Tunis, Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Economiques et Sociales, 1979.
DT264 .M26L'etablissement du protectorat francais en Tunisie / Ali Mahjoubi.[Tunis] : Universite de Tunis, 1977.
DT294 .D6Mohamed Aly et l'expedition d'Alger (1829-1830) par le commandant Georges Douin.[Caire] Impr. de l'Institut francais d'archeologie orientale du Caire pour la Societe royale de geographie d'Egypte, 1930.
E78.G73 P3513 1993Robes of splendor : Native American painted buffalo hides / with contributions by George P. Horse Capture et al. photographs of the hides by Daniel Ponsard.New York : New Press : Distributed by W.W. Norton, c1993.
E78.W3 F76 2012From the hands of a weaver : Olympic Peninsula basketry through time / edited by Jacilee Wray foreword by Jonathan B. Jarvis.Norman : University of Oklahoma Press, c2012.
F912.N36 B94The cultural and natural heritage of northwest Alaska / by Ernest S. Burch, Jr.Kotzebue, AK : NANA Museum of the Arctic Anchorage, AK : U.S. National Park Service, Alaska Region, 1990-
F1401 .M5 no.2Lectures delivered at the Hispanic-American Institute : [January, 1940] / edited by Robert E. McNicoll and J. Riis Owre.Freeport, N.Y. : Books for Libraries Press, 1971.
F1421 .T95 no.11-12Philological and documentary studies / by Benjamin Lee Whorf ... [et al.] Robert Wauchope, editor.New Orleans : Middle American Research Institute, Tulane University of Louisiana, 1948-1977.
F1421 .T95 no.45Prehistoric Maya settlement : patterns at Becan, Campeche, Mexico / Prentice M. Thomas, Jr.New Orleans : Middle American Research Institute, Tulane University, 1981.
F1421 .T95 no.46Studies in the archaeology of coastal Yucatan and Campeche, Mexico.New Orleans : Middle American Research Institute, Tulane University, 1978.
F1421 .T95 no.47Map of the ruins of Dzibilchatltun, Yucatan, Mexico / George E. Stuart ... [et al.].New Orleans : National Geographic Society-Tulane University Program of Research on the Yucatan Peninsula, 1979.
F1421 .T95 no.48Excavations at Dzibilchaltun, Yucatan, Mexico / E. Wyllys Andrews IV and E. Wyllys Andrews V with an appendix on vertebrate faunal remains by Elizabeth S. Wing and David Steadman [Jennifer S.H. Brown, editor].New Orleans : Middle American Research Institute, Tulane University, 1980.
GB1203.2 .M53 2012Rivers : a very short introduction / Nick Middleton.New York : Oxford University Press, 2012.
GN547 .O88 2012Legacy : a genetic history of the Jewish people / Harry Ostrer.New York : Oxford University Press, c2012.
GV875.A1 W58 2012You stink! : major league baseball's terrible teams & pathetic players / Eric J. Wittenberg and Michael Aubrecht foreword by Dave Raymond.Kent, Ohio : Black Squirrel Books, c2012.
HB95 .N463 2012New visions for market governance : crisis and renewal / edited by Kate Macdonald, Shelley Marshall and Sanjay Pinto.Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon New York : Routledge, 2012.
HD973 .A8La propriete fonciere en Egypte, par Yacoub Artin-bey. Imprime sous les auspices du Ministere des finances.Le Caire, Imprimerie nationale du Boulaq, 1883.
HD2122.Z9 B344L'evolution de la vie rurale dans les regions de la Moyenne Medjerda et de Beja-Mateur / Ahmed Kassab.[Tunis] : Impr. Officielle de la Republique Tunisienne, 1979.
HD9502.U52 M3915 2012Putting social movements in their place : explaining opposition to energy projects in the United States, 2000-2005 / Doug McAdam, Hilary Schaffer Boudet.New York : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
HF1416.6.L29 E97 2012Export pioneers in Latin America / Charles Sabel ... [et al.], editors.Washington, DC : Inter-American Development Bank Cambridge, MA : David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, Harvard University, c2012.
HF5415.32 .O547 2012Online consumer behavior : theory and research in social media, advertising, and e-tail / editor, Angeline G. Close.New York : Routledge, 2012.
