Call number | Title | Publisher |
B66 | The Ancient Quarrel Between Philosophy and Poetry [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
B105.L45 C47 2010eb | Climbing--philosophy for everyone [electronic resource] : because it's there / edited by Stephen E. Schmid foreword by Hans Florine. | Chichester, West Sussex Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
B187.H3 P73 2011eb | The Practices of Happiness [electronic resource] : Political Economy, Religion and Wellbeing. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
B317 .R83 2009eb | Socrates [electronic resource] / George Rudebusch. | Chichester, U.K. Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.
B395.H8525 2011 | Plato and the Talmud [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
B395.P3865 2011 | Socrates and Philosophy in the Dialogues of Plato [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
B430.A5 R67 2009eb | The Nicomachean ethics [electronic resource] / Aristotle translated by David Ross revised with an introduction and notes by Lesley Brown. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, c2009.
B491.T5R53 2011 | Aristotle on Time [electronic resource] : a Study of the Physics. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
B491.T78L66 2010 | Aristotle on the Nature of Truth [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
B528 .I78 2009eb | A guide to the good life [electronic resource] : the ancient art of Stoic joy / William B. Irvine. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, 2009.
B745.R4W35 2010 | God and Logic in Islam [electronic resource] : the Caliphate of Reason. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
B765.H564 C66 2010 | A companion to Henry of Ghent [electronic resource] / edited by Gordon A. Wilson. | Leiden Boston : Brill, 2010.
B945 .M298 2010 | Philosophy, Psychoanalysis and Emancipation [electronic resource] : Herbert Marcuse Collected Papers, Volume 5. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
B1649.P64R69 2011 | Popper's Critical Rationalism [electronic resource] : a Philosophical Investigation. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
B1649.R94 | Russell [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
B2430.S34 R43 2010eb | Reading Sartre [electronic resource] : On Phenomenology and Existentialism. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
B2758 | Kant [electronic resource] : Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and Sublime and Other Writings. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
B2766.Z7 | Immanuel Kant [electronic resource] : a German-English edition. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
B2799.E8.P44 2011 | Perfecting Virtue [electronic resource] : New Essays on Kantian Ethics and Virtue Ethics. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
B2942.E5D5 2010 | The Science of Logic [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
B3279.H49W54 2010 | Heidegger in America [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
B4378.C5B37 2010 | Kierkegaard, Pietism and Holiness [electronic resource]. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
BD111 .C335 2010eb | An introduction to metaphysics [electronic resource] / John W. Carroll, Ned Markosian. | Cambridge New York : Cambridge University Press, c2010.
BD161.A35 2011 | Epistemology and the Regress Problem [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
BD161 .R69 2011eb | The Routledge companion to epistemology [electronic resource] / edited by Sven Bernecker and Duncan Pritchard. | New York : Routledge, 2011.
BD175 .S622 2011eb | Social epistemology [electronic resource] : essential readings / edited by Alvin I. Goldman and Dennis Whitcomb. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, 2011.
BD221 .C65 2011eb | A companion to relativism [electronic resource] / edited by Steven D. Hales. | Chichester, West Sussex, U.K. Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
BD241.F495 2011 | Philosophical Delusion and its Therapy [electronic resource] : Outline of a Philosophical Revolution. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2011.
BD331.E43 2011 | Familiar Objects and their Shadows [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
BD336 .H57 2011eb | Quantifier variance and realism [electronic resource] : essays in metaontology / Eli Hirsch. | New York : Oxford University Press, 2011.
BD418.3.S47 2010 | Embodied Cognition [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
BF76.H45 2010 | Majoring in Psychology [electronic resource] : Achieving Your Educational and Career Goals. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
BF76.8 .S73 2010eb | The psychologist's companion [electronic resource] : a guide to writing scientific papers for students and researchers / Robert J. Sternberg, Karin Sternberg. | Cambridge New York : Cambridge University Press, c2010.
BF81 .P48 2010eb | A history of modern psychology in context [electronic resource] / Wade E. Pickren and Alexandra Rutherford. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley, c2010.
BF145 .A15 2010eb | 50 great myths of popular psychology [electronic resource] : shattering widespread misconceptions about human behavior / Scott O. Lilienfeld ... [et al.]. | Chichester, West Sussex Malden, Mass. : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
BF161.B5675 2011 | Body, Mind and Healing After Jung [electronic resource] : a Space of Questions. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
BF173.P28525 2011 | Lacanian Psychoanalysis [electronic resource] : Revolutions in Subjectivity. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
BF175 .S48 2011eb | Sexual revolutions [electronic resource] : psychoanalysis, history and the father / edited by Gottfried Heuer. | New York, NY : Routledge, 2011.
BF175.4.R44H64 2011 | Toward Mutual Recognition [electronic resource] : Relational Psychoanalysis and the Christian Narrative. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
BF175.5.I53N53 2010 | C.G. Jung and Nikolai Berdyaev Individuation and the Person [electronic resource] : a Critical Comparison. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
BF175.5.P75R83 2010 | When the Past Is Always Present [electronic resource] : Emotional Traumatization, Causes, and Cures. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
BF176 .G76 2009eb | Handbook of psychological assessment [electronic resource] / Gary Groth-Marnat. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2009.
BF201 .A66 2011eb | Mindreaders [electronic resource] : the cognitive basis of "theory of mind" / Ian Apperly. | Hove New York, NY : Psychology Press, 2011.
BF233.E94 2010 | Everyday Life in Asia [electronic resource] : Social Perspectives on the Senses. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2010.
BF341 .N377 2010 | Nature and Nurture in Early Child Development [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
BF353.5.C55 E54 2011eb | Engaging the public with climate change [electronic resource] : behaviour change and communication / edited by Lorraine Whitmarsh, Saffron O'Neill, and Irene Lorenzoni. | London Washington, DC : Earthscan, 2011.
BF353.5.N37 C53 2009eb | Conservation psychology [electronic resource] : understanding and promoting human care for nature / Susan Clayton and Gene Myers. | Chichester, UK Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.
BF371.S86 2011 | Successful Remembering and Successful Forgetting [electronic resource] : a Festschrift in Honor of Robert A. Bjork. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
BF375.5.W43 D76 2011 | Essentials of WMS-IV Assessment [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
BF378.S54 C64 2010eb | Cognitive development and working memory [electronic resource] : a dialogue between neo-Piagetian and cognitive approaches / edited by Pierre Barrouillet and Vinciane Gaillard. | New York, NY : Psychology Press, 2010.
BF408 .C173 2010eb | The Cambridge handbook of creativity [electronic resource] / edited by James C. Kaufman, Robert J. Sternberg. | Cambridge New York : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
BF426.S54 2011 | The Signs of a Savant [electronic resource] : Language Against the Odds. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
BF431 .P675 2009eb | Practitioner's guide to assessing intelligence and achievement [electronic resource] / edited by Jack A. Naglieri, Sam Goldstein. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2009.
BF444 .K5513 2008 | The Overflowing Brain [electronic resource] : Information Overload and the Limits of Working Memory. | Oxford : Oxford University Press, USA, 2008.
BF449 .J66 2010eb | Learning to Solve Problems [electronic resource] : a Handbook for Designing Problem-Solving Learning Environments. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
BF503 .L53 2011eb | Psychoanalysis and motivational systems [electronic resource] : a new look / Joseph D. Lichtenberg, Frank M. Lachmann, James L. Fosshage. | New York : Routledge, c2011.
BF503 .S655 2011eb | Social motivation [electronic resource] / edited by David Dunning. | New York : Psychology Press, c2011.
BF511 .C76 2011eb | Social justice and the experience of emotion [electronic resource] / Russell Cropanzano, Jordan H. Stein, Thierry Nadisic. | New York : Routledge, c2011.
BF515 .W29 2009eb | The pleasure instinct [electronic resource] : why we crave adventure, chocolate, pheromones, and music / Gene Wallenstein. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2009.
BF531 .R445 2010eb | Encyclopedia of emotion [electronic resource] / Gretchen M. Reevy with the assistance of Yvette Malamud Ozer and Yuri Ito. | Santa Barbara, Calif. : Greenwood, c2010.
BF531 .R68 2011eb | The Routledge handbook of emotions and mass media [electronic resource] / edited by Katrin Doveling, Christian von Scheve, and Elly A. Konijn. | Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon New York : Routledge, 2011.
BF575.A3 M445 2010eb | Microaggressions and marginality [electronic resource] : manifestation, dynamics, and impact / edited by Derald Wing Sue. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2010.
BF575.A3 S88 2010eb | Microaggressions in everyday life [electronic resource] : race, gender, and sexual orientation / Derald Wing Sue. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2010.
BF575.A5F38 2011 | Anger Management [electronic resource] : a Practical Guide. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
BF575.D35C68 2010 | Counting Our Losses [electronic resource] : Reflecting on Change, Loss, and Transition in Everyday Life. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
BF575.G7.B767 2010 | Parenting After the Death of a Child [electronic resource] : a Practitioner's Guide. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
BF575.G7.D64 2010 | Grieving Beyond Gender [electronic resource] : Understanding the Ways Men and Women Mourn, Revised Edition. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
BF576 .H35 2009eb | Handbook for developing emotional and social intelligence [electronic resource] : best practices, case studies, and strategies / Marcia Hughes, Henry L. Thompson, and James Bradford Terrell, editors foreword by James M. Kouzes. | San Francisco, CA : Pfeiffer, c2009.
BF636.6.F35 2010 | Theoretical Models of Counseling and Psychotherapy [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
BF636.64.G85 2010 | A Counseling Primer [electronic resource] : an Introduction to the Profession. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
BF636.7.C76 W67 2011eb | Working with immigrant families [electronic resource] : a practical guide for counselors / edited by Adam Zagelbaum and Jon Carlson. | New York : Routledge, c2011.
BF637.B85 B8572 2011eb | Bullying in different contexts [electronic resource] / edited by Claire P. Monks, Iain Coyne. | Cambridge New York : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
BF637.C45 D335 2010eb | The dark side of close relationships II [electronic resource] / edited by William R. Cupach, Brian H. Spitzberg. | New York London : Routledge, 2011.
BF637.C6 F356 2011eb | Favorite counseling and therapy homework assignments [electronic resource] / edited by Howard G. Rosenthal with contributions by Albert Ellis ... [et al.]. | New York : Routledge, c2011.
BF637.C6 F36 2011eb | Favorite counseling and therapy techniques [electronic resource] / edited by Howard G. Rosenthal with contributions by Albert Ellis ... [et al.]. | New York : Routledge, 2011.
BF637.E53 S3613 2011eb | Encouragement makes good things happen [electronic resource] / Theo Schoenaker translated by R. John Huber with Jutta Street and Sandra Losa. | New York : Routledge, c2011.
BF637.L4 H395 2011eb | The new psychology of leadership [electronic resource] : identity, influence, and power / S. Alexander Haslam, Stephen Reicher, and Michael Platow. | Hove [England] New York : Psychology Press, 2011.
BF637.L4 J57 2011eb | Female leadership [electronic resource] : management, Jungian psychology, spirituality and the global journey through purgatory / Karin Jironet. | Hove, East Sussex New York, NY : Routledge, 2011.
BF637.L4L45 2010 | Coaching Women to Lead [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
BF637.P36 | From Therapist to Coach [electronic resource] : How to Leverage Your Clinical Expertise to Build a Thriving Coaching Practice. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
BF637.P36D79 2010 | Dealing with Clients' Emotional Problems in Life Coaching [electronic resource] : a Rational-Emotive and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (RECBT) Approach. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
BF637.P4 P39 2010eb | The Dynamics of Persuasion [electronic resource] : Communication and Attitudes in the 21st Century. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
BF692.H43 2010 | Sex in Psychotherapy [electronic resource] : Sexuality, Passion, Love, and Desire in the Therapeutic Encounter. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
BF692 .L476 2011eb | Gay, straight, and the reason why [electronic resource] : the science of sexual orientation / Simon LeVay. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, 2011.
BF692.2.G67 2010 | Men, Women and Relationships - A Post-Jungian Approach [electronic resource] : Gender Electrics and Magic Beans. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
BF692.2 .P43 2011eb | Man and woman [electronic resource] : an inside story / Donald W. Pfaff. | New York : Oxford University Press, 2011.
BF692.5 .A53 2009eb | Inclusive masculinity [electronic resource] : the changing nature of masculinities / Eric Anderson. | New York : Routledge, c2009.
BF692.5.B53 2010 | An International Psychology of Men [electronic resource] : Theoretical Advances, Case Studies, and Clinical Innovations. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
BF697 .B855 2009eb | Identity theory [electronic resource] / Peter J. Burke and Jan E. Stets. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, 2009.
BF697.R383 2011 | Rebels in Groups [electronic resource] : Dissent, Deviance, Difference and Defiance. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
BF698.8.M94 Q45 2009eb | Essentials of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator assessment [electronic resource] / Naomi L. Quenk. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2009.
BF698.95 .L34 2010eb | Adaptive origins [electronic resource] : evolution and human development / Peter LaFreniere. | New York : Psychology Press, 2010.
BF713 .B565 2011eb | The Wiley-Blackwell handbook of childhood social development [electronic resource] / edited by Peter K. Smith and Craig H. Hart. | Chichester, West Sussex Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
BF713 .D465 2011eb | Developmental science [electronic resource] : an advanced textbook / edited by Marc H. Bornstein and Michael E. Lamb. | New York : Psychology Press, 2011.
BF720.C65F73 2010 | The First Year and the Rest of Your Life [electronic resource] : Movement, Development, and Psychotherapeutic Change. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
BF721 .W54 2011eb | Reading Winnicott [electronic resource] / edited by Lesley Caldwell and Angela Joyce. | London New York : Routledge, 2011.
BF723.C5B5 2010 | The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Childhood Cognitive Development [electronic resource]. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
BF723.E6 M87 2011eb | Nurturing natures [electronic resource] : attachment and children's emotional, sociocultural, and brain development / Graham Music. | Hove, East Sussex New York : Psychology Press, c2011.
BF724.3.T78T39 2010 | Deception [electronic resource] : a Young Person's Life Skill?. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
BF724.8.U53 2011 | Understanding Well-Being in the Oldest Old [electronic resource] : Psychological Perspectives on Aging. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
BH39 .S257 2011eb | Dictionary of visual discourse [electronic resource] : a dialectical lexicon of terms / Barry Sandywell. | Farnham, Surrey Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2011.
BJ231.D68 2011 | Moral Dilemmas in Medieval Thought [electronic resource] : From Gratian to Aquinas. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
BJ1012.D43 2010 | An Introduction to Ethics. [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
BJ1188.M39 2010 | Understanding Religious Ethics. [electronic resource]. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
BJ1311 .J36 2011eb | An introduction to evolutionary ethics [electronic resource] / Scott M. James. | Chichester, West Sussex, U.K. MAlden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
BJ1470.5.F47 2011 | Stargazing [electronic resource] : Celebrity, Fame, and Social Interaction. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
BJ1581.2 .H87 2011eb | The best things in life [electronic resource] : a guide to what really matters / Thomas Hurka. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, 2011.
BL31 .O47 2010eb | Religious Studies [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
BL48 .C575 2009eb | Contemporary theories of religion [electronic resource] : a critical companion / edited by Michael Stausberg. | London New York : Routledge, 2009.
BL51 .C634 2010 | A companion to philosophy of religion [electronic resource] / edited by Charles Taliaferro, Paul Draper, and Philip L. Quinn. | Chichester, U.K. Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
BL53.W573 2011 | Religious and Spiritual Experiences [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
BL60.M43 2010 | Mediating Faiths [electronic resource] : Religion and Socio-Cultural Change in the Twenty-First Century. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
BL65.G4 F86 2010eb | The Fundamentalist City? [electronic resource] : Religiosity and the Remaking of Urban Space. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
BL65.I56 P47 2010 | War, religion and empire [electronic resource] : the transformation of international orders / Andrew Phillips. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
BL65.P7K5695 2011 | When Religion Becomes Lethal [electronic resource] : the Explosive Mix of Politics and Religion in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
BL65.S8 K87 2009eb | Secularism and state policies toward religion [electronic resource] : the United States, France, and Turkey / Ahmet T. Kuru. | Cambridge New York : Cambridge University Press, 2009.
BL1060 .S64 2011eb | Religions of the ancient Near East [electronic resource] / Daniel C. Snell. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
BL1151.3 .Y68 2010eb | New homelands [electronic resource] : Hindu communities in Mauritius, Guyana, Trinidad, South Africa, Fiji, and East Africa / Paul Younger. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, c2010.
BL1803 .R454 2011eb | Religion in contemporary China [electronic resource] : revitalization and innovation / edited by Adam Yuet Chau. | Milton Park, Abingdon New York, NY : Routledge, 2011.
BL2218 .B74 2010eb | A new history of Shinto [electronic resource] / John Breen and Mark Teeuwen. | Chichester Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
BL2525.G625 2010 | God in the Details [electronic resource] : American Religion in Popular Culture. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis Ltd., 2010.
BL2747.8.M34 2010 | The Future of Christianity [electronic resource] : Reflections on Violence and Democracy, Religion and Secularization. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
BP50 .S65 2010eb | Islam [electronic resource] : a brief history / Tamara Sonn. | Chichester, West Sussex, U.K. Maldon, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
BP52 .I854 2011eb | Islamophobia [electronic resource] : the challenge of pluralism in the 21st century / edited by John L. Esposito and Ibrahim Kalin. | New York : Oxford University Press, 2011.
BP63.B3 P65 2011eb | Political Islam and governance in Bangladesh [electronic resource] / edited by Ali Riaz and C. Christine Fair. | Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon New York, NY : Routledge, 2011.
BP63.U9 R37 2010eb | Islam in post-Soviet Uzbekistan [electronic resource] : the morality of experience / Johan Rasanayagam. | Cambridge, UK : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
BP65.N8 J325 2011eb | Islamic traditions and Muslim youth in Norway [electronic resource] / by Christine M. Jacobsen. | Leiden Boston : Brill, 2011.
BP80.M34 J33 2011eb | Mawlana Mawdudi and political Islam [electronic resource] : authority and the Islamic state / Roy Jackson. | London New York : Routledge, 2011.
BP130.45 .C66513 2011eb | The Qur'an [electronic resource] : Modern Muslim Interpretations. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis Ltd., 2010.
BP161.3 .E867 2010eb | The future of Islam [electronic resource] / John L. Esposito. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, 2010.
BP173.25 | Are Muslims Distinctive? [electronic resource] : a Look at the Evidence. | Oxford : Oxford University Press, USA, 2011.
BP173.4 .W694 2010eb | Women and Islam [electronic resource] / Zayn R. Kassam, editor. | Santa Barbara, Calif. : Praeger, c2010.
BP253.Z8 N8765 2011 | An introduction to Said Nursi [electronic resource] : life, thought and writings / Ian Markham and Suendam Birinci Pirim. | Farnham Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2011.
BQ772.B83 2010 | Buddhism in Australia [electronic resource] : Traditions in Change. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
BQ4022 .M67 2010eb | Essential Buddhism [electronic resource] : a comprehensive guide to belief and practice / Diane Morgan. | Santa Barbara, Calif. : Praeger, c2010.
BQ4160.S55 2011 | Critical Buddhism [electronic resource] : Engaging with Modern Japanese Buddhist Thought. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
BQ7405 | Mahayana Buddhism [electronic resource] : the Doctrinal Foundations. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2008.
BR41 .D74 2009eb | Polydoxy [electronic resource] : Theology of Multiplicity and Relation. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis Ltd., 2010.
BR115.H6 C684 2009eb | Contemporary Christianity and LGBT sexualities [electronic resource] / edited by Stephen Hunt. | Farnham, England Burlington, VT : Ashgate Pub., c2009.
BR333.3 BR333.3.K66 2009 BR333.3.K66 2009b | Martin Luther [electronic resource] : Confessor of the Faith. | Oxford : Oxford University Press, UK, 2009.
BR350.F3Z85 2010 | Early French Reform [electronic resource] : the Theology and Spirituality of Guillaume Farel. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
BR516 .S43 2011eb | The myth of American religious freedom [electronic resource] / David Sehat. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, 2011.
