Call number | Title | Publisher |
AG10.55 .O74 2006 | Organizing knowledge : encyclopaedic activities in the pre-eighteenth century Islamic world / edited by Gerhard Endress preface by Abou Filali-Ansary. | Leiden Boston : Brill, 2006.
B430 .R53 2006 | Happy lives and the highest good : an essay on Aristotle's Nicomachean ethics / Gabriel Richardson Lear. | Princeton, N.J. Woodstock : Princeton University Press, 2006.
B505 .E88 1996 | Essays on Hellenistic epistemology and ethics / [edited by] Gisela Striker. | Cambridge [England] New York : Cambridge University Press, 1996.
B528 .L65 2001 | Stoic studies / A.A. Long. | Berkeley, Calif. : University of California Press, 2001.
B577.G23 D4313 1998 | Galen on antecedent causes / edited with an introduction, translation, and commentary by R.J. Hankinson. | Cambridge New York : Cambridge University Press, 1998.
B835 .T37 2006 | Models, truth, and realism / Barry Taylor. | Oxford : Clarendon, 2006.
B945.R234 T68 2006 | Then Athena said : unilateral transfers and the transformation of objectivist ethics / Kathleen Touchstone. | Lanham, MD : University Press of America, 2006.
BC183 .R42 2006 | Presumption and the practices of tentative cognition / Nicholas Rescher. | Cambridge New York : Cambridge University Press, 2006.
BD161 .D33 2001 | Subjective, intersubjective, objective / Donald Davidson. | Oxford : Clarendon Press New York : Oxford University Press, 2001.
BD418.3 .B46 2006 | Justification without awareness : a defense of epistemic externalism / Michael Bergmann. | Oxford : Clarendon Press New York : Oxford University Press, 2006.
BF237 .S33 2006 | Relational psychophysics in humans and animals : a comparative-developmental approach / Viktor Sarris. | Hove [England] New York : Psychology Press, 2006.
BF318.5 .H87 1994 | Ethical issues in experiential education / by Jasper S. Hunt, Jr. Association for Experiential Education. | Dubuque, Iowa : Kendall/Hunt Pub. Co., c1994.
BF637.C6 V465 2005 | Assessment and intervention with children and adolescents : developmental and cultural approaches / Ann Vernon, Roberto Clemente. | Alexandria, VA : American Counseling Association, c2005.
BF698.35.O57 S445 2006 | Breaking Murphy's law : how optimists get what they want from life-- and pessimists can too / Suzanne C. Segerstrom. | New York : Guilford Press, c2006.
BJ1481 .A68 1998 | Aristotle, Kant, and the Stoics : rethinking happiness and duty / edited by Stephen Engstrom, Jennifer Whiting. | Cambridge New York : Cambridge University Press, 1998, c1996.
BJ1533.G4 L67 2006 | Spirit's gift : the metaphysical insight of Claude Bruaire / Antonio Lopez. | Washington, D.C. : Catholic University of America Press, c2006.
BP188.8.I42 D434 2006 | Indian Sufism since the seventeenth century : saints, books, and empires in the Muslim Deccan / Nile Green. | London New York : Routledge, 2006.
BP188.8.I55 R534 2006 | Sufi castigator : Ahmad Kasravi and the Iranian mystical tradition / Lloyd Ridgeon. | London New York : Routledge, 2006.
CC77.5 .G65 2006 | Practical and theoretical geoarchaeology / Paul Goldberg and Richard I. Macphail. | Malden, MA Oxford : Blackwell Publishing, 2006.
CC79.S6 H65 2004 | Soils in archaeological research / by Vance T. Holliday. | New York : Oxford University Press, c2004.
CC175 .A715 2006 | Archaeological ethics / edited by Karen D. Vitelli and Chip Colwell-Chanthaphonh. | Lanham, MD : Altamira Press, c2006.
CT274.A77 A77 2005 | Skookum : an Oregon pioneer family's history and lore / Shannon Applegate. | Corvallis : Oregon State University Press, 2005.
D16.3 .Y45 2004 | A link to the past : engaging students in the study of history / Michael M. Yell, Geoffrey Scheurman, with Keith Reynolds. | Silver Spring, Md. : National Council for the Social Studies, c2004.
D117 .H59 2006 | Goodbye to the Vikings? : re-reading early medieval archaeology / Richard Hodges. | London : Gerald Duckworth & Co. Ltd., 2006.
DA950 .F48 2005 | The Longman handbook of modern Irish history since 1800 / N.C. Fleming and Alan O'Day. | Harlow, England : New York : Pearson/Longman, c2005.
DS61.52.M35 A3 2006 | Teta, mother, and me : three generations of Arab women / Jean Said Makdisi. | New York, NY : W.W. Norton & Co., Inc., 2006.
DU121 .T67 2005 | Babes in the bush : the making of an Australian image / Kim Torney. | Fremantle, W. A. : Curtin University Books, 2005.
E61 .F34 2004 | The great journey : the peopling of ancient America / Brian M. Fagan. | Gainesville : University Press of Florida, 2004.
E78.N65 A835 2004 | Archaeology of Bandelier National Monument : village formation on the Pajarito Plateau, New Mexico / edited by Timothy A. Kohler. | Albuquerque : University of New Mexico Press, 2004.
E98.E85 A48 2006 | American Indian rhetorics of survivance : word medicine, word magic / edited by Ernest Stromberg. | Pittsburgh, Pa. : University of Pittsburgh Press, c2006.
E98.R3 T56 2004 | Spirit and resistance : political theology and American Indian liberation / George E. "Tink" Tinker. | Minneapolis : Fortress Press, c2004.
E99.P9 H663 2003 | Under the palace portal : Native American artists in Santa Fe / Karl A. Hoerig. | Albuquerque : University of New Mexico Press, c2003.
E99.P9 I5 2004 | In search of Chaco : new approaches to an archaeological enigma / edited by David Grant Noble. | Santa Fe, N.M. : School of American Research Press, c2004.
E184.A1 L256 2006 | Landscape and race in the United States / edited by Richard H. Schein. | New York : Routledge, 2006.
E322.1.A38 A35 2007 | Abigail Adams : a revolutionary American woman / Charles W. Akers. | New York : Pearson Longman, c2007.
E415.7 .P65 2006 | Politics and culture of the Civil War era : essays in honor of Robert W. Johannsen / edited by Daniel McDonough and Kenneth W. Noe. | Selinsgrove [Pa.] : Susquehana University Press, c2006.
E468 .T85 2006 | The Routledge companion to the American Civil War era / Hugh Tulloch. | London New York : Routledge, 2006.
F1219.1.T27 S84 2005 | Human sacrifice, militarism, and rulership : materialization of state ideology at the Feathered Serpent Pyramid, Teotihuacan / by Saburo Sugiyama. | Cambridge, UK New York : Cambridge University Press, 2005.
F1435.3.A56 W75 2006 | Diet, health, and status among the Pasion Maya : a reappraisal of the collapse / Lori E. Wright. | Nashville : Vanderbilt University Press, 2006.
F2171.3 .R63 2004 | Transatlantic topographies : islands, highlands, jungles / Ileana Rodriguez. | Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press, c2004.
F2520.1.Y3 R33 2004 | Brazil's Indians and the onslaught of civilization : the Yanomami and the Kayapo / Linda Rabben. | Seattle : University of Washington Press, c2004.
GB400.5 .N37 2003 | Environmental role of wetlands in headwaters / edited by Josef Krecek and Martin Haigh. | Dordrecht : Springer, c2006.
GC116 .M37 2006 | Marine surface films : chemical characteristics, influence on air-sea interactions and remote sensing / Martin Gade, Heinrich Huhnerfuss, Gerald Korenowski (eds.). | Berlin : Springer, 2006.
GC116 .O24 2006 | The oceans and marine geochemistry / editor by H. Elderfield. | Amsterdam : Elsevier Pergamon, 2006.
GE150 .M338 2006 | Environmental issues in American history : a reference guide with primary documents / Chris J. Magoc. | Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 2006.
GF50 .S88 2004 | Introduction to cultural ecology / Mark Q. Sutton and E.N. Anderson. | Walnut Creek, CA : AltaMira Press, c2004.
GF532.A4 H85 2006 | Human impacts on Amazonia : the role of traditional ecological knowledge in conservation and development / edited by Darrell Addison Posey and Michael J. Balick. | New York : Columbia University Press, c2006.
GN33.8 .F44 2006 | Feminist anthropology : a reader / edited by Ellen Lewin. | Malden, MA Oxford : Blackwell Pub., 2006.