HF5616.E3 E99 2012Accounting and order / Mahmoud Ezzamel.New York : Routledge, 2012.
HJ101 .N162 no.1Public spending and the private economy.New York, Government Finance Dept., National Association of Manufactures, 1949.
HJ2424.A7 N75 v.1First State Conference of Local Assessors and sixth State Conference on Taxation, Albany, New York, January 12 and 13, 1916. Addresses and proceedings.Albany, J.B. Lyon Company, printers, 1916.
HJ2424.A7 N75 v.7Proceedings of the seventh Conference of Local Assessors and fourteenth State Tax Conference, Albany, New York, March 4, 5 and 6, 1930.Albany, J. B. Lyon. 1930.
HJ2429 .A3 1886Report of the Board of Commissioners to examine the matters of assessment and taxation in the state of Oregon together with the bill submitted by said commission.Salem, Or. : W.H. Byars, State printer, 1886.
HJ2429 .A3 1906Report of the Board of commissioners appointed under the provisions of chapter 90, laws of 1905, for the purpose of examining and reporting on matters of assessment and taxation, etc.Salem, Or., J.R. Whitney, state printer, 1906.
HJ2429 .A3 1922Report of the Committee on tax investigation of the state of Oregon 1922.Salem, Or., State printing department, 1923.
HJ2429 .A3 1925Report of the special Tax investigating committee to the thirty-fourth Legislative assembly, authorized by Senate joint resolution number 17 of the legislative session of 1925.Salem, Or., State printing Dept., 1926.
HQ799.C5 C58 2012Youth culture in China : from Red Guards to netizens / Paul Clark.New York : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
HQ1236.5.U6 K36 2012The diversity paradox : political parties, legislatures, and the organizational foundations of representation in America / Kristin Kanthak and George A. Krause.New York : Oxford University Press, c2012.
HV4708 .D3824 2012Why animals matter : animal consciousness, animal welfare, and human well-being / Marian Stamp Dawkins.New York : Oxford University Press, c2012.
JQ3824 .E3 1934Recueil de firmans imperiaux ottomans adresses aux valis et aux khedives d'Egypte 1006 h.-1322 h.(1597 J.-C.-1904 J.-C.) : reunis sur l'ordre de Sa Majeste Fouad 1er, roi d'Egypte.Le Caire : Imprimerie de l'Institut francais d'archeologie orientale, 1934.
Kindle eBookInterview confidence [electronic resource] / Nick Alexander.[S.l.] : Smashwords, c2011.
Kindle eBookJob interview made easy [electronic resource] / Brian Wilkinson.[S.l. : Prodinnova, 2011]
KNC982.H86 K58 2012Transnational crime and human rights : responses to human trafficking in the Greater Mekong subregion / Susan Kneebone and Julie Debeljak.London New York : Routledge, 2012.
KRM13 1906xRepertoire general annote de la legislation et de l'administration egyptiennes / par Philippe Gelat.Alexandrie : Impr. J.C. Lagoudakis, 1906-[1911?]
LB2328.62.U6 F48 2012Public no more : a new path to excellence for America's public universities / Gary C. Fethke and Andrew J. Policano.Stanford, California : Stanford Business Books, an imprint of Stanford University Press, [2012]
M451.H4 E9 no.49Quartet no. 49 D major, for 2 violins, viola and violoncello, op. 50, no. 6 / by Joseph Haydn revised by Wilhelm Altmann.London : E. Eulenburg New York : Eulenburg Miniature Scores, [19--?]
M1145.S8 M4Metamorphosen Studie fur 23 Solostreicher.London, Boosey & Hawkes [c1946]
M1497.C67 I5 2002In praise of music [sound recording].[Corvallis, Or.] : Corvallis Repertory Singers, [2002]
M1497.C67 M33 2002Madness in music [sound recording].[Corvallis, Or.] : Corvallis Repertory Singers, [2002]
M1497.C67 M87 2001Music fit for a king - and a queen [sound recording].[Corvallis, Or.] : Corvallis Repertory Singers, [2001]
M1497.C67 O12 2000O lovely night! [sound recording].Canada : Oregon State University, [2000?]
