Call number | Title | Publisher |
B778 .N38 2012 | Humanism and Renaissance civilization / Charles G. Nauert. | Farnham, Surrey, England Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2012.
B819 .C28 2012 | The Cambridge companion to existentialism / edited by Steven Crowell, Rice University. | New York : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
B2693 .F69 2012 | No religion without idolatry : Mendelssohn's Jewish Enlightenment / Gideon Freudenthal. | Notre Dame, Ind. : University of Notre Dame Press, c2012.
BD450 .A56 2012 | Animal, vegetable, mineral : ethics and objects / edited by Jeffrey Jerome Cohen. | Washington, DC : Oliphaunt Books, 2012.
BF698.95 .F85 2011 | Race, monogamy, and other lies they told you : busting myths about human nature / Agustin Fuentes. | Berkeley : University of California Press, c2012.
BF1595 .C58 2011 | Magic, memory and natural philosophy in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries / Stephen Clucas. | Farnham : Ashgate/Variorum, 2011.
BJ1253 .M6513 2012 | Ethics of hope / Jurgen Moltmann translated by Margaret Kohl. | Minneapolis : Fortress Press, 2012.
BJ2101 .C66 1821 | The complete correspondent : consisting of original letters, adapted to every age and situation in life, and on the most interesting topics ... to which are added, specimens of real correspondence, from the best writers in the English language, and translations from Latin and French. | London : Printed for W. Simpkin and R. Marshall, [1821?]
BL1138.62 .E5 2012 | The Bhagavad Gita : a new translation / Gavin Flood and Charles Martin. | New York : W. W. Norton & Company, 2012.
BL1215.S36 E33 2012 | Hindu theology and biology : the Bhagavata Purana and contemporary theory / Jonathan B. Edelmann. | Oxford : Oxford University Press, c2012.
BL2747.6 .S25 2012 | Sacred humanism without miracles : responding to the New Atheists / Roy G. Saltman. | New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
BM585.2 .I87 2012 | Blood libel and its derivatives : the scourge of anti-semitism / Raphael Israeli. | New Brunswick,[ N.J.] London, U.K. : Transaction Publishers, 2012.
BP75 .I72 1887 | Life of Oliver Goldsmith Mahomet and his successors Moorish chronicles / by Washington Irving. | New York : John B. Alden, 1887.
BP161 .A345 1882 | 880-02 Alam al-din / li-Ali Basha Mubarak. | 880-03 al-Iskandariyah : Matbaat Jaridat al-Mahrusah, 1882
BQ9299.B627 F474 2012 | Tracking Bodhidharma : a journey to the heart of Chinese culture / Andy Ferguson. | Berkeley, CA : Counterpoint, c2012.
CT1866 .J8 | 880-02 Alam wa-ashab aqlam, talif Anwar al-Jindi. | 880-03 [al-Qahirah] Dar Nahdat Misr, [1968]
D16.8 .A6385 2012 | Meaning, truth, and reference in historical representation / Frank Ankersmit. | Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 2012.
D16.8 .B3134 2012 | Being a historian : an introduction to the professional world of history / James M. Banner, Jr. | New York : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
D804.66.T76 U57 2012 | A portrait of pacifists : Le Chambon, the Holocaust, and the lives of Andre and Magda Trocme / Richard P. Unsworth with a foreword by Peter I. Rose. | Syracuse, N.Y. : Syracuse University Press, 2012.
DA682 .L84 | London and its environs described. Containing an account of whatever is most remarkable for grandeur, elegance, curiosity or use, in the city and in the country twenty miles round it. Comprehending also whatever is most material in the history and antiquities of this great metropolis. Decorated and illustrated with a great number of views in perspective, engraved from original drawings, taken on purpose for this work. Together with a plan of London, a map of the environs, and several other useful cuts ... | London, Printed for R. & J. Dodsley, 1761.
DD881 .E93 2011 | Life among the ruins : cityscape and sexuality in Cold War Berlin / Jennifer V. Evans. | Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2011.
DJK28.G4 D45 2012 | The lost German East : forced migration and the politics of memory, 1945-1970 / Andrew Demshuk. | New York : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
DS44 .E27 2011 | Economic and political issues in the Middle East / Cristina N. Parker and Douglas M. Warde, editors. | New York : Nova Science Publishers, c2011.
DS97.5 .R971 | 880-02 al-Mahfuzat al-Malakiyah al-Misriyah : bayan bi-wathaiq al-Sham ... / lil-Duktur Asad Rustum. | [Beirut, American Press, 1940-1943]
DS207 .D69 | Wanderings in Arabia, by Charles M. Doughty being an abridgement of "Travels in Arabia Deserta," arranged with introduction by Edward Garnett. | London, Duckworth [1908]
DS888.5 .R86 2010 | Imperial Japan at its zenith : the wartime celebration of the empire's 2,600th anniversary / Kenneth J. Ruoff. | Ithaca London : Cornell University Press, 2010.
DT54 .A45 1887 | 880-02 al-Khitat al-tawfiqiyah al-jadidah li-Misr, al-Qahirah wa-muduniha wa-biladiha al-qadimah wa-al-shahirah / talif Ali Basha Mubarak. | 880-03 Bulaq : al-Matbaah al-Kubra al-Amiriyah, 1305-1306 [1887-89]
DT81 .Z33 | 880-02 Al-tarikh al-harbi li-asr Muhammad Ali al-Kabir / Abd al-Rahman Zaki. | [al-Qahirah] : Dar al-Maarif, 1950.
