Call number | Title | Publisher |
BF636.7.C76 G73 2012 | Making diversity work : creating culturally competent school counseling programs / by Tim Grothaus and Kaprea F. Johnson. | [Alexandria, Va.] : American School Counselor Association, c2012.
BF724.3.G73 D83 2003 | When grief visits school : organizing a successful response / by John Dudley. | Minneapolis : Educational Media Corp., c2003.
D753 .R64 2013 | The Hopkins touch : Harry Hopkins and the forging of the alliance to defeat Hitler / David L. Roll. | New York : Oxford University Press, c2013.
D842.2 .H68 2012 | A military history of the Cold War, 1944-1962 / Jonathan M. House. | Norman : University of Oklahoma Press, c2012.
E184.M88 B55 2012 | Finding Mecca in America : how Islam is becoming an American religion / Mucahit Bilici. | Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 2012.
GV1055 .H86 2006 | Bikesafe : bicycle countermeasure selection system / [William W. Hunter, Libby Thomas, Jane C. Stutts] | Washington, DC : U.S. Dept. of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Office of Safety Programs, [2006]
HD30.23 .S388 2001 | Risk and decision analysis in projects / John Schuyler. | Newtown Square, Pa. : Project Management Institute, c2001.
HD9000.5 .H343 2013 | Sustainable culinary systems : local foods, innovation, and tourism and hospitality / edited by C. Michael Hall and Stefan Gossling. | Abingdon, Oxon New York : Routledge, 2013.
HE355.3.P43 H37 2004 | PEDSAFE : pedestrian safety guide and countermeasure selection system / [David L. Harkey and Charles V. Zeeger]. | Washington, DC : Federal Highway Administration, [2004]
HV6789 .S642 2013 | Forensic science in contemporary American popular culture : gender, crime, and science / Lindsay Steenberg. | New York : Routledge, 2013.
KF4749 .R85 2013 | Civil rights in the shadow of slavery : the Constitution, common law, and the Civil Rights Act of 1866 / George Rutherglen. | New York : Oxford University Press, c2013.
Kindle eBook | The three Weissmanns of Westport [electronic resource] / Cathleen Schine. | New York : Sarah Crichton Books, c2010.
Kindle eBook | Two for the dough [electronic resource] / Janet Evanovich. | New York : Scribner, c1996.
Kindle eBook | Three to get deadly [electronic resource] / Janet Evanovich. | New York : Scribner, c1997.
Kindle eBook | Lady of the rivers [electronic resource] / Philippa Gregory. | New York : Simon & Schuster, c2011.
Kindle eBook | The other queen [electronic resource] / by Philippa Gregory. | New York : Touchstone Book, 2008.;Electronic reproduction. Seattle, Wa. : Amazon, 2008. Access may be limited to Kindle users.
LB1028.3 .H45 2012 | Instructional technology and media for learning / Sharon E. Smaldino, Deborah L. Lowther, James D. Russell. | Boston : Pearson, c2012.
LB1641 .O7 1955 sup.1 | Supplement to social studies in Oregon secondary schools : a list of instructional materials and bibliographies : world geography and historical backgrounds. | [Salem, Or.? : Dept. of Education?, 1956]
LB1641 .O7 1955 sup.2 | Supplement to Social studies in Oregon secondary schools : a list of instructional materials and bibliographies : world history and geographic settings. | [Salem, Or.? : Dept. of Education?, 1956]
LB1641 .O7 1955 sup.3 | Supplement to social studies in Oregon secondary schools : a list of instructional materials and bibliographies : world cultures - two year course, and World cultures - one year course. | [Salem, Or.? : Dept. of Education?, 1956]
LB1641 .O7 1955 sup.4 | Supplement to social studies in Oregon secondary schools : a list of instructional materials and bibliographies : American history and government. | [Salem, Or.? : Dept. of Education?, 1956]
LB1641 .O7 1955 sup.5 | Supplement to social studies in Oregon secondary schools : a list of instructional materials and bibliographies : American problems, social and economic. | [Salem, Or.? : Dept. of Education?, 1956]
LB1641 .O7 1955 sup.6 | This America : a two-year sequence of American history, government, and problems for grades 11 and 12, an alternate program to the separate study of American history and government and American problems, social and economic. | Salem, Or. : State Dept. of Education, 1956.