BR744.S74 2010 | Christianity and Party Politics [electronic resource] : Keeping the faith. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
BR759.C365 2010 | God's Empire [electronic resource] : Religion and Colonialism in the British World, c.1801-1908. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
BR759.G744 2010 | The Passing of Protestant England [electronic resource] : Secularisation and Social Change, c.1920-1960. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
BR1065.P43 2011 | Christianities in Asia [electronic resource]. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
BS651 .B7878 2010eb | The seven pillars of Creation [electronic resource] : the Bible, science, and the ecology of wonder / William P. Brown. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, 2010.
BS1186 .N54 2011eb | Jewish exegesis and Homeric scholarship in Alexandria [electronic resource] / Maren R. Niehoff. | Cambridge New York : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
BS2655.I63F67 2011 | The Politics of Inheritance in Romans [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
BS2675.52 .M87 2009eb | Keys to first Corinthians [electronic resource] : revisiting the major issues / Jerome Murphy-O'connor. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, 2009.
BT40 .V36 2010eb | Remythologizing theology [electronic resource] : divine action, passion, and authorship / Kevin J. Vanhoozer. | Cambridge, UK New York : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
BT160.F85 2010 | The Trinity and Theodicy [electronic resource] : the Trinitarian Theology of von Balthasar and the Problem of Evil. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
BT203 .O25 2009eb | Christology [electronic resource] : a biblical, historical, and systematic study of Jesus / Gerald O'Collins. | Oxford, UK : Oxford University Press, 2009.
BT420 | The Mystery of the Last Supper [electronic resource] : Reconstructing the Final Days of Jesus. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
BT741.3.M555 2010 | The Senses and the English Reformation [electronic resource]. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
BV1475.3 .E77 2010eb | Primary Religious Education - A New Approach [electronic resource] : Conceptual Enquiry in Primary RE. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
BV4501.3 .C496 2009eb | Christian spirituality [electronic resource] : the classics / edited by Arthur Holder. | London New York : Routledge, 2009.
BV4529.2 .S64 2009eb | Souls in transition [electronic resource] : the religious and spiritual lives of emerging adults / Christian Smith with Patricia Snell. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, 2009.
BX2015.62 | The book of the secrets of the faithful of the cross [electronic resource] / Marino Sanudo Torsello translated by Peter Lock. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
BX5195.L7R68 2010 | Saving the Souls of Medieval London [electronic resource] : Perpetual Chantries at St Paul's Cathedral, c.1200-1548. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
BX8121.3 .K73 2010eb | The Amish way [electronic resource] : patient faith in a perilous world / Donald B. Kraybill, Steven M. Nolt, David L. Weaver-Zercher. | San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, c2010.
BX8627 .H33 2010eb | Understanding the Book of Mormon [electronic resource] : a reader's guide / Grant Hardy. | New York : Oxford University Press, 2010.
BX9323 .B73 2009eb | Puritanism [electronic resource] : a very short introduction / Francis J. Bremer. | New York : Oxford University Press, c2009.
CB311 O46 2010eb | Technology and science in ancient civilizations [electronic resource] / Richard G. Olson. | Santa Barbara, Calif. : Praeger, c2010.
CB361.C24 2011 | Contesting the Renaissance [electronic resource]. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
CC75.7 .V36 2011eb | Quantitative analysis in archaeology [electronic resource] / Todd L. VanPool & Robert D. Leonard. | Chichester, West Sussex, U.K. Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
CC79.5.H85 H857 2010 | Human bioarchaeology of the transition to agriculture [electronic resource] / editors, Ron Pinhasi and Jay Stock. | Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
CT25.A53 2010 | Autobiography [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
D16.14 .L39 2011eb | Oral history [electronic resource] / Patricia Leavy. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, 2011.
D16.2.D43 2011 | Debates in History Teaching [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
D16.255.A8 T44 2010eb | Teaching history with film [electronic resource] : strategies for secondary social studies / Alan S. Marcus ... [et al.]. | New York : Routledge, 2010.
D16.8 .S737 2011eb | World history [electronic resource] : the basics / Peter N. Stearns. | London New York : Routledge, 2011.
D16.8.W398 2011 | The Western Time of Ancient History [electronic resource] : Historiographical Encounters with the Greek and Roman Pasts. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
D25.A2 T83 2011eb | Battles that changed history [electronic resource] : an encyclopedia of world conflict / Spencer C. Tucker. | Santa Barbara, Calif. : ABC-CLIO, c2011.
D160.T49 2010 | Crusading as an Act of Vengeance, 1095-1216 [electronic resource]. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
D299 | The Wiley-Blackwell Dictionary of Modern European History Since 1789 [electronic resource]. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
D424.F55 2011 | Europe between Democracy and Dictatorship, 1900-1945 [electronic resource]. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2008.
D743.42 .F565 2010eb | Remembering the road to World War Two [electronic resource] : international history, national identity, collective memory / Patrick Finney. | London New York : Routledge, 2010.
D767.99.B6 O58 2011eb | The Japanese occupation of Borneo, 1941-45 [electronic resource] / Ooi Keat Gin. | Abingdon, Oxon New York : Routledge, 2011.
D802.E92C656 2010 | Collaboration with the Nazis [electronic resource] : Public Discourse after the Holocaust. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
D804.3 .B3636 2011eb | Fifty Key Thinkers on the Holocaust and Genocide [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
D804.3 .R76 2011eb | The Routledge history of the Holocaust [electronic resource] / edited by Jonathan C. Friedman. | Abingdon, Oxon New York : Routledge, 2011.
D809.G7 W45 2010eb | Churchill's children [electronic resource] : the evacuee experience in wartime Britain / John Welshman. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, c2010.
D810.W7 W435 2010eb | American women during World War II [electronic resource] : an encyclopedia / Doris Weatherford. | New York : Routledge, 2010.
D811.5 .A18 2009eb | America's home front heroes [electronic resource] : an oral history of World War II / [compiled by] Stacy Enyeart foreword by Larry Aasen. | Santa Barbara, Calif. : Praeger/ABC-CLIO, c2009.
DA87.M67 2010 | The Foundations of British Maritime Ascendancy [electronic resource] : Resources, Logistics and the State, 1755-1815. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
DA175. T54 2010eb | The ties that bind [electronic resource] : essays in medieval British history in honor of Barbara Hanawalt / edited by Linda E. Mitchell, Katherine L. French, and Douglas L. Biggs. | Farnham, Surrey : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
DA300 .T46 2009eb | The ends of life [electronic resource] : roads to fulfilment in early modern England / Keith Thomas. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, c2009.
DA406 .S623 2010 | Royalist agents, conspirators and spies [electronic resource] : their role in the British Civil Wars, 1640-1660 / Geoffrey Smith. | Farnham, Surrey, England Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2011.
DA407.S5A68 2011 | Anthony Ashley Cooper, First Earl of Shaftesbury 1621-1683 [electronic resource]. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
DA480.B554 2011 | Debating Foreign Policy in Eighteenth-Century Britain [electronic resource]. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
DA530 | Structures and Transformations in Modern British History [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
DA560.K56 2011 | The American Civil War in the Shaping of British Democracy [electronic resource]. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
DA566.9.G36J44 2011 | Rolf Gardiner [electronic resource] : Folk, Nature and Culture in Interwar Britain. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
DA578.H83 2010 | Public Opinion and the End of Appeasement in Britain and France [electronic resource]. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
DC718.A44 B66 2011eb | Becoming Americans in Paris [electronic resource] : transatlantic politics and culture between the World Wars / Brooke L. Blower. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, c2011.
DF75.D55 2010 | Ancient Greece [electronic resource] : Social and Historical Documents from Archaic Times to the Death of Alexander. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
DF77 .C6955 2009eb | A companion to archaic Greece [electronic resource] / edited by Kurt A. Raaflaub and Hans van Wees. | Chichester, U.K. Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.
DF77 .E35 2010 | From Solon to Socrates [electronic resource] : Greek History and Civilization During the 6th and 5th Centuries BC. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
DF78.G276 2009eb | Daily Life of the Ancient Greeks. [electronic resource]. | Santa Barbara : ABC-CLIO, 2008.
DF214 .B78 2010eb | Aspects of Greek history 750-323 BC [electronic resource] : a source-based approach / Terry Buckley. | Milton Park, Abingdon New York : Routledge, 2010.
DF214 .R49 2010eb | A history of the classical Greek world, 478-323 BC [electronic resource] / P.J. Rhodes. | Chichester, West Sussex, U.K. Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
DF227 .H67 2011eb | The Greek world : 479-323 BC [electronic resource] / Simon Hornblower. | Abingdon, Oxon New York, NY : Routledge, 2011.
DF229.T5 H36 2009eb | The Peloponnesian War [electronic resource] / Thucydides translated by Martin Hammond with an introduction and notes by P.J. Rhodes. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, 2009.
DG77 .R6712 2011eb | The Roman Empire in context [electronic resource] : historical and comparative perspectives / edited by Johann P. Arnason and Kurt A. Raaflaub. | Chichester, West Sussex, U.K. Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
DG241 .C66 2011 | A companion to the Punic Wars [electronic resource] / edited by Dexter Hoyos. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
DG254 .S35 2010 | From the Gracchi to Nero [electronic resource] : a History of Rome 133 BC to AD 68. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
DG261.B55 2008 DG261.B55 2009 | Julius Caesar [electronic resource] : the Colossus of Rome. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2008.
DG261 .C76 2009eb | A companion to Julius Caesar [electronic resource] / edited by Miriam Griffin. | Chichester, U.K. Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.
DG272 .W66 2011eb | Tales of the barbarians [electronic resource] : ethnography and empire in the Roman west / Greg Woolf. | Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, c2011.
DG297 .K68 2009eb | Marcus Aurelius' rain miracle and the Marcomannic wars [electronic resource] / by Peter Kovacs. | Leiden Boston : Brill, 2009.
DG315 .O33 2010eb | Constantine and the Christian empire [electronic resource] / Charles Matson Odahl. | London New York, NY : Routledge, c2010.
DG583.5 .I87 2010eb | Italy today [electronic resource] : the sick man of Europe / edited by Andrea Mammone and Giuseppe A. Veltri. | London New York : Routledge, 2010.
DG867.299.D86 2011 | The French in the Kingdom of Sicily, 1266-1305 [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
DK189.W44 2011 | Across the Revolutionary Divide [electronic resource] : Russia and the USSR, 1861-1945. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2009.
DK254.A7 K56 2010eb | The resurrection of the Romanovs [electronic resource] : Anastasia, Anna Anderson, and the world's greatest royal mystery / Greg King and Penny Wilson. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
DK268.M59 A3 2010eb | Gulag boss [electronic resource] : a Soviet memoir / by Fyodor Vasilevich Mochulsky translated and edited by Deborah Kaple. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, 2010.
DK275.K5K486 2011 | Khrushchev in the Kremlin [electronic resource] : Policy and Government in the Soviet Union, 1953-64. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2011.
DK510.32 .G55 2011eb | Celebrity and Glamour in Contemporary Russia [electronic resource] : Shocking Chic. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis Ltd., 2010.
DK510.766.P87T39 2010 | State building in Putin's Russia [electronic resource] : policing and coercion after communism / Brian D. Taylor. | Cambridge New York : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
DL431 .O54 2010eb | Culture and customs of Norway [electronic resource] / Margaret Hayford O'Leary. | Santa Barbara, Calif. : Greenwood, c2010.
DR565 .R54 2011eb | Opposition and legitimacy in the Ottoman Empire [electronic resource] : conspiracies and political cultures / Florian Riedler. | London New York : Routledge, 2011.
DR1282 .N48 2011eb | New perspectives on Yugoslavia [electronic resource] : key issues and controversies / edited by Dejan Djokic and James Ker-Lindsay. | London New York : Routledge, 2011.
DS12 .A495 2011eb | Alterities in Asia [electronic resource] : reflections on identity and regionalism / edited by Leong Yew. | Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon New York : Routledge, 2011.
DS33.1 .L58 2010eb | The Silk Road in world history [electronic resource] / Xinru Liu. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, 2010.
DS61.8 .L63 2010eb | Contending visions of the Middle East [electronic resource] : the history and politics of Orientalism / Zachary Lockman. | Cambridge, UK New York : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
DS79.76.C76 2011 | The New Spatiality of Security [electronic resource] : Operational Uncertainty and the US Military in Iraq. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
DS119.76.H3557 2011 | Conflict and Peacemaking in Israel-Palestine [electronic resource] : Theory and Application. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2011.
DS125.3.B37A7613 2010 | David Ben-Gurion and the Jewish Renaissance [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
DS134.85B47 2010 | Surviving the Holocaust [electronic resource] : a Life Course Perspective. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
DS135.S34M37 2011 | The Forgotten Diaspora [electronic resource] : Jewish Communities in West Africa and the Making of the Atlantic World. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
DS195.5 .Q45 2011eb | A question of genocide [electronic resource] : Armenians and Turks at the end of the Ottoman Empire / edited by Ronald Grigor Suny, Fatma Muge Gocek, and Norman M. Naimark. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, c2011.
DS244.63.A45 2011 | Islam and Political Reform in Saudi Arabia [electronic resource] : the Quest for Political Change and Reform. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
DS274.H65 2011 | Defining Iran [electronic resource] : Politics of Resistance. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
DS318.825.M576 2010 | Political Islam, Iran, and the Enlightenment [electronic resource] : Philosophies of Hope and Despair. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
DS318.85.D66 2011 | The Iran-Iraq War [electronic resource] : Antecedents and Conflict Escalation. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
DS329.4 .G598 2011eb | Central Asia in world history [electronic resource] / Peter B. Golden. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, 2011.
DS339.2 .C66 2011eb | Communalism and globalization in South Asia and its diaspora [electronic resource] / edited by Deana Heath and Chandana Mathur. | Abingdon, Oxon New York : Routledge, 2011.
DS341.R47 2011 | Religion and Security in South and Central Asia [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
DS371.412 .R68 2011eb | The Routledge Handbook of War and Society [electronic resource] : Iraq and Afghanistan. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
DS407 .S82 2010eb | A history of India [electronic resource] / Burton Stein. | Chichester, U.K. Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
DS432.P25 B37 2010eb | Nandanar's children [electronic resource] : the Paraiyans' tryst with destiny, Tamil Nadu 1850-1956 / Raj Sekhar Basu. | New Delhi, India Thousand Oaks, Calif. : SAGE Publications, 2010.
DS450.S64 K37 2011eb | India and the South Asian strategic triangle [electronic resource] / Ashok Kapur. | London New York : Routledge, 2011.
DS481.G3S34 2011 | Gandhi in the West [electronic resource] : the Mahatma and the Rise of Radical Protest. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
DS481.G3 U53 2011eb | Understanding Gandhi [electronic resource] : Gandhians in conversation with Fred J. Blum / edited by Usha Thakkar, Jayshree Mehta. | Los Angeles : Sage Publications, 2011.
DS489.84 .C673 2011eb | Conflict and peacebuilding in Sri Lanka [electronic resource] : caught in the peace trap? / edited by Jonathan Goodhand, Jonathan Spencer and Benedikt Korf. | Abingdon, Oxon New York : Routledge, 2011.
DS509.5.H66 L44 2010eb | Culture and customs of the Hmong [electronic resource] / Gary Yia Lee and Nicholas Tapp. | Santa Barbara, Calif. : Greenwood, c2010.
DS518.1.Y35 2011 | The International Politics of the Asia Pacific [electronic resource] : Third and revised edition. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2011.
DS518.8.U16 2010 | U.S. Leadership, History, and Bilateral Relations in Northeast Asia [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
DS730 | Modern China's Ethnic Frontiers [electronic resource] : a Journey to the West. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
DS777.533.C47C47 2010 | Abandoned Japanese in Postwar Manchuria [electronic resource] : the Lives of War Orphans and Wives in Two Countries. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
DS779.26 .J43 2010eb | Political Developments in Contemporary China [electronic resource] : a Guide. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
DS779.32 .I56 2011eb | The impact of China's 1989 Tiananmen massacre [electronic resource] / edited by Jean-Philippe Beja. | Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon New York : Routledge, 2011.
DS779.4.W376 2010 | China in the 21st Century [electronic resource] : What Everyone Needs to Know. | Oxford : Oxford University Press, USA, 2009.
DS830.J356 2009 | Japan's Minorities [electronic resource] : the Illusion of Homogeneity. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 1996.
DS849.C5V93 2011 | Soft Power in Japan-China Relations [electronic resource] : State, sub-state and non-state relations. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
DS891 .K538 2011eb | Contemporary Japan [electronic resource] : history, politics and social change since the 1980s / Jeffrey Kingston. | Chichester, West Sussex, U.K. Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
DS904.K66 | The Koreas [electronic resource] / Mary E. Connor, editor. | Santa Barbara : ABC-CLIO, 2009.
DT38.9.C5.T395 2010 | The Forum on China- Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
DT61 .E3335 2010eb | Egyptian archaeology [electronic resource] / edited by Willeke Wendrich. | Chichester, U.K. Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
DT62.T6 | Ancient Egyptian Tombs [electronic resource] : the Culture of Life and Death. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
DT159.6.D27S85 2011 | The Darfur Conflict [electronic resource] : Geography or Institutions?. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
DT516.827 .D46 2010eb | Child soldiers [electronic resource] : Sierra Leone's Revolutionary United Front / Myriam Denov. | Cambridge New York : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
E83.877 .W47 2009eb | The last Indian war [electronic resource] : the Nez Perce story / Elliott West. | Oxford [England] New York : Oxford University Press, 2009.
E125.C4 C53 2011eb | Bartolome de las Casas and the conquest of the Americas [electronic resource] / Lawrence A. Clayton. | Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
E169.12 | Celebrity in the 21st Century [electronic resource] : a Reference Handbook. | Santa Barbara : ABC-CLIO, 2011.
E169.12 .H338 2011eb | A nation of outsiders [electronic resource] : how the white middle class fell in love with rebellion in postwar America / Grace Elizabeth Hale. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, c2011.
E169.12 .S335 2011eb | Americanism in the twenty-first century [electronic resource] : public opinion in the age of immigration / Deborah Schildkraut. | New York : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
E175.8.G47 2010 | Teaching U.S. History as Mystery [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
E183.8.C9 G53 2010eb | US policy towards Cuba [electronic resource] : since the Cold War / Jessica F. Gibbs. | London New York : Routledge, 2010.
E183.8.I4 U656 2010eb | The United States and India [electronic resource] : a history through archives: the later years, Vol. 2 / edited by Praveen K. Chaudhry, Marta Vanduzer-Snow. | Los Angeles : Sage, c2011.
E183.8.M6D65 2009 E183.8.M6 | United States and Mexico [electronic resource] : Between Partnership and Conflict. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2009.
E184.A1 E553 2011eb | Transcending racial barriers [electronic resource] : toward a mutual obligations approach / Michael O. Emerson, George Yancey. | New York : Oxford University Press, 2011.
E184.A75 T49 2009eb | Asian American psychology [electronic resource] : current perspectives / edited by Nita Tewari & Alvin N. Alvarez. | New York : Psychology Press, c2009.
E184.C5 .F84 2013 | Bend, not break : a life in two worlds / Ping Fu with MeiMei Fox. | New York : Portfolio/Penguin, 2012.
E184.M88 C877 2009eb | Muslims in America [electronic resource] : a short history / Edward E. Curtis IV. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, 2009.
E185.96 .K56 2008eb | Icons of African American protest [electronic resource] : trailblazing activists of the civil rights movement / Gladys L. Knight. | Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 2008.
E185.97.D73 B358 2011eb | Democracy's reconstruction [electronic resource] : thinking politically with W.E.B. Du Bois / Lawrie Balfour. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, 2011.
E208 .A425 2011eb | The American Revolution [electronic resource] : a concise history / Robert J. Allison. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, c2011.
E210-216 | The Boston Massacre [electronic resource] : a History with Documents. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
E468 .M155 2011eb | The Civil War [electronic resource] : a concise history / Louis P. Masur. | Oxford [U.K.] New York : Oxford University Press, c2011.
E621 .E24 2011eb | This birth place of souls [electronic resource] : the Civil War nursing diary of Harriet Eaton / edited with an introduction by Jane E. Schultz. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, 2011.