DT98.5 .C74 1981 | The roots of modern Egypt : a study of the regimes of Ali Bey al-Kabir and Muhammad Bey Abu al-Dhahab, 1760-1775 / by Daniel Crecelius. | Minneapolis : Bibliotheca Islamica, 1981.
DT100 .D44 1982 | Moralistes et politiques musulmans dans l'Egypte du XIXe siecle (1798-1882) / Gilbert Delanoue. | Le Caire : Institut francais d'archeologie orientale du Caire, 1982.
DT102.A5 N3 | 880-02 Ali Mubarak : Abu al-talim / talif Husayn Fawzi al-Najjar. | 880-03 al-Qahirah, Dar al-Katib al-Arabi, 1967.
DT107.6 .S427 1898 | 880-02 al-Kafi fi tarikh Misr al-qadim wa-al-hadith / li-muallifihi Mikhail Sharubim Bik. | 880-04 Bulaq : al-Matbaah al-Kubra al-Amiriyah, 1898-1900.
DT269.M6 S29 1979 | Monastir : essai d'histoire sociale du XIXeme siecle / Mohamed Salah Sayadi. | [S.l.] : [s.n.], 1979 (Tunis : Imprimerie la Presse)
E76 .A63 2002 | American Indian millennium : renewing our way of life for future generations. | Fredericksburg, VA : Native Americas (Journal), 2002,[c2003].
E173 .C2 v.6 | The formation of the state of Oklahoma (1803-1906) by Roy Gittinger. Berkeley, University of California Press, 1917. | [New York, Kraus Reprint Co., 1974]
E173 .C2 v.12 | History of San Francisco Committee of Vigilance of 1851 : a study of social control on the California frontier in the days of the gold rush / by Mary Floyd Williams. | Millwood, N.Y. : Kraus Reprint Co., 1974.
E173 .C2 v.14 no.2 | The early English county court. An historical treatise with illustrative documents, by William Alfred Morris. Berkeley, Calif., University of California press, 1926. | Millwood, N.Y., Kraus Reprint, 1974.
E173 .C2 v.17 no.1 | The struggle for Provence, 1593-1596 a sidelight on the internal policy of Henry IV, based on unpublished correspondence of Henri de Montmorency-Damville, constable of France, supplemented by contemporary memoirs. | Millwood, N.Y., Kraus Reprint, 1974.
E173 .C2 v.17 no.2 | Effects of the Germanic invasions on Gaul, 234-284 A.D. | Millwood, N.Y., Kraus Reprint, 1974.
E173 .C2 v.17 no.3 | Anglo-French relations, 1763-1770 a study of Choiseul's foreign policy. | Millwood, N.Y., Kraus Reprint, 1974.
E173 .C2 v.17 no.4 | The parliamentary abbots to 1470 a study in English constitutional history. | Millwood, N.Y., Kraus Reprint, 1974.
E173 .C2 v.21 | The French in Sonora (1850-1854) The story of French adventurers from California into Mexico, by Rufus Kay Wyllys. Berkeley, University of California Press, 1932. | [New York, Kraus Reprint, 1974]
E173 .C2 v.22 no.1 | The American correspondence of a Bristol merchant, 1766-1776 letters of Richard Champion, edited, with an introd. by G.H. Guttridge. | Millwood, N.Y., Kraus Reprint, 1974.
E173 .C2 v.23 | The dissolution of the Carolingian fisc in the ninth century, by James Westfall Thompson ... | Berkeley, Calif., University of California Press, 1935.
E173 .C2 v.24 | Diplomacy and the borderlands the Adams-Onis treaty of 1819, by Philip Coolidge Brooks. | Berkeley, Calif., University of California Press, 1939.
E173 .C2 v.25 | Prince Lichnowsky, ambassador of peace : a study of prewar diplomacy, 1912-1914. | Berkeley : University of California Press, 1942.
E173 .C2 v.28 | English whiggism and the American revolution. | Berkeley, University of California Press, 1963.
E173 .C2 v.29 | The Panama route, 1848-1869, by John H. Kemble. | New York, Da Capo Press, 1972.
E173 .C2 v.32 | East Florida as a British province, 1763-1784. A facsim reproduction, with edited pref. by Rembert W. Patrick. | Gainesville, University of Florida Press, 1964.
E173 .C2 v.33 | Laudes regiae a study in liturgical acclamations and mediaeval ruler worship, by Ernst H. Kantorowicz, with a study of the music of the laudes and musical transcriptions, by Manfred F. Bukofzer. | Berkeley and Los Angeles, University of California Press, 1958.
E173 .C2 v.34 | The British development of West Florida, 1763-1769, by Clinton N. Howard. | Berkeley and Los Angeles, University of California Press, 1947.
E173 .C2 v.35 | Carolina chronicle : the papers of Commissary Gideon Johnston, 1707-1716. Edited, with an introduction and notes, by Frank J. Klingberg. | Berkeley Los Angeles, University of California Press, 1946.
E173 .C2 v.36 | Japan's influence on American naval power, 1897-1917. | Berkeley, Univ. of California Press, 1947.
E173 .C2 v.37 | Codrington chronicle an experiment in Anglican altruism on a Barbados plantation, 1710-1834, by Frank J. Klingberg. | Berkeley, Univ. of California Press, 1949.