LB1641 .O7 1955 sup.7 | Supplement to social studies in Oregon secondary schools : a list of instructional materials and bibliographies : international relations. | [Salem, Or.? : Dept. of Education?, 1956]
LB1695 .O718 | Handbook of information on post-secondary education in Oregon / Oregon Educational Coordinating Council. | Salem : Educational Coordinating Council, 1973-4.
LB1942.M6 O72 spec. no.1918 | What the Oregon Normal School has done toward the preparation of rural teachers / [prepared by M.S. Pittman]. | Salem, Or. : State Printing Dept., 1918.
LB1942.M6 O72 v.2 no.8 | Biennial report of the Oregon Normal School, Monmouth, Oregon to the twenty-seventh Legislative Assembly regular session. | Salem, Or. : Willis & Duniway, State Printer, 1913.
LB1942.M6 O72 v.3 no.11 | First grade language / by Rosa M. Parrott and Ruby E. Shearer. | Salem, Or. : Willis S. Duniway, State Printer, [1913]
LB1942.M6 O72 v.4 no.3 | Rural school department / M.S. Pittman. | Salem, Or. : State Printing Dept., [1914]
LB1942.M6 O72 v.5 no.5 | Board of Regents report number : with survey of the Oregon Normal School at Monmouth. | Salem, Or. : State Printing Dept., [1916]
LB2822.75 .K34 2009 | Making DATA work / by Anita Young and Carol Kaffenberger. | [Alexandria, Va.] : American School Counselor Association, c2009.
LB2826.O7 O48 no.61-1 | School finance programs / by L.E. Marschat. | Salem, Or. : State Dept. of Education, [1961]
LB2826.O7 O48 no.65-12 | Oregon school districts, July 1, 1965 : type, location, size. | Salem, Or. : State Dept. of Education, Division of Administrative Services, School Finance Section, [1965]
LB2830 .O72 no.1 | School budget manual : a guide for public school districts in Oregon. | Salem, Or. : State Dept. of Education, [1959]
LB2830 .O72 no.2 | Financial accounting for schools : a guide for public school districts in Oregon. | Salem, Or. : State Dept. of Education, [1960]
LB2830 .O72 no.3 | School district records : schedule for retention and disposal. | Salem, Or. : State Dept. of Education, Administrative Services Division, School Finance & Statistical Services Section, [1963?]
LB2830 .O72 no.5 | Oregon school bond manual. | Salem, Or. : Oregon Board of Education, Administrative Field Services Division, Research and School Finance Section, [1968]
LC1046.O7 A4 no.2 | Revised plans for organization and administration under the Smith-Hughes law. | Salem, Or. : State Board for Vocational Education, [1919]
LC1046.O7 A4 no.3 | Rules and regulations governing the organization and administration of part time schools or classes under the Oregon part time school law. | Salem, Or. : State Board for Vocational Education, [1919]
LC1046.O7 A4 no.4 | Revised plans for organization and administration under the Smith-Hughes law. | Salem, Or. : State Board for Vocational Education, [1920]
LC1046.O7 A4 no.8 | A review of Portland's apprentice-built home project / [L.E. Brigham]. | Salem, Or. : State Board for Vocational Education, [1929]
LC1046.O7 A4 no.9 | An outline of the activities of the State Board for Vocational Education. | Salem, Or. : State Board for Vocational Education, [1929]
LC1046.O7 A4 no.10 | A list of supplementary bulletins for supervisors and teachers in trade and industrial training / compiled by O.D. Adams. | Salem, Or. : State Board for Vocational Education, [1929]
LC1046.O7 A4 no.11 | The Ag Sprouts, an annual "set-up" of the Smith-Hughes agricultural work in The Myrtle Point Union high school, Myrtle Point, Oregon, 1929-30. | Salem, Or. : State Board for Vocational Education, [1930]
LC1046.O7 A4 no.12 | Manual for Oregon high school home economics associations. | Salem, Or. : State Board for Vocational Education in cooperation with the Oregon Home Economics Association, [1932]
MT1 .M13 1997 | Experimental research in music / Clifford K. Madsen, Charles H. Madsen, Jr. | Raleigh, N.C. : Contemporary Pub. Co., c1997.
MT1 .M332 1978 | Experimental research in music : workbook in design and statistical tests / edited by Clifford K. Madsen and Randall S. Moore. | Raleigh, N.C. : Contemporary Pub. Co., c1978.