M1977.C43 A34 2011The latest, greatest, wildly popular metabolic melodies / by Kevin Ahern.[Corvallis, Or.?] : Kevin Ahern and Davinci Press, c2011.
ML1015.U5 T73 2012The 'ukulele : a history / Jim Tranquada and John King.Honolulu : University of Hawai'i Press, c2012.
ML3195 .F738 2012Social functions of synagogue song : a Durkheimian approach / Jonathan L. Friedmann.Lanham, Md. : Lexington Books, c2012.
P96.R86 N37 2012Narrative landmines : rumors, Islamist extremism, and the struggle for strategic influence / Daniel Leonard Bernardi ... [et al.].New Brunswick, N.J. : Rutgers University Press, c2012.
PJ7528 .L5Introduction to classical Arabic literature : with selections from representative works in English translation / by Ilse Lichtenstadter.New York : Twayne Publishers, c1974.
PN35 .C19 v.5 no.3Geoffrey of Monmouth, 1640-1800, by Ernest Jones.Berkeley, Los Angeles, University of California Press, 1944.
PN35 .C19 v.8 no.1Five studies in literature, by B.H. Bronson, J.R. Caldwell, J.M. Cline, Gordon McKenzie, and J.F. Ross ...Berkeley, Calif., University of California Press, 1940.
PN35 .C19 v.11Swift and Defoe, a study in relationship, by John F. Ross.Berkeley, Los Angeles, University of California Press, 1941.
PN35 .S7 v.1 no.1The modern English verb-adverb combination / by Arthur Garfield Kennedy.Stanford University, Calif. : The University, 1920.
PN35 .S7 v.1 no.2Much ado about nothing : parallel passage edition / edited by Alphonso Gerald Newcomer completed by Henry David Gray.Stanford University, Calif. : Stanford University Press, 1929.
PN35 .S7 v.2 no.1Life and times of Apollonius of Tyana. Rendered into English from the Greek of Philostratas the Elder, by Charles P. Eells.Stanford University, The University, 1923.
PN35 .S7 v.2 no.2The classics and our twentieth-century poets address as president of the American philological association at Harvard university, December 29, 1926, by Henry Rushton Fairclough.Stanford University, Calif., Pub. for the university by Stanford university press, 1927.
PN35 .S7 v.3 no.1-3Cuentos populares espanoles recogidos de la tradicion oral de Espana y publicados con una introduccion y notas comparativas, por Aurelio M. Espinosa ...Stanford University, Calif., The University, 1923-
PN35 .S7 v.6 no.1The textual history of Richard III, by David Lyall Patrick.Stanford University, Calif., Stanford University Press London, H. Milford, Oxford University Press, 1936.
PN35 .S7 v.6 no.2The construction apo koinou in the Germanic languages / by Herbert Dean Meritt.Stanford University, Calif.: Stanford University Press London: H. Milford, Oxford University Press, 1938.
PN35 .S7 v.6 no.3Otfrid von Weissenburg: narrator or commentator? : a comparative study / by Donald A. McKenzie.Stanford University, Calif.: Stanford University Press London: Geoffrey Cumberlege, Oxford University Press, 1946.
PN35 .S7 v.7 no.2Iambic words and regard for accent in Plautus.Stanford, Calif., Stanford University Press, 1949.
PN35 .S7 v.8 no.1Middle High German translation of the Summa theologica.Stanford, Calif., Stanford University Press, 1950.
PN35 .S7 v.9 no.1A study of the place-names in Lawman's Brut / by Roland Blenner-Hassett.Stanford, Calif., : Stanford University Press, 1950.
PN35 .S7 v.9 no.2The prefigurative imagination of John Keats a study of the beauty-truth identification and its implications.Stanford, Stanford University Press, 1951.
PN35 .S7 v.9 no.3The New Mexican alabado by Juan B. Rael, with transcription of music by Eleanor Hague.Stanford, Stanford University Press, 1951.
PN35 .Y4 no.27Wild angels / Ursula Le Guin.Santa Barbara, Calif. : Capra Press, 1975.