E173 .C2 v.38 | Robert Owen, social idealist ed., with a foreword, by John Walton Caughey. | Berkeley, Univ. of California Press, 1949.
E173 .C2 v.39 | Onesicritus a study in Hellenistic historiography. | Berkeley, University of California Press, 1949.
E173 .C2 v.40 | The Georgia-Florida frontier, 1793-1796 Spanish reaction to French intrigue and American designs. | Berkeley, University of California Press, 1951.
E173 .C2 v.41 | The establishment of Canadian diplomatic status at Washington. | Berkeley, University of California Press, 1951.
E173 .C2 v.44 | The early career of Lord Rockingham, 1730-1765. | Berkeley, University of California Press, 1952.
E173 .C2 v.46 | The Japanese frontier in Hawaii, 1868-1898. | Berkeley, University of California Press, 1953.
E173 .C2 v.47 | Petroleum in Venezuela a history. | New York, Russell & Russell [1967]
E173 .C2 v.48 | The Point Loma community in California, 1897-1942: a theosophical experiment. | Berkeley, University of California Press, 1955.
E173 .C2 v.51 | William of Hornes, lord of Heze, and the revolt of the Netherlands, 1576-1580. | Berkeley, University of California Press, 1954.
E173 .C2 v.53 | The Carolina chronicle of Dr. Francis Le Jau, 1706-1717. Edited, with an introduction and notes, by Frank J. Klingberg. | Berkeley, University of California Press, 1956.
E173 .C2 v.54 | Canada's Arctic outlet a history of the Hudson Bay Railway. | Berkeley, Univ. of California Press, 1957.
E173 .C2 v.55 | Timaeus of Tauromenium. | Berkeley, University of California Press, 1958.
E173 .C2 v.56 | Genesis of the Meiji government in Japan, 1868-1871 / by Robert A. Wilson. | Berkeley : University of California Press, 1957.
E173 .C2 v.57 | The prohibition movement in California, 1848-1933. | Berkeley : University of California Press, 1957.
E173 .C2 v.58 | York metropolitan jurisdiction and papal judges delegate (1279-1296) | Berkeley, University of California Press, 1959.
E173 .C2 v.62 | Bondsmen and bishops slavery and apprenticeship on the Codrington Plantations of Barbados, 1710-1838. | Berkeley, University of California Press, 1958.
E173 .C2 v.63 | Pan-Hispanism its origin and development to 1866. | Berkeley, University of California Press, 1959.
E173 .C2 v.64 | Farmer movements in the South, 1865-1933. | Berkeley, University of California Press, 1960.
E173 .C2 v.65 | Youthful America selections from Henry Unwin Addington's Residence in the United States of America, 1822, 23, 24, 25. Edited, with an introd. and notes by Bradford Perkins. | Berkeley, University of California Press, 1960.
E173 .C2 v.66 | The resistance to the maritime classes the survival of feudalism in the France of Colbert. | Berkeley, University of California Press, 1960.
E173 .C2 v.67 | Lyon transformed public works of the Second Empire, 1853-1864. | Berkeley, University of California Press, 1961.
E173 .C2 v.68 | Phylarchus and the Spartan revolution / by Thomas W. Africa. | Berkeley : University of California Press, 1961.
E173 .C2 v.69 | The stillborn Panama Congress power politics and Chilean-Colombian relations during the war of the Pacific. | Berkeley, University of California Press, 1962.
E173 .C2 v.71 | The politics of prejudice, the anti-Japanese movement in California, and the struggle for Japanese exclusion. | Berkeley, University of California Press, 1962.
E173 .C2 v.72 | Sidney Webb and East Africa labour's experiment with the doctrine of native paramountcy. | Berkeley, University of California Press, [c1962]
E173 .C2 v.73 | Aristotle's history of Athenian democracy, by James Day and Mortimer Chambers. | Berkeley, University of California Press, 1962.
E173 .C2 v.74 | Muscovy and the Ukraine: from the Pereiaslavl agreement to the truce of Andrusovo, 1654-1667. | Berkeley, University of California Press, 1963.
E173 .C2 v.75 | Nicolaus of Damascus. | Berkeley, University of California Press, 1962.
E173 .C2 v.77 | By reason or force Chile and the balancing of power in South America, 1830-1905, by Robert N. Burr. | Berkeley, University of California Press, 1965.
E173 .C2 v.78 | John Dickinson and the revolution in Pennsylvania, 1764-1776, by David L. Jacobson. | Berkeley, University of California Press, 1965.
E173 .C2 v.79 | Louis XIV's view of the papacy (1661-1667) | Berkeley, University of California Press, 1966.
E173 .C2 v.80 | An industry in crisis Mexican-United States cooperation in the control of foot-and-mouth disease, by Manuel A. Machado, Jr. | Berkeley, University of California Press, 1968.
E173 .C2 v.81 | Crisis in agriculture the Agricultural Adjustment Administration and the New Deal, 1933, by Van L. Perkins. | Berkeley, University of California Press, 1969.
E173 .C2 v.82 | Ptolemaic Itanos and Hellenistic Crete. | Berkeley, University of California Press, 1970.
E173 .C2 v.83 | Probouleusis at Athens a study of political decision-making. | Berkeley, University of California Press, 1973.