OR A.2Ag8/6:2012 | Oregon agricultural water quality report. | [Salem, Or.] : Oregon Dept. of Agriculture, [2012]
OR Con/F49.2P29/2:2012 | Payday loans in Oregon : consumer information. | [Salem, Or.] : Dept. of Consumer & Business Services, Division of Finance & Corporate Securities, [2012]
OR Con/F49.2P29/2:2012/Spanish | Prestamos para el dia de pago en Oregon : informacion para el consumidor. | [Salem, Or.] : Consumer & Business Services, Division of Finance & Corporate Securities, [2012]
OR Con/F49.5P94/2:2012 | Protecting your personal information. | [Salem, Or.] : Dept. of Consumer & Business Services, Division of Finance and Corporate Securities, [2012]
OR Con/In7.5R66:2012 | Ron's top 10 homeowner insurance myths / [Ron Fredrickson]. | [Salem, Or.] : Department of Consumer & Business Services, Oregon Insurance Division, [2012]
OR Con/In7.5R66/2:[2012] | Ron's top 10 auto insurance myths / [Ron Fredrickson]. | [Salem, Or.] : Department of Consumer & Business Services, Oregon Insurance Division, [2012]
OR Con/W89.5M46/3:2012 | The Medical Arbiter Program : questions & answers for interested physicians. | Salem, Or. : Dept. of Consumer & Business Services, Workers' Compensation Division, Resolution Section, [2012]
OR Con/W89.8W89/2:2012/Spanish | Por que necesito seguro de compensacion para trabajadores? : una guia para empleadores de Oregon. | Salem, OR : Oregon Dept. of Consumer & Business Services, Workers' Compensation Division, [2012]
OR ED/T64.8T69/2:2012/French | Travel Oregon guide du visiteur. | Portland, Or. : MEDIAmerica, Inc., c2011.
OR ED/T64.8T69/2:2012/German | Travel Oregon Reisefuhrer. | Portland, Or. : MEDIAmerica, Inc., c2011.
OR ED/T64.8T69/2:2012/U.K. | Travel Oregon visitor guide. | Portland, Or. : MEDIAmerica, Inc., c2011.
OR FW.2F52/3 | Fish and wildlife on the Oregon Trail-- then and now. | [Portland, Or.] : Oregon Dept. of Fish & Wildlife, [1994?]
OR G/N21.4T22:2012-1 | Urban and rural-residential area land uses in Oregon : a synthesis of an IMST technical workshop on watershed functions and salmonid recovery. | [Salem, Or.] : Independent Multidisciplinary Science Team, [2012]
OR GM.4T78:Coos/4/CDR | Haynes Inlet, Coos County, Oregon [electronic resource] / by Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries. | [Portland, Or.] : State of Oregon, Dept. of Geology and Mineral Industries, 2012.
OR GM.4T78:Coos/5/CDR | Coos Bay-North Bend, Coos County, Oregon [electronic resource] / by Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries. | [Portland, Or.] : State of Oregon, Dept. of Geology and Mineral Industries, 2012.
OR GM.4T78:Coos/6/CDR | Coos River North, Coos County, Oregon [electronic resource] / by Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries. | [Portland, Or.] : State of Oregon, Dept. of Geology and Mineral Industries, 2012.
OR GM.4T78:Coos/7/CDR | Coos River South, Coos County, Oregon [electronic resource] / by Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries. | [Portland, Or.] : State of Oregon, Dept. of Geology and Mineral Industries, 2012.
OR GM.4T78:Coos/8/CDR | Charleston-Cape Arago, Coos County, Oregon [electronic resource] / by Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries. | [Portland, Or.] : State of Oregon, Dept. of Geology and Mineral Industries, 2012.
OR GM.4T78:Coos/9/CDR | Barview-South Slough, Coos County, Oregon [electronic resource] / by Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries. | [Portland, Or.] : State of Oregon, Dept. of Geology and Mineral Industries, 2012.
OR GM.4T78:Coos/10/CDR | Isthmus Slough, Coos County, Oregon [electronic resource] / by Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries. | [Portland, Or.] : State of Oregon, Dept. of Geology and Mineral Industries, 2012.
OR GM.4T78:Coos/11/CDR | Catching Slough, Coos County, Oregon [electronic resource] / by Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries. | [Portland, Or.] : State of Oregon, Dept. of Geology and Mineral Industries, 2012.
