Call number | Title | Publisher |
AM121.R68 2011 | Routledge Companion to Museum Ethics [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2012.
B765.A84 | Archbishop Anselm 1093-1109 [electronic resource] : Bec missionary, Canterbury primate, patriarch of another world / Sally N. Vaughn. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2012.
B831.2.R6795 2011 | The Routledge Companion to Postmodernism [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2012.
B945.S444 M34 2012 | The Pittsburgh school of philosophy : Sellars, McDowell, Brandom / Chauncey Maher. | New York : Routledge, 2012.
B2430.B43 B426 2012 | Bergson, politics, and religion / Alexandre Lefebvre and Melanie White, editors. | Durham : Duke University Press, 2012.
B2798 .K2263 2012 | Kant's Observations and Remarks [electronic resource] : A Critical Guide. | Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
B3313.J43 C53 2012 | The soul of Nietzsche's Beyond good and evil / Maudemarie Clark, David Dudrick. | New York : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
BD215 .Z47 2012 | Doubt and Skepticism in Antiquity and the Renaissance [electronic resource]. | Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
BD648 | Matter and Form in Early Modern Science and Philosophy [electronic resource]. | Leiden : BRILL, 2012.
BF76.4 .O94 2012 | The Oxford handbook of international psychological ethics / edited by Mark M. Leach ... [et al.]. | New York : Oxford University Press, c2012.
BF121 .V59 2012 | Psychologisation in Times of Globalisation [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2012.
BF311 .T685 2012 | Training Cognition [electronic resource] : Optimizing Efficiency, Durability, and Generalizability. | Hoboken : Taylor and Francis, 2012.
BF341 .G56 2012 | The nature-nurture debate : bridging the gap / Dale Goldhaber, University of Vermont. | Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
BF482 .H36 2012 | The Handbook of Operator Fatigue [electronic resource]. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2012.
BF637.I48 | The Dynamics of Conflict [electronic resource] : a Guide to Engagement and Intervention / Bernard S. Mayer. | Hoboken [N. J.] : John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
BF719 .I545 2012 | Infant Observation and Research [electronic resource] : Emotional Processes in Everyday Lives. | Hoboken : Taylor and Francis, 2012.
BJ1725 .D45 2012eb | Just culture [electronic resource] : balancing safety and accountability / by Sidney Dekker. | Farnham, Surrey, England Burlington, VT : Ashgate, [2012]
BL65.I55 H43 2012 | Religious transnational actors and soft power [electronic resource] / by Jeffrey Haynes. | Farnham, Surrey, England Burlington, VT : Ashgate, 2012.
BL65.P7A49 2011 | Religion and Democracy [electronic resource] : A Worldwide Comparison. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2012.
BL65.W67 D55 2011 | Dignity of work : theological and interdisciplinary perspectives / edited by Kenneth Mtata. | Minneapolis, Minnesota : Lutheran University Press, [2011]
BL80.3 .P45 2011 | Philosophical Explorations of New and Alternative Religious Movements [electronic resource]. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2012.
BP50 | The lineaments of Islam [electronic resource] : studies in honor of Fred McGraw Donner / edited by Paul M. Cobb. | Leiden Boston : Brill, c2012.
BP173.75 | Islam and Sustainable Development [electronic resource] : New Worldviews. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2012.
BQ4960.V5 S68 2012 | The Buddha side : gender, power, and Buddhist practice in Vietnam / Alexander Soucy. | Honolulu : University of Hawaii Press, c2012.
BR67 .T87 2012eb | Truthfulness, realism, historicity [electronic resource] : a study in late antique spiritual literature / Peter Turner. | Farnham, Surrey, England Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2012.
BR128.B8 M88 2012 | Christianity and the notion of nothingness [electronic resource] : contributions to Buddhist-Christian dialogue from the Kyoto school / by Muto Kazuo edited by Martin Repp in collaboration with and translated by Jan van Bragt. | Leiden : BRILL, 2012.
BS445 | Shaping the Bible in the Reformation [electronic resource] : books, scholars, and their readers in the sixteenth century / edited by Bruce Gordon, Matthew McLean. | Leiden Boston : Brill, 2012.
BS2860.B42 I5 1967 | Injil Barnaba / tarjumah-i Murtaza Fahim Kirmani. | [Qum] : Markaz-i Pakhsh, [198-]
BT675 .M513 2012 | Gonzalo de Berceo and the Latin Miracles of the Virgin [electronic resource] : a Translation and a Study. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2012.
D16.2 | Essaying the Past [electronic resource] : How to Read, Write and Think about History. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
D16.2.D586 2011 | Doing History [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2012.
D121 .V57 2012 | Visions of Community in the Post-Roman World [electronic resource] : the West, Byzantium and the Islamic World, 300-1100. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2012.
D127 .C8 1930 | Scenes & characters of the Middle Ages / by Edward L. Cutts. | London : Simpkin Marshall, 1930.
D772.O77 S33 2012 | Many were held by the sea : the tragic sinking of HMS Otranto / R. Neil Scott foreword by Lord George Islay MacNeill Robertson. | Lanham, Md. : Rowman & Littlefield, c2012.
D788 .H54 2012 | Two roads to war : the French and British air arms from Versailles to Dunkirk / Robin Higham. | Annapolis, Md. : Naval Institute Press, c2012.
D818 .B47 2012eb | War, guilt, and world politics after World War II [electronic resource] / Thomas U. Berger. | Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
DA185 .B25 1924 | Mediaeval England. | Oxford [England] : Clarendon Press New York : Oxford University Press, 1924.
DA415 .C362 1857 | The great civil war of the times of Charles I. and Cromwell / by Richard Cattermole with thirty highly-finished engravings, from drawings by George Cattermole. | London : Henry G. Bohn, 1857.
DA415 .R556 2012 | Horses, People and Parliament in the English Civil War [electronic resource] : Extracting Resources and Constructing Allegiance. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2012.