E183.8.C9 B46 2011 | Constructing US foreign policy : the curious case of Cuba / David Bernell. | Abingdon, Oxon New York : Routledge, 2011.
E580.6 32d .D8 2011 | The dead men wore boots : an account of the 32nd Texas Volunteer Cavalry, CSA, 1862-1865 / by Carl L. Duaine. | San Antonio : Las Animas Press, 2011.
F381 .T42 no.1-36 Index | Analytical index to Publications of the Texas Folklore Society, volumes 1-36 [by] James T. Bratcher. | Dallas, Southern Methodist University Press, 1973.
F381 .T42 no.2 | Coffee in the gourd. Edited by J. Frank Dobie. | Dallas, Southern Methodist University Press [1969, c1923]
F381 .T42 no.12 | Puro mexicano / edited by J. Frank Dobie. | Dallas : Southern Methodist University Press, 1969, c1935.
F381 .T42 no.23 | Texas folk songs / by William A. Owens musical transcriptions by Jessie Ann Owens. | Dallas : SMU Press, c1976.
F381 .T42 no.42 | Built in Texas / edited by Francis Edward Abernethy line drawings by Reese Kennedy. | Waco, [Tex.] : E-Heart Press, 1979.
G74 .N67 2012 | Making sense : a student's guide to research and writing : geography and environmental sciences / Margot Northey, David B. Knight, Dianne Draper. | Don Mills, Ont. : Oxford University Press, c2012.
GN269 .B57 2012 | Race decoded : the genomic fight for social justice / Catherine Bliss. | Stanford, California : Stanford University Press, [2012], 2012.
GN279.T68 C56 2012 | The deepest sense : a cultural history of touch / Constance Classen. | Urbana : University of Illinois Press, c2012.
GN380 .I357 2012 | Indigenous peoples, poverty, and development / edited by Gillette H. Hall, Harry Anthony Patrinos. | New York : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
GN635.A3 M37 2011 | Fragments of the Afghan frontier / Magnus Marsden, Benjamin D. Hopkins. | New York : Columbia University Press, c2011.
GN650.5.E8 S5213 2009 | Natural fashion : tribal decoration from Africa / Hans Silvester [translated from the French by David H. Wilson]. | New York, N.Y. : Thames & Hudson, 2009.
GT2853.U5 A74 2012 | Taco USA : how Mexican food conquered America / Gustavo Arellano. | New York : Scribner, 2012.
GV706.4 .A36 2012 | Advances in motivation in sport and exercise / Glyn C. Roberts, Darren C. Treasure, editors. | Champaign, IL : Human Kinetics, c2012.
GV852.3.S63 R36 2012 | Red nails, black skates : gender, cash, and pleasure on and off the ice / Erica Rand. | Durham London : Duke University Press, 2012.
GV943.9.F35 R36 2012 | Foreign players and football supporters : the Old Firm, Arsenal, Paris Saint-Germain / David Ranc. | Manchester New York : Manchester University Press New York, NY, USA : Distributed in the U.S. exclusively by Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
H62 .F496 2013 | Case studies for ethics in academic research in the social sciences / Leisa Reinecke Flynn, Ronald E. Goldsmith. | Thousand Oaks, Calif. : SAGE Publications, c2013.
HA31.35 .W37 2013 | Applied statistics : from bivariate through multivariate techniques / Rebecca M. Warner. | Thousand Oaks, Calif. : SAGE Publications, c2013.
HB72 .W477 2013 | Do the math! : on growth, greed, and strategic thinking / John K. White. | Thousand Oaks, Calif. : Sage Publications, Inc., c2013.
HC79.E5 T869 2011 | The leap : how to survive and thrive in the sustainable economy / Chris Turner. | Toronto : Random House Canada, c2011.
HC415.25.Z7 W472 1987 | Industrialization in the West Bank and Gaza / by Simcha Bahiri. | Jerusalem : Simcha Bahiri and the West Bank Data Project : Distributed by the Jerusalem Post, c1987.
HC820 .H85 1886 | Expose de la situation economique de la Regence de Tunis : necessite de l'assimilation des produits tunisiens aux produits algeriens a leur entree en France / Chambre de commerce de Tunis. | Tunis : Impr. francaise B. Borrel, 1886.
HD1691 | The Economics of Evaluating Water Projects Hydroelectricity Versus Other Uses. | Springer Verlag 2012.
HD9750.5 .H36 2011 | Strategic marketing in the global forest industries / Eric Hansen, Heikki Juslin. | Corvallis, OR : E. Hansen, 2011.
HF5415.3 .B323 2011 | Handbook of marketing scales : multi-item measures for marketing and consumer behavior research / [edited by] William O. Bearden, Richard G. Netemeyer, Kelly L. Haws. | Thousand Oaks, Calif. : SAGE, c2011.
HF5417 .M37 2012 | The economics of collusion : cartels and bidding rings / Robert C. Marshall and Leslie M. Marx. | Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, c2012.
HF5548.8 .P3994 2012 | Personal relationships : the effect on employee attitudes, behavior, and well-being / editors by Lillian Turner de Tormes Eby, Tammy D. Allen. | New York : Routledge Academic, 2012.
HF6146.T42 D44 2012 | Consuming reality : the commercialization of factual entertainment / June Deery. | New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
HJ4127.E42 H85 1904 | 880-02 al-Atyan wa-al-daraib fi al-qutr al-Misri / bi-qalam Jirjis Hunayn. | Bulaq, Misr : al-Matbaah al-Kubra al-Amiriyah, 1904.