OR GM.4T78:Till/1/CDR | Arch Cape-Falcon Cove, Tillamook County, Oregon [electronic resource] / by Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries. | [Portland, Or.] : State of Oregon, Dept. of Geology and Mineral Industries, 2012.
OR GM.4T78:Till/2/CDR | Manzanita-Nehalem, Tillamook County, Oregon [electronic resource] / by Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries. | [Portland, Or.] : State of Oregon, Dept. of Geology and Mineral Industries, 2012.
OR GM.4T78:Till/3/CDR | Nehalem East, Tillamook County, Oregon [electronic resource] / by Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries. | [Portland, Or.] : State of Oregon, Dept. of Geology and Mineral Industries, 2012.
OR GM.4T78:Till/4/CDR | Rockaway Beach, Tillamook County, Oregon [electronic resource] / by Oregon Department of Geology and MIneral Industries. | [Portland, Or.] : State of Oregon, Dept. of Geology and Mineral Industries, 2012.
OR GM.4T78:Till/5/CDR | Garibaldi-Bay City, Tillamook County, Oregon [electronic resource] / by Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries. | [Portland, Or.] : State of Oregon, Dept. of Geology and Mineral Industries, 2012.
OR GM.4T78:Till/6/CDR | Tillamook North, Tillamook County, Oregon [electronic resource] / by Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries. | [Portland, Or.] : State of Oregon, Dept. of Geology and Mineral Industries, 2012.
OR GM.4T78:Till/7/CDR | Tillamook South, Tillamook County, Oregon [electronic resource] / by Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries. | [Portland, Or.] : State of Oregon, Dept. of Geology and Mineral Industries, 2012.
OR GM.4T78:Till/8/CDR | Cape Meares, Tillamook County, Oregon [electronic resource] / by Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries. | [Portland, Or.] : State of Oregon, Dept. of Geology and Mineral Industries, 2012.
OR GM.4T78:Till/9/CDR | Netarts-Oceanside, Tillamook County, Oregon [electronic resource] / by Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries. | [Portland, Or.] : State of Oregon, Dept. of Geology and Mineral Industries, 2012.
OR GM.4T78:Till/10/CDR | Cape Lookout, Tillamook County, Oregon [electronic resource] / by Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries. | [Portland, Or.] : State of Oregon, Dept. of Geology and Mineral Industries, 2012.
OR GM.4T78:Till/11/CDR | Sand Lake, Tillamook County, Oregon [electronic resource] / by Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries. | [Portland, Or.] : State of Oregon, Dept. of Geology and Mineral Industries, 2012.
OR GM.4T78:Till/12/CDR | Pacific City, Tillamook County, Oregon [electronic resource] / by Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries. | [Portland, Or.] : State of Oregon, Dept. of Geology and Mineral Industries, 2012.
OR GM.4T78:Till/13/CDR | Nestucca Bay, Tillamook County, Oregon [electronic resource] / by Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries. | [Portland, Or.] : State of Oregon, Dept. of Geology and Mineral Industries, 2012.
OR GM.4T78:Till/14/CDR | Neskowin, Tillamook County, Oregon [electronic resource] / by Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries. | [Portland, Or.] : State of Oregon, Dept. of Geology and Mineral Industries, 2012.
OR HA/H34.5An8/5:2011 | Do you think you need antibiotics? = La penicilina no sirve para todo! | [Portland, Or.] : Oregon AWARE : Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division, Acute and Communicable Disease Prevention, c2011.