E717.7 .B37 2010eb | The Spanish-American War and Philippine Insurrection, 18981902 [electronic resource] : an Annotated Bibliography. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
E840.8.B54 T75 2012 | Tributes delivered in Congress : Joseph R. Biden, Jr., United States Senator, 1973-2009. | Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 2012.
E903.3.M43 2011 | George W. Bush and the Redemptive Dream [electronic resource] : a Psychological Portrait. | Oxford : Oxford University Press, USA, 2010.
F129.B7 O79 2011eb | The invention of brownstone Brooklyn [electronic resource] : gentrification and the search for authenticity in postwar New York / Suleiman Osman. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, 2011.
F457.H3 P67 2011eb | They say in Harlan County [electronic resource] : an oral history / Alessandro Portelli. | New York : Oxford University Press, 2011.
F591 .W8744 2011eb | The world of the American West [electronic resource] / edited by Gordon Morris Bakken. | New York : Routledge, 2011.
F867 .C79 2010eb | The frontier of leisure [electronic resource] : Southern California and the shaping of modern America / Lawrence Culver. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, c2010.
F1788 .C465 2011eb | A history of the Cuban Revolution [electronic resource] / Aviva Chomsky. | Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
F2849.2 .F373 2011eb | A lexicon of terror [electronic resource] / Marguerite Feitlowitz. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, c2011.
F3321.K54 2011 | A Concise History of Bolivia [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
G3.A5M67 2010 | Civic Discipline [electronic resource] : Geography in America, 1860-1890. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
G70.3.W36 2011 | Practical Statistics for Geographers and Earth Scientists [electronic resource]. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
G70.4.M38 2011 | Computer Processing of Remotely-Sensed Images [electronic resource] : an Introduction. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
G71.5 | Scale [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
G155.A1 P3624 2010eb | Tourists, Tourism and the Good Life [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
G155.A1 S272 2011eb | Tourism and poverty [electronic resource] / Regina Scheyvens. | New York : Routledge, 2011.
G155.A1S475 2011 | The Study of Tourism [electronic resource] : Past Trends and Future Directions. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2011.
G155.A1 S6244 2011eb | Urban tourism and urban change [electronic resource] : cities in a global economy / Costas Spirou. | New York : Routledge, 2011.
G155.A1T5987 2010 | Tourist Shopping Villages [electronic resource] : Forms and Functions. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
G155.I4.H36 2011 | Tourism and India [electronic resource] : a Critical Introduction. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
G156.5.H47M56 2010 | Mining Heritage and Tourism [electronic resource] : a Global Synthesis. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis Ltd., 2010.
G156.5.H47S54 2010 | From Heritage to Terrorism [electronic resource] : Regulating Tourism in an Age of Uncertainty. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
G156.5.V64 V65 2011eb | Volunteer tourism [electronic resource] : theoretical frameworks and practical applications / edited by Angela M. Benson. | Abingdon, Oxon New York, NY : Routledge, 2011.
G535 .M327 2010 | Modern piracy [electronic resource] : a reference handbook / David F. Marley. | Santa Barbara, Calif. : ABC-CLIO, 2010.
G1046.D2 S6 2010eb | World atlas of mangroves [electronic resource] / Mark Spalding, Mami Kainuma and Lorna Collins. | London Washington, DC : Earthscan, 2010.
GA102.4.E4 C73 2010eb | Mapping [electronic resource] : a critical introduction to cartography and GIS / Jeremy W. Crampton. | Chichester, U.K. Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
GB451.2 .D36 2010eb | Introduction to coastal processes and geomorphology [electronic resource] / by Robin Davidson-Arnott. | Cambridge New York : Cambridge University Press, c2010.
GB561.H37 2011 | Clumsy Floodplains [electronic resource] : Responsive Land Policy for Extreme Floods. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
GB1199.8 E85 | Geothermal Energy Systems [electronic resource] : Exploration, Development, and Utilization. | Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2010.
GC97.C66 2010 | Contemporary Issues in Estuarine Physics. [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
GC781 .M37 2010 | Marine ecosystems of the North Pacific 2003-2008 / edited by Stewart M. McKinnell and Michael J. Dagg | Sidney, B.C. : North Pacific Marine Science Organization, 2010.
GE42 .C555 2010eb | Climate ethics [electronic resource] : essential readings / edited by Stephen M. Gardiner ... [et al.]. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, 2010.
GE149.S58 2011 | Global Change and the Terrestrial Biosphere [electronic resource] : Achievements and Challenges. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
GE170 .A85 2011eb | Believing Cassandra [electronic resource] : how to be an optimist in a pessimist's world / Alan AtKisson. | London Washington, DC : Earthscan, 2011.
GE170 .G5557 2011eb | Global Environmental Politics [electronic resource] : Concepts, Theories and Case Studies. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
GE190.E85D45 2011 | The EU as International Environmental Negotiator [electronic resource]. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
GE195 .C655 2010eb | A companion to American environmental history [electronic resource] / edited by Douglas Cazaux Sackman. | Chichester, West Sussex Malden, MA : Blackwell Pub., 2010.
GE350 .M38 2011 | Ecological Engineering Design [electronic resource] : Restoring and Conserving Ecosystem Services. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
GF4 .D52 2009eb | The dictionary of human geography [electronic resource] / edited by Derek Gregory ... [et al.]. | Chichester, U.K. Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.
GF41 .B776 2011 | Translocal geographies [electronic resource] : spaces, places, connections / edited by Katherine Brickell and Ayona Datta. | Farnham Burlington, VT : Ashgate, 2011.
GF50 .P54 2010eb | Indigenous knowledge, ecology, and evolutionary biology [electronic resource] / Raymond Pierotti. | New York : Routledge, 2011 [i.e. 2010], c2011.
GF80 .G76 2011eb | Grounding Religion [electronic resource] : a Field Guide to the Study of Religion and Ecology. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis Ltd., 2010.
GF552.L66R93 2010 | Swinging City [electronic resource] : a Cultural Geography of London 1950-1974. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
GF668 .N48 2011eb | Environmental Cooperation in Southeast Asia [electronic resource] : ASEAN's Regime for Trans-boundary Haze Pollution. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
GN25 .H55 2010eb | Ordinary Lives [electronic resource] : Studies in the Everyday. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
GN69.8 .F645 2011eb | Forensic anthropology [electronic resource] : 2000 to 2010 / edited by Sue Black and Eilidh Ferguson. | Boca Raton : CRC Press, c2011.
GN296.G58 2009 | Principles of Evolutionary Medicine. [electronic resource]. | Oxford : OUP Oxford, 2009.
GN296.L63 2010 | An Anthropology of Biomedicine [electronic resource] : an Introduction. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2006.
GN307 .E525 2010eb | Routledge encyclopedia of social and cultural anthropology [electronic resource] / edited by Alan Barnard and Jonathan Spencer. | London, England : Routledge, 2010.
GN345 .M87 2010eb | Ethnography essentials [electronic resource] : designing, conducting, and presenting your research / Julian M. Murchison. | San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, c2010.
GN495.2.V557 2010 | Violence Expressed [electronic resource] : an Anthropological Approach. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
GN496.E835 2009 | The Ethics of Cultural Appropriation. [electronic resource]. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2009.
GN502.C75 2011 | Cross-Cultural Psychology [electronic resource] : Contemporary Themes and Perspectives. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
GN635.M66F56 2011 | Living with Herds [electronic resource] : Human-Animal Coexistence in Mongolia. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
GN772 .P48 2010eb | The Palaeolithic origins of human burial [electronic resource] / Paul Pettitt. | Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon New York : Routledge, 2011 [i.e. 2010], c2011.
GN803.C663 2011 | An Archaeology of Materials [electronic resource] : Substantial Transformations in Early Prehistoric Europe. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
GR880 .T73 2010eb | Traditional medicine [electronic resource] : a global perspective / edited by Steven B. Kayne. | London : Pharmaceutical Press, 2010.
GT2345 .L46 2010eb | Under the skin [electronic resource] : a psychoanalytic study of body modification / Alessandra Lemma. | London New York : Routledge, 2010.
GT2850 .C36 2011eb | Embodied food politics [electronic resource] / Michael S. Carolan. | Farnham Burlington, VT : Ashgate Pub., c2011.
GT2850 .J64 2010eb | Foodies [electronic resource] : democracy and distinction in the gourmet foodscape / Josee Johnston, Shyon Baumann. | New York : Routledge, 2010.
GT2912.U7 C484 2010eb | Japanese Women, Class and the Tea Ceremony [electronic resource] : the Voices of Tea Practitioners in Northern Japan. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
GT3276.A2 M35 2011eb | Sovereignty and social reform in India [electronic resource] : British colonialism and the campaign against sati, 1830-60 / Andrea Major. | London New York : Routledge, 2011.
GT3405 .A55 2009 | Event planning [electronic resource] : the ultimate guide to successful meetings, corporate events, fundraising galas, conferences, conventions, incentives, and other special events / Judy Allen. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2009.
GT3405 .J66 2010eb | Sustainable event management [electronic resource] : a practical guide / Meegan Jones. | London Sterling, VA : Earthscan, 2010.
GV183.5 .P37 2011 | The paralympic athlete [electronic resource] : handbook of sports medicine and science / edited by Yves C. Vanlandewijck, Walter R. Thompson. | Chichester, West Sussex, UK : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
GV363.R43 2011 | The Really Useful Physical Education Book [electronic resource] : Learning and Teaching Across the 7-14 Age Range. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
GV443.C488 2011 | Children and Exercise XXV [electronic resource] : the Proceedings of the 25th Pediatric Work Physiology Meeting. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis Ltd., 2010.
GV464.5 .C34 2011eb | Developing physical health and well-being through gymnastic activity (5-7) [electronic resource] : a session-by-session approach / Maggie Carroll and Jackie Hannay. | London New York : Routledge, 2011.
GV482.W66 2010 | Women and Exercise [electronic resource] : the Body, Health and Consumerism. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
GV557.5W45 2011 | Projectile Dynamics in Sport [electronic resource] : Principles and Applications. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
GV581.R68 2011 | Routledge Handbook of Sports Development [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
GV706.32 D87 2011eb | Advancing the ball [electronic resource] : race, reformation, and the quest for equal coaching opportunity in the NFL / N. Jeremi Duru. | New York : Oxford University Press, 2011.
GV706.35.P37 2010 | Participation in Sport [electronic resource] : International Policy Perspectives. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis Ltd., 2010.
GV706.35.S52 2010 | Social Capital and Sport Governance in Europe [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
GV709.2.G74 2010 | Key themes in youth sport [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis Ltd., 2010.
GV711 .C6225 2011eb | The coaching process [electronic resource] : a practical guide to becoming an effective sports coach / by Lynn Kidman and Stephanie Hanrahan. | Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon New York : Routledge, 2011.
GV713 .M364 2010eb | Managing Voluntary Sport Organisations [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis Ltd., 2010.
GV722 2012 S43 2011eb | Securing and sustaining the Olympic city [electronic resource] : reconfiguring London for 2012 and beyond / Pete Fussey ... [et al.]. | Farnham, Surrey, England Burlington, VT : Ashgate, 2011.
GV749 | Extreme landscapes of leisure [electronic resource] : not a hap-hazardous sport / Patrick Laviolette. | Farnham : Ashgate, 2011.
GV923 .S66 2011eb | Sports event management [electronic resource] : the Caribbean experience / edited by Leslie-Ann Jordan ... [et al.]. | Farnham, Surrey, England Burlington, VT : Ashgate Pub., c2011.
GV1021.D75 2010 | Drive Tourism [electronic resource] : Trends and Emerging Markets. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
GV1469.17.S63 G36 2009eb | Gaming cultures and place in Asia-Pacific [electronic resource] / edited by Larissa Hjorth and Dean Chan. | New York : Routledge, c2009.
GV1469.3 .C645 2009eb | Philosophy through video games [electronic resource] / Jon Cogburn and Mark Silcox. | New York : Routledge, 2009.
GV1469.3 .R55 2011eb | Glued to games [electronic resource] : how video games draw us in and hold us spellbound / Scott Rigby and Richard M. Ryan. | Santa Barbara, Calif. : ABC-CLIO, c2011.
GV1469.3 .T39 2009eb | The art of videogames [electronic resource] / Grant Tavinor. | Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.
H11 | Research Methods for Pharmaceutical Practice and Policy [electronic resource]. | London and Chicago : Pharmaceutical Press, 2010.
H61.25 .G65 2011eb | Multilevel statistical models [electronic resource] / Harvey Goldstein. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, 2011.
H62 .B264 2011eb | Social studies as new literacies in a global society [electronic resource] : relational cosmopolitanism in the classroom / Mark Baildon and James S. Damico. | New York : Routledge, 2011.
H62 .F855 2011eb | Purposeful program theory [electronic resource] : effective use of theories of change and logic models / Sue C. Funnell and Patricia J. Rogers. | San Francisco, CA : Jossey-Bass, c2011.
H62.M537 2011 | Mobile Methods [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
H62 .P223 2011eb | The science of qualitative research [electronic resource] / Martin Packer. | New York : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
H62 .R466 2010eb | The reviewer's guide to quantitative methods in the social sciences [electronic resource] / editors, Gregory R. Hancock, Ralph O. Mueller. | New York : Routledge, c2010.
H62 .R476 2011eb | Improving research through user engagement [electronic resource] / Mark Rickinson, Judy Sebba and Anne Edwards. | Abingdon, Oxon New York : Routledge, 2011.
H62 .S31857 2011eb | Fundamentals of qualitative research [electronic resource] / Johnny Saldana. | New York : Oxford University Press, c2011.
H62 .S343 2009eb | The coding manual for qualitative researchers [electronic resource] / Johnny Saldana. | Los Angeles : Sage, c2009.
H97 .H358 2010eb | Handbook of practical program evaluation [electronic resource] / Joseph S. Wholey, Harry P. Hatry, Kathryn E. Newcomer, editors. | San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, c2010.
HA29 .A94 2011eb | Categorical data analysis for the behavioral and social sciences [electronic resource] / Razia Azen, Cindy M. Walker. | New York : Routledge, c2011.
HA29 .H783 2010eb | Multilevel analysis [electronic resource] : techniques and applications / Joop J. Hox. | New York : Routledge, 2010.
HA30.3 T76 2010eb | Analysis of financial time series [electronic resource] / Ruey S. Tsay. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2010.
HA32 .G38 2009eb | Statistical methods for practice and research [electronic resource] : a guide to data analysis using SPSS / Ajai S. Gaur, Sanjaya S. Gaur. | Los Angeles : Response, c2009.
HA32 .H39 2010eb | Multilevel and longitudinal modeling with IBM SPSS [electronic resource] / Ronald H. Heck, Scott L. Thomas, Lynn N. Tabata. | New York : Routledge, c2010.
HB72.T895 2011 | The Moral Rhetoric of Political Economy [electronic resource] : Justice and Modern Economic Thought. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2011.
HB95 .H37 2010eb | The enigma of capital [electronic resource] : and the crises of capitalism / David Harvey. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, 2010.
HB99.5 | The Institutionalist Movement in American Economics, 1918-1947 [electronic resource] : Science and Social Control. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
HB99.7 .A26 2011eb | Henry A. Abbati [electronic resource] : Selected Writings. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HB139 .D96 2011eb | A Dynamic Approach to Economic Theory [electronic resource] : the Yale Lectures of Ragnar Frisch. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HB171 .E783 2011eb | The essential writings of Thorstein Veblen [electronic resource] / edited by Charles Camic and Geoffrey Hodgson. | Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon New York, NY : Routledge, 2011.
HB171 .K514 2010eb | Complex Economics [electronic resource] : Individual and Collective Rationality. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HB615 .L23 2011eb | Brilliant, crazy, cocky [electronic resource] : how the top 1% of entrepreneurs profit from global chaos / Sarah Lacy. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2011.
HB615 .S313 2009eb | The flaw of averages [electronic resource] : why we underestimate risk in the face of uncertainty / Sam L. Savage. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2009.
HB701.J25 2011 | Fichte's Social and Political Philosophy [electronic resource] : Property and Virtue. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
HB849.49 .B48 2011 | Handbook of nonresponse in household surveys [electronic resource] / Jelke Bethlehem, Fannie Cobben, Barry Schouten. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
HB2100.B66G74 2011 | Bombay Islam [electronic resource] : the Religious Economy of the West Indian Ocean, 1840-1915. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
HB2100.M29N55 2010 | Dispossession and Resistance in India [electronic resource] : the River and the Rage. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HB2135.C66 2011 | Rural Revival? [electronic resource] : Place Marketing, Tree Change and Regional Migration in Australia. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
HB3717 2008 .B83 2011 | Finance at the Threshold [electronic resource] : Rethinking the Real and Financial Economies. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
HB3722 .F528 2011eb | Financial contagion [electronic resource] : the viral threat to the wealth of nations / Robert W. Kolb, editor. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, 2011.
HB3743 .K58 2011eb | The financial crisis of our time [electronic resource] / Robert W. Kolb. | New York : Oxford University Press, 2011.
HC59.15 .C656 2010eb | Resource economics [electronic resource] / Jon M. Conrad. | New York : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
HC59.15 .H48 2010eb | Macroeconomic policy regimes in Western industrial countries [electronic resource] / by Hansjorg Herr and Milka Kazandziska. | New York : Routledge, 2010.
HC59.7 .M244 2010eb | Uprising [electronic resource] : will emerging markets shape or shake the world economy? / George Magnus. | Chichester, West Sussex, U.K. : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
HC59.7.N65 2010 | Coalition Politics and Economic Development [electronic resource] : Credibility and the Strength of Weak Governments. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
HC59.7 .W4534 2010eb | The Economics of Industrial Development [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HC59.72.P6T36 2011 | Governance through Development [electronic resource] : Poverty Reduction Strategies, International Law and the Disciplining of Third World States. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2011.
HC79.C6G583 2010 | Globalizing Responsibility [electronic resource] : the Political Rationalities of Ethical Consumption. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
HC79.E5 A5137 2010eb | Environmental economics and natural resource management [electronic resource] / David A. Anderson. | New York, NY : Routledge, 2010.
HC79.E5C44 2010 | Developing a Plan for the Planet [electronic resource] : a Business Plan for Sustainable Living. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
HC79.E5C619 2010 | Contested Common Land [electronic resource] : Environmental Governance Past and Present. | London : Earthscan, 2010.
HC79.E5P359215 2010 | Seeking Sustainability [electronic resource] : On the prospect of an ecological liberalism. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HC79.T4 W43 2011eb | The innovation playbook [electronic resource] : a revolution in business excellence / Nicholas J. Webb. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2011.
HC102.5.H47A3 2011 | My Life in Leadership [electronic resource] : the Journey and Lessons Learned Along the Way. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
HC103 .E38 2010 | The American Political Economy [electronic resource] : Institutional Evolution of Market and State. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HC106.84 .H36 2011eb | Brave new world economy [electronic resource] : global finance threatens our future / Wilhelm Hankel, Robert Isaak. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
HC110.C6 G475 2011eb | Spend shift [electronic resource] : how the post-crisis values revolution is changing the way we buy, sell, and live / John Gerzema, Michael D'Antonio foreword by Philip Kotler. | San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, c2011.
HC110.E5 M375 2011eb | The crash course [electronic resource] : the unsustainable future of our economy, energy, and environment / Chris Martenson. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
HC165 .C357 2011eb | The political economy of integration [electronic resource] : the experience of Mercosur / Jeffrey W. Cason. | London New York : Routledge, 2011.
HC240.Z9 A434 2010eb | Environmental Policies for Air Pollution and Climate Change in the New Europe [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HC260.5 .H57 2011eb | A History of Irish Economic Thought [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HC415.15 .H463 2010eb | Globalization and the politics of development in the Middle East [electronic resource] / Clement M. Henry, Robert Springborg. | New York : Cambridge University Press, c2010.
HC415.25.Z9 P636 2011eb | The Political Economy of Aid in Palestine [electronic resource] : Relief from Conflict or Development Delayed?. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HC427 .J44 2010eb | Economic Developments in Contemporary China [electronic resource] : a Guide. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HC427.92 .X8475 2011eb | Chinese economists on economic reform [electronic resource] : collected works of Xue Muqiao / Xue Muqiao, edited by China Development Research Foundation. | Abingdon, Oxon New York, NY : Routledge, 2011.