GN380 .J64 2006 | Is the sacred for sale? : tourism and indigenous peoples / Alison M. Johnston. | London Sterling, VA : Earthscan, 2006.
GN387 .E34 2006 | The education of nomadic peoples : current issues, future prospects / edited by Caroline Dyer. | New York : Berghahn Books, 2006.
GN486 .D43 2004 | Death, mourning, and burial : a cross-cultural reader / edited by Antonius C.G.M. Robben. | Malden, MA : Blackwell Pub., 2004.
GN564.E2 B46 2006 | The politics of sentiment : imagining and remembering Guayaquil / by O. Hugo Benavides. | Austin : University of Texas Press, 2006.
GN635.J2 K39 2005 | Ritual practice in modern Japan : ordering place, people, and action / Satsuki Kawano. | Honolulu : University of Hawaii Press, c2005.
GN799.P4 H38 2004 | Ambiguous images : gender and rock art / Kelley A. Hays-Gilpin. | Walnut Creek, CA : AltaMira Press, c2004.
GR265 .H35 2003 | The art of rice : spirit and sustenance in Asia / Roy W. Hamilton with contributions by Aurora Ammayao ... [et al.]. | Los Angeles : UCLA Fowler Museum of Cultural History, c2003.
GR352.82.M34 S86 2004 | Sunjata : a West African epic of the Mande peoples / recorded, edited, and translated by David C. Conrad narrated by Djanka Tassey Conde. | Indianapolis : Hackett Pub. Co., c2004.
GR550 .I51 1994 | Index to fairy tales, 1987-1992 : including 310 collections of fairy tales, folktales, myths, and legends : with significant pre-1987 titles not previously indexed / compiled by Joseph W. Sprug. | Metuchen, N.J. : Scarecrow Press, 1994.
GT497.J3 B43 2006 | Beauty up : exploring contemporary Japanese body aesthetics / Laura Miller. | Berkeley : University of California Press, c2006.
GV191.66 .P5 2006 | Outdoor recreation management / John J. Pigram and John M. Jenkins. | London New York : Routledge, 2006.
GV344 .S64 2006 | Risk management in sport and recreation / John O. Spengler, Daniel P. Connaughton, Andrew T. Pittman. | Champaign, IL : Human Kinetics, c2006.
GV706.34 .N38 2006 | National identity and global sports events : culture, politics, and spectacle in the Olympics and the football World Cup / edited by Alan Tomlinson and Christopher Young. | Albany : State University of New York Press, c2006.
GV875.A1 G45 2006 | Labor and capital in 19th century baseball / Robert P. Gelzheiser foreword by Mark Alvarez. | Jefferson, N.C. : McFarland & Company, c2006.
GV884.H26 A29 2006 | Glory road : my story of the 1966 NCAA basketball championship and how one team triumphed against the odds and changed America forever / Don Haskins with Daniel Wetzel. | New York : Hyperion, c2006.
H97 .P39 2006 | Evidence-based policy : a realist perspective / Ray Pawson. | London : SAGE, 2006.
HB76 .C65 2004 | The changing face of economics : conversations with cutting edge economists / David Colander, Richard P. F. Holt, and J. Barkley Rosser. | Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, c2004.
HB615 .A32 2006 | Entrepreneurship, geography, and American economic growth / Zoltan J. Acs, Catherine Armington. | Cambridge New York : Cambridge University Press, 2006.
HB615 .C78 2005 | Shaping the waves : a history of entrepreneurship at Harvard Business School / Jeffrey L. Cruikshank. | Boston, Mass : Harvard Business School Press, c2005.
HC59.72.P6 B476 2006 | Beyond the numbers : understanding the institutions for monitoring poverty reduction strategies / authors, Tara Bedi ... [et al.]. | Washington, DC : World Bank, c2006.
HC59.72.T4 T43 2006 | Technology, adaptation, and exports : how some developing countries got it right / Vandana Chandra, editor. | Washington, DC : World Bank, c2006.
HC79.C6 G33 2006 | The unmanageable consumer / Yiannis Gabriel and Tim Lang. | London Thousand Oaks, Calif. : SAGE, 2006.
HC79.E5 T4753 2006 | The theory and practice of environmental and resource economics : essays in honour of Karl-Gustaf Lofgren / edited by Thomas Aronsson, Roger Axelsson, Runar Brannlund. | Cheltenham, UK Northampton, MA : Edward Elgar, c2006.
HC79.I55 H686 2006 | How revolutionary was the digital revolution? : national responses, market transitions, and global technology / edited by John Zysman and Abraham Newman. | Stanford, Calif. : Stanford Business Books, 2006.
HC79.R4 C37 2006 | Global and local knowledge : glocal [sic] transatlantic public-private partnerships for research and technological development / Elias G. Carayannis and Jeffrey M. Alexander. | Basingstoke [England] New York : Palgrave Macmillan, c2006.
HD69.P75 B47 2005 | The art of project management / Scott Berkun. | Sebastopol, CA : O'Reilly, 2005.
HD75 .E2614 2006 | Economic development and social change : historical roots and modern perspectives / edited by George Stathakis and Gianni Vaggi. | London New York : Routledge, 2006.
HD8081.A65 B53 2006 | Black males left behind / edited by Ronald B. Mincy. | Washington, DC : Urban Institute Press, c2006.
HD9000.5 .N454 2006 | New empirical industrial organization & the food system / edited by Harry M. Kaiser & Nobuhiro Suzuki. | New York : Peter Lang, c2006.
HD9665.5 .M64 2006 | Pharmaceutical operations management : manufacturing for competitive advantage / Pankaj Mohan, Jarka Glassey, Gary A. Montague. | New York : McGraw-Hill, c2006.
HD9696.A2 C425 2006 | Challenging the chip : labor rights and environmental justice in the global electronics industry / edited by Ted Smith, David A. Sonnenfeld, and David Naguib Pellow with Leslie A. Byster ... [et al.] foreword by Jim Hightower. | Philadelphia : Temple University Press, 2006.
HD9999.B442 V48 2006 | Biotech : the countercultural origins of an industry / Eric J. Vettel. | Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, c2006.
HE152.2 .C66 2004 | Research on women's issues in transportation : report of a conference, November 18-20, 2004, Chicago, Illinois / sponsored by Transportation Research Board ... [et al.]. | Washington, D.C. : Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, 2005-2006.
HF1413 .S85 2005 | Fair trade for all : how trade can promote development / Joseph E. Stiglitz and Andrew Charlton. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, 2005.
HF5635 .H36 2004 | Handbook of management accounting / executive editor John Innes. | Oxford : CIMA, 2004.
HF5823 .A758 2006 | Advertising strategy : creative tactics from the outside/in / Tom Altstiel, Jean Grow. | Thousand Oaks, Calif. : Sage Publications, c2006.
HF5823 .K346 2005 | Advertising as multilingual communication / Helen Kelly-Holmes. | Houndmills, Balsingstoke, Hampshire New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2005.
HM548 .T66 2006 | Contemporary economic sociology : globalisation, production, inequality / Fran Tonkiss. | London New York : Routledge, 2006.
HM571 .W47 2006 | Action research living theory / Jack Whitehead and Jean McNiff. | London Thousand Oaks : SAGE Publications, 2006.
HM586 .W663 2005 | Scoping the social : an introduction to the practice of social theory / Anthony Woodiwiss. | Maidenhead : Open University Press, 2005.
HM753 .I53 2006 | Individuality and the group : advances in social identity / edited by Tom Postmes and Jolanda Jetten. | London Thousand Oaks, Calif. : SAGE, 2006.
HM821 .K35 2004 | Social inequality and social injustice : a human rights perspective / Evelyn Kallen. | New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.
HN28 .R397 2006 | Reclaiming development agendas : knowledge, power and international policy making / edited by Peter Utting. | Basingstoke [England] New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.
HQ18.U5 H67 2006 | Attitudes toward sex in antebellum America : a brief history with Documents / Helen Lefkowitz Horowitz. | New York : Palgrave Macmillan, c2006.
HQ706 .C36 2005 | What, no baby? : why women are losing the freedom to mother, and how they can get it back / Leslie Cannold. | Freemantle, W.A. : Curtain University Books, 2005.
HQ761 .K65 2005 | Nameless relations : anonymity, Melanesia and reproductive gift exchange between British ova donors and recipients / Monica Konrad. | New York : Berghahn Books, 2005.