HM1033 .I57 2011 | Inside social life : readings in sociological psychology and microsociology / [compiled by] Spencer E. Cahill and Kent Sandstrom. | New York, NY : Oxford University Press, c2011.
HQ76.3.I155 Q44 2012 | Queering Iberia : Iberian masculinities at the Margins / edited by Josep M. Armengol-Carrera. | New York : Peter Lang, c2012.
HQ759.913 .H64 2012 | Family consequences of children's disabilities / Dennis Hogan. | New York : Russell Sage Foundation, c2012.
HQ799.2.I5 .B87 2012 | Invisible users : youth in the Internet cafes of urban Ghana / Jenna Burrell. | Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, c2012.
HQ1034.U5 S77 2012 | Outlaw marriages : the hidden histories of fifteen extraordinary same-sex couples / Rodger Streitmatter. | Boston : Beacon Press, c2012.
HQ1206 .W8727 2012 | Women and mental disorders / Paula K. Lundberg-Love, Kevin L. Nadal, and Michele A. Paludi, editors foreword by Ellen Cole. | Santa Barbara, Calif. : Praeger, c2012.
HQ1501 .S47 2012 | Citizenship from below : erotic agency and Caribbean freedom / Mimi Sheller. | Durham : Duke University Press, 2012.
HT395.S94 I56 2012 | Innovation governance in an open economy : shaping regional nodes in a globalized world / edited by Annika Rickne, Staffan Laestadius and Henry Etzkowitz. | Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon New York : Routledge, 2012.
HV5840.L4 M37 2012 | The Lebanese connection : corruption, civil war, and the international drug traffic / Jonathan V. Marshall. | Stanford, California : Stanford University Press, 2012.
JC328.3 .C285 2012 | People power and political change : key issues and concepts / April Carter. | Abingdon, Oxon New York : Routledge, 2012.
JK2408 .S49 2011 | State and local government : sustainability in the 21st century / Christopher A. Simon, Brent S. Steel, Nicholas P. Lovrich. | New York : Oxford University Press, 2011.
JQ3842 .D389 1924 | al-Wizarat al-Misriyah fi zill hukm al-Usrah al-Alawiyah : min ibtida tashkil awal nazarah (Wizarah) masulah ila ahd iftitah al-Barlaman al-Misri, min 29 Shaban sanat 1295H (28 Agustus sanat 1878 M) ila 9 Shaban sanat 1342H (15 Mars sanat 1924 M), Tasnif Hasan Muhammad Darwish. | 880-03 Misr : Matbaat al-Ibtihaj, 1924.
JX5136 .A482 1949 | The Geneva Conventions of August 12, 1949. | Geneva : International Committee of the Red Cross, [1987?]
KF3771 .B44 2010 | Before Roe v. Wade : voices that shaped the abortion debate before the Supreme Court's ruling / edited by Linda Greenhouse and Reva Siegel. | New York : Kaplan Pub., c2010.
KF4783 .M49 2012 | Endowed by our creator : the birth of religious freedom in America / Michael I. Meyerson. | New Haven : Yale University Press, c2012.
KF4819 .B46 2012 | Run for the border : vice and virtue in U.S.-Mexico border crossings / Steven W. Bender. | New York : New York University Press, c2012.
KJA127 .L5413 2012 | Summoned to the Roman courts : famous trials from antiquity / Detlef Liebs translated by Rebecca L. R. Garber and Carole Curten. | Berkeley : University of California Press, c2012.
KRM1600 .Z53 1968 | Lawyers, the rule of law and liberalism in modern Egypt [by] Farhat J. Ziadeh. | Stanford, Calif., Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace, Stanford University, 1968.
LA1646 .A525 | 880-02 Tarikh al-talim fi asr Muhammad Ali / Ahmad Izzat Abd al-Karim kataba muqaddimatahu Muhammad Shafiq Ghirbal. | [Misr] : Maktabat al-Nahdah al-Misriyah, 1938.
LA1648 .T98 1934 | 880-01 Al-baathat al-ilmiyah fi ahd Muhammad Ali thumma fi ahday Abbas al-awwal wa-Said / Umar Tusun. | 880-02 al-Iskandariyah : Matbaat Salah al-Din, 1934.
LB125.A84 F79 1989 | Avicenna's philosophy of education : an introduction / by C. George Fry and Jon Paul Fry illustrated by Theodore Kevin Kucinsky. | Washington, C.D. [i.e. D.C.] : Three Continents Press, c1990.
LB1027 .P56 2012 | Educating young giants : what kids learn (and don't learn) in China and America / Nancy Pine. | New York, NY : Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
LB1139.3.G7 E9 2012 | Extending professional practice in the early years / edited by Linda Miller, Rose Drury and Carrie Cable. | London : SAGE, 2012.
LB1590.3 .Z94 2011 | Academic conversations : classroom talk that fosters critical thinking and content understandings / Jeff Zwiers & Marie Crawford. | Portland, Me. : Stenhouse Publishers, c2011.
LB1591 .C67 2011 | Creating meaning through literature and the arts : arts integration for classroom teachers / Claudia E. Cornett. | Boston, MA : Allyn & Bacon/Pearson, c2011.