HC427.95 .S868 2011eb | Sustainable reform and development in post-Olympic China [electronic resource] / edited by Shujie Yao ... [et al.]. | London New York : Routledge, 2011.
HC430.C6T53 2010 | Consumer-Citizens of China [electronic resource] : the Role of Foreign Brands in the Imagined Future China. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HC430.I55C455 2009 HC430.I55 | China's Information and Communications Technology Revolution [electronic resource] : Social Changes and State Responses. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2009.
HC437.B257 R39 2011eb | Bengal industries and the British industrial revolution (1757-1857) [electronic resource] / Indrajit Ray. | London New York : Routledge, 2011.
HC467.96 .N49 2010eb | New Millennium South Korea [electronic resource] : Neoliberal Capitalism and Transnational Movements. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HD30.2 .C635 2011eb | Communication and organizational knowledge [electronic resource] : contemporary issues for theory and practice / edited by Heather E. Canary and Robert D. McPhee. | New York : Routledge, 2011.
HD30.2 .K32 2011eb | IT-driven business models [electronic resource] : global case studies in transformation / Henning Kagermann, Hubert Osterle, John M. Jordan. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2011.
HD30.2 .M875 2011eb | The transformational CIO [electronic resource] : leadership and innovation strategies for IT executives in a rapidly changing world / Hunter Muller. | Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, c2011.
HD30.2 .O34 2011 | The new edge in knowledge [electronic resource] : how knowledge management is changing the way we do business / Carla O'Dell, Cindy Hubert. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2011.
HD30.2 .P375 2011eb | The complete guide to knowledge management [electronic resource] : a strategic plan to leverage your company's intellectual capital / Edna Pasher and Tuvya Ronen. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2011.
HD30.2 .P47 2011 | Personal Knowledge Management [electronic resource] : Individual, Organizational and Social Perspectives. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
HD30.23.H48 2011 | What's Holding You Back [electronic resource] : 10 Bold Steps that Define Gutsy Leaders. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
HD30.28 .A425 2011eb | Strategic management [electronic resource] : from theory to practice / Allen C. Amason. | New York : Routledge, 2011.
HD30.28 .C343 2011eb | The one hour plan for growth [electronic resource] : how a single sheet of paper can take your business to the next level / Joe Calhoon. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2011.
HD30.28 .K6654 2010eb | The CEO, strategy, and shareholder value [electronic resource] : making the choices that maximize company performance / Peter Kontes. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2010.
HD30.28 .M258 2010eb | Strategy Execution [electronic resource] : Translating Strategy into Action in Complex Organizations. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HD30.3 .C44 2011eb | Questions that get results [electronic resource] : innovative ideas managers can use to improve their teams' performance / Paul Cherry, Patrick Connor with Karianne Earner-Sparks. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley Chichester : John Wiley [distributor], c2011.
HD30.3 .D457 2011eb | The leader's guide to storytelling [electronic resource] : mastering the art and discipline of business narrative / Stephen Denning. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
HD30.3 .T394 2010 | The Situated Organization [electronic resource] : Case Studies in the Pragmatics of Communication Research. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HD30.335 .Q56 2011 | Designing mLearning [electronic resource] : Tapping into the Mobile Revolution for Organizational Performance. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
HD30.37 .T49 2011eb | The executive's guide to enterprise social media strategy [electronic resource] : how social networks are radically transforming your business / David B. Thomas, Mike Barlow. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
HD30.4 .A38 2011eb | Advancing executive coaching [electronic resource] : setting the course for successful leadership coaching / Gina Hernez-Broome and Lisa A. Boyce, editors foreword by Allen I. Kraut. | San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, c2011.
HD30.4 .A43 2011eb | The practice of organizational diagnosis [electronic resource] : theory and methods / Clayton P. Alderfer. | New York : Oxford University Press, 2011.
HD30.4.C483 2011 | Challenges and Controversies in Management Research [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HD31 .O728 2010 | Organizational control / edited by Sim B. Sitkin, Laura B. Cardinal and Katinka M. Bijlsma-Frankema. | Cambridge New York : Cambridge University Press, [2010?], 2010.
HD31.P668 2011 | How to Run a Successful Design Business [electronic resource] : the New Professional Practice. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
HD31 .W37 2011eb | Everywhere [electronic resource] : comprehensive digital business strategy for the social media era / Larry Weber. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
HD38.25.I4 S564 2011eb | In search of Change Maestros [electronic resource] / Pritam Singh, Asha Bhandarker. | Thousand Oaks, Calif. : Response Books, c2011.
HD38.5.S444 2011 | Supply Chain as Strategic Asset [electronic resource] : the Key to Reaching Business Goals. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
HD38.7.L39 2010 | Business Analytics for Managers [electronic resource] : Taking Business Intelligence Beyond Reporting. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
HD39 | Internal Control of Fixed Assets [electronic resource] : a Controller and Auditor's Guide. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
HD40 | Inventory Best Practices [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
HD42 .R864 2010eb | Developing your conflict competence [electronic resource] : a hands-on guide for leaders, managers, facilitators, and teams / Craig E. Runde, Tim A. Flanagan. | San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, c2010.
HD45.C6884 2011 | Creativity and Innovation in Business and Beyond [electronic resource] : Social Science Perspectives and Policy Implications. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2011.
HD49 .D44 2011eb | The definitive handbook of business continuity management [electronic resource] / edited by Andrew Hiles. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
HD49 .S58 2011 | Systems approach to management of disasters [electronic resource] : methods and applications / Slobodan P. Simonovic. | Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, 2011.
HD53.R415 2011 | Global Innovation in Emerging Economies [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HD53 .T83 2011eb | Innovation is everybody's business [electronic resource] : how to make yourself indispensable in today's hyper-competitive world / Robert B. Tucker. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2011.
HD57 .C38 2010eb | The Center for Creative Leadership handbook of leadership development [electronic resource] / Ellen Van Velsor, Cynthia D. McCauley, Marian N. Ruderman, editors foreword by John R. Ryan. | San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, 2010.
HD57.7 | Engaged Leadership [electronic resource] : Building a Culture to Overcome Employee Disengagement. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
HD57.7 .C478 2011eb | Quest for exceptional leadership [electronic resource] : mirage to reality / Ravi Chaudhry. | New Delhi Thousand Oaks : Response Books, 2011.
HD57.7 .F356 2011eb | The power of framing [electronic resource] : creating the language of leadership / Gail T. Fairhurst. | San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, c2011.
HD57.7 .H3455 2011eb | Unusually excellent [electronic resource] : the necessary nine skills required for the practice of great leadership / John Hamm. | San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, c2011.
HD57.7 .L43 2011eb | Leadership in organizations [electronic resource] : current issues and key trends / edited by John Storey. | London New York : Routledge, 2011.
HD57.7.R39 2010 | MisLeadership [electronic resource] : Prevalence, Causes and Consequences. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
HD57.7 .W523 2011eb | Leadership rules [electronic resource] : how to become the leader you want to be / Chris Widener. | San Francisco, CA : Jossey-Bass, c2011.
HD58.7 .C353 2011eb | Organizational behavior [electronic resource] : integrating individuals, groups, and organizations / Joseph E. Champoux. | New York : Routledge, 2011.
HD58.7 .C488 2011 | Stop Workplace Drama [electronic resource] : Train Your Team to have No Complaints, No Excuses, and No Regrets. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
HD58.7.C6437 2011 | Corporate Reputation and the News Media [electronic resource] : Agenda-setting within Business News Coverage in Developed, Emerging, and Frontier Markets. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HD58.7.R524 2011 | Built on Values [electronic resource] : Creating an Enviable Culture that Outperforms the Competition. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
HD58.7 .S254 2011eb | Creating and re-creating corporate entrepreneurial culture [electronic resource] / Alzira Salama. | Burlington, Vt. : Gower Pub., 2011.
HD58.7 .S33 2010eb | Organizational culture and leadership [electronic resource] / Edgar H. Schein. | San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, c2010.
HD58.8 .K467 2011eb | Leading organization design [electronic resource] : how to make organization design decisions to drive the results you want / Gregory Kesler, Amy Kates. | San Francisco, CA : Jossey-Bass, c2011.
HD58.8 .M288 2011eb | Business transformation strategies [electronic resource] : the strategic leader as innovation manager / Oswald A.J. Mascarenhas. | New Delhi Thousand Oaks : Response Books, 2011.
HD58.8 .S37 2011eb | Making It All Work [electronic resource] : a Pocket Guide to Sustain Improvement And Anchor Change. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HD58.8 .S4798 2011eb | Reversing the slide [electronic resource] : a strategic guide to turnarounds and corporate renewal / James B. Shein. | San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, c2011.
HD58.8.T36 2010 | A General Theory of Institutional Change [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HD58.9 .I467 2009eb | The improvement guide [electronic resource] : a practical approach to enhancing organizational performance / Gerald J. Langley ... [et al.]. | San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, c2009.
HD58.9 .P353 2011eb | Innovative corporate performance management [electronic resource] : five key principles to accelerate results / Bob Paladino. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
HD59.D347 2011 | Qualitative Research Methods in Public Relations and Marketing Communications [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HD60 .B67 2010eb | Social entrepreneurship [electronic resource] : what everyone needs to know / David Bornstein and Susan Davis. | New York : Oxford University Press, 2010.
HD60.C48 2011 | Values-Centered Entrepreneurs and Their Companies [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HD60 .S267 2011eb | Social innovation, Inc. [electronic resource] : 5 strategies for driving business growth through social change / Jason Saul. | San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, c2011.
HD61 .D53 2009eb | No excuses [electronic resource] : a business process approach to managing operational risk / Dennis I. Dickstein, Robert H. Flast. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2009.
HD61 .D85 2011eb | Practical enterprise risk management [electronic resource] : a business process approach / Gregory H. Duckert. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
HD61 .H568 2010eb | The Project Risk Maturity Model [electronic resource] : Measuring and Improving Risk Management Capability. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
HD61 .O66 2010eb | Operational risk management [electronic resource] : a practical approach to intelligent data analysis / edited by Ron S. Kenett, Yossi Raanan. | Chichester, West Sussex, UK : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
HD62.4.H34 2010 | Multinationals and Cross-Cultural Management [electronic resource] : the Transfer of Knowledge within Multinational Corporations. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HD62.5 .C635 2011eb | Do more faster [electronic resource] : TechStars lessons to accelerate your startup / David Cohen and Brad Feld. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
HD62.6 .B735 2011eb | Breakthrough nonprofit branding [electronic resource] : seven principles for power extraordinary results / Jocelyne S. Daw ... [et al.]. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
HD62.6 .K36 2010eb | The networked nonprofit [electronic resource] : connecting with social media to drive change / Beth Kanter, Allison H. Fine foreword by Randi Zuckerberg. | San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, c2010.
HD62.6.L537 2010 | Results Now for Nonprofits [electronic resource] : Purpose, Strategy, Operations, and Governance. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
HD62.6.S83 2010eb | Succeeding at social enterprise [electronic resource] : hard-won lessons for nonprofits and social entrepreneurs / Social Enterprise Alliance. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
HD62.6 .T443 2011eb | The nonprofit organizational culture guide [electronic resource] : revealing the hidden truths that impact performance / Paige Hull Teegarden, Denice Rothman Hinden, Paul Sturm foreword by Peter Brinckerhoff. | San Francisco, CA : Jossey-Bass, c2011.
HD69.B7A21535 2011 | Brand Relevance [electronic resource] : Making Competitors Irrelevant. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
HD69.C6 | The Consulting Bible [electronic resource] : Everything You Need to Know to Create and Expand a Seven-Figure Consulting Practice. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
HD69.C6 B57 2011eb | Flawless consulting [electronic resource] : a guide to getting your expertise used / Peter Block illustrated by Janis Nowlan. | San Francisco : Pfeiffer, c2011.
HD69.P75C362 2010 | Project Success [electronic resource] : Critical Factors and Behaviours. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
HD69.P75.C5223 2010 | Bid Writing for Project Managers [electronic resource]. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
HD69.P75 C87 2011eb | Complexity theory and project management [electronic resource] / Wanda Curlee and Robert L. Gordon. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
HD69.P75 K47 2009eb | Project management [electronic resource] : a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling / Harold Kerzner. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2009.
HD69.P75M375 2010 | Project Politics [electronic resource] : a Systematic Approach to Managing Complex Relationships. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
HD69.P75 P687 2010eb | Procuring Complex Performance [electronic resource] : Studies of Innovation in Product-Service Management. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HD69.P75 W95 2009eb | Effective project management [electronic resource] : traditional, agile, extreme / Robert K. Wysocki. | Indianapolis, IN : Wiley Pub., c2009.
HD69.P75 W956 2011eb | The business analyst/project manager [electronic resource] : a new partnership for managing complexity and uncertainty / Robert K. Wysocki. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
HD69.T54 S25 2011eb | The multitasking mind [electronic resource] / Dario D. Salvucci, Niels A. Taatgen. | New York : Oxford University Press, 2011.
HD75.H59 2010 | Culture and Economics in the Global Community [electronic resource] : a Framework for Socioeconomic Development. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
HD75 .R33 2011 | The Development and Antidevelopment Debate [electronic resource] : Critical Reflections on the Philosophical Foundations. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
HD82.C96 2009 | The Process of Economic Development. [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2008.
HD82.H27525 2010 | Handbook of Local and Regional Development [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HD596.O938 2011 | Land and Limits [electronic resource] : Interpreting Sustainability in the Planning Process. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HD1333.R9 L46 2009 | Agrarian Reform in Russia [electronic resource] : the Road from Serfdom. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
HD1390 .P43 2009eb | Real estate development and investment [electronic resource] : a comprehensive approach / Stephen P. Peca. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2009.
HD1393.25 .N46 2011eb | Business exit planning [electronic resource] : options, value enhancement, and transaction management for business owners / Les Nemethy. Business exit planning. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2011.
HD1415 .P12 2010eb | Food politics [electronic resource] : what everyone needs to know / Robert Paarlberg. | New York : Oxford University Press, 2010.
HD1691 .A365 2011eb | Water resources and development [electronic resource] / Clive Agnew and Philip Woodhouse. | London New York : Routledge, 2011.
HD1691 .T733 2010eb | Transboundary water management [electronic resource] : principles and practice / edited by Anton Earle, Anders Jagerskog and Joakim Ojendal. | London Washington, DC : Earthscan, 2010.
HD2326.I58 2010 | Internationalization, Technological Change and the Theory of the Firm [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HD2341 .I58 2011eb | International growth of small and medium enterprises [electronic resource] / edited by Niina Nummela. | New York : Routledge, 2011.
HD2365.D44 G56 2010eb | Global outsourcing and offshoring [electronic resource] : an integrated approach to theory and corporate strategy / [edited by] Farok J. Contractor ... [et al.]. | Cambridge New York : Cambridge University Press, c2011.
HD2741 .J53 2010eb | Corporate governance and resource security in China [electronic resource] : the transformation of China's global resources companies / by Xinting Jia and Roman Tomasic. | New York London : Routledge, 2010.
HD2746.5 .G38 2011eb | Mergers, acquisitions, and corporate restructurings [electronic resource] / Patrick A. Gaughan. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
HD2756.F87 2010 | Corporate Level Strategy [electronic resource] : Theory and Applications. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HD2766.G47 2011 | Fisher Investments on Utilities [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
HD2769.15.G66 2011 | Governance and Regulation in the Third Sector [electronic resource] : International Perspectives. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2011.
HD2834.F54 2011 | Brazilian Multinationals [electronic resource] : Competences for Internationalization. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
HD3616.E853B83 2011 | The Politics of European Competition Regulation [electronic resource] : a Critical Political Economy Perspective. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2011.
HD3861.U6 A484 2011eb | Selling to the government [electronic resource] : what it takes to compete and win in the world's largest market / Mark Amtower. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
HD4904.7.Y34 2010 | The Migration of Indian Human Capital [electronic resource] : the Ebb and Flow of Indian Professionals in Southeast Asia. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HD4928.N6 M39 2011eb | The employee benefits answer book [electronic resource] : an indispensable guide for managers and business owners / Rebecca Mazin. | San Francisco, CA : Wiley, c2011.
HD4975.L429 2010 | Wage Policy, Income Distribution, and Democratic Theory [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HD5660.E9W33 2010 | European Works Councils and Industrial Relations [electronic resource] : a Transnational Industrial Relations Institution in the Making. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HD5764.A6C56 2010 | Education and Employment in the European Union [electronic resource] : the Social Cost of Business. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
HD6060.5.A78B76 2011 | Gender, Emotions and Labour Markets - Asian and Western Perspectives [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HD6060.6.C66 2011 | Gender-Class Equality in Political Economies [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2011.
HD6250.G7 H86 2010eb | Childhood and child labour in the British Industrial Revolution [electronic resource] / Jane Humphries. | Cambridge, UK New York : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
HD6276.R92 W35 2011eb | Learning to labour in post-Soviet Russia [electronic resource] : vocational youth in transition / Charles Walker. | Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon New York : Routledge, 2011.
HD6300 .G85 2011eb | Constructing and Imagining Labour Migration [electronic resource] : Perspectives of Control from Five Continents. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
HD6475.A1G56 2010 | Global Restructuring, Labour and the Challenges for Transnational Solidarity [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis Ltd., 2010.
HD7211.85.G73 2011 | Grassroots Social Security in Asia [electronic resource] : Mutual aid, microinsurance and social welfare. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2011.
HD7288.85.G7 C76 2011eb | Transforming private landlords [electronic resource] : housing, markets and public policy / Tony Crook and Peter A. Kemp. | Ames, Iowa : Blackwell Pub., 2010, c2011.
HD7289.U6 R87 2011eb | Rural housing, exurbanization, and amenity-driven development [electronic resource] : contrasting the "haves" and the "have nots" / edited by David Marcouiller, Mark Lapping [and] Owen Furuseth. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
HD7289.2 .P37 2011eb | Affluence, mobility, and second home ownership [electronic resource] / Chris Paris. | New York, NY : Routledge, 2011.
HD7293 .S373 2010eb | Housing policy in the United States [electronic resource] / Alex F. Schwartz. | New York : Routledge, 2010.
HD8400.3.F36 2010 | Globalization, Migration and Social Transformation [electronic resource] : Ireland in Europe and the World. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
HD9000.6 .S33 2010eb | The politics of food [electronic resource] : the global conflict between food security and food sovereignty / William D. Schanbacher. | Westport, CT : Praeger Security International, c2010.
HD9005 .E645 2010eb | Encyclopedia of organic, sustainable, and local food [electronic resource] / edited by Leslie A. Duram. | Santa Barbara, Calif. : Greenwood, c2010.
HD9017.A2 J86 2011eb | The new harvest [electronic resource] : agricultural innovation in Africa / Calestous Juma. | New York : Oxford University Press, 2011.
HD9019.M382 A873 2009eb | Economics and marijuana [electronic resource] : consumption, pricing and legalisation / Kenneth W. Clements, Xueyan Zhao. | Cambridge, UK New York : Cambridge University Press, 2009.
HD9066.A2 R527 2010eb | The rice crisis [electronic resource] : markets, policies and food security / edited by David Dawe. | London : Earthscan, 2010.
HD9136 .A33 1938 no.1 | Flue-cured tobacco facts / U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Agricultural Adjustment Administration. | [Washington, D.C.] : U.S. G.P.O., 1938.
HD9136 .A33 1938 no.2 | The Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938 in relation to flue-cured tobacco. | [Washington, D.C.] : U.S. G.P.O., [1938]
HD9136 .A33 1938 no.3 | Fire-cured and dark air-cured tobacco : the economic situation and the new act. | [Washington, D.C.?] : U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Agricultural Adjustment Administration, 1938.
HD9136 .A33 1938 no.4 | The A. A. A. farm program for cigar-tobacco growers. | [Washington, D.C.] : U.S. G.P.O., 1938.
HD9136 .A33 1938 no.5 | Burley tobacco facts and the new act. | [Washington, D.C.] : U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Agricultural Adjustment Administration, 1938.
HD9136 .A33 1938 no.29 | Procedure for the determination of Burley tobacco farm marketing quotas for 1938. | [Washington, D.C.?] : U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Agricultural Adjustment Administration, Tobacco Section, 1938.