DA630 .F68 1918 | England / by Frank Fox with 64 full-page illustrations in colour. | London : A&C. Black, 1918.
DB2087 .K35 2012eb | Anatomy of a duchy [electronic resource] : the political and ecclesiastical structures of early Premyslid Bohemia / by David Kalhous. | Leiden Boston : Brill, 2012.
DG420 .F6 1918 | Italy / by Frank Fox with 64 full-page illustrations in colour. | London : A. & C. Black, 1918.
DG842.5 .F57 1904 | Naples, painted by Augustine Fitzgerald described by Sybil Fitzgerald. | London, A. and C. Black [1904]
DG975.L2 B18 1905 | The Italian lakes / painted by Ella DuCane described by Richard Bagot. | London : Adam and Charles Black, [1905]
DH433 .O56 1908 | Belgium painted by Amedee Forestier, text by George W.T. Omond. | London, A. & C. Black, 1908.
DL417 .P7 1853 | Norway and its scenery : comprising the journal of a tour by Edward Price with considerable additions and a road-book for tourists, with hints to anglers and sportsmen / edited and compiled by Thomas Forester. | London : Henry G. Bohn, 1853.
DS341.S235 2011 | The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) [electronic resource] : An emerging collaboration architecture. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2012.
DT70 .W5 | Among the huts in Egypt. Scenes from real life. | London, Seeley, Jackson, & Halliday, 1871.
DT106 .D34 1878 | The Khedive's Egypt or, The old house of bondage under new masters. By Edwin De Leon. | New York, Harper & brothers, 1878.
DT116 .A54 1879 | 880-02 Kitab nukhbat al-fikr fi tadbir Nil Misr / talif Ali Mubarak. | 880-05 al-Qahirah : Matbaat Wadi al-Nil, 1297 [1879]
DT154.S9 S55 1959 | al-Sakhrah fi hafr Qanat al-Suways. | al-Iskandariyah : Manshaat al-Maarif, 1959.
E125.C4 C525 2012eb | Bartolome de las Casas [electronic resource] : a biography / Lawrence A. Clayton. | Cambridge New York : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
G3841.C51 s100 U5 | Geologic map index of Maryland, Delaware, and the District of Columbia / by H. Kit Fuller. | [Reston, Va.?] : Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, 1987.
G3891.C51 1985 U5G4 | Geologic map index of West Virginia / Department of the Interior, United States Geological Survey. | [Reston, Va.] : The Survey, 1985.
G3911.C51 1986 U5 | Geologic map index of South Carolina / Department of the Interior, United States Geological Survey. | [Reston, Va.] : The Survey, 1986.
G3981.C51 1989 U5G4 | Geologic map index of Mississippi / Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey. | [Reston, Va.?] : The Survey, 1989.
G4081.C51 1987 .U5G4 | Geologic map index of Ohio / Department of the Interior, United States Geological Survey. | [Reston, Va.] : The Survey, 1987.
G4091.C5 1987 .U5 | Geologic map index of Indiana / Department of the Interior, United States Geological Survey. | [Reston, Va.] : The Survey, 1987.
G4101.C51 1987 .U5 | Geologic map index of Illinois / Department of the Interior, United States Geological Survey. | [Reston, Va.] : The Survey, 1987.
G4151.C51 1987 .U5 | Geologic map index of Iowa / Department of the Interior, United States Geological Survey. | [Reston, Va.] : The Survey, 1987.
G4171.C51 1985 .U5 | Geologic map index of North Dakota / Department of the Interior, United States Geological Survey. | Reston, Va. : The Survey, 1985.
G4191.C51 1985 .U5 | Geologic map index of Nebraska / Department of the Interior, United States Geological Survey. | [Reston, Va.] : The Survey, 1985.
G4341.C51 1988 .U5G4 | Geologic map index of Utah / Department of the Interior, United States Geological Survey. | [Reston, Va.?] : The Survey, 1988.
GB705.F5 S94 2011 | Florida's Water [electronic resource] : A Fragile Resource in a Vulnerable State. | Hoboken : Taylor and Francis, 2012.
GN74 .C73 2012 | Craniofacial Identification [electronic resource]. | Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
GN289 | Consanguinity in context [electronic resource] / Alan H. Bittles. | New York : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
GV351 .M377 2012 | The Handbook of College Athletics and Recreation Administration [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
GV721.5 .G37 2012 | The Olympic games and cultural policy / Beatriz Garcia. | New York : Routledge, 2012.
GV1469.3 | Game invaders [electronic resource] : the theory and understanding of computer games / Clive Fencott ... [et al.]. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, 2012.
HB74.P65 B38 2012 | The Economics of Freedom [electronic resource] : Theory, Measurement, and Policy Implications. | Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
HB144 .H455 2012 | Game Theory [electronic resource] : Interactive Strategies in Economics and Management. | Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
HC79.E5 S86453 | Surviving the Century [electronic resource] : Facing Climate Chaos and Other Global Challenges. | Hoboken : Taylor and Francis, 2012.
HC435.3 .M355 2012 | India's Late, Late Industrial Revolution [electronic resource] : Democratizing Entrepreneurship. | Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
HD30.28 .N66 2012eb | Pragmatic Strategy [electronic resource] : Eastern Wisdom, Global Success. | Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
HD57.7.R683 2011 | The Power of Paradox [electronic resource] : The Protean Leader and Leading in Uncertain Times. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2012.
HD62.6 .G74 2012 | Managing to Change the World [electronic resource] : The Nonprofit Manager's Guide to Getting Results. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
HD66 .B365 2012 | Building Better Teams [electronic resource] : 70 Tools and Techniques for Strengthening Performance Within and Across Teams. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
HD66 .F76 2012 | Team Turnarounds [electronic resource] : A Playbook for Transforming Underperforming Teams. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
HD69.P75 | The Spirit of Project Management [electronic resource]. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2012.
HD82 .S84577 2012 | Structural Dynamics and Economic Growth [Electronic book]. / Edited by Richard Arena, Pier Luigi Porta. | Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
HD1476.A3 L63 2011 | Keeping it in the Family [electronic resource] : International Perspectives on Succession and Retirement on Family Farms. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2012.
