Call number | Title | Publisher |
B741 | Islamic thought in the dialogue of cultures [electronic resource] : a historical and bibliographical survey / By Hans Daiber. | Leiden Boston : Brill, 2012.
BF1729.R4 C36 2012eb | Astrology and Popular Religion in the Modern West [electronic resource] : Prophecy, Cosmology and the New Age Movement. | Farnham : Ashgate Publishing Ltd, 2012.
BL2525 .P76 2008 | Prophesies of godlessness : predictions of America's imminent secularization, from the Puritans to the present day / edited by Charles Mathewes and Christopher McKnight Nichols. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, 2008.
BS445 .P7 1907 | The ancestry of our English Bible an account of the Bible versions, texts, and manuscripts, by Ira Maurice Price ... | Philadelphia, Sunday school times Co. 1907.
CT21 | Biography and turning points in Europe and America [electronic resource] / edited by Karla B. Hackstaff, Feiwel Kupferberg, and Catherine Negroni. | Bristol : Policy Press, 2012.
D546.5 3rd .B64 2012 | Winning and Losing on the Western Front [electronic resource] : The British Third Army and the Defeat of Germany in 1918. | Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
D547.C2 S4 1920 | The Canadian front in France and Flanders / painted by Inglis Sheldon-Williams described by Ralf Frederic Lardy Sheldon-Williams. | London : A. and C. Black, 1920.
DA185 .S25 1927 | English life in the middle ages. | London, Oxford University Pr., 1927.
DA533 .E17 | Early Victorian England, 1830-1865. [Edited by G.M. Young]. | London, New York, Oxford University Press [1951]
DA670.K3 S6 | Kent, by W. Teignmouth Shore. Painted by W. Biscombe Gardner. | London, A. & C. Black [1907]
DA866 .M8 | Bonnie Scotland painted by Sutton Palmer described by A.R. Hope Moncrieff. | London, A. and C. Black, 1905.
DA880.C6 M8 | The Clyde, river and firth painted by Mary Y. and J. Young Hunter, described by Neil Munro. | London, A.and C. Black, 1907.
DA977 .M42 1905 | Ireland / painted by Francis S. Walker, R.H.A. described by Frank Mathew. | London : A. & C. Black, [1905]
DF221.T8 S25 1875 | Troy and its remains a narrative of researches and discoveries made on the site of Ilium, and in the Trojan Plain. By Dr. Henry Schliemann. Tr. with the author's sanction. Ed. by Philip Smith. With map, plans, views, and cuts. | London, J. Murray, 1875.
DK25 .S43 1855 | An illustrated description of the Russian empire : embracing its geographical features, political divisions, principal cities and towns ... manners and customs, historic summary, etc. / by Robert Sears. | New York : R. Sears, 1855.
DS401 .H35 v.27eb | India's railway history [electronic resource] : a research handbook / by John Hurd and Ian J. Kerr. | Leiden Boston : Brill, 2012.
E178.1 .G9125 2007 | America in the world : United States history in global context / Carl J. Guarneri. | Boston : McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2007.
E183.7 .H44 2011 | From colony to superpower : U.S. foreign relations since 1776 / George C. Herring. | New York : Oxford University Press, 2011.
E302.6.F8 V36 1973 | Benjamin Franklin. | Westport, Conn., Greenwood Press [1973, c1938]
F152 .P41 1916 | Report of the Commission to locate the site of the frontier forts of Pennsylvania / edited by Thomas Lynch Montgomery. | Harrisburg, Pa. : W.S. Ray, state printer, 1916.
G463 .M54 | World pictures : being a record in colour / by Mortimer Menpes text by Dorothy Menpes. | London : Adam & Charles Black, [n.d.]
GR336.Y36 H42 2012eb | Gilded voices [electronic resource] : economics, politics, and storytelling in the Yangzi delta since 1949 / by Qiliang He. | Leiden : Brill, 2012.
GV721.5 .F43 2012 | Olympic marketing [electronic resource] / Alain Ferrand, Jean-Loup Chappelet and Benoit Seguin. | Hoboken : Taylor and Francis, 2012.
HB95 .P3185 2009 | The value of nothing : how to reshape market society and redefine democracy / Raj Patel. | New York : Picador, c2009.