HQ767 .F38 2006 | The human drama of abortion : a global search for consensus / Anibal Faundes, Jose Barzelatto. | Nashville, Tenn. : Vanderbilt University Press, 2006.
HQ769 .L394 2006 | The price of privilege : how parental pressure and material advantage are creating a generation of disconnected and unhappy kids / Madeline Levine. | New York : HarperCollins, c2006.
HQ784.I58 D53 2006 | Digital generations : children, young people, and new media / edited by David Buckingham, Rebekah Willett. | Mahwah, N.J. : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, 2006.
HQ1061 .F626 2006 | Foucault and aging / Jason L. Powell and Azrini Wahidin, editors. | New York : Nova Science Publishers, c2006.
HQ1090.7.R6 M33 2006 | Roman manliness : virtus and the Roman Republic / Myles McDonnell. | Cambridge New York : Cambridge University Press, 2006.
HQ1123 .M35 2006 | Feminist thinkers and the demands of femininity : the lives and work of intellectual women / Lori Jo Marso. | New York : Routledge, c2006.
HQ1421 .B36 2004 | Governing NOW : grassroots activism in the National Organization for Women / Maryann Barakso. | Ithaca. N.Y. London : Cornell University Press, 2004.
HQ1693 .S64 2006 | The emerging female citizen : gender and enlightenment in Spain / Theresa Ann Smith. | Berkeley : University of California Press, c2006.
HT123 .M14 2006 | Urban nightmares : the media, the Right, and the moral panic over the city / Steve Macek. | Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press, c2006.
HT169.A7742 C43 2006 | Challenging sustainability : urban development and change in Southeast Asia / edited by Tai-chee Wong, Brian J. Shaw and Kim-chuan Goh. | Singapore : Marshall Cavendish Academic, 2006.
HT177.N5 F74 2006 | There goes the 'hood : views of gentrification from the ground up / Lance Freeman. | Philadelphia, PA : Temple University Press, 2006.
HT241 .H45 2006 | Designing greenways : sustainable landscapes for nature and people / Paul Cawood Hellmund & Daniel Somers Smith. | Washington : Island Press, c2006.
HT1163 .B76 2006 | Moral capital : foundations of British abolitionism / Christopher Leslie Brown. | Chapel Hill : Published for the Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture, Williamsburg, Virginia, by the University of North Carolina Press, c2006.
HT1523 .S59 2006 | Challenging multiracial identity / Rainier Spencer. | Boulder, Co. : L. Rienner Publishers, 2006.
HV699 .F243 2004 | Family and child well-being after welfare reform / edited by Douglas Besharov. | New Brunswick, N.J. : Transaction, 2004.
HV1444 .W55 2006 | Surviving domestic violence : gender, poverty and agency / Paula Wilcox. | Houndmills [England] New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.
HV1447.B25 M55 2004 | The politics of public housing : Black women's struggles against urban inequality / by Rhonda Y. Williams. | New York : Oxford University Press, 2004.
HV4708 .A24 2006 | Corporal compassion : animal ethics and philosophy of body / Ralph R. Acampora. | Pittsburgh, PA : University of Pittsburgh Press, c2006.
HV6432 .S733 2006 | Statistical methods in counterterrorism : game theory, modeling, syndromic surveillance, and biometric authentication / Alyson G. Wilson, Gregory D. Wilson, David H. Olwell, editors. | New York : Springer, c2006.
HV6439.U5 K585 2006 | Street gang patterns and policies / Malcolm W. Klein, Cheryl L. Maxson. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, 2006.
HV6626 .I58 2004 | International perspectives on family violence and abuse : a cognitive ecological approach / edited by Kathleen Malley-Morrison. | Mahwah, N.J. : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, c2004.
HX280.5.A6 P43 2006 | Exit-voice dynamics and the collapse of East Germany : the crisis of Leninism and the revolution of 1989 / Steven Pfaff. | Durham, NC : Duke University Press, 2006.
JA71 .P75 2006 | Principles and political order : the challenge of diversity / edited by Bruce Haddock, Peri Roberts and Peter Sutch. | London New York : Routledge, 2006.
JC571 .H76954 2006 | Human rights in the global information society / edited by Rikke Frank Jorgensen. | Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, c2006.
JF60 .D43 2006 | Decentralization and local governance in developing countries : a comparative perspective / edited by Pranab Bardhan and Dilip Mookherjee. | Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, c2006.
JK1319 .P64 2004 | How Congress evolves : social bases of institutional change / Nelson W. Polsby. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, 2004.
JN15 .E895 2006 | The European's burden : global imperialism in EU expansion / edited by Salvatore Engel-Di Mauro. | New York : Peter Lang, c2006.
JS1710 .M33 2004 | Governing ourselves? : the politics of Canadian communities / Mary Louise McAllister. | Vancouver : UBC Press, c2004.
JV6342 .I46 2006 | Immigrant youth in cultural transition : acculturation, identity, and adaptation across national contexts / edited by John W. Berry ... [et al.]. | Mahwah, N.J. : Erlbaum, 2006.
JX1953.5 .C37 1993 | Talking peace : a vision for the next generation / Jimmy Carter. | New York : Dutton Children's Books, 1993.
JZ1318 .D465 2005 | A better globalization : legitimacy, governance, and reform / Kemal Dervis, in cooperation with Ceren Ozer. | Washington, D.C. : Center for Global Development, c2005.
KF3825 .M53 2006 | Problems in health care law / Robert D. Miller. | Sudbury, Mass. : Jones and Bartlett Publishers, c2006.
KF4754.5 .E84 1999 | Gaylaw : challenging the apartheid of the closet / William N. Eskridge, Jr. | Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1999.
LA128 .E38 2006 | Education & the Great Depression : lessons from a global history / E. Thomas Ewing & David Hicks, editors. | New York : Peter Lang, c2006.
LA219 .W44 2006 | When science encounters the child : education, parenting, and child welfare in 20th-century America / edited by Barbara Beatty, Emily D. Cahan and Julia Grant. | New York : Teachers College Press, c2006.
LB1028.3 .T468 2006 | Technology on a shoestring : a survival guide for educators and other professionals / Thane B. Terrill. | New York, NY : Teachers College Press, c2006.
LB1028.5 .A25 2007 | Advances in computer-supported learning / Francisco Milton Mendes Neto, Francisco Vilar Brasileiro [editors]. | Hershey, PA : Information Science Pub., c2007.
LB1060 .K62 1992 | Lasting lessons : a teacher's guide to reflecting on experience / by Clifford E. Knapp. | Charleston, WV : ERIC Clearinghouse on Rural Education and Small Schools, 1992.
LB1060 .L42416 2006 | Learning efficacy : celebrations and persuasions / edited by Gabe Keri. | Greenwich, Conn. : Information Age Pub., c2006.
LB1060 .M3343 2006 | After the information age : a dynamic learning manifesto / James W. Marcum. | New York : Peter Lang, c2006.
LB1062.6 .M37 2004 | Building background knowledge for academic achievement : research on what works in schools / Robert J. Marzano. | Alexandria, VA : Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, c2004.
LB1570 .C266 2006 | Curriculum spaces : discourse, postmodern theory and educational research / Lisa J. Cary. | New York : Peter Lang, c2006.
LB1631 .C37 2005 | Exploring writing in the content areas : teaching and supporting learners in any subject / Maria Carty. | Markham, Ont. : Pembroke Publishers, c2005.
LB2335.885.U6 A233 2006 | Academic collective bargaining / edited by Ernst Benjamin and Michael Mauer. | Washington, DC : American Association of University Professsors New York : Modern Language Association of America, 2006.
LB2361 .R476 2006 | Blueprint for learning : constructing college courses to facilitate, assess, and document learning / Laurie Richlin. | Sterling, Va. : Stylus Pub., 2006.
LB2369 .R87 2006 | How to write a successful science thesis : the concise guide for students / William E. Russey, Hans F. Ebel, Claus Bliefert. | Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2006.
LB2805 .M2845 2005 | School leadership that works : from research to results / Robert J. Marzano, Timothy Waters, Brian A. McNulty. | Alexandria, Va. : Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Aurora, Col. : Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning,, c2005.
LB2805 .N488 2006 | New foundations for knowledge in educational administration, policy, and politics : science and sensationalism / edited by Douglas E. Mitchell. | Mahwah, N.J. : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, 2006.
LB3013.3 .P37 2005 | Bullied teacher, bullied student : how to recognize the bullying culture in your school and what to do about it / Les Parsons. | Markham, ON : Pembroke Publishers, 2005.
