Oregon State University Libraries and Press Community Card Application

Fields with a red asterisk (*) are required.

Community Card Accounts

Oregon State University Libraries and Press offers free access to most on-site resources at The Valley Library in Corvallis, at the Guin Library at Hatfield Marine Science Center in Newport, and at the OSU-Cascades Library in Bend.

With your OSU Library Card, you may have:

Please note: Access to most online resources is restricted to current faculty, staff and students. You will have limited access to some databases while using our computers on-site.

Cardholders are not eligible for interlibrary loan or Summit services.

Eligibility Requirements

You can get a card if you fit the following requirements...

After submitting this form, please visit the Borrowing and Information Desk to present your identification and proof of residency.

Preferred OSU Libraries Branch


Date of Birth

Mailing Address



Please review the terms below, you can submit the application after checking the agreement