HB615 .K74 2012 | Entrepreneurship in the Global Economy [electronic resource] : Engine for Economic Growth. | Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
HD30.26 | More jolts! [electronic resource] : 50 activities to wake up and engage your participants / Sivasailam "Thiagi" Thiagarajan and Tracy Tagliati. | San Francisco, CA : Pfeiffer, c2012.
HD30.4 | Understanding business research [electronic resource] / Bart L. Weathington, Christopher J.L. Cunningham, David J. Pittenger. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2012.
HD108.3 .R36 2012 | Environmental land use planning and management / John Randolph. | Washington, DC : Island Press, c2012.
HD9000.5 | Local Food Systems in Old Industrial Regions [electronic resource] : Concepts, Spatial Context, and Local Practices. | Farnham : Ashgate Publishing Ltd, 2012.
HM851 .D524 2011 | The digital divide : arguments for and against Facebook, Google, texting, and the age of social networking / edited and introduced by Mark Bauerlein. | New York : Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin, c2011.
HM1276 | Individualisation at Work [electronic resource] : The Self between Freedom and Social Pathologies. | Farnham : Ashgate Publishing Ltd, 2012.
HQ1090 .C66 1995 | Constructing masculinity / edited by Maurice Berger, Brian Wallis, Simon Watson picture essay by Carrie Mae Weems. | New York : Routledge, 1995.
HQ1236 | Diversity Quotas, Diverse Perspectives [electronic resource] : The Case of Gender. | Farnham : Ashgate Publishing Ltd, 2012.
HQ1426 .C56 2009 | Exile & pride : disability, queerness & liberation / Eli Clare with a new afterword by Dean Spade. | Cambridge, MA : South End Press, c2009.
HT221 .M348 2012eb | Residential Segregation in Comparative Perspective [electronic resource] : Making Sense of Contextual Diversity. | Farnham : Ashgate Publishing Ltd, 2012.
HT390 .S6 no.2 | Official mapping guide / prepared by Southeasten Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission. | Waukesha, Wis. : Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission, [1964]
HT393.O7 O6 no.1 | Regional land use planning goals & guidelines for the coastal zone : draft / presented for public hearing by the Land Conservation & Development Commission. | Salem, Or. : LCDC, [1975]
HT393.O7 O6 no.3 | Coastal planning goals and guidelines : draft no. 3, June 1976 / Oregon Land Conservation and Development Commission. | Salem, Or. : The Commission, [1976]
HV640.4.G7 .V53 2012 | Refugees, Capitalism and the British State [electronic resource] : Implications for Social Workers, Volunteers and Activists. | Farnham : Ashgate Publishing Ltd, 2012.
JA71 .C5653 2012eb | A Companion to Political Philosophy. Methods, Tools, Topics [electronic resource] : Methods, Tools, Topics. | Farnham : Ashgate Publishing Ltd, 2012.
JK468.S4 G68 2009 | Government secrecy : classic and contemporary readings / edited by Susan L. Maret and Jan Goldman. | Westport, Conn. : Libraries Unlimited, 2009.
JZ1251 .J67 2012 | The Social in the Global [electronic resource] : Social Theory, Governmentality and Global Politics. | Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
JZ1308 | The emergence of international society in the 1920s [electronic resource] / Daniel Gorman. | Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
JZ1648.A54 | European Foreign Policy and the Challenges of Balkan Accession [electronic resource] : Conditionality, legitimacy and compliance. | Hoboken : Taylor and Francis, 2012.
K1322 | Regulating Multinationals in Developing Countries [electronic resource] : A Conceptual and Legal Framework for Corporate Social Responsibility. | Farnham : Ashgate Publishing Ltd, 2012.
KJC2945.R44 T47 2012eb | A test of faith? [electronic resource] : religious diversity and accommodation in the European workplace / edited by Katayoun Alidadi, Marie-Claire Foblets, Jogchum Vrielink. | Farnham, Surrey, England Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2012.
KQC260 | Financial Regulation in Africa [electronic resource] : An Assessment of Financial Integration Arrangements in African Emerging and Frontier Markets. | Farnham : Ashgate Publishing Ltd, 2012.