LB3013.4 .A45 2007 | Social work services in schools / Paula Allen-Meares [editor]. | Boston : Pearson Allyn and Bacon, c2007.
LB3409.U5 S373 2006 | School health services and programs / [edited by] Julia Graham Lear, Stephen L. Isaacs, James R. Knickman foreword by Risa Lavizzo-Mourey. | San Francisco, CA : Jossey-Bass, c2006.
LC206.A8 T78 2006 | Youthful imagination : schooling, subcultures, and social justice / Georgina Tsolidis. | New York : P. Lang, c2006.
LC214.3.S6 T55 2006 | Blending in the rainbow nation : the racial integration of schools and its implication for reconciliation in post-apartheid South Africa / Krisztina Tihanyi. | Lanham, MD : Lexington Books, c2006.
LC1099.3 .D45 2006 | Other people's children : cultural conflict in the classroom / Lisa Delpit. | New York : New Press 2006.
LC1099.5.I75 B37413 2006 | Educating Israel : educational entrepreneurship in Israel's multicultural society / Yehuda Bar Shalom. | New York, N.Y. : Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.
LC1755 .O53 2006 | "It's just easier not to go to school" : adolescent girls and disengagement in middle school / Lori Olafson. | New York : Peter Lang, c2006.
LC2731 .H35 2006 | Mentoring young men of color : meeting the needs of African American and Latino students / Horace R. Hall. | Lanham, Md. : Rowman & Littlefield Education, 2006.
LC4165 .M45 2006 | Why students underachieve : what educators and parents can do about it / Regalena Melrose. | Lanham, Md. : Rowman & Littlefield Education, 2006.
ML420.H167 G74 2006 | Here comes the sun : the spiritual and musical journey of George Harrison / Joshua M. Greene. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2006.
ML1400 .L48 2006 | Studies in music with text / David Lewin. | New York Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2006.
ML3838 .M9495 2006 | Music of the sirens / edited by Linda Phyllis Austern and Inna Naroditskaya. | Bloomington : Indiana University Press, c2006.
ML3845 .C494 2005 | Ways of listening : an ecological approach to the perception of musical meaning / Eric F. Clarke. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, 2005.
N72.F45 B57 2006 | Jewish identities in American feminist art : ghosts of ethnicity / Lisa E. Bloom. | New York London : Routledge, 2006.
N6549.C35 A4 2005 | Janet Cardiff : the Walk book / Janet Cardiff by Mirjam Schaub edited by Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary, Vienna, in collaboration with Public Art Fund, New York. | Vienna : Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary (, c2005.
N6797.G66 A4 2006 | Douglas Gordon : Timeline / [curator] Klaus Biesenbach. | New York : Museum of Modern Art London : Thames & Hudson [distributor], 2006.
N7433.8 .W365 2006 | Art of the digital age / [Bruce Wands]. | London : Thames & Hudson, 2006.
N7483.G73 J66 2005 | Eyesight alone : Clement Greenberg's modernism and the bureaucratization of the senses / Caroline A. Jones. | Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 2005.
N8217.C8 S36 2006 | Cubes : art in the age of global terrorism / Gregor Schneider. | Milan : Charta, c2006.
NA702 .C7813 2005 | Cruelty & utopia : cities and landscapes of Latin America / [edited by Jean-Francois Lejeune]. | New York : Princeton Architectural Press, [2005]
NA737.H46 A4 2002 | Sanctuaries, the last works of John Hejduk : selections from the John Hedjuk archive at the Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montreal and the Menil collection, Houston / K. Michael Hays. | New York : Whitney Museum of American Art : Distributed by Harry N. Abrams, c2002.
NA2850 .B66 2005 | Creating sustainable interiors / Penny Bonda. | Washington, DC : National Council for Interior Design Qualifications, c2005.
NC242.K36 A4 2005 | Anish Kapoor, drawings 1997-2003. | Koln : Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig New York : Distribution outside Europe, D.A.P., 2005.
NC750 .G55 2006 | Perspective : from basic to creative / Robert W. Gill. | London : Thames & Hudson, 2006.
ND196.2 .R46 2005 | Remote viewing : invented worlds in recent painting / [edited by] Elisabeth Sussman with essays by Caroline Jones and Katy Siegel a story by Ben Marcus and contributions by Tina Kukielski and Elizabeth M. Grady. | New York NY : Whitney Museum of American Art, 2005.
ND210.5.I4 M37 2006 | Masters of light : selections of American Impressionism from the Manoogian Collection / exhibition organized by Jennifer A. Bailey and Lucinda H. Gedeon essay by Kevin Sharp. | Vero Beach, Fla. : Vero Beach Musuem of Art Seattle, Wash. : Distributed by the University of Washington Press, 2006.
ND237.M4118 A4 2006 | Thomas McKnight's Arcadia / text by Francesco Colonna. | New York, N.Y. : Vendome Press : [Distributed in North America by Harry N. Abrams], 2006.
ND553.D25 J33 2006 | Jacques-Louis David : new perspectives / edited by Dorothy Johnson. | Newark [Del.] : University of Delaware Press, c2006.
NK4225 .M38 2006 | The ceramic narrative / Matthias Ostermann with an essay by David Whiting. | London : A. & C. Black Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, c2006.
NK7389.9.A1 N45 2004 | Pacific jewelry and adornment / Roger Neich and Fuli Pereira photographs by Krzysztof Pfeiffer. | Honolulu : University of Hawai'i Press, 2004.
NX180.S6 A753 2006 | Artistic citizenship : a public voice for the arts / edited by Mary Schmidt Campbell and Randy Martin. | New York : Routledge, c2006.
P40.45.U5 G66 2001 | I am my language : discourses of women & children in the borderlands / Norma Gonzalez. | Tucson : University of Arizona Press, c2001.
P40.5.L357 G74 2006 | Saving languages : an introduction to language revitalization / Lenore A. Grenoble and Lindsay J. Whaley. | Cambridge, UK New York : Cambridge University Press, 2006.
P53 .A573 2001 | Linguistics for L2 teachers / Larry Andrews. | Mahwah, N.J. : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2001.
P53 .P39 2005 | Study abroad and second language use : constructing the self / Valerie A. Pellegrino Aveni. | Cambridge New York : Cambridge University Press, 2005.
P95.8 .H33 2006 | Remaking media : the struggle to democratize public communication / Robert A. Hackett and William K. Carroll. | New York London : Routledge, 2006.
P115 .N44 2004 | Negotiation of identities in multilingual contexts / edited by Aneta Pavlenko and Adrian Blackledge. | Clevedon Buffalo : Multilingual Matters, c2004.
PA6308.D2 W66 2001 | On moral ends / Cicero edited by Julia Annas translated by Raphael Woolf. | Cambridge New York, N.Y. : Cambridge University Press, 2001.
PE1128.A2 D45 2006 | The crosscultural, language, and academic development handbook : a complete K-12 reference guide / Lynne T. Diaz-Rico, Kathryn Z. Weed. | Boston : Pearson/Allyn and Bacon, c2006.
PE2751 .R36 2005 | The English-vernacular divide : postcolonial language politics and practice / Vaidehi Ramanathan. | Clevedon Buffalo : Multilingual Matters, c2005.
PE3102.N44 A44 2004 | You know my steez : an ethnographic and sociolinguistic study of styleshifting in a Black American speech community / H. Samy Alim. | [Durham, N.C.] : Duke University Press for the American Dialect Society, c2004.
PN181 .O84 2005 | When writing workshop isn't working : answers to ten tough questions, grades 2-5 / Mark Overmeyer foreword by Stephanie Harvey. | Portland, Me. : Stenhouse Publishers, c2005.
PN1990.9.E74 C36 2005 | Immigration, diversity, and broadcasting in the United States, 1990-2001 / Vibert C. Cambridge. | Athens : Ohio University Press, c2005.
PN2593 .W67 2006 | Theatric revolution : drama, censorship and Romantic period subcultures 1773-1832 / David Worrall. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, 2006.
PN4749 .M35 2006 | Cultural chaos : journalism, news and power in a globalised world / Brian McNair. | London New York : Routledge, 2006.
PN6109.97 .S63 1998 | The space between our footsteps : poems and paintings from the Middle East / selected by Naomi Shihab Nye. | New York, N.Y. : Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, c1998.
PN6110.W28 W37 1998 | War and the pity of war / edited by Neil Philip illustrated by Michael McCurdy. | New York : Clarion Books, 1998.