HD9136 .A33 1938 no.47 | Regulations pertaining to refund of penalty erroneously, illegally, or wrongfully collected by the Secretary of Agriculture with respect to the marketing of tobacco / United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Adjustment Administration. | Washington, D.C. : The Administration, 1938.
HD9136 .A33 1938 no.51 | The AAA plan for burley tobacco. | Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1938.
HD9136 .A33 1938 no.52 | The AAA plan for dark tobacco. | Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1938.
HD9136 .A33 1940 no.8 | Procedure for the determination of flue-cured tobacco acreage allotments for 1940. | Washington, D.C. : U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Agricultural Adjustment Administration, 1939.
HD9136 .A33 1940 no.16 | Instructions for holding referendum on Burley tobacco marketing quotas. | [Washington, D.C.] : U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Agricultural Adjustment Administration, 1939.
HD9370.5.P38 2010 | The Territorial Organization of Variety [electronic resource] : Cooperation and competition in Bordeaux, Napa and Chianti Classico. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
HD9397.D644 C35 2011eb | Brewing up a business [electronic resource] : adventures in beer from the founder of Dogfish Head Craft Brewery / Sam Calagione. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
HD9410.5 .M43 2010eb | The meat crisis [electronic resource] : developing more sustainable production and consumption / edited by Joyce D'Silva and John Webster. | London Washington, DC : Earthscan, 2010.
HD9502.A2 M463 2009eb | Powering the green economy [electronic resource] : the feed-in tariff handbook / Miguel Mendonca, David Jacobs, and Benjamin Sovacool. | Sterling, VA : Earthscan, 2009.
HD9502.A2R68 2010 | The Routledge Handbook of Energy Security [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HD9502.G72 W75 2010eb | Energy and the English Industrial Revolution [electronic resource] / E.A. Wrigley. | Cambridge New York : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
HD9502.U52U1734 2010 | U.S. Energy Tax Policy [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
HD9502.5.B542 G53 2009eb | The biofuel delusion [electronic resource] : the fallacy of large-scale agro-biofuel production / Mario Giampietro and Kozo Mayumi. | London Sterling, VA : Earthscan, 2009.
HD9502.5.W553 W57 2009eb | Wind energy-- the facts [electronic resource] : a guide to the technology, economics and future of wind power / European Wind Energy Association (EWEA). | London Sterling, VA : Earthscan, 2009.
HD9665.5 .H35 2010 | Healthcare Relationship Marketing [electronic resource] : Strategy, Design and Measurement. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
HD9665.5 .R44 2011 | Supply Chain Management in the Drug Industry [electronic resource] : Delivering Patient Value for Pharmaceuticals and Biologics. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
HD9665.5.S364 2010 | The Price of Global Health [electronic resource] : Drug Pricing Strategies to Balance Patient Access and the Funding of Innovation. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
HD9677.A2 B54 2010eb | From blood diamonds to the Kimberley Process [electronic resource] : how NGOs cleaned up the global diamond industry / Franziska Bieri. | Farnham, Surrey, England Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2010.
HD9696.2.U64 O676 2009eb | Apple Inc. [electronic resource] / Jason D. O'Grady. | Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 2009.
HD9715.A2 C75 2011eb | The CSI project delivery practice guide [electronic resource] / Construction Specifications Institute. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
HD9715.A2M56 2011 | Modern Construction Economics [electronic resource] : Theory and Application. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HD9715.A2O72 2011 | Organization Management in Construction [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2011.
HD9715.G72 C43 2011eb | Constructing futures [electronic resource] : industry leaders and futures thinking in construction / Paul Chan, Rachel Cooper. | Chichester, West Sussex, U.K. Ames, Iowa : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
HD9720.5 .M362 2011eb | Manufacturing in the New Urban Economy [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HD9731.5.P47 2010 | Personal Capitalism and Corporate Governance [electronic resource] : British Manufacturing in the First Half of the Twentieth Century. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
HD9735 .A2 | Territory, Specialization and Globalization in European Manufacturing [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HD9940.A2 T56 2009eb | Where am I wearing? [electronic resource] : a global tour to the countries, factories, and people that make our clothes / Kelsey Timmerman. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2009.
HD9969.S6 R58 2009eb | The travels of a T-shirt in the global economy [electronic resource] : an economist examines the markets, power, and politics of world trade / Pietra Rivoli. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley, c2009.
HD9993.E452 W47 2010eb | Innovation and marketing in the video game industry [electronic resource] : avoiding the performance trap / David Wesley and Gloria Barczak. | Farnham [Surrey, England] : Gower, c2010.
HD9994.U52 W45 2011eb | Cost-contained regulatory compliance [electronic resource] : for the pharmaceutical, biologics, and medical device industries / Sandy Weinberg. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2011.
HD9999.L852B48 2010 | Premium by Design [electronic resource] : How to Understand, Design and Market High End Products. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
HE242.A2H85 2011 | Transport Matters [electronic resource] : Integrated Approaches to Planning City-Regions. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HE305 .T725 2009eb | Transit oriented development [electronic resource] : making it happen / edited by Carey Curtis, John L. Renne, Luca Bertolini. | Farnham, England Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2009.
HE551 .I48 2011eb | Integrating Seaports and Trade Corridors [electronic resource]. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
HE8700.76.R8 B87 2011eb | Television and presidential power in Putin's Russia [electronic resource] / Tina Burrett. | Abingdon, Oxon New York, NY : Routledge, 2011.
HE9782 .C75 2011eb | Critical Issues in Air Transport Economics and Business [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HE9803.S68 L38 2010eb | Southwest Airlines [electronic resource] / Chris Lauer. | Santa Barbara, Calif. : Greenwood, c2010.
HF1064.Z44 A573 2011eb | China and Africa Development Relations [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HF1359 .I584 2011eb | International Political Economy [electronic resource] : Debating the Past, Present and Future. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis Ltd., 2010.
HF1531.A85 2010 | Assessing Prospective Trade Policy [electronic resource] : Methods Applied to EU-ACP Economic Partnership Agreements. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HF1746.N38 2010 | National Solutions to Trans-Border Problems? [electronic resource] : the Governance of Security and Risk in a Post-NAFTA North America. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
HF5381 .D8123 2011eb | Impression management in the workplace [electronic resource] : research, theory, and practice / Andrew J. DuBrin. | New York : Routledge, 2011.
HF5386 .F75 2010eb | The profit principle [electronic resource] : how to turn what you know into what you do - without spending (or borrowing) a cent! / Peter Fritz & Jeanne-Vida Douglas. | Milton, Qld. : Wrightbooks, 2010.
HF5386 .H654 2011eb | The science of influence [electronic resource] : how to get anyone to say yes in 8 minutes or less! / Kevin Hogan. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
HF5387 .H4645 2009eb | Business ethics [electronic resource] : a case study approach / Stephen K. Henn. | Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, c2009.
HF5387 .K578 2010eb | Ethics for international business [electronic resource] : decision making in a global political economy / John M. Kline. | New York, NY : Routledge, 2010.
HF5415 .C54738 2005 | Steal these ideas! [electronic resource] : marketing secrets that will make you a star / Steve Cone. | New York : Bloomberg Press, 2005.
HF5415 .M3825 2011eb | Successful marketing strategies for nonprofit organizations [electronic resource] : winning in the age of the elusive donor / Barry McLeish. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
HF5415.S3696 2010 | Sensory Marketing [electronic resource] : Research on the Sensuality of Products. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2009.
HF5415.1255K86 2011 | Partnership Marketing [electronic resource] : How to Grow Your Business and Transform Your Brand Through Smart Collaboration. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
HF5415.1265 | Auditing Social Media [electronic resource] : a Governance and Risk Guide. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
HF5415.1265 .A25 2010eb | The dragonfly effect [electronic resource] : quick, effective, and powerful ways to use social media to drive social change / Jennifer Aaker, Andy Smith with Carlye Adler. | San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, c2010.
HF5415.1265.G554 2011 | Social Marketing to the Business Customer [electronic resource] : Listen to Your B2B Market, Generate Major Account Leads, and Build Client Relationships. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
HF5415.1265 .S6147 2011eb | The social media management handbook [electronic resource] : everything you need to know to get social media working in your business / Nick Smith and Robert Wollan with Catherine Zhou. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
HF5415.13.L335 2010 | Essentials of Marketing Management [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HF5415.2 .J44 2010eb | Data-driven marketing [electronic resource] : the 15 metrics everyone in marketing should know / Mark Jeffery. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley, c2010.
HF5415.2 .P66 2010eb | The handbook of online and social media research [electronic resource] : tools and techniques for market researchers / Ray Poynter. | Chichester, West Sussex, U.K. : Wiley, 2010.
HF5415.32 .C65866 2011eb | Consumer behavior knowledge for effective sports and event marketing [electronic resource] / edited by Lynn R. Kahle, Angeline G. Close. | New York : Routledge, c2011.
HF5415.5 | Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Administrators Bible [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
HF5415.5 | It's the Customer, Stupid! [electronic resource] : 34 Wake-up Calls to Help You Stay Client-Focused. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
HF5415.5 .A3 2011eb | The relationship edge [electronic resource] : the key to strategic influence and selling success / Jerry Acuff with Wally Wood. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, 2011.
HF5415.5 .P34 2011eb | Measure what matters [electronic resource] : online tools for understanding customers, social media, engagement, and key relationships / Katie Delahaye Paine. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
HF5415.5 .P458 2011eb | Managing customer relationships [electronic resource] : a strategic framework / Don Peppers, Martha Rogers. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
HF5438.8.P75S36 2011 | Rainmaking Conversations [electronic resource] : Influence, Persuade, and Sell in Any Situation. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
HF5548.32.H855 2010 | Business in the Cloud [electronic resource] : What Every Business Needs to Know About Cloud Computing. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
HF5548.38.O64 B47 2011eb | Organization in open source communities [electronic resource] : at the crossroads of the gift and market economy / Evangelia Berdou. | New York : Routledge, 2011.
HF5548.4.M523 W34579 2010eb | Excel 2010 bible [electronic resource] / John Walkenbach. | Indianapolis, Ind. : Wiley Pub., c2010.
HF5548.8.N473 2010 | New Directions in Organizational Psychology and Behavioral Medicine [electronic resource]. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
HF5549 .D575 2010eb | Y-size your business [electronic resource] : how Gen Y employees can save you money and grow your business / Jason Ryan Dorsey. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2010.
HF5549 .H82 2011eb | Human resource management [electronic resource] : the key concepts. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis Ltd., 2010.
HF5549.S122 2010 | Developing HR Talent [electronic resource] : Building a Strategic Partnership with the Business. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
HF5549.2.J3 C42 2011eb | Challenges of Human Resource Management in Japan [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HF5549.2.U5 P96 2009eb | Human resources management for public and nonprofit organizations [electronic resource] : a strategic approach / Joan E. Pynes. | San Francisco, CA : Jossey-Bass, c2009.
HF5549.5 | We [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
HF5549.5.C35 D53 2011eb | Global careers [electronic resource] / Michael Dickmann and Yehuda Baruch. | New York, NY : Routledge, 2011.
HF5549.5.M5 M364 2011eb | Managing the multi-generational workforce [electronic resource] : from the GI generation to the millennials / Robert G. DelCampo ... [et al.]. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
HF5549.5.M63 F43 2009eb | Employee engagement [electronic resource] : a roadmap for creating profits, optimizing performance, and increasing loyalty / Brad Federman. | San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, c2009.
HF5549.5.M63 W667 2010a | Work engagement [electronic resource] : a handbook of essential theory and research / edited by Arnold B. Bakker and Michael P. Leiter. | Hove [England] New York : Psychology Press, 2010.
HF5549.5.R44 J64 2011eb | Million-Dollar Hire [electronic resource] : Build Your Bottom Line, One Employee at a Time. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
HF5549.5.S38 E75 2011eb | Match [electronic resource] : a systematic, sane process for hiring the right person every time / Dan Erling. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2011.
HF5626 .B732 2011eb | IFRS made easy [electronic resource] / Steven M. Bragg. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2011.
HF5657.4 .R63 2011eb | The controller's function [electronic resource] : the work of the managerial accountant / Steven M. Bragg. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
HF5668.25 .M35 2011eb | Harnessing the power of continuous auditing [electronic resource] : developing and implementing a practical methodology / Robert L. Mainardi. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley, c2011.
HF5686.I56 A66 2011eb | Applying IFRS for SMEs [electronic resource] / Bruce Mackenzie ... [et al.]. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
HF5736 .O7 no.2 | Drying of flood-damaged records of Marion County Welfare Office. | Salem, Or. : Oregon State Public Welfare Commission, 1965.
HF5736 .P76 2011 | A Guide to Outsourcing Records Management [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HF5821 .S446 2011eb (Online) | Sold on language [electronic resource] : how advertisers talk to you and what this says about you / Julie Sedivy, Greg Carlson. | Chichester, West Sussex Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
HF5822.F456 2010 | The Psychology of Advertising [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HF5823.G563 2010 | The Globalization of Advertising [electronic resource] : Agencies, Cities and Spaces of Creativity. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HG173 .B3363 2010eb | Finance [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HG176.7 .M69 2011 ONLINE | Financial origami [electronic resource] : how the Wall Street model broke / Brendan Moynihan. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, c2011.
HG177 .C36 2011eb | An executive's guide to fundraising operations [electronic resource] : principles, tools and trends / Christopher M. Cannon. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2011.
HG177 .C374 2008eb | Winning grants [electronic resource] : step by step / Mim Carlson, Tori O'Neal-McElrath, and the Alliance for Nonprofit Management. | San Francisco, CA : Jossey-Bass, c2008.
HG177 .C66 2010eb | Fundraising with the Raiser's Edge [electronic resource] : a non-technical guide / Bill Connors. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2010.
HG177 .R67 2011eb | Achieving excellence in fundraising [electronic resource] / Eugene R. Tempel, Timothy L. Seiler, and Eva E. Aldrich, editors foreword by Paulette Maehara. | San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, c2011.
HG178.3 .R69 2010eb | Poverty capital [electronic resource] : microfinance and the making of development / Ananya Roy. | New York : Routledge, 2010.
HG179 .D36 2010eb | Family legacy and leadership [electronic resource] : preserving true family wealth in challenging times / Mark Haynes Daniell and Sara S. Hamilton. | Singapore : Wiley, 2010.
HG179 .F575 2010eb | Financial Jiu-Jitsu [electronic resource] : a Fighter's Guide to Conquering Your Finances. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
HG181 | Managing to the New Regulatory Reality [electronic resource] : Doing Business Under the Dodd-Frank Act. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
HG181 .R357 2011eb | Regulating Wall Street [electronic resource] : the Dodd-Frank Act and the new architecture of global finance / [edited by] Viral V. Acharya ... [et al.]. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
HG186.A2 M33 2011eb | Variegated neoliberalism [electronic resource] : EU varieties of capitalism and international political economy / Huw Macartney. | Abingdon, Oxon New York : Routledge, 2011.
HG230.3.A684 2011 | Monetary Theory and Policy from Hume and Smith to Wicksell [electronic resource] : Money, Credit, and the Economy. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
HG237 | The Roman Monetary System [electronic resource] : the Eastern Provinces from the First to the Third Century AD. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
HG540 .E33 2010eb | Exorbitant privilege [electronic resource] : the decline of the dollar and the future of the international monetary system / Barry Eichengreen. | Oxford New York, NY : Oxford University Press, 2010.
HG1206.M664 2011 | Money in the Middle East and North Africa [electronic resource] : Monetary Policy Frameworks and Strategies. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HG1710 .M67 2011eb | Essentials of online payment security and fraud prevention [electronic resource] / David Montague. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
HG1811.S378 2011 | Central Banking in the Twentieth Century [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
HG2040.15 .B48 2011eb | Reverse mortgages and linked securities [electronic resource] : the complete guide to risk, pricing, and regulation / Vishaal Bhuyan. | Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, c2011.
HG2040.5.U5 E54 2011eb | The subprime virus [electronic resource] : reckless credit, regulatory failure, and next steps / by Kathleen C. Engel and Patricia A. McCoy. | New York : Oxford University Press, 2011.
HG3054.5.L63 2010 | Insuring Security [electronic resource] : Biopolitics, Security and Risk. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HG3368.A6 E47 2011eb | Islamic banking [electronic resource] : how to manage risk and improve profitability / Amr Mohamed El Tiby. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, 2011.
HG3701 .M345 2011eb | Endgame [electronic resource] : the end of the debt supercycle and how it changes everything / John Mauldin, Jonathan Tepper. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
HG3756.C6 Z43 2011eb | China's rural financial system [electronic resource] : households' demand for credit and recent reforms / Yuepeng Zhao. | Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon New York, NY : Routledge, 2011.
HG3756.U54 L83 2011eb | Protecting Main Street [electronic resource] : Measuring the Customer Experience in Financial Services for Business and Public Policy. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HG3851.M493 2011 | Attacking Currency Trends [electronic resource] : How to Anticipate and Trade Big Moves in the Forex Market. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
HG4012.5 .P76 2010eb | Building financial models with Microsoft Excel [electronic resource] : a guide for business professionals / K. Scott Proctor. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2010.
HG4027.35 .P35 2011eb | Winning CFOs [electronic resource] : implementing and applying better practices / David Parmenter. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
HG4027.65 .M35 2009eb | Streetsmart financial basics for nonprofit managers [electronic resource] / Thomas A. McLaughlin. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2009.
HG4028.C4 | Investment Project Design [electronic resource] : a Guide to Financial and Economic Analysis with Constraints. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
HG4028.C6 | Smart Giving is Good Business [electronic resource] : How Corporate Philanthropy Can Benefit Your Company and Society. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
HG4028.V3 H583 2011eb | Financial valuation [electronic resource] : applications and models / James R. Hitchner. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
HG4028.V3 V36 2011eb | Value [electronic resource] : the four cornerstones of corporate finance / McKinsey & Company Tim Koller, Richard Dobbs, Bill Huyett. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2011.
HG4028.W65 S24 2011eb | Essentials of working capital management [electronic resource] / James S. Sagner. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
HG4515 .B64 2011eb | Don't count on it! [electronic resource] : reflections on investment illusions, capitalism, "mutual" funds, indexing, entrepreneurship, idealism, and heroes / John C. Bogle. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
HG4515 .M66 2011eb | Ineffective habits of financial advisors (and the disciplines to break them) [electronic resource] : a framework for avoiding the mistakes everyone else makes / Steve Moore, with Gary Brooks. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
HG4515.95 .Z83 2011 | The High Frequency Game Changer [electronic resource] : How Automated Trading Strategies Have Revolutionized the Markets. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
HG4521.F5847 2010 | Debunkery [electronic resource] : Learn It, Do It, and Profit from it-Seeing Through Wall Street's Money-Killing Myths. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
HG4521.F8134 2011 | ANTs [electronic resource] : Using Alternative and Non-Traditional Investments to Allocate Your Assets in an Uncertain World. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
HG4521 .G723 2011eb | Ben Graham Was a Quant [electronic resource] : Applying the Value Investing Models. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
HG4527.S944 2011 | The Quest for Alpha [electronic resource] : the Holy Grail of Investing. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
HG4529 .C445 2009eb | Quantitative trading [electronic resource] : how to build your own algorithmic trading business / Ernest P. Chan. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2009.
HG4529 .E463 2011eb | The New Sell and Sell Short [electronic resource] : How To Take Profits Cus Losses, and Benefit From Price Declines. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
HG4529 .H66 2010eb | Security analysis and business valuation on Wall Street [electronic resource] : a comprehensive guide to today's valuation methods / Jeffrey C. Hooke. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley, c2010.
HG4529 .P745 2011eb | The conscious investor [electronic resource] : profiting from the timeless value approach / John Price. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley, c2011.
HG4529 .R67 2011eb | The complete trading course [electronic resource] : price patterns, strategies, set-ups, and execution / Corey Rosenbloom. | Hoboken, N.J. : J. Wiley & Sons, c2011.