HD1485.P5 | Patrons of History [electronic resource] : Nobility, Capital and Political Transitions in Poland. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2012.
HD2755.5 .I588513 2012 | Managing Corporate Values in Diverse National Cultures [electronic resource] : The Challenge of Differences. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2012.
HD4841.H47 2011 | Heritage, Labour and the Working Classes [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2012.
HD6056.2.U6 F53 2012 | Women still at work : professionals over sixty and on the job / Elizabeth S. Fideler. | Lanham, Md. : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, c2012.
HD9000.5 .O67 2012eb | Food, globalization and sustainability [electronic resource] / Peter Oosterveer and David A. Sonnenfeld. | London New York : Earthscan, 2012.
HD9696.2.U64 .A67325 2012 | Design like Apple [electronic resource] : seven principles for creating insanely great products, services, and experiences / John Edson with Ernest Beck. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
HD9720.5 .F567 2012eb | Service Business Development [electronic resource] : Strategies for Value Creation in Manufacturing Firms. | Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
HD9865.G72 | The British textile trade in South America in the nineteenth century [electronic resource] / Manuel Llorca-Jana. | Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
HF5736 .W733 2011eb | Effective document and data management [electronic resource] : unlocking corporate content / by Bob Wiggins. | Burlington, VT : Gower Pub., 2011.
HG173 .W495 2012 | Visual Guide to Financial Markets [electronic resource]. | New York : John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
HG1611 | The Principles of Banking [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
HG4026 .R388 2013 | Redefining business models : strategies for a financialized world / Colin Haslam ... [et al.]. | London New York : Routledge, 2013.
HG4028.D5 | Get rich with dividends [electronic resource] : a proven system for earning double-digit returns / Marc Lichtenfeld. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, 2012.
HG4538 .G36 2011 | Investing in emerging markets [electronic resource] : the rules of the game / William B. Gamble. | Berkeley, CA : Apress New York : Distributed to the book trade by Springer, c2011.
HG4952 | Investing in the high yield municipal market [electronic resource] : how to profit from the current municipal credit crisis and earn attractive tax-exempt interest income / Triet Nguyen. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, 2012.
HJ4413 .A7813 1888 | Al-Ahkam al-mariyah fi shan al-aradi al-Misriyah / li-muallifihi Yaqub Artin Basha muarrab bi-qalam Said Ammun bi-musaadat saadat al-muallif. | Bulaq : al-Matbaah al-Kubra al-Amiriyah, 1306 [1888]
HM811.M67 2011 | Moral Panic and the Politics of Anxiety [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2012.
HM841 .M625 2012 | Liberal bourgeois Protestantism [electronic resource] : the metaphysics of globalization / by Paul C. Mocombe. | Leiden Boston : Brill, 2012.
HM1276 .C535 2012 | Foundations of freedom : welfare-based arguments against paternalism / Simon R. Clarke. | New York : Routledge, 2012.
HN400.V64 L48 2011 | Partners for Good [electronic resource] : Business, Government and the Third Sector. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2012.
HN530.2.A8 S245 2012 | Rethinking Class in Russia [electronic resource]. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2012.
HQ71 .S3964 2012 | Sex offenders : punish, help, change or control? : theory, policy and practice explored / edited by Jo Brayford, Francis Cowe, John Deering. | London New York : Routledge, 2012.
HQ76.27.Y68 C68 2011 | Queer Youth Suicide, Culture and Identity [electronic resource] : Unliveable Lives?. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2012.
HQ118 .P77 2011 | Prostitution, Harm and Gender Inequality [electronic resource] : Theory, Research and Policy. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2012.
HQ766.5.U5 H65 2012 | The birth control clinic in a marketplace world / Rose Holz. | Rochester, NY : University of Rochester Press, 2012.
HQ767.9 | Independent Child Migrations [electronic resource] : New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, No. 136. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
HQ767.9 .C75 2012eb | Critical geographies of childhood and youth [electronic resource] : contemporary policy and practice / edited by Peter Kraftl, John Horton and Faith Tucker. | Bristol, UK Chicago, IL : Policy Press, 2012.
HQ1032 .T73 2012 | Transnational marriage : new perspectives from Europe and beyond / edited by Katharine Charsley. | New York : Routledge, 2012.
HQ1061 .A36 2012eb | Adult lives [electronic resource] : a life course perspective / edited by Jeanne Katz, Sheila Peace, Sue Spurr. | Bristol : Policy Milton Keynes : Open University, 2012.
HQ1742 | The government of social life in colonial India [electronic resource] : liberalism, religious law, and women's rights / Rachel Sturman. | Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
HQ1742 .S7888 2012 | The government of social life in colonial India : liberalism, religious law, and women's rights / Rachel Sturman. | New York : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
HT166 .K3595 2012eb | Planning Olympic legacies [electronic resource] : transport dreams and urban realities / Eva Kassens-Noor. | Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon New York : Routledge, 2012.
HT166 .R655 2012 | Complexity and planning [electronic resource] : systems, assemblages and simulations / edited by Gert de Roo, Jean Hillier, Joris van Wezemael. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2012.
HT388 | Daily Spatial Mobilities [electronic resource] : Physical and Virtual. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2012.
HT391 | Neighbourhood planning [electronic resource] : communities, networks and governance / Nick Gallent and Steve Robinson. | Bristol : Policy, 2012.
HT391 .O84 2012 | Uncovering the Unconscious Dimensions of Planning [electronic resource] : Using Culture as a Tool to Analyse Spatial Planning Practices. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2012.
HV41 .C75 2012eb | Critical perspectives on user involvement [electronic resource] / edited by Marian Barnes and Phil Cotterell. | Bristol : Policy, 2012.
HV4480 .P76 2012 | Professional lives, personal struggles : ethics and advocacy in research on homelessness / edited by Trenna Valado and Randall Amster. | Lanham, Md. : Lexington Books, c2012.