PQ1811.E3 C35 2006 | Fables of La Fontaine / compiled & edited by Koren Christofides introduction by Constantine Christofides translations by Constantine Christofides & Christopher Carsten. | Seattle : University of Washington Press Baltimore : In association with Maryland Institute College of Art Aix-en-Provence : Institute for American Universities, c2006.
PQ6102 .B48 2006 | An eye on race : perspectives from theater in Imperial Spain / John Beusterien. | Lewisburg [PA] : Bucknell University Press, c2006.
PQ7235 .T74 1995 | The tree is older than you are : a bilingual gathering of poems & stories from Mexico with paintings by Mexican artists / selected by Naomi Shihab Nye. | New York, NY : Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, c1995.
PQ8097.G6 Z5633 2003 | Gabriela Mistral : the audacious traveler / edited by Marjorie Agosin. | Athens : Ohio University Press, c2003.
PR2549.H8 A12 2006 | The plays and poems of William Heminge / edited by Carol A. Morley. | Madison [N.J.] : Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, c2006.
PR2880.A1 H46 2006 | Collaborations with the past : reshaping Shakespeare across time and media / Diana E. Henderson. | Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell University Press, 2006.
PR3592.P64 L56 2006 | John Milton, radical politics, and biblical republicanism / Walter S.H. Lim. | Newark : University of Delaware Press, c2006.
PR4172.W73 A86 2006 | Approaches to teaching Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights / edited by Sue Lonoff and Terri A. Hasseler. | New York : Modern Language Association of America, 2006.
PR9199.3.O5 Z7 2006 | Not needing all the words : Michael Ondaatje's literature of silence / Annick Hillger. | Montreal : McGill-Queen's University Press, c2006.
PS153.A84 F67 2005 | Form and transformation in Asian American literature / edited by Zhou Xiaojing and Samina Najmi. | Seattle : University of Washington Press, c2005.
PS159.E5 W67 2005 | Wordsworth in American literary culture / edited by Joel Pace and Matthew Scott. | Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire New York, N.Y. : Palgrave Macmillan, 2005.
PS374.H63 S76 2006 | Beautiful bottom, beautiful shame : where "Black" meets "queer" / Kathryn Bond Stockton. | Durham : Duke University Press, 2006.
PS374.M53 R67 2004 | Race mixture in nineteenth-century U.S. and Spanish American fictions : gender, culture, and nation building / Debra J. Rosenthal. | Chapel Hill : University of North Carolina Press, c2004.
PS3515.U274 Z6635 2005 | Langston Hughes : great American writer / by B.A. Hoena. | Mankato, Minn. : Capstone Press, c2005.
PS3552.O932 T35 2006 | Talk talk : a novel / T. Coraghessan Boyle. | New York : Viking, 2006.
PS3560.O393 M9 1996 | My Mexico = Mexico mio / poems by Tony Johnston illustrated by F. John Sierra. | New York : Putnam's Sons, c1996.
PS3560.O483 Z69 2006 | After the pain : critical essays on Gayl Jones / Fiona Mills, editor, and Keith B. Mitchell, assistant editor. | New York : Peter Lang, 2006.
PS3569.I44 Z66 2004 | Silko : writing storyteller and medicine woman / Brewster E. Fitz. | Norman : University of Oklahoma Press, c2004.
PS3570.A48 S23 2005 | Saving fish from drowning / Amy Tan. | New York : Putnam, 2005.
PZ5 .O583 2003 | Once upon a cuento / edited by Lyn Miller-Lachmann. | Willimantic, CT : Curbstone Press, 2003.
PZ7.B7386 Gr 2003 | A great and terrible beauty / Libba Bray. | [New York] : Delacorte Press, c2003.
PZ7.C59118 Tgm 2002 | Things not seen / Andrew Clements. | New York : Philomel Books, 2002.
PZ7.C677475 Supe 2005 | The supernaturalist / Eoin Colfer. | New York : Miramax Books/Hyperion Paperbacks for Children, 2005, c2004.
PZ7.C86815 Hea 2005 | A heart for any fate : westward to Oregon, 1845 / Linda Crew. | Portland : Oregon Historical Society Press : Distributed by the University of Washington Press, c2005.
PZ7.E655 He 2004 | The heaven shop / Deborah Ellis. | Markham, Ont. : Fitzhenry & Whiteside, [2005]
PZ7.J684 Wk 2002 | Witch's business / Diana Wynne Jones. | New York : Greenwillow Books, 2002.
PZ7.J684 Yc 2000 | Year of the griffin / Diana Wynne Jones. | New York : Greenwillow Books, 2000.
PZ7.K46825 Wg 2000 | What became of her : a novel/ by M.E. Kerr. | New York : HarperCollinsPublishers, 2000.
PZ7.M35135 Si 2004 | Silk umbrellas / Carolyn Marsden. | Cambridge, Mass. : Candlewick Press, 2004.
PZ7.M478419 Ju 2000 | Judy Moody / Megan McDonald illustrated by Peter Reynolds. | Cambridge, Mass. : Candlewick Press, 2000.
PZ7.M478419 Ni 1999 | The night Iguana left home / by Megan McDonald pictures by Ponder Goembel. | New York : DK Ink, 1999.
PZ7.N976 Hab 1997 | Habibi / Naomi Shihab Nye. | New York : Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, 1997.
PZ7.R982 Gl 2003 | God went to beauty school / by Cynthia Rylant. | New York : HarperCollins, 2003.
PZ7 .S4037 Su 2005 | Super grandpa / David M. Schwartz illustrated by Bert Dodson. | Santa Rosa, Calif. : Tortuga Press, c2005.
PZ7.S75663 Li 1997 | The library card / Jerry Spinelli. | New York : Scholastic Press, 1997.
PZ7.S910 Ch 2004 | Chanda's secrets / Allan Stratton. | Toronto : Annick Press, c2004.
PZ7.Y78 De 1990 | The devil's arithmetic / by Jane Yolen. | New York, N.Y., U.S.A. : Puffin Books, 1990.
PZ8.1.A213 Al 1997 | Anansi does the impossible! : an Ashanti tale / retold by Verna Aardema illustrated by Lisa Desimini. | New York : Atheneum Books for Young Readers, c1997.
PZ8.1.B2285 Ku 2002 | Kumak's house : a tale of the far north / Michael Bania. | [Anchorage?] : Alaska Northwest Books, 2002.
PZ8.1.H6674 Tw 1995 | The two brothers / by Minfong Ho and Saphan Ros illustrated by Jean and Mou-sien Tseng. | New York : Lothrop, Lee & Shepard, c1995.
PZ8.1.V57 Marj 1996 | Marushka and the Month Brothers : a folktale / retold by Anna Vojtech & Philemon Sturges illustrated by Anna Vojtech. | New York : North-South Books, 1996.
PZ8.3.C573 Evh 1988 | Everett Anderson's goodbye / by Lucille Clifton illustrated by Ann Grifalconi. | New York : Henry Holt, 1988, c1983.
PZ10.5 .S87 2000 | Street rhymes around the world / edited by Jane Yolen illustrated by 17 international artists. | Honesdale, Pa. : Wordsong / Boyds Mills Press, 2000.
Q147 .D44 2006 | Building a successful career in scientific research : a guide for Ph. D. students and post-docs / Phil Dee with cartoons by Chris McLeod. | Cambridge, UK New York : Cambridge University Press, 2006.
Q172.5.C45 P45 2004 | Chaos and fractals : new frontiers of science / Heinz-Otto Peitgen, Hartmut Jurgens, Dietmar Saupe. | New York : Springer, c2004.
Q180.U5 R3816 2006 | Research administration and management / [edited by] Elliott C. Kulakowski, Lynne U. Chronister. | Sudbury, Mass. : Jones and Bartlett, c2006.
QA1 .A532 no.861 | Weil-Petersson metric on the universal Teichmuller space / Leon A. Takhtajan, Lee-Peng Teo. | Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, 2006.
QA1 .A532 no.862 | The Beilinson complex and canonical rings of irregular surfaces / Alberto Canonaco. | Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, 2006.
QA1 .A532 no.863 | The universal Kobayashi-Hitchin correspondence on Hermitian manifolds / M. Lubke, A. Teleman. | Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, 2006.
QA1 .A532 no.864 | Fredholm operators and Einstein metrics on conformally compact manifolds / John M. Lee. | Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, 2006.
QA1 .A647 v.147 rev.2006 | Mathematical problems in image processing : partial differential equations and the calculus of variations / Gilles Aubert, Pierre Kornprobst. | New York : Springer, c2006
QA1 .R39 no.107 | Complex graphs and networks / Fan Chung, Linyuan Lu. | Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society, 2006.