OR HR.2Ad9:2012 | A guide to Oregon adult foster for potential residents (adults who are elderly or physically disabled), their family members and friends. | Salem, Or. : Oregon Dept. of Human Services, Office of Licensing and Regulatory Oversight, [2012]
OR HR/C43.2F81/3:2012 | Foster parent orientation : basics. | Salem, Or. : Oregon Dept. of Human Services, Child Welfare, [2012]
OR HR/C43.5D63:2012 | What about discipline? : straight talk about a complicated subject. | Salem, Or. : Dept. of Human Services, Child Welfare, Foster Care Program, [2012]
OR J/C86/2.5V66/2:2012 | Victims' rights in the juvenile justice system. | Salem, Or. : State of Oregon, Dept. of Justice, Crime Victims' Services Division, [2012]
OR J/C86/2.5V66/2:2012/Spanish | Derechos de las victimas en el sistema de justicia juvenil. | Salem, Or. : Estado de Oregon, Departamento de Justicia, Division de Servicios para Victimas de Delitos, [2012]
OR T.2C82/3:2011/CDR | Cost, emissions, and customer service trade-off analysis in pickup and delivery systems [electronic resource] / by Anne Goodchild, Felipe Sandoval for Oregon Department of Transportation, Research Section and Federal Highway Administration. | Seattle, WA : Civil & Environmental Engineering, [University of Washington], [2011]
OR T.2Ev1/10:2012/CDR | Evaluation of a variable speed limit system for wet and extreme weather conditions. Phase 1 report [electronic resource] / by Ahmed Al-Kaisey, Levi Ewan, and David Veneziano for Oregon Department of Transportation and Federal Highway Administration. | Bozeman, Mont. : Western Transportation Institute, Montana State University Salem, OR : Oregon Dept. of Transportation Research, [2012]
OR T.2Q2:2012/CDR | Quantifying safety performance of driveways on state highways [electronic resource] / by Karen Dixon ... [et al.] for Oregon Department of Transportation, Research Section and Federal Highway Administration. | Coravllis, Or. : School of Civil & Construction Engineering, Oregon State University, [2012]
OR T.2St8/5:2012/CDR | Strength and fatigue of three glass fiber reinforced composite bridge decks with mechanical deck to stringer connections [electronic resource] / by Andrew Gleason, Peter Dusicka. | Salem, Or. : Oregon Dept. of Transportation, Statewide Programs Unit, [2012]
OR T.6P34/2:2012 | Oregon pedestrian, bicycle and driver rules : 2011-12 selected statutues. | [Salem, Or.] : Oregon Dept. of Transportation, [2012]
OR T/H53.2W74/2:2012/CDR | Wireless data collection system for travel time estimation and traffic performance evaluation [electronic resource] / by David S. Kim ... [et al.] for Oregon Department of Transportation and Federal Highway Administration. | Corvallis, Or. : School of Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, Oregon State University : School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Oregon State University, [2012]
OR T/M85.5Id2:2012 | Oregon identification requirements for driver licenses, permits and ID cards. | [Salem, Or.] : Driver and Motor Vehicle Services Division, Oregon Dept. of Transportation, [2012]
OR Y/F76.8F21:2013 | Family forests : a guide to technical, financial and educational resources for Oregon's family forest landowners. | Portland, Or. : Oregon Forest Resources Institute, [2013]
QD400.3 .H35 2012 | Halogenated heterocycles : synthesis, application and environment / volume editor, J. Iskra with contributions by A. Decker ... [et al.]. | Heidelberg London : Springer, c2012.
QR99.63 .S27 2013 | Handbook of cyanobacteria / author, T.A. Sarma. | Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2013.
R724 .T657 2013 | Rethinking autonomy : a critique of principlism in biomedical ethics / John W. Traphagan. | Albany : State University of New York Press, c2013.
S441 .B472 2009 | Bringing it to the table : on farming and food / Wendell Berry introduction by Michael Pollan. | Berkeley : Counterpoint : Distributed by Publishers Group West, c2009.
S631 .O7 no.12 | Pole beans (western Oregon-- west of Cascades) / [prepared by N.S. Mansour ... [et al.]]. | [Corvallis, Or.] : Oregon State University, Extension Service, 1970.
S631 .O7 no.19 rev.1963 | Irrigated clover-grass pastures (Willamette Valley) / [prepared by T.L. Jackson ... [et al.]]. | [Corvallis, Or.] : Oregon State University, Cooperative Extension Service, [1963]
S631 .O7 no.24 rev.1982 | Prunes (Oregon) / [prepared by Robert L. Stebbins ... [et al.]]. | [Corvallis, Or.] : Oregon State University, Extension Service, 1982.
S631 .O7 no.26 rev.1976 | Pears (Oregon - except Hood River) / [prepared by Robert L. Stebbins ... [et al.]]. | [Corvallis, Or.] : Oregon State College, Cooperative Extension Service, 1976.
S631 .O7 no.32 | Fine fescue (northeastern Oregon) / [prepared by F.V. Pumphrey, D.P. Moore and Howard E. Cushman]. | [Corvallis, Or.] : Oregon State University, Cooperative Extension Service, 1962.
S631 .O7 no.33 | Wheat (northeastern Oregon) / [prepared by F.V. Pumphrey, D.P. Moore, and H.E. Cushman]. | [Corvallis, Or.] : Oregon State University, Cooperative Extension Service, [1962]
S631 .O7 no.35 rev.1976 | Walnuts (Oregon) / [prepared by Robert L. Stebbins ... [et al.]]. | [Corvallis, Or.] : Oregon State University, Extension Service, 1976.