HV6025 .H35 2012 | Theorizing crime & deviance [electronic resource] : a new perspective / Steve Hall. | London Thousand Oaks, Calif. : Sage, 2012
HV6431 .A122 2011 | 9/11 Ten Years After [electronic resource] : Perspectives and Problems. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2012.
HV6433.E85 K37 2012eb | 9/11 and the Design of Counterterrorism Institutions [electronic resource] | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2012.
HV6533.O7 Z33 2012 | A silence of mockingbirds : the memoir of a murder / by Karen Spears Zacharias. | San Francisco, CA : MacAdam/Cage, c2012.
HV6542 .R34 2011 | The Human Factors of Fratricide [electronic resource]. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2012.
HV6556 .H39 2012 | Sex, Crime and Morality [electronic resource]. | Taylor & Francis 2012.
HV6773 | Policing Cyber Hate, Cyber Threats and Cyber Terrorism [electronic resource]. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2012.
JA71 .W4559 2012eb | Political philosophy [electronic resource] : a historical introduction / Michael J. White. | New York : Oxford University Press, c2012.
JA86 .B55 2012 | Designing case studies : explanatory approaches in small-n research / Joachim Blatter, Markus Haverland. | Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire New York, NY : Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
JC273 .C585 2012 | External Intervention and the Politics of State Formation [electronic resource] : China, Indonesia, and Thailand, 1893-1952. | Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
JC423.H582 2011 | Democracy Promotion and Conflict-Based Reconstruction [electronic resource] : The United States & Democratic Consolidation in Bosnia, Afghanistan & Iraq. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2012.
JK1967 .J43 2012 | Ideology and Spatial Voting in American Elections [electronic resource]. | Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
JN30 .E94118 2012 | The European Union after Lisbon [electronic resource] : Polity, Politics, Policy. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2012.
JN5593 .M37 2012 | Media Practices and Protest Politics [electronic resource] : How Precarious Workers Mobilise. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2012.
JQ1826.A58K43 2011 | Islamic Revivalism in Syria [electronic resource] : The Rise and Fall of Ba'thist Secularism. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2012.
JQ1849.A91 | Democracy in Iraq [electronic resource] : History, Politics, Discource. | Farnham : Ashgate Publishing Ltd, 2012.
JV412 .L67 2012eb | Proconsuls [electronic resource] : delegated political-military leadership from Rome to America today / Carnes Lord. | Cambridge New York : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
JZ1242 .S6635 2012 | Power and Progress [electronic resource] : International Politics in Transition. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2012.
JZ1615 .T77 2012 | Russia and the West from Alexander to Putin [electronic resource] : Honor in International Relations. | Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
JZ1734 .K38 2012 | The Ashgate Research Companion to Chinese Foreign Policy [electronic resource]. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2012.
JZ5588.S747 2011 | Regional Powers and Security Orders [electronic resource] : A Theoretical Framework. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2012.
JZ6390 .D46 2012 | Theories of Violent Conflict [electronic resource] : An introduction. | Hoboken : Taylor and Francis, 2012.
K564.P83 | Law against the state [electronic resource] : ethnographic forays into law's transformations / [edited by] Julia Eckert ... [et al.]. | Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
K1066.A949 2011 | The Legal and Regulatory Aspects of Islamic Banking [electronic resource] : A Comparative Look at the United Kingdom and Malaysia. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2012.
K1089 .M836 2012 | The Global Anti-Money Laundering Regulatory Landscape in Less Developed Countries [electronic resource]. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2012.
K3247 .P85 2012eb | Indigenous Rights in the Age of the UN Declaration [electronic resource]. | Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
K3791 | Heritage under siege [electronic resource] : military implementation of cultural property protection following the 1954 Hague Convention / by Joris D. Kila. | Leiden Boston : Koninklijke Brill NV, 2012.
K4610.Y43 2012 | The Interaction between World Trade Organisation (WTO) Law and External International Law [electronic resource] : The Constrained Openness of WTO Law (A Prologue to a Theory). | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2012.
KB190 .J36 2012 | Judging in the Islamic, Jewish and Zoroastrian legal traditions [electronic resource] : a comparison of theory and practice / by Janos Jany. | Farnham, Surrey, England Burlington, VT : Ashgate Pub. Company, 2012.
KD1641 | Practical Guide to the NEC3 Professional Services Contract [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
KD2965.P75 M58 2011eb | Legal issues across counselling & psychotherapy settings [electronic resource] : a guide for practice / Barbara Mitchels and Tim Bond. | Los Angeles : Sage, 2011.
KD4080 .B73 2012eb | Proportionality and Deference under the UK Human Rights Act [electronic resource] : An Institutionally Sensitive Approach. | Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
KD4139.P65 K83 2012 | Socio-Legal Integration [electronic resource] : Polish Post-2004 EU Enlargement Migrants in the United Kingdom. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2012.
KF517 .L68 2012 | Loving v. Virginia in a Post-Racial World [electronic resource] : Rethinking Race, Sex, and Marriage. | Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
KF4749 .K557 2012eb | Judging Social Rights [electronic resource]. | Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
KF4754.5 .C43 2012 | Critical Queer Studies [electronic resource] : Law, Film, and Fiction in Contemporary American Culture. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2012.
KF9630 .S38 2012eb | More essential than ever [electronic resource] : the Fourth Amendment in the twenty-first century / by Stephen J. Schulhofer. | New York : Oxford University Press, 2012.
KJC6057 | Fragmented State Power and Forced Migration [electronic resource] : A Study on Non-State Actors in Refugee Law. | Leiden : BRILL, 2012.
KJE5124 .V66 2012 | Dual nationality in the European Union [electronic resource] : a study on changing norms in public and private international law and in the municipal laws of four EU member states / by Olivier W. Vonk. | Leiden : BRILL, 2012.
KKE2467.M56 T75 2012 | Old and New Islam in Greece [electronic resource] : From Historical Minorities to Immigrant Newcomers. | Leiden : BRILL, 2012.