QA3 .L37 no.1886 | Splitting deformations of degenerations of complex curves : towards the classification of atoms of degenerations, III / Shigeru Takamura. | Berlin : Springer, 2006.
QA3 .L37 no.1887 | Introduction to symplectic Dirac operators / K. Habermann, L. Habermann. | Berlin : Springer, 2006.
QA76.15 .F345 2006 | The Facts on File dictionary of computer science / edited by John Daintith, Edmund Wright. | New York : Facts On File, c2006.
QA76.618 .P37 2006 | Parallel evolutionary computations / N. Nedjah, E. Alba, L. de Macedo Mourelle (eds.). | Berlin : Springer-Verlag, c2006.
QA76.76.I58 D435 2006 | Decision theory and multi-agent planning / edited by Giacomo Della Riccia ... [et al.]. | Wien New York : Springer, 2006.
QA76.88 .T47 2005 | High performance computing on vector systems : proceedings of the High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart, March 2005 / Michael Resch ... [et al.], editors. | Berlin : Springer-Verlag, c2006.
QA76.9.A48 A43 2006 | Ambient intelligence, wireless networking, and ubiquitous computing / Athanasios Vasilakos, Witold Pedrycz, editors. | Boston : Artech House, c2006.
QA76.9.D3 D3683 2007 | Databases, types and the relational model : the third manifesto / by C.J. Date and Hugh Darwen. | Reading, MA : Addison-Wesley, c2007.
QA76.9.O35 S535 2007 | Functional and object oriented analysis and design : an integrated methodology / Peretz Shoval. | Hershey, PA : Idea Group Pub. (an imprint of Idea Group Inc.), c2007.
QA268 .K67 2006 | Unicode explained / Jukka K. Korpela. | Sebastopol, CA : O'Reilly, 2006.
QA273 .K74 2006 | Probability and random processes / Venkatarama Krishnan. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley-Interscience, c2006.
QA329.2 .E54 2006 | A short course on operator semigroups / Klaus-Jochen Engel, Rainer Nagel. | New York, N.Y. : Springer, c2006.
QA371 .R28 2005 | Applied numerical analysis / by Matiur Rahman. | Southampton Boston : WIT Press, c2005.
QA911 .B638 2005 | Computational fluid dynamics : principles and applications / J. Blazek. | Amsterdam San Diego : Elsevier, 2005.
QA911 .F775 2006 | Frontiers of computational fluid dynamics 2006 / edited by D.A. Caughey, M.M. Hafez. | Singapore Hackensack, NJ : World Scientific, c2005.
QC1 .T64 v.103 | Surface-enhanced Raman scattering : physics and applications / Katrin Kneipp, Martin Moskovits, Harald Kneipp (eds.). | Berlin : Springer, c2006.
QC20 .B35 2006 | Mathematical methods in science and engineering / S. Selcuk Bayin. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley-Interscience, c2006.
QC73 .S58 2006 | Energy : a beginner's guide / Vaclav Smil. | Oxford : Oneworld, c2006.
QC174.17.P3 M37 2005 | Pauli's exclusion principle : the origin and validation of a scientific principle / Michela Massimi. | Cambridge, UK New York : Cambridge University Press, 2005.
QC760.54 .P37 2006 | Parallel finite-difference time-domain method / Wenhua Yu ... [et al.]. | Boston, MA : Artech House, c2006.
QC770 .I56 no.443 | Understanding and managing ageing of materials in spent fuel storage facilities. | Vienna : International Atomic Energy Agency, c2006.
QC770 .I56 no.444 | Redevelopment of nuclear facilities after decommissioning. | Vienna : International Atomic Energy Agency, c2006.
QC861.3 .A84 2006 | The atmosphere / edited by R.F. Keeling. | Amsterdam Boston : Elsevier, 2006.
QD382.I43 M6517 2006 | Molecular imprinting of polymers / [edited by] Sergey Piletsky, Anthony Turner. | Georgetown, Tex. : Landes Bioscience :, c2006.
QD401 .S38 2006 | Modern terpyridine chemistry / Ulrich S. Schubert, Harald Hofmeier, George R. Newkome. | Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, c2006.
QD476 .F76 2006 | Frontiers in physical organic chemistry / Gennady E. Zaikov, editor. | New York : Nova Science Publishers, c2006.
QD476 .T423 2006 | Theoretical and practical guide to organic physical chemistry / G.E. Zaikov, G.V. Kozlov and R.G. Makitra, editors. | New York : Nova Science Publishers, c2006.
QD502.5 .B73 2006 | Organic name reactions : a unified approach / Goutam Brahmachari. | Oxford : Alpha Science, c2006.
QE1 .G45 no.405 | Processes on the early Earth / edited by Wolf Uwe Reimold, Roger L. Gibson. | Boulder, Colo. : Geological Society of America, 2006.
QH107 .S77 2006 | Structure and function of a Chihuahuan Desert ecosystem : the Jornada Basin long-term ecological research site / edited by Kris M. Havstad, Laura F. Huenneke, William H. Schlesinger. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, 2006.
QH205 .H2 | Handbuch der mikroskopischen Technik. | Stuttgart : Franckh'sche Verlagshandlung, 1913-
QH205 .H2 v.5 | Apparate und Arbeitsmethoden der Ultramikroskopie und Dunkelfeldbeleuchtung, mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der Spiegelkondensoren, von O. Heimstadt, mit 71 Abbildungen. | Stuttgart, Geschaftstelle des "Mikrokosmos": Franckh, 1915.
QH212.T7 S68 1988 | Experimental high-resolution electron microscopy / John C.H. Spence. | New York : Oxford University Press, 1988.
QH321 .I6 1955 | Atti della Conferenza internazionale sui laboratori di biologia marina tenutasi a Roma, sotto gli auspici della Unione internazionale delle scienze biologiche, dal 18 al 23 aprile 1955, a cura di R.W. Hiatt. Proceedings of the International Conference on Marine Biological Laboratories held in Rome, under the auspices of the International Union of Biological Sciences, April 18-23, 1955. Edited by R.W. Hiatt. | [Spoleto, Arti grafiche Panetto & Petrelli, 1955]
QH323.N6 H5 1954 | Directory of hydrobiological laboratories and personnel in North America. Ed. by Robert W. Hiatt, with the co-operation of Arthur D. Hasler [and others]. | Honolulu, Univ. of Hawaii Press [c1954]
QH323.N6 H5 1963 | World directory of hydrobiological and fisheries institutions. | Washington, American Institute of Biological Sciences, 1963.
QH366.2 .W553 2006 | The chemistry of evolution : the development of our ecosystem / R.J.P.Williams and J.J.R. Frausto da Silva. | Amsterdam Boston : Elsevier, 2006.
QH431 .I68 1966 | Progress in human behavior genetics recent reports on genetic syndromes, twin studies, and statistical advances. Edited by Steven G. Vandenberg. | Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Press [c1968]
QH470.M52 M675 2005 | The mouse in animal genetics and breeding research / Eugene J. Eisen [editor]. | London : Imperial College Press Hackensack, NJ London : Distributed by World Scientific Pub. Co., c2005.
QH541.15.R45 F68 2006 | Foundations of restoration ecology / edited by Donald A. Falk, Margaret A. Palmer, and Joy B. Zedler foreword by Richard J. Hobbs. | Washington, D.C. : Island Press, c2006.
QH581.2 .C66 2007 | The cell : a molecular approach / Geoffrey M. Cooper, Robert E. Hausman. | Washington, D.C. : ASM Press Sunderland, Mass. : Sinauer Associates, c2007.
QK178 .J8 2005 | Wild flowers of North Carolina / William S. Justice, C. Ritchie Bell & Anne H. Lindsey. | Chapel Hill : University of North Carolina Press, c2005.
QK559.S3 D3 2002 | Illustrated flora of Nordic liverworts and hornworts / Kell Damsholt. | Lund, Sweden : Nordic Bryological Society, c2002.
QK604.2.W65 S3513 2006 | Wood and tree fungi : biology, damage, protection, and use / Olaf Schmidt [editor, Dieter Czeschlik]. | Berlin : Springer, 2006.
QK753.C16 C33 2006 | Cadmium toxicity and tolerance in plants / editors, Nafees A. Khan, Samiullah. | Oxford : Alpha Science, c2006.
QK898.A43 A44 2006 | Allelochemicals : biological control of plant pathogens and diseases / edited by Inderjit and K.G. Mukerji. | Dordrecht : Springer, 2006.