LB1707 .C75 2010 | Critical practice in teacher education : a study of professional learning / edited by Ruth Heilbronn and John Yandell. | London : Institute of Education, University of London, 2010.
LB2844.1.N4 J65 2011 | The new elementary teacher's handbook : flourishing in your first year / Kathleen Jonson, Nancy Cappelloni, and Mary Niesyn. | Thousand Oaks, Calif. : Corwin, c2011.
M175.A4 S46 1996 | Semenov igraet svoi transkriptsii = Semyonov plays his transcriptions [sound recording]. | [Moscow, Russia] : Viatsheslav Semyonov, c1996.
M956.O79 C53 2008 | Classics and concertos [sound recording] : the Symphonic Wind Ensemble winter concert. | [Corvallis, Or.] : Oregon State University Symphonic Wind Ensemble, [2008]
M1000.C67 L38 2008 | The late winter concert [sound recording]. | Corvallis, Or. : Corvallis-OSU Symphony Orchestra, [2008]
M1000.C67 L38 2008b | The late winter concert [sound recording]. | Corvallis, Or. : Corvallis-OSU Symphony Orchestra, [2008]
M1000.C67 T86 2005 | The two McCabes concert [sound recording]. | Corvallis, Or. : Corvallis-OSU Symphony Orchestra, [2005]
M1495.O88 L89 2003 | Lux [sound recording]. | [Corvallis, Or.] : Oregon State University, c2003.
M1495.O88 O87 2006 | Oregon State University Chamber Choir [sound recording]. | Huron, OH : Soundwaves, p2006.
M1497 .C56 2001 | Choral showcase [sound recording] : 2000-2001. | [Burbank, Calif.] : Warner Bros. Publications, [2001?]
M1497.K66 O64 1997 | Opera for the hestiant [sound recording]. | [Zigzag, Or.] : Zig Zag Sound, p1997.
M1505.M69 M69 2001 | Mozart's Requiem [sound recording] : plus other favorite opera choruses. | [Corvallis, Or.] : Oregon State University Department of Music, [2001]
M1505 .O638 1999 | Opera, bel canto [sound recording]. | [Nivelles, Belgium] : SABAM p1999.
M1547.C79 C79 2004 | Crystal Children's Choir [sound recording] : 10 years of singing, learning and enjoying. | Cupertino, Calif. : Crystal Children's Choir, c2004.
M1630.18.J66 J66 2008 | Jonny Dark and the Wondertones [sound recording]. | [Portland, Or. : s.n. 2008?]
ML403 .H36 2010 | The Hammersteins : a musical theatre family / Oscar Andrew Hammerstein. | New York : Black Dog & Leventhal, c2010.
ML410.S42 L38 2011 | Wicked : a musical biography / Paul R. Laird. | Lanham, Md. : Scarecrow Press, 2011.
ML2075 .M8797 2012 | Music, sound and filmmakers : sonic style in cinema / edited by James Wierzbicki. | New York, NY Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge, 2012.
ML3187 .H39 2012 | Then sings my soul : the culture of southern gospel music / Douglas Harrison. | Urbana : University of Illinois Press, c2012.
ND2940 .I55 2011 | An index of images in English & Welsh manuscripts from the time of Chaucer to Henry VIII, c.1380-c.1509. Welsh manuscripts & English manuscripts in Wales / by Ceridwen Lloyd-Morgan general editor, Kathleen L. Scott. | [London] : Harvey Miller, c2011.
NX388.9.T3 U36 2012 | Digital drama : teaching and learning art and media in Tanzania / Paula Uimonen. | New York : Routledge, 2012.
OR Ene.5C77:2012 | Cool schools=smart savings. | [Salem, Or.] : Oregon Dept. of Energy, [2012?]
OR GM.8T78/2:2012/CDR | Tsunami inundation map TIM-Till-02, Manzanita-Nehalem, Tillamook County, Oregon [electronic resource] / by Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries. | [Portland, Or.] : State of Oregon, Dept. of Geology and Mineral Industries, 2012.
OR GM.8T78/3:2012/CDR | Tsunami inundation map TIM-Till-03, Nehalem East, Tillamook County, Oregon [electronic resource] / by Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries. | [Portland, Or.] : State of Oregon, Dept. of Geology and Mineral Industries, 2012.
OR GM.8T78/4:2012/CDR | Tsunami inundation map TIM-Till-04, Rockaway Beach, Tillamook County, Oregon [electronic resource] / by Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries. | [Portland, Or.] : State of Oregon, Dept. of Geology and Mineral Industries, 2012.
OR GM.8T78/5:2012/CDR | Tsunami inundation map TIM-Till-05, Garibaldi-Bay City, Coos [i.e. Tillamook] County, Oregon [electronic resource] / by Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries. | [Portland, Or.] : State of Oregon, Dept. of Geology and Mineral Industries, 2012.
OR GM.8T78/6:2012/CDR | Tsunami inundation map TIM-Till-06, Tillamook North, Coos [i.e. Tillamook] County, Oregon [electronic resource] / by Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries. | [Portland, Or.] : State of Oregon, Dept. of Geology and Mineral Industries, 2012.
OR GM.8T78/7:2012/CDR | Tsunami inundation map TIM-Till-07, Tillamook South, Coos [i.e. Tillamook] County, Oregon [electronic resource] / by Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries. | [Portland, Or.] : State of Oregon, Dept. of Geology and Mineral Industries, 2012.