HG4529 .Y42 2011eb | High-frequency trading models [electronic resource] / Gewei Ye. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
HG4529.5.M374 2011 | Portfolio Design [electronic resource] : a Modern Approach to Asset Allocation. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
HG4530 .B5154 2011eb | A hedge fund tale of reach and grasp [electronic resource] : --or what's a heaven for? / Barton Biggs. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
HG4530 .F428 2011eb | The power of passive investing [electronic resource] : more wealth with less work / Richard A. Ferri foreword by John C. Bogle. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
HG4530 .H335 2011eb | Getting started in mutual funds [electronic resource] / Alvin D. Hall. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
HG4534 .R67 2009eb | Investment banking [electronic resource] : valuation, leveraged buyouts, and mergers & acquisitions / Joshua Rosenbaum, Joshua Pearl. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2009.
HG4637.F56 2011 | Financial Models with Levy Processes and Volatility Clustering [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
HG4638 | Profitable Candlestick Trading [electronic resource] : Pinpointing Market Opportunities to Maximize Profits. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
HG4661 .K33 2011eb | Alpha trading [electronic resource] : profitable strategies that remove directional risk / Perry Kaufman. | Hoboken, NJ : John Wiley & Sons, c2011.
HG4751 .H343 2011eb | Essentials of venture capital [electronic resource] / Alexander Haislip. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2011.
HG4910 .D53 2011eb | The great super cycle [electronic resource] : profit from the coming inflation tidal wave and dollar devaluation / David Skarica. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley, 2011.
HG5732.D65 2010 | Doing business in India [electronic resource] : building research-based practice / edited by Pawan S. Budhwar and Arup Varma. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HG6008 .P38 2011eb | The South Sea Bubble [electronic resource] : an economic history of its origins and consequences / Helen J. Paul. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HG6015.M23 2011 | Forecasting in Financial and Sports Gambling Markets [electronic resource] : Adaptive Drift Modeling. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
HG6024.A3R52 2011 | Option Spread Trading [electronic resource] : a Step-by-Step Guide To Strategies and Tactics. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
HG6024.U6 B54 2011 | Credit Risk Frontiers [electronic resource] : Subprime Crisis, Pricing and Hedging, CVA, MBS, Ratings, and Liquidity. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
HG6041 .L443 2011eb | Invest in penny stocks [electronic resource] : a guide to profitable trading / Peter Leeds. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
HG8054.5 .B83 2011eb | Executive's guide to solvency II [electronic resource] / David Buckham, Jason Wahl, Stuart Rose. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
HG8781 .P76 2010 | Fundamentals of actuarial mathematics [electronic resource] / S. David Promislow. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, 2010.
HJ192.5 .P797 2011eb | Public economics [electronic resource] : theory and policy : essays in honor of Dr. Amaresh Bagchi / edited by M. Govinda Rao, Mihir Rakshit. | New Delhi Thousand Oaks : SAGE, 2011.
HJ8101 .W43 2011eb | Inflated [electronic resource] : how money and debt built the American dream / R. Christopher Whalen. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
HM425 .C66 2011eb | The concise encyclopedia of sociology [electronic resource] / edited by George Ritzer and J. Michael Ryan. | Chichester, West Sussex, UK : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
HM480 .B76 2011eb | Critical theory [electronic resource] : a very short introduction / Stephen Eric Bronner. | New York : Oxford University Press, c2011.
HM481.R66 2011 | Ethnomethodology at Work [electronic resource]. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
HM500.S64 2010 | Visual Research Methods in the Social Sciences [electronic resource] : Awakening Visions. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HM548.B488 2010 | Culture in Economics [electronic resource] : History, Methodological Reflections and Contemporary Applications. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
HM585 .C77 2011eb | Towards relational sociology [electronic resource] / Nick Crossley. | London New York, NY : Routledge, 2011.
HM585 .D66 2011eb | Relational sociology [electronic resource] : a new paradigm for the social sciences / Pierpaolo Donati. | London New York : Routledge, 2011.
HM621 .H344 2010eb | Handbook of cultural sociology [electronic resource] / edited by John R. Hall, Laura Grindstaff and Ming-Cheng Lo. | London New York : Routledge, 2010.
HM701.D45 2010 | Drift into Failure [electronic resource] : From Hunting Broken Components to Understanding Complex Systems. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
HM741.N68 2008 | Relationship Economics [electronic resource] : Transform Your Most Valuable Business Contacts Into Personal and Professional Success. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2008.
HM766 .P95 2009eb | Progressive community organizing [electronic resource] : a critical approach for a globalizing world / Loretta Pyles. | New York : Routledge, c2009.
HM811 .G667 2009 | Moral panics [electronic resource] : the social construction of deviance / Erich Goode and Nachman Ben-Yehuda. | Chichester, U.K. Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.
HM831 .L54 2011eb | Driving social change [electronic resource] : how to solve the worlds toughest problems / Paul C. Light foreword by Catherine B. Reynolds. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
HM881.C443 2011 | Social Movements [electronic resource] : the Key Concepts. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis Ltd., 2010.
HM881 .T37 2011eb | Power in movement [electronic resource] : social movements and contentious politics / Sidney G. Tarrow. | Cambridge New York : Cambridge University Press, c2011.
HM1033 .M67 2011eb | Most underappreciated [electronic resource] : 50 prominent social psychologists describe their most unloved work / edited by Robert M. Arkin. | New York : Oxford University Press, c2011.
HM1033.S643 2010 | Social Psychology and Organizations [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HM1106 .R428 2011eb | Close relationships [electronic resource] / Pamela Regan. | New York : Routledge, 2011.
HM1111.R66 2010 | Romantic Relationships in Emerging Adulthood [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
HM1121.F56 2010 | Governing Ethnic Conflict [electronic resource] : Consociation, Identity and the Price of Peace. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HM1161 .L45 2011eb | Friend v. friend [electronic resource] : the transformation of friendship and what the law has to do with it / Ethan J. Leib. | Oxford New York, N.Y. : Oxford University Press, 2011.
HM1206 .C376 2009eb | Communication power [electronic resource] / Manuel Castells. | Oxford, UK New York : Oxford University Press, 2009.
HM1221.P7844 2010 | Public Relations in Global Cultural Contexts [electronic resource] : Multi-paradigmatic Perspectives. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HM1261 .B78 2010eb | Leadership for Quality and Accountability in Education [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis Ltd., 2010.
HM1271 .M359 2011eb | Managing Ethnic Diversity [electronic resource] : Meanings and Practices from an International Perspective. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
HN25.N48 2011 | Pursuing Quality of Life [electronic resource] : From the Affluent Society to the Consumer Society. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2011.
HN49.C6 I536 2010eb | Planning with complexity [electronic resource] : an introduction to collaborative rationality for public policy / Judith E. Innes and David E. Booher. | Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon New York, NY : Routledge, 2010.
HN49.C6O84 2010 | Towards Healthy Cities [electronic resource] : Comparing Conditions for Change. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
HN49.R33 M43 2011eb | Friction [electronic resource] : how radicalization happens to them and us / Clark McCauley, Sophia Moskalenko. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, c2011.
HN57 .S774 2011eb | Celebrity culture and the American dream [electronic resource] : stardom and social mobility / Karen Sternheimer. | New York : Routledge, 2011.
HN65.S88 2011 | Justice beyond 'Just Us' [electronic resource] : Dilemmas of Time, Place, and Difference in American Politics. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
HN80.S54 B43 2010eb | Banished [electronic resource] : the new social control in urban America / Katherine Beckett and Steve Herbert. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, c2010.
HN90.M3 M415 2009eb | Media effects [electronic resource] : advances in theory and research / edited by Jennings Bryant and Mary Beth Oliver. | New York : Routledge, c2009.
HN90.S65 B77 2011eb | The global auction [electronic resource] : the broken promises of education, jobs and incomes / Phillip Brown, Hugh Lauder, and David Ashton. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, 2011.
HN655.2.S62D57 2009 HN655.2.S62 | Dissent and Cultural Resistance in Asias Cities. [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2009.
HN723 .S7 2010eb | An introduction to Japanese society [electronic resource] / Yoshio Sugimoto. | Cambridge, UK New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
HN733.5 .C444 2010eb | Chinese society [electronic resource] : change, conflict and resistance / edited by Elizabeth J. Perry and Mark Selden. | London New York : Routledge, 2010.
HN740.Z9I5676 2011 | Urban Youth in China [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HN752.5.L44 2011 | Media, Social Mobilisation and Mass Protests in Post-colonial Hong Kong [electronic resource] : the Power of a Critical Event. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HQ18.C36K85 2010 | De-Centring Western Sexualities [electronic resource] : Central and Eastern European Perspectives. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
HQ27 .M345 2010eb | Teenage sex and pregnancy [electronic resource] : modern myths, unsexy realities / Mike A. Males. | Santa Barbara, Calif. : Praeger, c2010.
HQ35.M33 2010 | Adolescence, Pregnancy and Abortion [electronic resource] : Constructing a Threat of Degeneration. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HQ35.2 .C645 2010eb | College sex [electronic resource] : philosophy for everyone : philosophers with benefits / edited by Michael Bruce and Robert M. Stewart foreword by Heather Corinna. | Chichester, West Sussex, U.K. Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
HQ73 .L43 2010eb | LGBT identity and online new media [electronic resource] / edited by Christopher Pullen and Margaret Cooper. | New York : Routledge, 2010.
HQ76.2.C5 K66 2010eb | Chinese male homosexualities [electronic resource] : memba, tongzhi and golden boy / Travis S.K. Kong. | Abingdon, Oxon New York : Routledge, 2010.
HQ76.2.R6 W56 2010eb | Roman homosexuality [electronic resource] / Craig A. Williams with a foreword by Martha Nussbaum. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, c2010.
HQ76.2.U5S87 2009 HQ76.2.U5 | From "Perverts" to "Fab Five" [electronic resource] : the Media's Changing Depiction of Gay Men and Lesbians. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2008.
HQ76.3.C6 H65 2009eb | Gay and lesbian subculture in urban China [electronic resource] / Loretta Wing Wah Ho. | London New York : Routledge, 2009.
HQ76.3.U5 E35 2008eb | Queer America [electronic resource] : a GLBT history of the 20th century / Vicki L. Eaklor. | Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 2008.
HQ76.4.H44 2011 | Hegemony and Heteronormativity [electronic resource] : Revisiting 'The Political' in Queer Politics. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
HQ77.9 .D38 2011eb | Recognizing transsexuals [electronic resource] : personal, political and medicolegal embodiment / Zowie Davy. | Farnham, Surrey, England Burlington, VT, USA : Ashgate Pub., c2011.
HQ111-118 | Prostitution [electronic resource] : Sex Work, Policy and Politics. | London : Sage Publications, 2009.
HQ115 .S49 2010eb | Sex for sale [electronic resource] : prostitution, pornography, and the sex industry / edited by Ronald Weitzer. | New York : Routledge, 2010.
HQ281 .A76 2009eb | Human trafficking, human misery [electronic resource] : the global trade in human beings / Alexis A. Aronowitz. | Westport, Conn. : Praeger, 2009.
HQ281 .S49 2010eb | Sex trafficking, human rights and social justice [electronic resource] / edited by Tiantian Zheng. | London New York, NY : Routledge, 2010.
HQ281 .S63 2010eb | Human trafficking [electronic resource] : a global perspective / Louise Shelley. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
HQ471 .E97 2010eb | Everyday pornography [electronic resource] / edited by Karen Boyle. | London New York : Routledge, 2010.
HQ471.P585 2010 | Porn - Philosophy for Everyone [electronic resource] : How to Think With Kink. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
HQ503.H76 2009 | Belonging [electronic resource] : a Culture of Place. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2008.
HQ511 .C66 2011eb | A companion to families in the Greek and Roman worlds [electronic resource] / edited by Beryl Rawson. | Malden, MA Chichester, West Sussex, U.K. : Wiley-Blackwell Pub., 2011.
HQ647 .L86 2011eb | Family policy paradoxes [electronic resource] : gender equality and labour market regulation in Sweden, 1930-2010 / by Asa Lundqvist. | Bristol : Policy Press, 2011.
HQ682 .T628 2010eb | Marriage in contemporary Japan [electronic resource] / Yoko Tokuhiro. | Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon New York : Routledge, c2010.
HQ756.M54 2010 | Making Sense of Fatherhood [electronic resource] : Gender, Caring and Work. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
HQ756 .R64 2010 | The Role of the Father in Child Development. [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
HQ759.915 .F63 2010eb | Focus on single-parent families [electronic resource] : past, present, and future / editors, Annice D. Yarber, Paul M. Sharp. | Santa Barbara, Calif. : Praeger, c2010.
HQ767.15 .K33 2011eb | The ethics of abortion [electronic resource] : women's rights, human life, and the question of justice / Christopher Kaczor. | New York : Routledge, 2011.
HQ767.87 .S73 2010eb | Childhood in world history [electronic resource] / Peter N. Stearns. | Abingdon, Oxon New York, NY : Routledge, 2010.
HQ767.9 .B48 2010eb | Beyond Early Literacy [electronic resource] : a Balanced Approach to Developing the Whole Child. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HQ767.9.D99 2010 | Moral Status and Human Life [electronic resource] : the Case for Children's Superiority. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
HQ770.4.G56 2011 | Global Pathways to Abolishing Physical Punishment [electronic resource] : Realizing Children's Rights. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HQ770.4 .S28 2010eb | Physical punishment in childhood [electronic resource] : the rights of the child / Bernadette J. Saunders and Chris Goddard. | Chichester, West Sussex Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
HQ771 .N67 2011eb | The journey of child development [electronic resource] : selected papers of Joseph D. Noshpitz / edited by Bruce Sklarew & Myra Sklarew. | New York : Routledge, c2011.
HQ774 .N43 2009eb | The newborn as a person [electronic resource] : enabling healthy infant development worldwide / edited by J. Kevin Nugent, Bonnie J. Petrauskas, T. Berry Brazelton. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2009.
HQ782.S53 2011 | Play in Early Childhood [electronic resource] : From Birth to Six Years. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HQ784.M3 K5678 2010eb | Media and youth [electronic resource] : a developmental perspective / Steven J. Kirsh. | Chichester, U.K. Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
HQ792.I73C45 2010 | Childhood and Migration in Europe [electronic resource] : Portraits of Mobility, Identity and Belonging in Contemporary Ireland. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
HQ796 .S545 2011eb | Adolescents, families, and social development [electronic resource] : how teens construct their worlds / Judith G. Smetana. | Chichester Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
HQ799.2.I5 M47 2010eb | Wired youth [electronic resource] : the social world of adolescence in the information age / Gustavo S. Mesch and Ilan Talmud. | London New York : Routledge, 2010.
HQ799.5 .I77 2009eb | Hippies [electronic resource] : a guide to an American subculture / Micah L. Issitt. | Santa Barbara, Calif. : Greenwood Press, c2009.
HQ980 .U63 2010eb | Understanding non-monogamies [electronic resource] / edited by Meg Barker and Darren Langdridge. | New York : Routledge, 2010.
HQ1031 | Jews and Intermarriage in Nazi Austria [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
HQ1033 .N494 2010eb | Same-sex marriage [electronic resource] : a reference handbook / David E. Newton. | Santa Barbara, Calif. : ABC-CLIO, c2010.
HQ1061 .C79 2009eb | The cultural context of aging [electronic resource] : worldwide perspectives / edited by Jay Sokolovsky. | Westport, Conn. : Praeger, 2009.
HQ1061 .I5558 2011eb | An introduction to gerontology [electronic resource] / edited by Ian Stuart-Hamilton. | Cambridge, UK New York : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
HQ1075.C34 2011 | Overcoming Objectification [electronic resource] : a Carnal Ethics. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HQ1075.5.S64 P45 2009eb | Gender pluralism [electronic resource] : southeast Asia since early modern times / Michael G. Peletz. | New York : Routledge, 2009.
HQ1101 .D65 2009eb | Doing gender in media, art and culture [electronic resource] / edited by Rosemarie Buikema, Iris van der Tuin. | London New York : Routledge, 2009.
HQ1149.B425B76 2010 | Early Modern Women in the Low Countries [electronic resource] : Feminizing Sources and Interpretations of the Past. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
HQ1154 .M3975 2009eb | The aftermath of feminism [electronic resource] : gender, culture and social change / Angela McRobbie. | Los Angeles London : SAGE, 2009.
HQ1161 .G46 2010 | Gender and Global Restructuring [electronic resource] : Sightings, Sites and Resistances. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HQ1180 .F424 2010eb | Feminism and women's rights worldwide [electronic resource] / Michele A. Paludi, editor. | Santa Barbara, Calif. : Praeger, c2010.
HQ1236 .C626 2011eb | Confronting global gender justice [electronic resource] : women's lives, human rights / edited by Debra Bergoffen ... [et al.]. | London New York : Routledge, 2011.
HQ1236.W36 2010 | Women's Rights in Democratizing States [electronic resource] : Just Debate and Gender Justice in the Public Sphere. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
HQ1240 .B79 2011 | Gender and rurality [electronic resource] / Lia Bryant and Barbara Pini. | New York : Routledge, 2011.
HQ1420 .S24 2010eb | Flappers [electronic resource] : a guide to an American subculture / Kelly Boyer Sagert. | Santa Barbara, Calif. : Greenwood Press, c2010.
HQ1762.H643 2010 | Women and Family in Contemporary Japan [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
HT111.J46 2011 | Globalizations and the Ancient World [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
HT123.5.S86 H65 2011eb | Sunburnt cities [electronic resource] : the great recession, depopulation, and urban planning in the American Sunbelt / Justin B. Hollander foreword by Frank J. Popper. | London New York : Routledge, 2011.
HT147.C48S5324 2011 | The Making of Hong Kong [electronic resource] : From Vertical to Volumetric. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HT165.5.C647 2010 | Companion to Urban Design [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2011.
HT165.5 .P53 2010eb | A planner's encounter with complexity [electronic resource] / edited by Gert de Roo, Elisabeta A. Silva. | Farnham, Surrey, England Burlington, VA : Ashgate, c2010.
HT165.5 .S77 2011eb | Strategic spatial projects [electronic resource] : catalysts for change / edited by Stijn Oosterlynck ... [et al.]. | London New York : Routledge, 2011.
HT166.C466 2011 | Cities and Low Carbon Transitions [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HT166.G7 H34 2011eb | Urban and regional planning [electronic resource] / Peter Hall and Mark Tewdwr-Jones. | Abingdon, Oxon, England New York : Routledge, c2011.
HT166.O4 2011 | Olympic Cities [electronic resource] : City Agendas, Planning, and the World's Games, 1896-2016. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HT166 .S9125 2011eb | Sustainable and resilient communities [electronic resource] : a comprehensive action plan for towns, cities, and regions / [edited by] Stephen Coyle foreword by Andres Duany. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2011.
HT169.E5M67 2011 | Effective Practice in Spatial Planning [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HT178.E8C59 2011 | Urban Regeneration and Social Sustainability [electronic resource] : Best Practice from European Cities. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
HT384.U5W557 2010 | Sprawl, Justice, and Citizenship [electronic resource] : the Civic Costs of the American Way of Life. | Oxford : Oxford University Press, USA, 2010.
HT395.E8B66 2010 | Inventive City-Regions [electronic resource] : Path Dependence and Creative Knowledge Strategies. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
HT395.G7A55 2011 | New Labour and Planning [electronic resource] : From New Right to New Left. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2011.
HT612.P45 2011 | The Politics of Proximity [electronic resource] : Mobility and Immobility in Practice. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
HT861 .R68 2011eb | The Routledge history of slavery [electronic resource] / edited by Gad Heuman and Trevor Burnard. | London New York : Routledge, 2011.
HT1521 | The Threat of Race [electronic resource] : Reflections on Racial Neoliberalism. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2009.
HV10.5.P72 2011 | Professional Development in Social Work [electronic resource] : Complex Issues in Practice. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HV11 .K78 2010eb | Research for effective social work practice [electronic resource] / Judy L. Krysik, Jerry Finn. | New York, NY : Routledge, 2010.
HV11.S4754 2011 | Sexual Identities and Sexuality in Social Work [electronic resource] : Research and Reflections from Women in the Field. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
HV40.D534 2010 | The Practice of Generalist Social Work [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2011.
HV40 .H289 2011eb | Community practice [electronic resource] : theories and skills for social workers / David A. Hardcastle with Patricia R. Powers and Stanley Wenocur. | Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2011.