QK938.F6 C66 2005 | Coniferous forests / edited by F. Andersson. | Amsterdam San Diego, CA : Elsevier, 2005.
QL85 .F72 2006 | Animal nation : the true story of animals and Australia / Adrian Franklin. | Sydney : UNSW Press, 2006.
QL391.A2 K35 1893 | Die Acanthocephalen und ihre Entwickelung. Von Dr. Johannes E. Kaiser. | Cassel, T. Fischer, 1893.
QL391.N4 G47 2006 | Functional and detailed morphology of the Tylenchida (Nematoda) / Etienne Geraert. | Leiden Boston : Brill, 2006.
QL737.C5 T88 2005 | America's neighborhood bats / Merlin D. Tuttle. | Austin : University of Texas Press, 2005.
QL757 .C614513 2005 | The art of being a parasite / Claude Combes translated by Daniel Simberloff. | Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 2005.
QP303 .W6213 2006 | Athletic ability and the anatomy of motion / Rolf Wirhed translated by A.M. Hermansson illustrated by Gamil Gabra, Stig Salander new illustrations by Michael Courtney, Bruce Hogarth, Gillian Murray. | Edinburgh New York : Mosby Elsevier, 2006.
QP551 .P695822 2006 | Protein folding : new research / Tony R. Obalinsky, editor. | New York : Nova Science, c2006.
QP551 .P6975113 2005 | Protein-protein interactions : a molecular cloning manual / edited by Erica A. Golemis and Peter D. Adams. | Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y. : Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, c2005.
QR122 .M53 2006 | Microbial hazard identification in fresh fruit and vegetables / edited by Jennylynd James. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley-Interscience, c2006.
QR186.82 .A965 2006 | Autoantibodies and autoimmunity : molecular mechanisms in health and disease / edited by K. Michael Pollard. | Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, c2006.
QR201.F62 V57 2006 | Viruses in foods / edited by Sagar M. Goyal. | New York : Springer, 2006.
R724 .D678 2005 | Beyond the Hippocratic Oath : a memoir on the rise of modern medical ethics / John B. Dossetor. | Edmonton : University of Alberta Press, c2005.
RA18 .F67 2006 | A century of adventure in northern health : the Public Health Service Commissioned Corps in Alaska 1879-1978 / Robert Fortuine. | Landover, MD : PHS Commissioned Officers Foundation for the Advancement of Public Health, 2006.
RA395.L3 C78 2004 | Crucial needs, weak incentives : social sector reform, democratization, and globalization in Latin America / edited by Robert R. Kaufman and Joan M. Nelson. | Washington, D.C. : Woodrow Wilson Center Press Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, c2004.
RA410.5 .G68 2006 | Health financing revisited : a practitioner's guide / Pablo Gottret, George Schieber. | Washington, DC : World Bank, c2006.
RA412.3 .M658 2006 | Medicare : a policy primer / Marilyn Moon. | Washington, D.C. : Urban Institute Press, c2006.
RA564.8 .V85 2006 | Vulnerable older adults : health care needs and interventions / Patricia M. Burbank, editor. | New York, NY : Springer Pub., c2006.
RA643.8 .H582 2006 | The HIV pandemic : local and global implications / edited by Eduard J. Beck ... [et al.] managing editor, Lynn-Marie Holland. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, 2006.
RA790.5 .D35 2007 | Community psychology : linking individuals and communities / James H. Dalton, Maurice J. Elias, Abraham Wandersman. | Belmont, Calif. : Thomson Wadsworth, c2007.
RB37 .C54 2007 | Henry's clinical diagnosis and management by laboratory methods. | Philadelphia : Saunders Elsevier, c2007.
RC429 .C66 2006 | Communication disability in the dementias / edited by Karen Bryan and Jane Maxim. | London Philadelphia : Whurr Publishers, c2006.
RC627.8 .C53 2006 | A clinical guide to inherited metabolic diseases / Joe T.R. Clarke. | Cambridge, U.K. New York : Cambridge University Press, 2006.
RC1235 .S53 2006 | Sport physiology for coaches / Brian J. Sharkey, Steven E. Gaskill. | Champaign, IL : Human Kinetics, c2006.
RD82.2 .S688 2006 | Pharmacology & physiology in anesthetic practice / [edited by] Robert K. Stoelting, Simon C. Hillier. | Philadelphia : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, c2006.
RF305 .C62914 2006 | Cochlear implants : a practical guide. | London Philadelphia : Whurr, c2006.
RG652 .R44 2005 | Birthing fathers : the transformation of men in American rites of birth / Richard K. Reed. | New Brunswick, N.J. : Rutgers University Press, c2005.
RM301.5 .B34 2006 | Clinical pharmacokinetics handbook / Larry A. Bauer. | New York : McGraw-Hill Medical Pub., c2006.
RM735.4 .W55 2006 | An occupational perspective of health / Ann A. Wilcock. | Thorofare, NJ : SLACK, c2006.
RS380 .P475 2006 | Pharmaceutical biotechnology / edited by Michael J. Groves. | Boca Raton, FL : Taylor&Francis, 2006.
S3 .A43 1970 | Agricultural research index a guide to agricultural research including dairy farming, fisheries, food, forestry, horticulture, and veterinary science. | [Guernsey] Francis Hodgson [1970]
S3 .A43 1978 | Agricultural research index : a guide to agricultural research including dairy farming, fisheries, food, forestry, horticulture, and veterinary science / editor J. Burkett. | [Guernsey] : Hodgson Harlow : Longman, 1978.
S473.K4 F64 2006 | "To subsidise my income" : urban farming in an East-African town / by Dick Foeken. | Leiden Boston : Brill, 2006.
S589.75 .A368 2006 | Agriculture and climate beyond 2015 : a new perspective on future land use patterns / edited by Floor Brouwer and Bruce A. McCarl. | Dordrecht : Springer, c2006.
S599.I32 M7 2004 | Soil survey of Monroe County, Illinois / United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service in cooperation with Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station. | [Washington, D.C.] : U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, [2004]
S599.I32 S4 2004 | Soil survey of Sangamon County, Illinois / United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service in cooperation with the Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station. | [Washington, D.C.] : U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, [2004]
S599.I82 H8 2005 | Soil survey of Humboldt County, Iowa / United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service in cooperation with the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service, Iowa State University and Division of Soil Conservation, Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship. | [Washington, D.C.] : U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, [2005]
S599.K42 B7 2005 | Soil survey of Bracken and Robertson Counties, Kentucky / United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service in cooperation with the Kentucky Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Cabinet and the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. | [Washington, D.C.?] : Natural Resources Conservation Service, [2005]
S599.K42 G4 2006 | Soil survey of Garrard and Lincoln Counties, Kentucky / United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service in cooperation with Kentucky Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Cabinet and Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. | [Washington, D.C.] : Natural Resources Conservation Service, [2006]
S599.K42 G6 2005 | Soil survey of Graves County, Kentucky / United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service in cooperation with the Kentucky Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Cabinet and the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. | [Washington, D.C.?] : Natural Resources Conservation Service, [2005]
S599.K42 L3 2005 | Soil survey of Lawrence and Martin Counties, Kentucky / United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service in cooperation with the Kentucky Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Cabinet and the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. | [Washington, D.C.?] : Natural Resources Conservation Service, [2005]
S599.M92 J4 2004 | [Soil survey of Jefferson County area and part of Silver Bow County, Montana]. | [Washington, D.C.?] : Natural Resources Conservation Service, [2004]
S599.N62 O7 2004 | [Soil survey of Fort Bliss Military Reservation, New Mexico and Texas]. | [Washington, D.C.?] : Natural Resources Conservation Service, [2004]
S599.N82 R9 2005 | Soil survey of Rutherford County, North Carolina / United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service in cooperation with North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources ... [et al.]. | [Washington, D.C.?] : Natural Resources Conservation Service, [2005]
SB413.S9 W8 | Sweet peas / Horace J. Wright. | New York : Frederick A. Stokes [1910]
SB425 .M8 | Bulbs for beauty. Drawings by Else Bostelmann. | New York, M. Barrows [1947]
SB428 .B4 | Arcadian technical manual for Christmas tree farmers / editor: Harvey J. Stangel, authors: Lester E. Bell, Donald P. White. | New York : Nitrogen Division, Allied Chemical Co., c1966.