KNC108 .A76 2012 | Reforming Justice [electronic resource] : a Journey to Fairness in Asia. | Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
KNQ9357 | Policing in Hong Kong [electronic resource] / Kam C. Wong. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2012.
LA2317.T4878 R39 2012 | Charles H. Thompson : policy entrepreneur of the Civil Rights movement,1932-1954 / Louis Ray. | Madison, N.J. : Fairleigh Dickinson University Press Lanham, Md. : Rowman & Littlefield Pub. Group, c2012.
LB1025.3 .M64 2012 | Teaching and Learning [electronic resource] : Pedagogy, Curriculum and Culture. | Hoboken : Taylor and Francis, 2012.
LB1028 .W519175 2012 | When Can You Trust the Experts [electronic resource] : How to Tell Good Science from Bad in Education. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
LB1028.3 | Teaching and Learning in the Digital Age [electronic resource]. | London : Taylor and Francis, 2012.
LB1044.9.C59 T43 2012 | Teaching comics and graphic narratives : essays on theory, strategy and practice / edited by Lan Dong foreword by Robert G. Weiner. | Jefferson, N.C. : McFarland, c2012.
LB1047 .C73 2012eb | The outdoor classroom ages 3-7 [electronic resource] : using ideas from forest schools to enrich learning / Karen Constable edited by Sandy Green. | Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon New York : Routledge, 2012.
LB2326.3 .L384 2012 | Multilevel Modeling Techniques and Applications in Institutional Research [electronic resource] : New Directions in Institutional Research, No. 154. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
LB2331.5 | Dual Enrollment [electronic resource] : New Directions for Higher Education. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
LC93.G7 | Networks, new governance and education [electronic resource] / Stephen J. Ball and Carolina Junemann. | Bristol Chicago, IL : The Policy Press 2012.
LC148.15 .H33 2012 | Increasing Persistence [electronic resource] : Research-based Strategies for College Student Success. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
LC149 .N49 2012 | New Media Literacies and Participatory Popular Culture Across Borders [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor and Francis, 2012.
LC213.2 .C37 2012 | Stubborn roots : race, culture, and inequality in U.S. and South African schools / Prudence L. Carter. | New York : Oxford University Press, c2012.
LC311 .S5485 2013 | Education and human values : reconciling talent with an ethics of care / Michael Slote. | New York : Routledge, 2013.
LC574 .D68 2011 | The cross and the academy : occasional papers and addresses, 1975-2009 / Paul J. Dovre. | Minneapolis, Minn. : Lutheran University Press, c2011.
LC1091.R83 2011 | Making Citizens [electronic resource] : Transforming Civic Learning for Diverse Social Studies Classrooms. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2012.
LC3731.D58 2011 | Diversity in American Higher Education [electronic resource] : Toward a More Comprehensive Approach. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2012.
LC4704 .B56 2012 | Educating Children and Young People with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders [electronic resource] : Constructing Personalised Pathways to Learning. | Hoboken : Taylor and Francis, 2012.
LC4717.E36 2011 | Educating Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders [electronic resource] : Research-Based Principles and Practices. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2012.
LD6241.7 | Stepping Up to Stepping Out [electronic resource] : New Directions for Student Services. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
ML134.B96 T9 2013 | William Byrd [electronic resource] : A Research and Information Guide. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2012.
ML285.4 .M89 2012 | Music and Performance Culture in Nineteenth-Century Britain [electronic resource] : Essays in Honour of Nicholas Temperley. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2012.
ML3534 .D315 2012 | Anyone Can Do It [electronic resource] : Empowerment, Tradition and the Punk Underground. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2012.
ML3830 | Bad vibrations [electronic resource] : the history of the idea of music as cause of disease / James Kennaway. | Farnham, Surrey Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2012.
ML3917 .T9 H43 2012 | Turkish Metal [electronic resource] : Music, Meaning, and Morality in a Muslim Society. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2012.
N7480 .A772 2012eb | Art history and visual studies in Europe [electronic resource] : transnational discourses and national frameworks / ed. by Matthew Rampley ... [et al.]. | Leiden Boston : Brill, 2012.
NA2542.36 .H46 2012 | Becoming a Green Building Professional [electronic resource] : A Guide to Careers in Sustainable Architecture, Design, Engineering, Development, and Operations. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
NC980.5.G67 Y68 2012 | Balzac, Grandville, and the Rise of Book Illustration [electronic resource]. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2012.
NC1766.U52 D594 2012 | The Idea of Nature in Disney Animation [electronic resource] : From Snow White to WALL-E. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2012.
P123 .W384 2012 | Projects in Linguistics and Language Studies [electronic resource]. | London : Hodder Education, 2012.
P301.5.I34 P55 2012 | Widespread idioms in Europe and beyond : toward a lexicon of common figurative units / Elisabeth Piirainen. | New York : Peter Lang, c2012.
PA3131 .R88 2012eb | Greek Tragic Style [electronic resource] : Form, Language and Interpretation. | Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
PA6374 .W37 2012eb | Claudian and the Roman epic tradition [electronic resource] / Catherine Ware. | Cambridge New York : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
PJ992 | The Afroasiatic languages [electronic resource] / edited by Zygmunt Frajzyngier, Erin Shay. | Cambridge New York : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
PL733.1186.A65 S67 2012 | Optical Allusions [electronic resource] : Screens, Paintings, and Poetry in Classical Japan (ca. 800-1200). | Leiden : BRILL, 2012.
PN725 .C7 1920b | Ariosto, Shakespeare and Corneille / by Benedetto Croce translated by Douglas Ainslie. | London : Allen & Unwin, [1920];Also available as electronic reproduction. Chicago : University of Chicago Library, [2006]
PN1993.5.K6Y43 2011 | Korea's Occupied Cinemas, 1893-1948 [electronic resource] : The Untold History of the Film Industry. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2012.