HV40 .R664 2010eb | Human behavior in the social environment [electronic resource] / Anissa Taun Rogers. | New York : Routledge, 2010.
HV41.2 .S28 2011eb | The end of fundraising [electronic resource] : raise more money by selling your impact / Jason Saul. | San Francisco, CA : Jossey-Bass, c2011.
HV41.9.U5 R67 2011eb | Donor-centered planned gift marketing [electronic resource] / Michael J. Rosen. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley, c2011.
HV95.C4165 2011 | Social Policy for Effective Practice [electronic resource] : a Strengths Approach. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HV245.N95 2011 | Social Care with African Families in the UK [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HV245.S47 2011 | Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy [electronic resource] : Research and Practice in Health and Social Care. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2011.
HV473.M87 2011 | A Decent Provision [electronic resource] : Australian Welfare Policy, 1870 to 1949. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
HV551.3 .C43 2010eb | Emergency notification [electronic resource] / Robert C. Chandler. | Santa Barbara, Calif. : Praeger, c2010.
HV800.9.S63 2010 | Social Protection for Africa's Children [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HV1451.B62 2010 | Counseling Older Adults [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HV1568 .D57 2011eb | Disability through the life course [electronic resource]. | [Thousand Oaks, Calif.] : Sage, 2011.;Electronic reproduction. Thousand Oaks, Calif. : Sage Publications, Inc., 2011. Mode of access: World Wide Web. System requirements: Web browser. Access may be restricted to users at subscribing institutions.
HV1569.5 .E45 2011eb | Disability and new media [electronic resource] / Katie Ellis and Mike Kent. | New York : Routledge, 2011.
HV3013.C45 A3 2011eb | One little finger [electronic resource] / Malini Chib. | New Delhi Thousand Oaks, Calif. : SAGE Publications, 2011.
HV4493 .M68 2010 | Moving Out, Moving On [electronic resource] : Young People's Pathways in and Through Homelessness. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2009.
HV4708.E53 2009 | Encyclopedia of animal rights and animal welfare [electronic resource] / edited by Marc Bekoff foreword by Jane Goodall. | Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 2009.
HV4708 .W35 2010eb | Animal rights [electronic resource] : what everyone needs to know / Paul Waldau. | New York : Oxford University Press, 2010.
HV4999.P37 F67 2011eb | Parents who misuse drugs and alcohol [electronic resource] : effective interventions in social work and child protection / Donald Forrester and Judith Harwin. | Chichester, West Sussex Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
HV4999.2 .M66 2011eb | Evidence versus politics [electronic resource] : exploiting research in UK drug policy making? / by Mark Monaghan. | Bristol : Policy Press, 2011.
HV5035 .E97 2011eb | Expressions of drunkenness (four hundred rabbits) [electronic resource] / edited by Anne Fox and Mike MacAvoy. | New York : Routledge, c2011.
HV5035.J38 2011 | Alcohol, Drinking, Drunkenness [electronic resource] : (Dis)Orderly Spaces. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
HV5801 .S774 2010eb | Drugs, Crime and Public Health [electronic resource] : the Political Economy of Drug Policy. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HV5824.Y68 H86 2010eb | Youth, drugs, and nightlife [electronic resource] / Geoffrey Hunt, Molly Moloney, and Kristin Evans. | London New York : Routledge/Taylor & Francis, c2010.
HV6019 .D45 2010eb | Contemporary Critical Criminology [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HV6025 .W3657 2010 | Social Class and Crime [electronic resource] : a Biosocial Approach. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HV6133.P39 2010 | Mental Health and Crime [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HV6250.4.W65 M425 2011eb | The victimization of women [electronic resource] : law, policies, and politics / Michelle L. Meloy, Susan L. Miller. | New York : Oxford University Press, 2011.
HV6252.I56 2011 | International Crime and Justice [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
HV6322.7 .B35 2011eb | Genocide [electronic resource] : a reference handbook / Howard Ball. | Santa Barbara, Calif. : ABC-CLIO, c2011.
HV6322.7 .J64 2011eb | Genocide [electronic resource] : a comprehensive introduction / Adam Jones. | London New York : Routledge, 2011.
HV6419.S43 2011 | Security and Everyday Life [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2011.
HV6430.B55 S33 2011eb | Osama bin Laden [electronic resource] / Michael Scheuer. | Oxford [England] New York : Oxford University Press, c2011.
HV6431.C7624 2011 | Criminologists on Terrorism and Homeland Security [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
HV6431.K2618 2011 | Freedom and Terror [electronic resource] : Reason and Unreason in Politics. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2011.
HV6431.T4664 2010 | Terrorism, Identity and Legitimacy [electronic resource] : the Four Waves theory and political violence. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HV6431.T536 2011 | Terrorist Rehabilitation and Counter-Radicalisation [electronic resource] : New Approaches to Counter-terrorism. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2011.
HV6431.Z88 2011 | Human Security, Law and the Prevention of Terrorism [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HV6432.4 | Integrity and Accountability in Government [electronic resource] : Homeland Security and the Inspector General. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
HV6433.A783 O44 2010eb | Counterterrorism Policies in Central Asia [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HV6433.E85B87 2011 | EU Counterterrorism Policy [electronic resource] : a Paper Tiger?. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
HV6433.85 .M84 2010eb | Atomic obsession [electronic resource] : nuclear alarmism from Hiroshima to al-Qaeda / John Mueller. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, 2010.
HV6457.T45 2010 | Lynching [electronic resource] : American Mob Murder in Global Perspective. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
HV6515 .S475 2010eb | Serial killers, philosophy for everyone [electronic resource] : being and killing / edited by S. Waller foreword by John M. Doris. | Malden : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
HV6545.J66 2010 | Grief After Suicide [electronic resource] : Understanding the Consequences and Caring for the Survivors. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HV6545.8 .J55 2011eb | Suicide, self-injury, and violence in the schools [electronic resource] : assessment, prevention, and intervention strategies / Gerald A. Juhnke, Darcy Haag Granello, Paul F. Granello. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2011.
HV6558 .F677 2011eb | The men's and women's programs [electronic resource] : ending rape through peer education / John D. Foubert. | New York : Brunner-Routledge, c2011.
HV6691.B797 2011 | The Anatomy of Fraud and Corruption [electronic resource] : Organizational Causes and Remedies. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
HV6710.O74 2010 | An Unsafe Bet? [electronic resource] : the Dangerous Expansion of Gambling and the Debate We Should Be Having. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
HV6768.C72 2010 | Crime and Corruption in Organizations [electronic resource] : Why It Occurs and What To Do About It. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2010.
HV6768 .S73 2011eb | Securities fraud [electronic resource] : detection, prevention, and control / Louis L. Straney. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2011.
HV6773 .B75 2010eb | Cybercrime [electronic resource] : criminal threats from cyberspace / Susan W. Brenner. | Santa Barbara, Calif. : Praeger, c2010.
HV6773 .M395 2009eb | Cyber bullying [electronic resource] : protecting kids and adults from online bullies / Samuel C. McQuade III, James P. Colt, Nancy B.B. Meyer. | Westport, Conn. : Praeger Publishers, 2009.
HV6783.A495 2011 | Crime and the Rise of Modern America [electronic resource] : a History from 1865-1941. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2011.
HV6937.R33 2010 | Racial Criminalization of Migrants in the 21st Century [electronic resource]. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
HV7936.C85 P66 2009eb | Police Corruption [electronic resource] : Deviance, Accountability and Reform in Policing. | Uffculme : Willan Pub., 2009.
HV7936.P75H36 2011 | Handbook of Police Psychology [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2011.
HV7965.R87 2010 | Rural Policing and Policing the Rural [electronic resource] : a Constable Countryside?. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2010.
HV8079.F7G64 2010 | An Introduction to Internet-Based Financial Investigations [electronic resource] : Structuring and Resourcing the Search for Hidden Assets and Information. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
HV8699.E85 | Is the death penalty dying? [electronic resource] : European and American perspectives / edited by Austin Sarat, Jurgen Martschukat. | Cambridge [U.K.] New York, N.Y. : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
HV9069 .S525 2010eb | Theories of delinquency [electronic resource] : an examination of explanations of delinquent behavior / Donald J. Shoemaker. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, 2010.
HV9145.A5H3665 2011 | Young People with Anti-Social Behaviours [electronic resource] : Practical Resources for Professionals. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HV9145.S74 2010 | Effective Practice in Youth Justice [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HV9346.A5D44 2010 | Probation Practice and the New Penology [electronic resource] : Practitioner Reflections. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
HX86 .S39 2010 | Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy. [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
HX393.5 .S574 2011eb | Gender and radical politics in India [electronic resource] : magic moments of Naxalbari (1967-1975) / Mallarika Sinha Roy. | New York : Routledge, 2011.
JA74.5 .I58 2010eb | Introduction to political psychology [electronic resource] / Martha L. Cottam ... [et al.]. | New York Hove : Psychology, 2010.
JA75.8 .G56 2011eb | Global political ecology [electronic resource] / edited by Richard Peet, Paul Robbins, and Michael Watts. | Abingdon, Oxon New York, NY : Routledge, 2011.
JA79.G38 2010 | The Order of Public Reason [electronic resource] : a Theory of Freedom and Morality in a Diverse and Bounded World. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
JA85.2.G7 P67 2011eb | Political Discourse and Conflict Resolution [electronic resource] : Debating Peace in Northern Ireland. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
JC71.P6 S26 2010eb | Understanding Plato's Republic [electronic resource] / Gerasimos Santas. | Chichester, West Sussex, U.K. Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
JC83.K37 2011 | Republicanism, rhetoric, and Roman political thought [electronic resource] : Sallust, Livy, and Tacitus / Daniel J. Kapust. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
JC423.A5165 2010 | Direct Democracy Worldwide [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
JC423 .D44133 2009eb | Democracy, states, and the struggle for global justice [electronic resource] / [edited by] Heather Gautney ... [et al.]. | New York : Routledge, 2009.
JC479 .G37 2010eb | Wealth and welfare states [electronic resource] : is America a laggard or leader? / by Irwin Garfinkel, Lee Rainwater, Timothy Smeeding. | Oxford New York: Oxford University Press, 2010.
JC480 .B49 2009eb | Beyond totalitarianism [electronic resource] : Stalinism and Nazism compared / [edited by] Michael Geyer, Sheila Fitzpatrick. | New York, N.Y. : Cambridge University Press, 2009.
JC489 .T46 2010eb | Determinants of democratization [electronic resource] : explaining regime change in the world, 1972-2006 / Jan Teorell. | Cambridge New York : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
JC571.B3656 2010 | Security, Law and Borders [electronic resource] : At the Limits of Liberties. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
JC571 .G56 2009eb | Global basic rights [electronic resource] / edited by Charles R. Beitz and Robert E. Goodin. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, 2009.
JC571.I325 2010 | Identities in Transition [electronic resource] : Challenges for Transitional Justice in Divided Societies. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
JC574.2.I74 B55 2011 | Political liberalism in Muslim societies [electronic resource] / Fevzi Bilgin. | Abingdon [England] New York : Routledge, 2011.
JC575 .U57 2009eb | The unsustainable American state [electronic resource] / edited by Lawrence Jacobs and Desmond King. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, 2009.
JC580 .H39 2011eb | Unspeakable truths [electronic resource] : transitional justice and the challenge of truth commissions / Priscilla B. Hayner. | New York : Routledge, 2011.
JC585.K57 2011 | Spinoza on Human Freedom [electronic resource] : Reason, Autonomy and the Good Life. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
JC599.E85 D58 2011 | Diversity in Europe [electronic resource] : dilemmas of differential treatment in theory and practice / edited by Gideon Calder and Emanuela Ceva. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
JC599.K7 S67 2011eb | Human rights discourse in North Korea [electronic resource] : post-colonial, Marxist, and Confucian perspectives / Jiyoung Song. | Abingdon, Oxon New York, NY : Routledge, 2011.
JF529.A38 2010 | Advocacy Organizations and Collective Action [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
JF801.C665 2010 | Rawls, Citizenship, and Education [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
JF1351 .A84 2011eb | The Ashgate research companion to new public management [electronic resource] / edited by Tom Christensen, Per Loegreid. | Farnham, Surrey Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2011.
JF1351 .P826 2011eb | Public management and complexity theory [electronic resource] : richer decision-making in public services / Mary Lee Rhodes ... [et al.]. | New York : Routledge, 2011.
JF1351 .R27 2009eb | Understanding and managing public organizations [electronic resource] / Hal G. Rainey. | San Francisco, CA : Jossey-Bass, c2009.
JK468.I6 J67 2011eb | The threat on the horizon [electronic resource] : an inside account of America's search for security after the Cold War / Loch K. Johnson. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, 2011.
JK468.S4M345 2010 | Transparency and American Primacy in World Politics [electronic resource]. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
JK526 2008 .C36 2009eb | Campaigning for president 2008 [electronic resource] : strategy and tactics, new voices and new techniques / edited by Dennis W. Johnson. | New York : Routledge, c2009.
JK765 .H33 2010eb | Handbook of human resource management in government [electronic resource] / Stephen E. Condrey, editor consulting editor, James L. Perry. | San Francisco, CA : Jossey-Bass, c2010.
JK1726.S65 2010 | Importing Democracy [electronic resource] : Ideas from Around the World to Reform and Revitalize American Politics and Government. | Santa Barbara : ABC-CLIO, 2010.
JK1965.R33 2011 | Race, Reform, and Regulation of the Electoral Process [electronic resource] : Recurring Puzzles in American Democracy. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
JK1976.S77 2011 | Rethinking American Electoral Democracy [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2011.
JK2265 .K37 2009eb | Party position change in American politics [electronic resource] : coalition management / David Karol. | Cambridge New York : Cambridge University Press, 2009.
JK2281.N482 2011 | New Directions in Campaigns and Elections [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2011.
JK2495.C37 2011 | Latino Representation in State Houses and Congress [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
JN12 .M345 2011eb | Contemporary European Politics [electronic resource] : a Comparative Introduction. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
JN15.L36 2010 | The EU and Federalism [electronic resource] : Polities and Policies Compared. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
JN30 .E847 2009eb | European identity [electronic resource] / edited by Jeffrey T. Checkel, Peter J. Katzenstein. | Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, c2009.
JN34.5 .F43 2010 | Federalism beyond federations [electronic resource] : asymmetry and processes of resymmetrisation in Europe / edited by Ferran Requejo and Klaus-Jurgen Nagel. | Farnham, Surrey, England Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2011.
JN50.S615 2010 | Social Democracy and European Integration [electronic resource] : the Politics of Preference Formation. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
JN94.A58 H36 2011eb | Parties, Elections, and Policy Reforms in Western Europe [electronic resource] : Voting for Social Pacts. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis Ltd., 2010.
JN428.L69 2011 | The Official History of the British Civil Service [electronic resource] : Reforming the Civil Service, Volume I: The Fulton Years, 1966-81. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2011.
JQ247 .S43 2010eb | Values and influence of religion in public administration [electronic resource] / L. Shanthakumari Sunder. | Los Angeles : SAGE, c2010.
JQ609.5.C6G68 2010 | Bureaucracy, Community and Influence in India [electronic resource] : Society and the State, 1930s - 1960s. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
JQ1506.M5B37 2011 | Overseas Chinese, Ethnic Minorities and Nationalism [electronic resource] : De-Centering China. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
JQ1506.R43 | The Global and Regional in China?s Nation-Formation. [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2008.
JQ1506.R43 P68 2010eb | Law, Policy, and Practice on China's Periphery [electronic resource] : Selective Adaptation and Institutional Capacity. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
JQ1510.I67 2010 | The Institutional Dynamics of China's Great Transformation [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
JQ1519.A5 | Legitimating the Chinese Communist Party since Tiananmen [electronic resource] : a Critical Analysis of the Stability Discourse. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
JQ1519.A5G67 2010 | The Chinese Communist Party and China's Capitalist Revolution [electronic resource] : the Political Impact of Market. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
JQ1681.K33 2011 | Civic Engagement in Postwar Japan [electronic resource] : the Revival of a Defeated Society. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
JQ1805.N38 2011 | Nationalisms and Politics in Turkey [electronic resource] : Political Islam, Kemalism and the Kurdish Issue. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
JQ1809.A15 U88 2010eb | Democracy in Turkey [electronic resource] : the Impact of EU Political Conditionality. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
JQ1830.A58G355 2011 | Public Management in Israel [electronic resource] : Development, Structure, Functions and Reforms. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
JQ1842.A58 B58 2010eb | Chaos in Yemen [electronic resource] : Societal Collapse and the New Authoritarianism. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
JQ1849.A1I73 2011 | Iraq, Democracy and the Future of the Muslim World [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
JQ1850.A58 D46 2011eb | Democracy in the Arab world [electronic resource] : explaining the deficit / edited by Ibrahim Elbadawi and Samir Makdisi. | London New York : Routledge Ottawa : International Development Research Centre, 2011.
JQ1850.A91 C38 2011eb | Civil Society and Democratization in the Arab World [electronic resource] : the Dynamics of Activism. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis Ltd., 2010.
JQ1929.I6 O37 2011eb | The South African intelligence services [electronic resource] : from apartheid to democracy, 1948-2005 / Kevin A. O'Brien. | Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon New York : Routledge, 2011.
JQ1992.F47 2010 | Framing the Race in South Africa [electronic resource] : the Political Origins of Racial Census Elections. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
JQ3096.E37 2011 | The Roots of Political Instability in Nigeria [electronic resource] : Political Evolution and Development in the Niger Basin. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
JQ3892.B53 2010 | Elections and Distributive Politics in Mubarak's Egypt [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
JQ3945 .S37 2010eb | Morocco [electronic resource] : challenges to tradition and modernity / James N. Sater. | London New York : Routledge, 2010.
JV2017 .G47 2010eb | German Colonialism and National Identity [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
JV6255.C66 2010 | The Contested Politics of Mobility [electronic resource] : Borderzones and Irregularity. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
JV6456 .A53 2010eb | Immigration [electronic resource] / Stuart Anderson. | Santa Barbara, Calif. : Greenwood, c2010.
JV6895.M48 H46 2011eb | Beyond borders [electronic resource] : a history of Mexican migration to the United States / Timothy J. Henderson. | Malden, Mass. : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
JV7590.L39 2010 | Security, Insecurity and Migration in Europe [electronic resource]. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
JV9120.J33 2010 | Experience and Representation [electronic resource] : Contemporary Perspectives on Migration in Australia. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
JZ1238.D44I58 2011 | International Relations and Non-Western Thought [electronic resource] : Imperialism, Colonialism and Investigations of Global Modernity. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
JZ1242 .K73 2010eb | The puzzle of politics [electronic resource] : inquiries into the genesis and transformation of international relations / Friedrich Kratochwil. | Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon [England] New York : Routledge, c2010.
JZ1251.Z37 2010 | After Defeat [electronic resource] : How the East Learned to Live with the West. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
JZ1253 .G85 2011eb | International Relations and Identity [electronic resource] : a Dialogical Approach. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
JZ1253.P67 2010 | A New Science of International Relations [electronic resource] : Modernity, Complexity and the Kosovo Conflict. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
JZ1306.M43 2011 | Why Leaders Lie [electronic resource] : the Truth about Lying in International Politics. | Oxford : Oxford University Press, USA, 2010.
JZ1307.R43 2010 | Realism and World Politics [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
JZ1308.H634 2011 | Selected Writings of John A. Hobson 1932-1938 [electronic resource] : the Struggle for the International Mind. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2011.
JZ1312.H47 2010 | Constructing Global Enemies [electronic resource] : Hegemony and Identity in International Discourses on Terrorism and Drug Prohibition. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
JZ1318.A76 2011 | Arguing Global Governance [electronic resource] : Agency, Lifeworld and Shared Reasoning. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
JZ1318 .C568 2011eb | Cities and Global Governance [electronic resource] : New Sites for International Relations. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
JZ1318.P675 2011 | Power and Transnational Activism [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
JZ1318 .W545 2010eb | Non-governmental organizations in world politics [electronic resource] : the construction of global governance / Peter Willetts. | Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon [England] New York : Routledge, c2010.