OR T.2D49/8:2012/CDR | Development and sensitivity testing of alternative mobility metrics [electronic resource] / by John P. Gliebe and James G. Strathman for Oregon Department of Transportation, Research Section and Federal Highway Administration. | Portland, Or. : Portland State University, Center for Urban Studies, [2012]
OR T.2R22:2012/CDR | Real-time change and damage detection of landslides and other earth movements threatening public infrastructure [electronic resource] / by Micahel J. Olsen, Shawn Butcher, and Evon P. Silvia for Oregon Department of Transportation, Research Section and Oregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium (OTREC). | Corvallis, Or. : Oregon State University, [2012]
OR Y/F76.2F76/19:2011 | Oregon forests as habitat / prepared for the Oregon Forest Resources Institute by Julie Woodward ... [et al.]. | Portland, Or. : Oregon Forest Resources Institute, c2011.
PE1405.U6 M37 2012 | Writing a progressive past : women teaching and writing in the Progressive Era / Lisa Mastrangelo. | Anderson, S.C. : Parlor Press, c2012.
PJ7695.F1 A5 | Anthologie de la litterature arabe contemporaine. Pref. de Jacques Berque. | Paris, Editions du Seuil, [1964-67]
PK109.J6 F73 2011 | Orientalist Jones : Sir William Jones, poet, lawyer, and linguist, 1746-1794 / Michael J. Franklin. | Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2011.
PN1993.5.G3 O25 2012 | Post-wall German cinema and national history : Utopianism and dissent / Mary-Elizabeth O'Brien. | Rochester, N.Y. : Camden House, 2012.
PN4879 .E53 2012 | Literate zeal : gender and the making of a New Yorker ethos / Janet Carey Eldred. | Pittsburgh : University of Pittsburgh Press, c2012.
PR275.H5 E36 2011 | The neighboring text : Chaucer, Boccaccio, Henryson / George Edmondson. | Notre Dame, Ind. : University of Notre Dame Press, c2011.
PR6066.I53 Z6457 2010 | Must you go? : my life with Harold Pinter / Antonia Fraser. | New York : Nan A. Talese/Doubleday, c2010.
PS3515.E343 Z765 2012 | Lillian Hellman / editor, Carl Rollyson. | Pasadena, Calif. : Salem Press, c2012.
PS3552.A393 O84 2011 | Other desert cities : a play in two acts / John Robin Baitz introduction by Honor Moore. | New York : Grove Press [Berkeley, Calif.] : Distributed by Publishers Group West, c2011.
PS3559.V435 V46 2011 | Venus in fur : a play / David Ives. | Evanston, Ill. : Northwestern University Press, 2011.
PS3604.I1557 S75 2008 | Stick fly : a play / Lydia R. Diamond. | Evanston, Ill. : Northwestern University Press, 2008.
PS3619.T636 H45 2009 | The help / Kathryn Stockett. | New York : Amy Einhorn Books, c2009.
PT2532.S3 F7513 2012 | Friedrichsburg : colony of the German Furstenverein : a novel / by Friedrich Armand Strubberg translated, annotated, and illustrated by James C. Kearney. | Austin : University of Texas Press, 2012.
PZ8.1.C473 St | The stories of the Iliad and the Aeneid / by Alfred J. Church. | London : Seeley, 1899.
Q141 .S5635 2011 | The philosophical breakfast club : four remarkable friends who transformed science and changed the world / Laura J. Snyder. | New York : Broadway Books, c2011.
Q181 .S63 2011 | Socio-scientific issues in the classroom : teaching, learning and research / Troy D. Sadler, editor. | Dordrecht New York : Springer, c2011.
QA | Interactive 3d Multimedia Content Models for Creation, Management, Search and Presentation. | Springer-Verlag New York Inc 2012.
QA278 .H346 2012 | Applied multivariate statistical analysis / Wolfgang Karl Hardle, Leopold Simar. | Heidelberg New York : Springer, c2012.
QA279.5 .B3868 2011 | Bayesian ideas and data analysis : an introduction for scientists and statisticians / Ronald Christensen ... [et al.]. | Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, c2011.
QA279.5 .R84 2012 | Bayesian analysis of stochastic process models / Fabrizio Ruggeri, Michael P. Wiper, David Rios Insua. | Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley, 2012.
QC174.12 .E96 2012 | The Everett interpretation of quantum mechanics : collected works 1955-1980 with commentary / Hugh Everett III edited by Jeffrey A. Barrett and Peter Byrne. | Princeton [N.J.] : Princeton University Press, c2012.
QC176.8.E4 C3 2012 | Orbital approach to the electronic structure of solids / by Enric Canadell, Marie-Liesse Doublet, Christophe Iung. | Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2012.
QC774.B4 S39 2012 | Nuclear forces : the making of the physicist Hans Bethe / Silvan S. Schweber. | Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 2012.
QE791 .P55 2011 | The evolutionary history of nematodes : as revealed in stone, amber and mummies / George O. Poinar, Jr. | Leiden Boston : Brill, 2011.
QH | NMR of biomolecules : towards mechanistic systems biology / edited by Ivano Bertini, Kathleen S. McGreevy, Giacomo Parigi. | Weinheim : Wiley-VCH Chichester : John Wiley [distributor], 2012.