SD143 .U421 no.34 | Genetics of ponderosa pine / Chi-Wu Wang. | [Washington, D.C.] : Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service : For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., [1979]
SD387.S87 I56 2005 | Institutions, sustainability, and natural resources : institutions for sustainable forest management / edited by Shashi Kant and R. Albert Berry. | Dordrecht : Springer, c2005.
SD418.3.T76 T75 2006 | Tropical deforestation / edited by Sharon L. Spray and Matthew D. Moran. | Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield, c2006.
SD565 .L49 2005 | The Forest Service and the greatest good : a centennial history / James G. Lewis. | Durham, N.C. : Forest History Society, c2005.
SF239 .D35 2004 | Dairying : using science to meet consumers' needs / E. Kebreab, J.A.N. Mills, D.E. Beever [editors]. | Nottingham : Nottingham University Press, 2004.
SF283 .D47 2006 | Horses in society : a story of animal breeding and marketing, 1800-1920 / Margaret E. Derry. | Toronto : University of Toronto Press, c2006.
SF383 .S78 2006 | The goat care handbook / Mary Turner Stille. | Jefferson, N.C. : McFarland, c2006.
SF391.3 A67 2004 | The appliance of pig science / edited by J.E. Thompson, B.P. Gill and M.A. Varley. | Nottingham : Nottingham University Press, 2004.
SF411.36.U6 G75 2006 | Pets in America : a history / Katherine C. Grier. | Chapel Hill, NC : University of North Carolina Press, c2006.
SF421.H6 R53 2006 | Swifter than the arrow : the golden hunting hounds of ancient Egypt / Michael Rice. | London New York : I.B. Tauris, c2006.
SF761 .S5 1938 | The anatomy of the domestic animals, by Septimus Sisson ... revised by James Daniels Grossman ... with 770 illustrations, many in colors. | Philadelphia and London, W.B. Saunders Co., 1938.
SF793 .F655 2004 | Foot and mouth disease : current perspectives / edited by Francisco Sobrino, Esteban Domingo. | Wymondham, Norfolk, England : Horizon Bioscience, c2004.
SF809.B8 C2 | Special report on brucellosis in cattle. | [Sacramento] Senate of the State of California, 1953.
SF811 .S65 2006 | Rapid interpretation of heart and lung sounds : a guide to cardiac and respiratory auscultation in dogs and cats / Francis W.K. Smith, Bruce W. Keene, Larry Patrick Tilley illustrations by Thomas Xenakis, Denise Donnell. | St. Louis, Mo. : Saunders Elsevier, c2006.
SF997.5.E95 S65 2006 | Skin diseases of exotic pets / edited by Sue Paterson. | Oxford Ames, Iowa : Blackwell Science, 2006.
SF997.5.T87 M37 2004 | Medicine and surgery of tortoises and turtles / Stuart McArthur, Roger Wilkinson & Jean Meyer. | Oxford Malden, MA : Blackwell Pub., c2004.
SH328 .D442 2003 | Deep Sea 2003 : conference on the governance and management of deep-sea fisheries / edited by Ross Shotton. | Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2005-2006.
SH361 .E4 | A monograph of the seal-islands of Alaska. By Henry W. Elliott. Reprinted, with additions, from the report on the fishery industries of the tenth census. | Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1882.
SH361 .O7 | The fur seals and other life of the Pribilof Islands, Alaska, in 1914. By Wilfred H. Osgood, Edward A. Preble, and George H. Parker ... | Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1915.
SH361 .U5 | The fur seals and fur-seal islands of the North Pacific ocean. By David Starr Jordan, [et al.]. | Washington, Govt. Print. Office, 1898-99.
SH361 .U52 | Seal and salmon fisheries and general resources of Alaska. | Washington, Govt. print. off., 1898.
SH411 .K56 | A short dictionary of fishery terms : (Russian-English) / compiled by A.A. Klykov. | Washington, D.C. : Joint Publications Research Service available from Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information, Springfield, Va., 1968.
T15 .T695 2003 | What a great idea! : inventions that changed the world / Stephen M. Tomecek illustrated by Dan Stuckenschneider. | New York : Scholastic Nonfiction, 2003.
T173.8 .C62 2006 | The change function : why some technologies take off and others crash and burn / Pip Coburn. | New York : Portfolio, 2006.
TA330 .A38 2004 | Advanced modern engineering mathematics / Glyn James ... [et al.]. | Harlow, England New York : Pearson Prentice Hall, 2004.
TA413 .O43 2000 | The pressure, strain and force handbook. | Stamford, Conn. : Omega Engineering, Inc., c2000.
TA418.9.C6 A34 2006 | Analysis and performance of fiber composites / Bhagwan D. Agarwal, Lawrence J. Broutman, K. Chandrashekhara. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley, c2006.
TC928.2.H45 B78 2005 | King of the waters : Homan van der Heide and the origin of modern irrigation in Siam / Han ten Brummelhuis. | Leiden, Netherlands : KITLV Press, c2005.
TD192.5 .N49 2006 | New research on the environment and biotechnology / A.E. Kuznetsov and G.E. Zaikov, editors. | New York : Nova Science Publishers, c2006.
TK5102.98 .T67 2006 | Topics in acoustic echo and noise control : selected methods for the cancellation of acoustical echoes, the reduction of background noise, and speech processing / Eberhard Hansler, Gerhard Schmidt (eds.). | Berlin : Springer-Verlag, c2006.
TK7868.P6 M36 2006 | Switching power supplies A to Z / Sanjaya Maniktala. | Burlington, Mass. : Newnes, an imprint of Elsevier, c2006.
TK7876 .W64 2006 | Coplanar microwave integrated circuits / Ingo Wolff. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley-Interscience, c2006.
TP248.25.M46 M38 2006 | Materials science of membranes for gas and vapor separation / edited by Yuri Yampolskii, Ingo Pinnau, Benny Freeman. | Chichester, England Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, c2006.
TP248.27.M53 M524 2006 | Microbial biotechnology in horticulture / editors, Ramesh C. Ray, Owen P. Ward. | Enfield, NH : Science Publishers, c2006-
TP547.B56 A3 2006 | At home in the vineyard : cultivating a winery, an industry, and a life / Susan Sokol Blosser. | Berkeley : University of California Press, c2006.
TR510 .H84 2004 | The reproduction of colour / R.W.G. Hunt. | Chichester, West Sussex, England Hoboken, NJ : John Wiley & Sons, c2004.
TR729.D6 W435 2005 | William Wegman polaroids. | New York London : Harry N. Abrams, 2005.
TX361.A8 B45 2006 | Advanced sports nutrition / Dan Benardot. | Champaign, IL : Human Kinetics, c2006.
TX361.A8 H2997 2005 | Eat to win for the 21st Century : the sports nutrition bible for a new generation / Robert Haas. | New York, N.Y. : New American Library, c2005.
TX369 .R45 2006 | Renewing Salmon Nation's food traditions : a RAFT list of food species and heirloom varieties, with traditions at risk and in need of recovery in the greater Pacific Northwest / compiled & edited by Gary Paul Nabhan. | Flagstaff, AZ : Renewing America's Food Traditions (RAFT) Consortium in collaboration with Ecotrust, c2006.
TX911.3.M3 D38 2006 | Marketing destinations and venues for conferences, conventions and business events / Rob Davidson and Tony Rogers. | Oxford : Butterworth-Heinemann, 2006.
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Z246 .F39 2006 | Print and production finishes for brochures and catalogs / Roger Fawcett-Tang. | Mies, Switzerland : RotoVision, c2006.
Z675.U5 H54 2002 | An action plan for outcomes assessment in your library / Peter Hernon, Robert E. Dugan. | Chicago : American Library Association, 2002.
Z678.9 .L51135 2006 | Libr@ries : changing information space and practice / edited by Cushla Kapitzke, Bertram C. Bruce. | Mahwah, N.J. : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, 2006.
Z679.7 .K38 2003 | Disaster response and planning for libraries / Miriam B. Kahn. | Chicago : American Library Association, 2003.
Z711 .O98 2006 | Success at the enquiry desk : successful enquiry answering - every time / Tim Buckley Owen. | London : Facet, 2006.
Z1361.E4 M86 2005 | Multiracial America : a resource guide on the history and literature of interracial issues / [compiled by] Karen Downing, Darlene Nichols, Kelly Webster. | Lanham, Md. : Scarecrow Press, 2005.
ZA4082.U6 I67 2006 | Institutional repositories / University of Houston Libraries, Institutional Repository Task Force, Charles W. Bailey, Jr., chair. | Washington, DC : Association of Research Libraries, Office of Management Services, c2006.