PN35 .Y4 no.31Getting pretty on the table : a novella / by O. Govi (Robert Gover).Santa Barbara [Calif.] : Capra Press, 1975.
PN35 .Y4 no.32Pornella / by Callista McAllister.Santa Barbara [Calif.] : Capra Press, 1975.
PN35 .Y4 no.40Patchen : the last interview / Gene Detro with a foreword by Miriam Patchen and an afterword by Henry Miller.Santa Barbara : Capra Press, 1976.
PN35 .Y4 no.41Mother, China and the world beyond / Henry Miller.Santa Barbara, CA : Capra Press, 1977.
PN147 .L315 1994Bird by bird : some instructions on writing and life / Anne Lamott.New York : Pantheon Books, c1994.
PN1993.5.S7 C562 2008Cine-Lit VI : essays on hispanic film and fiction / edited by Guy H. Wood.Corvallis, OR : Cine-Lit Publications, 2008.
PQ35 .Y2 v.22Toward dramatic illusion: theatrical technique and meaning from Hardy to Horace, by T. J. Reiss.New Haven, Yale University Press, 1971.
PR3380.A5 G7 1853The works of William Cowper: his life, letters, and poems. Now first completed by the introduction of Cowper's private correspondence. Edited by the Rev. T.S. Grimshawe.Boston, Phillips, Sampson, 1853.
PR3551 .R82 1879The poetical works of John Milton. With a memoir, and critical remarks on his genius and writings, by James Montgomery ...Boston, Lee and Shepard New York, C.T. Dillingham, 1879.
PR3620 .D36The works of Alexander Pope, Esq : with explanatory notes and additions never before printed.London : Printed for B. Lintot, 1736-37.
PR3671.R5 A1 1733The miscellaneous works of Nicholas Rowe, Esq.London : Printed and sold by W. Feales, 1733.
PR4842 .S3 1851The poetical works of John Keats.London : E. Moxon, 1850.
PR4842 .S3 1851The saint's tragedy, or, The true story of Elizabeth of Hungary, landgravine of Thuringia, saint of the Romish calendar / by Charles Kingsley with a preface by Professor Maurice.London : J.W. Parker & Son, 1851.
PR5620 .A1 1883The Virginians : a tale of the last century / by William Makepeace Thackeray.Boston : Estes and Lauriat, 1883.
PS566 .S6 no.36William Eastlake, by Gerald Haslam.Austin, Tex., Steck-Vaughn Co. [1970]
PS566 .S6 no.37Walter Prescott Webb.Austin, Tex., Steck-Vaughn Co. [1971]
PS566 .S6 no.38Mody C. Boatright, by Ernest B. Speck.Austin, Tex., Steck-Vaughn Co. [1971]
PS3545.H16 Z48 2012My dear governess : the letters of Edith Wharton to Anna Bahlmann / edited by Irene Goldman-Price.New Haven : Yale University Press, 2012.
Q223 .F73 2012Visual strategies : a practical guide to graphics for scientists & engineers / Felice C. Frankel and Angela H. DePace.New Haven, Conn. London : Yale University Press, c2012.
Q325 .H39 2012Cognitive dynamic systems : perception--action cycle, radar, and radio / Simon Haykin.Cambridge New York : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
QA1 .A647 v.181Normal forms, Melnikov functions and bifurcations of limit cycles / Maoan Han, Pei Yu.London New York : Springer, c2012.
QA76.38 .B85 2012Stochastic reachability analysis of hybrid systems / Luminita Manuela Bujorianu.London New York : Springer, c2012.
QA76.9.A25 M335 2012Advances in intelligence and security informatics / Wenji Mao and Fei-Yue Wang.Oxford, UK Waltham, MA : Academic Press [Hangzhou, China] : Zhejiang University Press, 2012.
QA76.9.C65 K43 2012Virtual Reality and Animation for MATLAB and Simulink Users : Visualization of Dynamic Models and Control Simulations / Nassim Khaled.London New York : Springer, c2012.
QA76.9.H85 I46 2012Immersive multimodal interactive presence / Angelika Peer, Christos D. Giachritsis, editors.London New York : Springer, c2012.