QH323.5 .S63 2012 | Biometry : the principles and practice of statistics in biological research / Robert R. Sokal and F. James Rohlf. | New York : W.H. Freeman, c2012.
QH541 .E31933 2011 | Ecology / Michael L. Cain, William D. Bowman, Sally D. Hacker. | Sunderland, Mass. : Sinauer Associates, c2011.
QH541.5.S3 M55 2012 | Biological oceanography / Charles B. Miller and Patricia A. Wheeler. | Chichester, West Sussex Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell, 2012.
QL698.7 .K36 2012 | Migration on wings : aerodynamics and energetics / Lakshmi Kantha. | Heidelberg New York : Springer, c2012.
QL713.2 .B475 2012 | Return to the sea : the life and evolutionary times of marine mammals / Annalisa Berta illustrated by James L. Sumich and Carl Buell. | Berkeley, CA : University of California Press, 2012.
QR181 .P64 2012 | The limits of the self : immunology and biological identity / Thomas Pradeu translated from French by Elizabeth Vitanza. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, c2012.
RA410 .E46 2012 | The Elgar companion to health economics / edited by Andrew M. Jones. | Cheltenham, UK Northampton, MA : Edward Elgar, c2012.
RC489.P72 B47 2011 | Inside out and outside in : psychodynamic clinical theory and psychopathology in contemporary multicultural contexts / edited by Joan Berzoff, Laura Melano Flanagan, and Patricia Hertz. | Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., c2011.
RC552.E18 L58 2007 | Gaining : the truth about life after eating disorders / Aimee Liu. | New York : Warner Books, 2007.
RJ101 .S655 2011 | Nutrition, health, and safety for young children : promoting wellness / Joanne Sorte, Inge Daeschel, Carolina Amador. | Boston : Pearson, c2011.
RJ504 .B57 2008 | Child and adolescent psychotherapy / by Peter Blake. | London : Karnac, c2008.
RM139 .P74 2012 | Prescribed : writing, filling, using, and abusing the prescription in modern America / edited by Jeremy A. Greene and Elizabeth Siegel Watkins. | Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2012.
RM292.4.C67 R66 2012 | The quest for cortisone / Thom Rooke. | East Lansing : Michigan State University Press, c2012.
RM301.3.G45 P396 2011 | Pharmacogenetics and individualized therapy / edited by Anke-Hilse Maitland-van der Zee, Ann K. Daly. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2011.
SB111 .C37 2012 | Advances in irrigation agronomy : plantation crops / M.K.V. Carr with contributions from Rob Lockwood [and] Jerry Knox. | New York : Cambridge University Press, c2012.
SB466.G75 L645 2012 | The London Square : gardens in the midst of town / Todd Longstaffe-Gowan. | New Haven [Conn.] : Yale University Press [London] : Paul Mellon Center for Studies in British Art, c2012.
SF917 .E96 2013 | Exotic animal formulary / editor, James W. Carpenter associate editor, Christopher J. Marion. | St. Louis, Mo. : Elsevier, c2013.
SH155.5 .D86 2011 | Aquaculture and fisheries biotechnology : genetic approaches / Rex A. Dunham. | Wallingford, Oxfordshire, UK Cambridge, MA : CABI, c2011.
T11 .N67 2012 | Making sense : a student's guide to research and writing : engineering and the technical sciences / Margot Northey, Judi Jewinski. | Don Mills, Ont. : Oxford University Press, c2012.
TA654.6 .C466 2012 | Dynamics of structures : theory and applications to earthquake engineering / Anil K. Chopra. | Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Prentice Hall, c2012.
TJ | Condition Monitoring Using Computational Intelligence Methods Applications in Mechanical and Electrical Systems. | Springer Verlag 2012.
TJ810 .M18 2012 | Solar energy fundamentals / by Robert K. McMordie edited by Mitchel C. Brown, Robert S. Stoughton. | Lilburn, GA : Fairmont Press Boca Raton, FL : Distributed by Taylor & Francis, c2012.
TK | Disruptive Logic Architectures and Technologies From Device to System Level. | Springer Verlag 2012.
TK2950 .T533 2012 | Thermoelectrics and its energy harvesting / edited by D.M. Rowe. | Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, c2012.
TK7874.84 .G727 2012 | Graphene nanoelectronics : from materials to circuits / Raghu Murali, editor foreword by Jeff Welser. | New York London : Springer, c2012.
TS183 .S65 2010 | Laser material processing / William M. Steen, Jyotirmoy Mazumder. | London Dordrecht Heidelberg New York : Springer, 2010.
TT496.U6 B87 2011 | The business of fashion : designing, manufacturing, and marketing / Leslie Davis Burns, Kathy K. Mullet, Nancy O. Bryant. | New York : Fairchild London : Bloomsbury [distributor], c2011.
TX392 .S56 2010 | Sistah vegan : black female vegans speak on food, identity, health, and society : / A. Breeze Harper, editor . | New York : Lantern Books, 2010.
U153 .O337 2009 | The science of war : defense budgeting, military technology, logistics, and combat outcomes / Michael E. O'Hanlon. | Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, c2009.
UG630 .V285 2011 | The age of airpower / Martin van Creveld. | New York : PublicAffairs, c2011.
Z857.E3 M86 1947 | Guide des principales bibliotheques publiques du Caire et d'Alexandrie, par Henri Munier et Jacques Tagher. | Le Caire, Maison d'etitions al-Maaref, 1947.