PN1994 | A companion to early cinema [electronic resource] / edited by Andre Gaudreault, Nicolas Dulac, Santiago Hidalgo assisted by Pierre Chemartin. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
PN2474.M44 B8413 2012 | Amacio Mazzaropi in the film and culture of Brazil : after cinema novo / Eva Paulino Bueno. | New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
PN6231 .N5 .W35 2012 | The Dozens [electronic resource] : a History of Rap's Mama. | Oxford : Oxford University Press, USA, 2012.
PR428.I59 P74 2012 | Railing, Reviling, and Invective in English Literary Culture, 1588-1617 [electronic resource] : the Anti-Poetics of Theater and Print. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2012.
PR651 .M66 2012 | Europe's Languages on England's Stages, 1590-1620 [electronic resource]. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2012.
PR3091.R68 2012 | The Routledge Companion to Actors' Shakespeare [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2012.
PR3617.P2 Z56 1828 | Memoirs of the life, writings, and opinions of the Rev. Samuel Parr, LL.D. with biographical notice of many of his friends, pupils, and contemporaries. By the Rev. William Field. | London, H. Colburn, 1828.
PR4588 .P38 2012eb | Charles Dickens and 'Boz' [electronic resource] : the birth of the industrial-age author / Robert L. Patten. | Cambridge New York : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
PR9199.3.A8 Z88 2012 | The political in Margaret Atwood's fiction [electronic resource] : the writing on the wall of the tent / Theodore F. Sheckels. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2012.
PS3333 .A98 2012eb | The life and works of Augusta Jane Evans Wilson, 1835-1909 [electronic resource] / by Brenda Ayres. | Farnham, Surrey, England : Ashgate Publishing Limited Burlington, VT, USA : Ashgate Publishing Company, [2012]
QA76.59 M37 2011eb | Beginning iOS 5 development [electronic resource] : exploring the iOS SDK / Dave Mark, Jack Nutting, Jeff LaMarche technical reviewer, Mark Dalrymple. | [New York] : Apress, c2011.
QA76.6 .Y48 2012 | A Short Course in Computational Science and Engineering [electronic resource] : C++, Java and Octave Numerical Programming with Free Software Tools. | Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
QA76.73.F25 M375 2012 | Modern Fortran in practice / Arjen Markus with foreword by Michael Metcalf. | New York : Cambridge University Press, 2012, 2012.
QA76.73.F25 M375 2012eb | Modern Fortran in practice [electronic resource] / Arjen Markus, Michael Metcalf. | Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
QA76.73.R3 B43 2012eb | Getting started with R [electronic resource] : an introduction for biologists / Andrew P. Beckerman & Owen L. Petchey. | Oxford : Oxford Univ. Press, 2012.
QA76.76.M52 R58 2011 | Pro .NET best practices [electronic resource] / by Stephen D. Ritchie. | Berkeley, CA : Apress New York : Distributed to the book trade by Springer, c2011.
QA76.76.O63 H35 2011 | OS X and iOS kernel programming [electronic resource] / Ole Henry Halvorsen, Douglas Clarke. | Berkeley, CA : Apress New York : Distributed to the book trade by Springer, c2011.
QA76.9.A25 | Safeguarding critical e-documents : implementing a program for securing confidential information assets / Robert F. Smallwood. | Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley, 2012.
QA166 | Circuit Double Cover of Graphs [electronic resource]. | Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
QA184.2 .A57 2012 | Linear Algebra [electronic resource]. | Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
QA188 .L456 2012 | Nonlinear Perron-Frobenius Theory [Electronic book]. / Bas Lemmens, Roger Nussbaum. | Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
QA214 | A classical introduction to Galois theory [electronic resource] / Stephen C. Newman. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, 2012.
QA274 | Introduction to probability and stochastic processes with applications [electronic resource] / Liliana Blanco Castaneda, Viswanathan Arunachalam, Selvamuthu Dharmaraja. | Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, 2012.
QA276.12 .B52 2012 | Nonparametric inference on manifolds : with applications to shape spaces / by Abhishek Bhattacharya, Rabi Bhattacharya. | Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
QA276.8 .R57 2012eb | Optimal estimation of parameters [electronic resource] / Jorma Rissanen, Tampere University of Technology, Helsinki Institute for Information Technology. | Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
QA278 | Methods of multivariate analysis / Alvin C. Rencher, William F. Christensen, Department of Statistics, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT. | Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley, 2012.
QA601 .C638 2012 | Compressed sensing : theory and applications / edited by Yonina C. Eldar, Gitta Kutyniok. | Cambridge, UK New York : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
QA601 .C638 2012eb | Compressed sensing [electronic resource] : theory and applications / edited by Yonina C. Eldar, Gitta Kutyniok. | Cambridge New York : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
QA612.2 .C48 2012eb | Introduction to Vassiliev Knot Invariants [electronic resource]. | Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
QB23 | A survey of European astronomical tables in the late Middle Ages [electronic resource] / by Jose Chabas and Bernard R. Goldstein. | Leiden Boston : Brill, 2012.
QB351 .F565 2012eb | An introduction to celestial mechanics [electronic resource] / Richard Fitzpatrick. | New York : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
QC21 .D38 1873 | Elementary treatise on natural philosophy. By A. Privat Deschanel. Tr. and ed., with extensive additions, by J.D. Everett. | New York, D. Appleton, 1873.
QC446.2 .S72 2012 | Nonlinear optics [electronic resource] : phenomena, materials and devices / George I. Stegeman, Robert A. Stegeman. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
QC718.5.L6 | Plasma Medicine [electronic resource] : Applications of Low-Temperature Gas Plasmas in Medicine and Biology. | Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
QC760 .W45 2012 | Micromagnetics and recording materials / by Dan Wei. | Berlin London : Springer, 2012.