KZ6376 | The human rights treaty obligations of peacekeepers [electronic resource] / Kjetil Mujezinovic Larsen. | Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
KZ6718 .D56 2012 | Cyber Warfare and the Laws of War [electronic resource]. | Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
KZA1120.3 | UNCLOS and Ocean Dispute Settlement [electronic resource] : Law and Politics in the South China Sea. | Hoboken : Taylor and Francis, 2012.
LB1576 .B585 2007 | Instructional assessment of English language learners in the K-8 classroom / Diane K. Brantley. | Boston, MA : Pearson/Allyn and Bacon, c2007.
LB2371.4 .D46 2012 | Research and scholarly integrity in graduate education : a comprehensive approach / [prepared ... by Daniel Denecke, Julia Kent, and Jeff Allum]. | Washington, D.C. : Council of Graduate Schools, c2012.
ML1531 .T68 2012eb | An Imperishable Heritage [electronic resource] : A Study of Selected Works. | Farnham : Ashgate Publishing Ltd, 2012.
N7425 .S29 2013 | A world of art / Henry M. Sayre, Oregon State University-Cascades Campus. | Boston : Prentice Hall, c2013.
N7483.P86 .U87 2012 | The Unsung Hero of the Russian Avant-Garde [electronic resource] : The Life and Times of Nikolay Punin. | Leiden : BRILL, 2012.
P95.46 .L55 2010eb | Listening and human communication in the 21st century [electronic resource] / edited by Andrew D. Wolvin. | Chichester, U.K. Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
P118.2 .F74 2011 | Between worlds : access to second language acquisition / David E. Freeman & Yvonne S. Freeman. | Portsmouth, NH : Heinemann, c2011.
P301.5.P47 R66 2012 | Language intelligence : lessons on persuasion from Jesus, Shakespeare, Lincoln, and Lady Gaga / Joseph J. Romm. | North Charleston, SC : CreateSpace, c2012.
PJ3791 | Weather omens of Enuma Anu Enlil [electronic resource] : thunderstorms, wind and rain (tablets 44-49) / edited by Erlend Gehlken. | Boston : Brill, 2012.
PM7864.V5 S34 2012eb | Language contact in the Danish West Indies [electronic resource] : giving Jack his jacket / by Robin Sabino. | Leiden Boston : Brill, 2012.
PR1120 .M877 1887 | Specimens of early English : with introductions, notes, and glossarial index / edited by Richard Morris. | Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1887-
PR2754 .O74 2002 | The complete works / general editors, Stephen Orgel and A.R. Braunmuller. | New York : Penguin, 2002.
PR3325 .A89 1952 | Boswell in Holland, 1763-1764 : including the correspondence with Belle de Zuylen (Zelide) / edited by Frederick A. Pottle ... | New York : McGraw-Hill, 1952.
PS508.A43 O54 2010 | One story, thirty stories : an anthology of contemporary Afghan American literature / edited by Zohra Saed and Sahar Muradi. | Fayetteville : University of Arkansas Press, 2010.
PS3551.N95 B6 2012 | Borderlands : the new mestiza = la frontera / Gloria Anzaldua. | San Francisco : Aunt Lute Books, c2012.
PT921 .K5613 2003 | The complete fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm / translated and with an introduction by Jack Zipes illustrations by John B. Gruelle. | New York : Bantam Books, 2003.
PT2603.O394 Z4513 2011 | The train was on time / Heinrich Boll translated from the German by Leila Vennewitz. | Brooklyn, N.Y. : Melville House, 2011.
QA22 | The History of Mathematical Proof in Ancient Traditions [electronic resource] / edited by Chemla, Karine. | Cambridge Cambridge University Press, 2012
QA135.6 .V36 2013 | Elementary and middle school mathematics : teaching developmentally / John A. Van de Walle, Karen S. Karp Jennifer M. Bay-Williams with contributions by Jonathan Wray. | Boston : Pearson, c2013.
QA276 .H788 2012 | Reading statistics and research / Schuyler W. Huck. | Boston : Pearson, c2012.
QB462.65 .V36 2012 | Relativistic Astrophysics of the Transient Universe [electronic resource] : Gravitation, Hydrodynamics and Radiation. | Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
QB521 .Y7 1897 | The sun, by C. A. Young .. | New York, D. Appleton and company, [1897, c1895]
QC174.1 .P43 1956 | Quantum theory of solids. | Oxfords, Clarendon Press 1956.