S631 .O7 no.38 | Irrigated pastures (central Oregon) / [prepared by Howard E. Cushman, David P. Moore, and Malcolm Johnson]. | [Corvallis, Or.] : Oregon State University, Cooperative Extension Service, [1963]
S631 .O7 no.39 rev.1970 | Irrigated potatoes (eastern Oregon-- east of Cascades) / [prepared by E. Hugh Gardner ... [et al.]]. | [Corvallis, Or.] : Oregon State College, Cooperative Extension Service, [1970]
S631 .O7 no.41 | Peppermint (central Oregon) / [prepared by Howard E. Cushman, David P. Moore, and Malcolm J. Johnson]. | [Corvallis, Or.] : Oregon State University, Cooperative Extension Service, [1963]
S631 .O7 no.42 | Field corn (Josephine and Jackson counties) / [prepared by John Yungen, L.A. Alban, and A.S. King]. | [Corvallis, Or.] : Oregon State University, Cooperative Extension Service, [1965]
S631 .O7 no.43 | Alfalfa for hay and seed (Josephine and Jackson counties) / [prepared by John Yungen, L.A. Alban, and A.S. King]. | [Corvallis, Or.] : Oregon State University, Cooperative Extension Service, [1965]
S631 .O7 no.44 rev.1982 | Blue grass seed (western Oregon-- west of Cascades) / [prepared by Thomas Doerge ... [et al.]]. | [Corvallis, Or.] : Oregon State University, Extension Service, 1982.
S631 .O7 no.51 | Caneberries / J. Hart, B. Strik, and A. Sheets. | [Corvallis, OR] : Oregon State University, Extension Service, 1992.
S631 .O7 no.54 rev.1980 | Winter wheat (non-irrigated-- Columbia Plateau) / [prepared by Hugh Gardner and N.R. Goetze]. | [Corvallis, Or.] : Oregon State University, Extension Service, 1980.
S631 .O7 no.56 rev.1978 | Irrigated potatoes (central Oregon and Klamath areas) / [prepared by E. Hugh Gardner ... [et al.]]. | [Corvallis, Or.] : Oregon State University, Extension Service, 1978.
S631 .O7 no.64 | Fertilizing with sewage sludge / [prepared by E. Hugh Gardner ... [et al.]]. | [Corvallis, Or.] : Oregon State University, Extension Service, 1981.
S631 .O7 no.65 rev.1983 | Onions-- mineral soils (eastern Oregon-- east of Cascades) / [prepared by N.S. Mansour ... [et al.]]. | [Corvallis, OR] : Oregon State University, Extension Service, 1983.
S631 .O7 no.66 rev.1990 | Home fruit, vegetable, and ornamental gardens / [prepared by John Hart and Ray McNeilan]. | [Corvallis, Or.] : Oregon State University, Extension Service, 1990.
S631 .O7 no.73 rev.1994 | Douglas-fir Christmas trees in Oregon and Washington / [prepared by Michael C. Bondi ... [et al.]] | Corvallis, Or. : Oregon State University Extension Service, [1994]
S631 .O7 no.74 rev.1996 | A list of analytical laboratories serving Oregon / J. Hart. | [Corvallis, Or.] : Oregon State University, Extension Service, 1996.
S631 .O7 no.75 rev.1993 | South coastal Oregon cranberries / [prepared by Arthur Poole ... [et al.]]. | [Corvallis, Or.] : Oregon State University Extension Service, [1993]
S631 .O7 no.78 | Blueberries / B. Strik and J. Hart. | Corvallis, Or. : Extension Service, Oregon State University, [1991]
SF207 .O75 1971/1972 | Beef progeny testing report, 1971-1972 / A.T. Ralston and T.P. Davidson. | Hermiston, Or. : Umatilla Branch Experiment Station, [1972]
SF605 .N67 2013 | Proceedings of the NAVC Conference : January 19-23, 2013, Orlando, Florida. | Gainesville : North American Veterinary Conference, c2013.
SF605 .N67 2013b | Proceedings of the NAVC Conference : January 19-23, 2013, Orlando, Florida. Volume 27, Veterinary technician and practice manager. | Gainesville, Fla. : North American Veterinary Conference, c2013.