QC876 .B87 2012 | The Weather Observer's Handbook [electronic resource]. | Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
QC903 | Managing the risks of extreme events and disasters to advance climate change adaptation [electronic resource] : special report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change / edited by Christopher B. Field ... [et al.]. | Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
QD305.A9 | Aryl diazonium salts [electronic resource] : new coupling agents in polymer and surface science / edited by Mohamed Mehdi Chehimi. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2012.;Electronic reproduction. Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley InterScience, 2012. Mode of access: World Wide Web. System requirements: Web browser. Title from title screen (viewed on July 3, 2012). Access may be restricted to users at subscribing institutions.
QD461 .W45 2012eb | Discovering chemistry with natural bond orbitals [electronic resource] / by Frank Weinhold, Clark R. Landis. | Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, 2012.
QD466 | Isotopic analysis [electronic resource] : fundamentals and applications using ICP-MS / edited by Frank Vanhaecke and Patrick Degryse. | Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, c2012.
QE516.C37 S63 2012 | The social dynamics of carbon capture and storage : understanding CCS representations, governance and innovation / edited by Nils Markusson, Simon Shackley and Benjamin Evar. | Abingdon, Oxon New York, NY : Earthscan, 2012.
QK | Alpine treelines : functional ecology of the global high elevation tree limits / by Christian Korner illustrated by Susanna Riedl. | Basel London : Springer, 2012.
QK568.B55 A44 1990z | [Algal bloom reports, United States]. | [S.l. : s.n., 199-?]
QL26 .B56 1900z | Biographies of noted entomologists. | [S.l. : s.n., 19--]
QP | Statistical Methods in Neuropsychology Common Procedures Made Comprehensible. | Springer Verlag 2012.
QP141 .S534 2012 | The nature of nutrition : a unifying framework from animal adaptation to human obesity / Stephen J. Simpson and David Raubenheimer. | Princeton : Princeton University Press, c2012.
QP801.P64 | Microcalorimetry of macromolecules [electronic resource] : the physical basis of biological structures / Peter L. Privalov. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, 2012.
QR181 | Antibacterial agents [electronic resource] : chemistry, mode of action, mechanisms of resistance, and clinical applications / Rosaleen Anderson ... [et al.]. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
QT37 | Bio-glasses [electronic resource] : an introduction / [edited by] Julian Jones and Alexis G. Clare. | Chichester, West Sussex : Wiley, 2012.
R489.B8 | 'Regimental Practice' by John Buchanan, M.D. [electronic resource] : an eighteenth-century medical diary and manual / John Buchanan edited by Paul Kopperman. | Farnham : Ashgate, 2012.
R602 .L86 2012 | Systems biology for traditional Chinese medicine [electronic resource] / Guoan Luo ... [et al.]. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2012.
R858 | How to succeed at e-learning [electronic resource] / Peter Donnelly, Joel Benson, Paul Kirk. | Chichester, West Sussex, UK : John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
R858 .V36 2012eb | Design and analysis of experiments in the health sciences [electronic resource] / Gerald van Belle, Kathleen F. Kerr. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, 2012.
RA418 .L74 2012 | Medicine as culture [electronic resource] : illness, disease and the body in western societies / Deborah Lupton. | [Thousand Oaks, Calif.] : Pine Forge Press, 2012.
RA564.8 | Health and care in ageing societies [electronic resource] : A new international approach. | Bristol : The Policy Press, 2012.
RA643.86.A25 T75 2012 | Religion and AIDS in Africa / Jenny Trinitapoli and Alexander Weinreb. | New York : Oxford University Press, 2012.
RA792.A58 2011 | An Introduction to the Geography of Health [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2012.
RC489.P7D724 2011 | Dramatherapy and Destructiveness [electronic resource] : Creating the Evidence Base, Playing with Thanatos. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2012.
RC489.S65 | Solution Focused Brief Therapy [electronic resource] : 100 Key Points and Techniques. | Hoboken : Taylor and Francis, 2012.
RC514 .T37 2012eb | Targets and emerging therapies for schizophrenia [electronic resource] / edited by Jeffrey S. Albert, Michael W. Wood. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2012.
RC683.5.I42 | Microcirculation imaging [electronic resource] / edited by Martin J. Leahy. | Weinheim : WiVCH Chichester : John Wiley [distributor], 2012.
RD | Human Ict Implants Technical, Legal and Ethical Considerations. | T.M.C. Asser Instituut 2012.
RE75 .L44 2011 | Manual for Eye Examination and Diagnosis [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
RM172 | The politics of blood [electronic resource] : ethics, innovation, and the regulation of risk / Anne-Maree Farrell. | Cambridge New York : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
RM300 | Resolving erroneous reports in toxicology and therapeutic drug monitoring [electronic resource] : a comprehensive guide / Amitava Dasgupta. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
RS160 | Herbs and healers from the Ancient Mediterranean through the Medieval West [electronic resource] : essays in honor of John M. Riddle / edited by Anne Van Arsdall and Timothy Graham. | Farnham, Surrey, England Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2012.
RS403 .G74 2012 | Green Techniques for Organic Synthesis and Medicinal Chemistry [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
RT81.5 | ABC of Pain [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
SB106.O74 D46 2012 | Darwinian agriculture : how understanding evolution can improve agriculture / R. Ford Denison. | Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 2012.
SF757.8 .E38 2012 | Practical Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
SF772.55 | Clinical manual of small animal endosurgery [electronic resource] / edited by Alasdair Hotston Moore and Rosa Angela Ragni. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
SH157.85.F52 A68 2012 | Aquaculture Pond Fertilization [electronic resource] : Impacts of Nutrient Input on Production. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
T353 | Mastering Autodesk Inventor 2013 and Autodesk Inventor LT 2013 [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
TA174 .K76 2012 | Technical artefacts : creations of mind and matter : a philosophy of engineering design / Peter Kroes. | Dordrecht New York : Springer, c2012.