QC863 .M7 | A treatise on meteorology: the barometer, thermometer, hygrometer, rain-gauge, and ozonometer with rules and regulations to be observed for their correct use. To which are appended some of the latest discoveries and theories of scientific men respecting various solar and terrestrial phenomena ... By Albert J.T. Morris ... | Edinburgh, R. Grant and Son, 1866.
QD801 .T44 2011 | Theoretical and experimental sonochemistry involving inorganic systems / Pankaj, Mathupandian Ashokumar, editors. | Dordrecht New York : Springer Verlag c2011.
QH301 .C6 v.76 | Metabolism and disease / meeting organized by Terri Grodzicker, David Stewart, and Bruce Stillman. | [Cold Spring Harbor, NY] : Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2011.
QH304 .M36 2012 | Writing papers in the biological sciences / Victoria E. McMillan. | Boston : Bedford/St. Martin's, c2012.
QH541.15.E26 T47 2012eb | Terrestrial photosynthesis in a changing environment [electronic resource] : a molecular, physiological, and ecological approach / edited by Jaume Flexas, Francesco Loreto, Hipolito Medrano. | Cambridge, UK New York : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
QL628.C7 D38 2009 | Fishes of the Columbia Basin : a guide to their natural history and identification / Dennis D. Dauble. | Sandpoint, Idaho : Keokee Books, c2009.
QL739 .G74 2012eb | The Mammalian Jaw [electronic resource] : A Mechanical Analysis. | Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
QP26.B5 E53 2012 | Les eleves de Claude Bernard : les nouvelles disciplines physiologiques en France au tournant du XXe siecle / sous la direction de Jean-Gael Barbara & Pierre Corvol. | Paris : Hermann, c2012.
R690 .G65 2012 | Becoming a consummate clinician [electronic resource] : what every student, house officer, and hospital practitioner needs to know / Ary L. Goldberger, Zachary D. Goldberger. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley-Blackwell, c2012.
SF756.394 .V48 2012 | Veterinary euthanasia techniques [electronic resource] : a practical guide / Kathleen A. Cooney ... [et al.]. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
SF778 .M33 2012 | Manual of Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care Medicine [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
SH1 .F539 no.548 | Governance of marine protected areas in the least-developed countries : case studies from West Africa / edited by Jean-Yves Weigel, Francois Feral and Bertrand Cazalet. | Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2011.
SH1 .F539 no.551 | Assessment and management of biotoxin risks in bivalve molluscs / Jim Lawrence ... [et al.]. | Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2011.
TC160 .U75 no.REMR-CO-1 | Stability of rubble-mound breakwater and jetty toes : survey of field experience / by Dennis G. Markle prepared for Department of the Army, US Army Corps of Engineers. | [Vicksburg, Miss. : U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station Springfield, Va. : available from National Technical Information Service, 1986]
TC160 .U75 no.REMR-CO-3 rpt.6 | Case histories of Corps breakwater and jetty structures. Report 6, North Pacific Division / by Donald L. Ward, Coastal Engineering Research Center prepared for Department of the Army, US Army Corps of Engineers. | [Vicksburg, Miss. : U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station Springfield, Va. : Available from National Technical Information Service, 1988]
TD224.O7 D73 2001 | Draft Upper Klamath Lake drainage total maximum daily load (TMDL) / written by State of Oregon Dept. of Environmental Quality primary authors, Matthew Boyd ... [et al.]. | [Oregon] : State of Oregon Dept. of Environmental Quality, [2001]
TD794.5 .A422 1998 | Albany Research Center : environmental recycling and treatment capabilities. | Albany, Or. : Albany Research Center, [1998?]
TE145 .T44 2012eb | Designing Safe Road Systems [electronic resource] : A Human Factors Perspective. | Farnham : Ashgate Publishing Ltd, 2012.
TK5103.2 .H675 2012eb | Green radio communication networks [electronic resource] / edited by Ekram Hossain, Vijay K. Bhargava, Gerhard P. Fettweis. | Cambridge, UK N.Y. : Cambridge University Press, c2012.
TK5103.4833 .A54 2012eb | Microwave Line of Sight Link Engineering [electronic resource]. | New York : John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
Z105 .M17 | Books in manuscript : a short introduction to their study and use, with a chapter on records / by Falconer Madan. | London : Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., 1893.