QA76.9.S63 S64 2012Soft computing techniques in vision science / Srikanta Patnaik and Yeon-Mo Yang (eds.).Heidelberg New York : Springer, 2012.
QA323 .T7392 2010Faber systems and their use in sampling, discrepancy, numerical integration / Hans Triebel.Zurich : European Mathematical Society, c2012.
QA402.5 .W36 2012Fuzzy stochastic optimization : theory, models, and applications / by Shuming Wang, Junzo Watada.New York London : Springer, 2012.
QC793.2 .Z64 2012Dynamics of charged particulate systems : modeling, theory and computation / Tarek I. Zohdi.Heidelberg New York : Springer, c2012.
QC981.8.G56 G56 2012The global warming reader : a century of writing about climate change.New York : Penguin Books, 2012.
QD305.H9 S53 2012ebChemical Transformations of Vinylidenecyclopropanes.Springer Verlag 2012.
QE1 .G45 no.484The 2 ka eruption of Misti Volcano, southern Peru : the most recent Plinian eruption of Arequipa's iconic volcano / by Christopher J. Harpel, Shanaka de Silva, Guido Salas.Boulder, Colo. : Geological Society of America, 2011.
QE462.U4 L4813 2012Rare earth elements in ultramafic and mafic rocks and their minerals : minor and accessory minerals / F.P. Lesnov, G.N. Anoshin.London : Taylor & Francis [Hoboken, N.J.] : CRC Press/Balkema, c2012.
QH105.O7 E25 2012Ecological baselines for Oregon's coast : a report for agencies that manage Oregon's coastal habitats for ecological and economic sustainability, and for all who are interested in the welfare of wildlife that inhabit our coast and its estuaries / editor: Roberta L. Hall contributing authors: Thomas A. Ebert ... [et al.].Corvallis, Or. : Oregon State University, 2012.
QH313 .Z43 2012Complexity, analysis and control of singular biological systems / Qingling Zhang, Chao Liu, Xue Zhang.London : Springer, 2012.
QH545.A1 P745 2012Principles of ecotoxicology / C.H. Walker ... [et al.].Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, c2012.
QR398.5 .R64 2011Baculovirus molecular biology / George F. Rohrmann.Bethesda, MD : National Library of Medicine, National Center for Biotechnology Information, c2011.
RA541.A65 P83 2012Public health in the Arab world / edited by Samer Jabbour ... [et al.] associate editor, Rouham Yamout.Cambridge New York : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
RM301.27 .C473 2011Chemogenomics and chemical genetics : a user's introduction for biologists, chemists, and informaticians / Eric Marechal, Sylvaine Roy, Laurence Lafanechere, editors.Heidelberg : New York : Springer, c2011.
SB87.P16 S64 2011Specialty crops for Pacific islands / edited by Craig R. Elevitch foreword by R. R. Thaman.Hawaii : Permanent Agriculture Resources, 2011.
SB187.B7 G7 1959Culturas da fazenda brasileira [por] E.A. Graner e C. Godoy Junior.[Sao Paulo] Edicoes Melhoramentos [1959?]
SB201.S95 S95 2012Switchgrass : a valuable biomass crop for energy / Andrea Monti, editor.London New York : Springer, c2012.
SH11 .A541151 no.115Allocation of fishery harvests under the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act : principles and practice / Mark L. Plummer, Wendy Morrison, and Erin Steiner.[Seattle, WA] : U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service, 2012
SH11 .A541151 no.116West Coast open access groundfish and salmon troller survey : protocol and results for 2005 and 2006 / Carl E. Lian.Seattle, Wash. : U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service, Northwest Fisheries Science Center, 2012.
SH11 .A541151 no.117Fish culture technology and practices for captive broodstock rearing of ESA-listed salmon stocks / by Desmond J. Maynard ... [et al.].Seattle, Wash. : U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service, Northwest Fisheries Science Center, 2012.
SH11 .A5442 no.13Age determination manual of the Alaska Fisheries Science Center Age and Growth Program / Mary Elizabeth Matta and Daniel K. Kimura, editors.Seattle, Wash. : [U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service, Scientific Publications Office], 2012.
TF117 .W5L'Egypte et ses chemins de fer.Bruxelles [M. Weissenbruch] 1932.
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