TA418.9.C6 T338 2012eb | Damage and failure of composite materials [electronic resource] / Ramesh Talreja, Chandra Veer Singh. | Cambridge New York : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
TA459 .H56 2012 | Integrated Computational Materials Engineering [electronic resource] : Using Multiscale Modeling to Invigorate Engineering Design with Science. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
TA633 .A45 1876 | 880-02 Tadhkirat al-muhandisin wa-tabsirat al-raghibin / talif Ali Mubarak. | 880-04 al-Qahirah : Matbaat al-Madaris al-Malakiyah, 1876.
TA654 | Basic structural dynamics / James C. Anderson, Farzad Naeim. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2012.
TA710.5 | Unsaturated soil mechanics in engineering practice [electronic resource] / D.G. Fredlund, H. Rahardjo, Murray D. Fredlund. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2012.
TA721 .O43 2013 | Computational modeling of multiphase geomaterials [electronic resource] / Fusao Oka, Sayuri Kimoto. | Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, c2013.
TA1770 | Acoustical imaging [electronic resource] : techniques and applications for engineers / Woon Siong Gan. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, 2012.
TD171.3.O7 B87 2009 | [BLM Klamath Falls Resource Area NEPA documents]. | [Klamath Falls, Or. : U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Klamath Falls Resource Area, 1994-2009]
TD223 .A343 no.96-4032 | Geohydrologic units and water-level conditions in the Terrace alluvial aquifer and Paluxy aquifer, May 1993 and February 1994, near Air Force Plant 4, Fort Worth area, Texas / U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey by G.A. Rivers, E.T. Baker, and L.S. Coplin prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Air Force Aeronautical Systems Center, Environmental Management Directorate. | Austin, Tex. : The Survey, 1996.
TD223 .C47 2012eb | A twenty-first century US water policy [electronic resource] / Juliet Christian-Smith and Peter H. Gleick with Heather Cooley ... [et al.]. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, c2012.
TD799.85 .E384 2013eb | E-waste management [electronic resource] : from waste to resource / edited by Klaus Hieronymi, Ramzy Kahhat and Eric Williams. | London New York : Earthscan, 2013.
TK3105 .S488 2012 | Smart grid communications and networking / [edited by] Ekram Hossain, Zhu Han, H. Vincent Poor. | Cambridge, UK New York : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
TK5105.875.I57 .J34 2012 | The death of the internet [electronic resource] / edited by Markus Jakobsson. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, c2012.
TK6381 .M38 1969 | 880-01 Hatsumei e no chosen / Matsumae Shigeyoshi = Studies on the system of long distance communication by non-loaded cable : and other articles / by Shigeyoshi Matsumae. | [Tokyo] : Tokai University Press, 1969.
TK6570.M6 D56 2011eb | Practical Android 4 Games Development [electronic resource] / by J. F. DiMarzio. | Berkeley, CA : Apress, 2011.
TK7871.58.P6 G43 2013 | Load-pull techniques with applications to power amplifier design / Fadhel M. Ghannouchi, Mohammad S. Hashmi. | Dordrecht New York : Springer, c2013.
TK7871.67.A77 P64 2012 | Coupled-oscillator based active-array antennas [electronic resource] / Ronald J. Pogorzelski, Apostolos Georgiadis. | Hoboken, New Jersey : John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2012
TL236 .N69 1999 | The estimation and optimisation of the performance of the race car [electronic resource] / by Daniel Sean Nowlan. | 1999.;Electronic reproduction. Sydney, Australia : University of Sydney, 2011. 1 CD-ROM 4 3/4 in.
TL570 | Theory of Lift [electronic resource] : Introductory Computational Aerodynamics with MATLAB and Octave. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
TN688 | T.T. Chen Honorary Symposium on Hydrometallurgy, Electrometallurgy and Materials Characterization [electronic resource] / edited by Shijie Wang ... [et al.]. | Hoboken, NJ : John Wiley & Sons : TMS, 2012.
TN690 | 3rd International Symposium on High-Temperature Metallurgical Processing [electronic resource] : proceedings of a symposium sponsored by the Pyrometallurgy Committee and the Energy Committee of the Extraction and Processing Division of TMS (The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society), Held during the TMS 2012 Annual Meeting & Exhibition Orlando, Florida, USA March 11-15, 2012 / edited by Tao Jiang ... [et al.]. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2012.
TR897.7 .A935 2012 | Autodesk 3ds Max 2013 Essentials [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
Z126 .D49 1878 | The invention of printing. A collection of facts and opinions descriptive of early prints and playing cards, the block-books of the fifteenth century, the legend of Lourens Janszoon Coster, of Haarlem, and the work of John Gutenberg and his associates. Illustrated with fac-similes of early types and woodcuts. By Theo. L. De Vinne. | New-York, F. Hart, 1878.
Z152.L8 D9 | The printers, stationers, and bookbinders of Westminster and London from 1476 to 1535. | Cambridge, University Press, 1906.
Z240 .D852 | Fifteenth century English books : a bibliography of books and documents printed in England and of books for the English market printed abroad / by E. Gordon Duff. | [London] : Printed for the Bibliographical Society at the Oxford University Press, 1917.
Z271 .C6 1973 | Bookbinding, and the care of books : a text-book for bookbinders and librarians / with drawings by Noel Rooke. | [London] Pitman [1973.]
Z992 .F55 | The book fancier or, The romance of book collecting, by Percy Fitzgerald. | London, S. Low, Marston [n.d.]
Z1001.D54 B2 | A bibliographical, antiquarian and picturesque tour in France and Germany. By the Reverend Thomas Frognall Dibdin ... | London, R. Jennings, and J. Major, 1829.
Z1003 .D54 1824 | The library companion : or, The young man's guide, and the old man's comfort, in the choice of a library / by T.F. Dibdin. | London : Printed for Harding, Triphook, and Lepard, and J. Major, 1824.
Z7016 .D54 1808 | An introduction to the knowledge of rare and valuable editions of the Greek and Latin classics including an account of Polyglot Bibles the best Greek, and Greek and Latin, editions of the Septuagint and New Testament the Scriptores de re rustica Greek romances, and lexicons and grammers. By the Rev. Tho. Frognall Dibdin. | London, Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, 1808.