JZ1480.A57 C647 2011eb | China, the United States, and global order [electronic resource] / Rosemary Foot, Andrew Walter. | Cambridge New York : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
JZ1480.C67 2010 | Neoconservatism and American Foreign Policy [electronic resource] : a Critical Analysis. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
JZ1480 .Y67 2010eb | Waging war to make peace [electronic resource] : U.S. intervention in global conflicts / Susan Yoshihara. | Westport, CT : Praeger Security International, c2010.
JZ1570.A57F668 2011 | EU Foreign Policy and Post-Soviet Conflicts [electronic resource] : Stealth Intervention. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
JZ1570 .A57T92 2011 | Fifty Years of EU-Turkey Relations [electronic resource] : a Sisyphean Story. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
JZ1570 .J65 2011eb | Europeanization and foreign policy [electronic resource] : state identity in Finland and Britain / Juha Jokela. | Abingdon, Oxon New York, NY : Routledge, 2011.
JZ4841.R45 2010 | The Ashgate Research Companion to Non-State Actors [electronic resource]. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
JZ4850 | The Participation of States in International Organisations [electronic resource] : the Role of Human Rights and Democracy. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
JZ5330.C58 2010 | Civil Society and International Governance [electronic resource] : the role of non-state actors in the EU, Africa, Asia and Middle East. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
JZ5332.5.E87 E87 2010eb | The EU Presence in International Organizations [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
JZ5584.A35 P425 2011eb | Peacebuilding and Rule of Law in Africa [electronic resource] : Just Peace?. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis Ltd., 2010.
JZ5588.H36 2011 | Unipolarity and World Politics [electronic resource] : a Theory and its Implications. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
JZ5588.S4283 2011 | Securitization Theory [electronic resource] : How Security Problems Emerge and Dissolve. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
JZ5588.W53 2010 | Feminist Security Studies [electronic resource] : a Narrative Approach. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
JZ5595 .C76 2010eb | Critical Perspectives on Human Security [electronic resource] : Rethinking Emancipation and Power in International Relations. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
JZ5645 .G37 2011eb | Disarmament diplomacy and human security [electronic resource] : regimes, norms, and moral progress in international relations / Denise Garcia. | New York : Routledge, 2011.
JZ5665 .K49 2010eb | Iran and nuclear weapons [electronic resource] : protracted conflict and proliferation / Saira Khan. | London New York : Routledge, 2010.
JZ5930 .O725 2011eb | NATO and the Middle East [electronic resource] : the Geopolitical Context Post-9/11. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
JZ6009.E18 JZ6009.E18E66 2009 | Geopolitics and Maritime Territorial Disputes in East Asia. [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2009.
JZ6009.E85E54 2010 | The Politics of Security Sector Reform [electronic resource] : Challenges and Opportunities for the European Union's Global Role. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
JZ6045 .B47 2011eb | Theory and practice of international mediation [electronic resource] : selected essays / Jacob Bercovitch. | London New York : Routledge, 2011.
JZ6368 .E93 2011eb | EU conflict prevention and crisis management [electronic resource] : roles, institutions and policies / edited by Eva Gross and Ana E. Juncos. | Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon New York : Routledge, 2011.
JZ6374.A57 2010 | Legitimacy and the Use of Armed Force [electronic resource] : Stability Missions in the Post-Cold War Era. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis Ltd., 2010.
JZ6385 .L48 2010eb | Causes of war [electronic resource] / Jack S. Levy and William R. Thompson. | Chichester, West Sussex, U.K. Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
K115.L3878 2011 | Lawyers and the Rule of Law in an Era of Globalization [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2011.
K190.B58 2011 | The Land is the Source of the Law [electronic resource] : a Dialogic Encounter with Indigenous Jurisprudence. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis Ltd., 2010.
K230.T86A37 2010 | Ratio and Voluntas [electronic resource] : the Tension Between Reason and Will in Law. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
K247.6 .S93 2011eb | Law, ethics and the biopolitical [electronic resource] / Amy Swiffen. | Abingdon, Oxon New York, NY : Routledge, 2011.
K349.T73 2010 | Transcending the Boundaries of Law [electronic resource] : Generations of Feminism and Legal Theory. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
K639.B83 2011 | International Child Law [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
K644.G459 2011 | Gender, Sexualities and Law [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2011.
K699 .L44 2010eb | Equality, dignity, and same-sex marriage [electronic resource] : a rights disagreement in democratic societies / by Man Yee Karen Lee. | Leiden Boston : Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2010.
K738 .I34 2011eb | The idea of home in law [electronic resource] : displacement and dispossession / [edited by] Lorna Fox O'Mahony, James A. Sweeney. | Farnham, Surrey Burlington. VT : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
K1100.A93 2011 | International Secured Transactions Law [electronic resource] : Facilitation of Credit and International Conventions and Instruments. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2011.
K1168.M374 2011 | Limitation of Liability in International Maritime Conventions [electronic resource] : the Relationship between Global Limitation Conventions and Particular Liability Regimes. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
K1401.I55332 2011 | Intellectual Property and Human Development [electronic resource] : Current Trends and Future Scenarios. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
K1420.5 .M63 2011eb | Modernism & copyright [electronic resource] / edited by Paul K. Saint-Amour. | Oxford [UK] New York : Oxford University Press, 2011.
K1970 .V36 2011 | Making Rights a Reality? [electronic resource] : Disability Rights Activists and Legal Mobilization. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
K3240 | Strategic Visions for Human Rights [electronic resource] : Essays in Honour of Professor Kevin Boyle. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
K3240 | The Delivery of Human Rights [electronic resource] : Essays in Honour of Professor Sir Nigel Rodley. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
K3242.C678 2011 | Culture Clash [electronic resource] : an International Legal Perspective on Ethnic Discrimination. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
K3252 .Y67 2010eb | The right to life and the value of life [electronic resource] : orientations in law, politics, and ethics / edited by Jon Yorke. | Farnham, Surrey, England Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2010.
K3268.3.G36 2011 | Access to Asylum [electronic resource] : International Refugee Law and the Globalisation of Migration Control. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
K3534.G73 2010 | Lawscape [electronic resource] : Property, Environment, Law. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
K3601.H43 2010 | Improving Health Care Safety and Quality [electronic resource] : Reluctant Regulators. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
K3927 .G68 2011eb | Governing risk in GM agriculture [electronic resource] / edited by Michael Baram, Mathilde Bourrier. | Cambridge New York : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
K3927 .W35 2011eb | Eco crime and genetically modified food [electronic resource] / Reece Walters. | Abingdon, Oxon New York : Routledge, 2011.
K5001.R44 2010 | Regulation and Criminal Justice [electronic resource] : Innovations in Policy and Research. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
K5189.I59 2010 | Internet Child Abuse [electronic resource] : Current Research and Policy. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
K5210 .S52 2009 | Confronting Cyber-Bullying [electronic resource] : What Schools Need to Know to Control Misconduct and Avoid Legal Consequences. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2009.
K5258 .G35 2010eb | The international law of human trafficking [electronic resource] / Anne T. Gallagher. | Cambridge New York : Cambridge University Press, c2010.
K5301.F665 2011 | Forging a Convention for Crimes Against Humanity [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
KD772.L56 2010 | Taking Responsibility, Law and the Changing Family [electronic resource]. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
KD1641.C479 2010 | Construction Contracts [electronic resource] : Questions and Answers. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
KD2079.B685 2011 | Bourne on Company Law [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
KD3372.W65 2011 | Wolf and Stanley on Environmental Law [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
KD3989.B374 2011 | Constitutional & Administrative Law [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
KD4097.H37 2011 | Regulating Sexuality [electronic resource] : Legal Consciousness in Lesbian and Gay Lives. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
KD4329.S28 2010 | Democracy and the Vote in British Politics, 1848-1867 [electronic resource] : the Making of the Second Reform Act. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
KF | Evicted!: Property Rights and Eminent Domain in America. [electronic resource]. | Santa Barbara, CA : ABC-CLIO, c2010.
KF310.C6 | Lawyer Barons [electronic resource] : What Their Contingency Fees Really Cost America. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
KF390.B84S558 2010 | Proactive Law for Managers [electronic resource] : a Hidden Source of Competitive Advantage. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
KF395 | Common Law, History, and Democracy in America, 1790-1900 [electronic resource] : Legal Thought before Modernism. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
KF478 .R48 2010eb | The beauty bias [electronic resource] : the injustice of appearance in life and law / Deborah L. Rhode. | New York : Oxford University Press, c2010.
KF505 .C34 2010eb | Red families v. blue families [electronic resource] : legal polarization and the creation of culture / Naomi Cahn and June Carbone. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, 2010.
KF535 .D557 2011eb | Family law services handbook [electronic resource] : the role of the financial expert / Donald A. Glenn ... [et al.]. | Hoboken, N.J. : J. Wiley, c2011.
KF639 | Evidence and Procedures for Boundary Location [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
KF969.58201 | Essentials of the Dodd-Frank Act [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
KF969.58201 .A2 2011eb | The new financial deal [electronic resource] : understanding the Dodd-Frank Act and its (unintended) consequences / David Skeel. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
KF1215 .M36 2011eb | General liability insurance coverage [electronic resource] : key issues in every state / Randy J. Maniloff, Jeffrey W. Stempel. | New York : Oxford University Press, c2011.
KF1614 .M66 2011eb | Advertising and public relations law [electronic resource] / Roy L. Moore, Carmen Maye and Erik L. Collins. | New York : Routledge, 2011.
KF2980 .P65 2011 | Essentials of Intellectual Property [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
KF3464 .F66 2011eb | Evaluation for workplace discrimination and harassment [electronic resource] / William Foote and Jane Goodman-Delahunty. | New York : Oxford University Press, c2011.
KF3775 .R388 2011eb | Reconsidering law and policy debates [electronic resource] : a public health perspective / edited by John G. Culhane. | New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, c2011.
KF3875 .F67 2009eb | Food regulation [electronic resource] : law, science, policy, and practice / Neal D. Fortin. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2009.
KF3941 .S678 2009eb | Gun control [electronic resource] : a documentary and reference guide / Robert J. Spitzer. | Westport, CT. : Greenwood Press, c2009.
KF4754.5 .K59 2011 INTERNET | Gay and Lesbian Elders [electronic resource] : History, Law, and Identity Politics in the United States. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
KF4757 | Rethinking the Judicial Settlement of Reconstruction [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
KF4757 .B76 2011eb | Courage to dissent [electronic resource] : Atlanta and the long history of the civil rights movement / Tomiko Brown-Nagin. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, 2011.
KF5701 .H37 2011eb | The codes guidebook for interiors [electronic resource] / Sharon Koomen Harmon, Katherine E. Kennon. | Hoboken, N.J. : J. Wiley, c2011.
KF8742.H35 2010 | The Nature of Supreme Court Power [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
KF8775.C58 2010 | The Limits of Judicial Independence [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
KF9315.A96 2011eb | Abortion politics in Congress [electronic resource] : strategic incrementalism and policy change / Scott H. Ainsworth, Thad E. Hall. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
KFN7977 .I57 2011eb | Institutional Failures [electronic resource] : Duke Lacrosse, Universities, the News Media, and the Legal System. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
KFO2865 .A2 no.66-1 | Forestry Department budgeting and accounting. | Salem, Or. : The Committee, 1966.
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KGL5971.S44 2010 | Commonwealth Caribbean Criminal Practice and Procedure [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
KH642.A46 | The International Legal Protection of the Amazon [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
KJC383.F76 2010 | From Transnational Relations to Transnational Laws [electronic resource] : Northern European Laws at the Crossroads. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
KJC1676 .C74 2011 | Human rights and the protection of privacy in tort law [electronic resource] : a comparison between English and German law / Hans-Joachim Cremer. | New York : Routledge, 2011.
KJC2245.V37 2011 | The Integration of European Financial Markets [electronic resource] : the Regulation of Monetary Obligations. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
KJC3435.V36 2010 | Activation Policies and the Protection of Individual Rights [electronic resource] : a Critical Assessment of the Situation in Denmark, Finland and Sweden. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
KJC4436.C66 2010 | Constitutional Evolution in Central and Eastern Europe [electronic resource] : Expansion and Integration in the EU. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
KJE4169 .C67 2010eb | Online Dispute Resolution for Consumers in the European Union [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
KJE5092.T9 H84 2011eb | Turkey's Accession to the European Union [electronic resource] : the politics of exclusion / Edel Hughes. | London New York : Routledge, 2011.
KJE5142.E839 2011 | European Union Non-Discrimination Law and Intersectionality [electronic resource] : Investigating the Triangle of Racial, Gender and Disability Discrimination. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
KJE5306.L56 2010 | Linguistic Diversity and European Democracy [electronic resource]. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
KJE6467.K65 2010 | Merger Control in Europe [electronic resource] : the Gap In The ECMR And National Merger Legislations. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
KJE6467.M35 2011 | Merger Control in Post-Communist Countries [electronic resource] : EC Merger Regulation in Small Market Economies. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
KJE6868 .H86 2011eb | Sustainability in European transport policy [electronic resource] / Matthew Humphreys. | London New York, NY : Routledge, 2011.
KJE9430.C75 2011 | Crime within the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice [electronic resource] : a European Public Order. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
KKT517.5.C66 2010 | Guardianship, Gender, and the Nobility in Early Modern Spain [electronic resource]. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
KLB78.B87O75 2010 | Introduction to Business Law in Russia [electronic resource]. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
KNC52.P83P828 2011 | Public Interest Litigation in Asia [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
KNC79 .L39 2011 | Law and Legal Institutions of Asia [electronic resource] : Traditions, Adaptations and Innovations. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
KNF2020.R85 2011 | The Rule of Law in Afghanistan [electronic resource] : Missing in Inaction. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
KNQ74.D48 2010 | The Development of the Chinese Legal System [electronic resource] : Change and Challenges. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
KNQ920 .L39 2011eb | Law, wealth and power in China [electronic resource] : commercial law reforms in context / edited by John Garrick. | Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon New York, N.Y. : Routledge, 2011.
KNQ3023.L58 2010 | Chinese Immigration Law [electronic resource]. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
KNS122.H564 2010 | Hinduism and Law [electronic resource] : an Introduction. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
KPT4147.S77 2010 | Truth on Trial in Thailand [electronic resource] : Defamation, Treason, and Lse-Majest. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
KU444.E93 2011 | Assessing Lawyers' Ethics [electronic resource] : a Practitioners' Guide. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
KZ1261.Y37 2011 | State Accountability under International Law [electronic resource] : Holding States Accountable for a Breach of Jus Cogens Norms. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
KZ3375.K45 K36 2011eb | Uncertainty in international law [electronic resource] : a Kelsenian perspective / Jorg Kammerhofer. | Abingdon, Oxon New York : Routledge, 2011.
KZ3410.G565 2011 | Globalisation and the Quest for Social and Environmental Justice [electronic resource] : the Relevance of International Law in an Evolving World Order. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
KZ4282 .I58 2011eb | International law and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict [electronic resource] : a rights-based approach to Middle East peace / edited by Susan M. Akram ... [et al.]. | New York : Routledge, 2011.
KZ6304 .L36 2010eb | International criminal justice and the politics of compliance [electronic resource] / Christopher K. Lamont. | Farnham, Surrey, England Burlington, VT : Ashgate Pub., c2010.
KZ6304 .R68 2011eb | Routledge handbook of international criminal law [electronic resource] / edited by William Schabas and Nadia Bernaz. | London New York : Routledge, 2011.
KZ6314.J87 2010 | The International Criminal Court and National Courts [electronic resource] : a Contentious Relationship. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
KZ6373 .E75 2011eb | Targeting Peace [electronic resource] : Understanding UN and EU Targeted Sanctions. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
KZ6374 | International Authority and the Responsibility to Protect [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
KZ6385 .S66 2010eb | The law of armed conflict [electronic resource] : international humanitarian law in war / Gary D. Solis. | Cambridge [Eng] New York : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
LA23 .F34 2011eb | Faces of learning [electronic resource] : 50 powerful stories of defining moments in education / [edited by] Sam Chaltain. | San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, 2011.
LA226 .C66 2010eb | The shaping of American higher education [electronic resource] : emergence and growth of the contemporary system / Arthur M. Cohen with Carrie B. Kisker. | San Francisco, CA : Jossey-Bass, c2010.
LA229 .H42 2010eb | Helping sophomores succeed [electronic resource] : understanding and improving the second-year experience / Mary Stuart Hunter ... [et al.]. | San Francisco : Jossey-Bass [Columbia, SC] : National Resource Center for the First-Year Experience & Students in Transition, University of South Carolina, c2010.
LA627.H57 2010 | A History of the University in Europe, 4 [electronic resource] : Universities since 1945. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
LA657.R45 2010 | Humanism and Calvinism [electronic resource] : Andrew Melville and the Universities of Scotland, 1560-1625. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
LA2317.R45 W45 2011eb | The bee eater [electronic resource] : Michelle Rhee takes on the nation's worst school district / Richard Whitmire. | San Francisco, CA : Jossey-Bass, c2011.
LB14.7.S5317 2011 | A Critical Realist Perspective of Education [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
LB14.7 .V27 2010eb | Dismantling Contemporary Deficit Thinking [electronic resource] : Educational Thought and Practice. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
LB175.8 .T43 2010eb | Teaching U.S. history [electronic resource] : dialogues among social studies teachers and historians / edited by Diana Turk ... [et al.]. | New York : Routledge, 2010.
LB1025.3 .B3894 2011eb | Too simple to fail [electronic resource] : a case for educational change / R. Barker Bausell. | New York : Oxford University Press, 2011.
LB1025.3 .G439 2011eb | Teaching and learning through reflective practice [electronic resource] : a practical guide for positive action / Tony Ghaye. | London New York : Routledge, 2011.
LB1025.3.G443 2011 | Why Do I Need a Teacher When I've got Google? [electronic resource] : the Essential Guide to the Big Issues for Every 21st Century Teacher. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
LB1025.3 .H67 2010eb | Teaching critical thinking [electronic resource] : practical wisdom / Bell Hooks. | New York : Routledge, 2010.
LB1025.3 .H68 2010eb | How learning works [electronic resource] : seven research-based principles for smart teaching / Susan A. Ambrose ... [et al.] foreword by Richard E. Mayer. | San Francisco, CA : Jossey-Bass, c2010.
LB1025.3 .L35 2011eb | Improving teacher quality [electronic resource] : a guide for education leaders / Sabrina Laine with Ellen Behrstock-Sherratt and Molly Lasagna. | San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, c2011.
LB1025.3 .L48 2010eb | Teach like a champion [electronic resource] : 49 techniques that put students on the path to college / Doug Lemov foreword by Norman Atkins. | San Francisco, CA : Jossey-Bass, c2010.
LB1027 .F45 2011eb | Radical education and the common school [electronic resource] : a democratic alternative / by Michael Fielding and Peter Moss. | London New York : Routledge, 2011.
LB1028.3 .M36 2011eb | The technology toolbelt for teaching [electronic resource] / Susan Manning and Kevin E. Johnson. | San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, c2011.
LB1028.3.S38886 2011 | Schools and Schooling in the Digital Age [electronic resource] : a Critical Analysis. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
LB1028.3 .S64 2011eb | The politics of American education [electronic resource] / Joel Spring. | New York : Routledge, 2011.
LB1028.3 .T375 2010eb | Teaching and learning with technology [electronic resource] : beyond constructivism / edited by Concetta M. Stewart, Catherine C. Schifter and Melissa E. Markaridian Selverian. | New York : Routledge, 2010.
LB1028.38.C36 2010 | Instructional Design for Teachers [electronic resource] : Improving Classroom Practice. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
LB1033 .R54 2011eb | Attachment theory and the teacher-student relationship [electronic resource] : a practical guide for teachers, teacher educators and school leaders / Philip Riley. | London New York : Routledge, c2011.
LB1042.B44 2010 | Storytelling for Social Justice [electronic resource] : Connecting Narrative and the Arts in Antiracist Teaching. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
LB1044.87.V35 2011 | Essentials of Online Course Design [electronic resource] : a Standards-Based Guide. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2011.
LB1044.87 .W566 2011eb | The power of role-based e-learning [electronic resource] : designing and moderating online role play / Sandra Wills, Elyssebeth Leigh and Albert Ip. | New York : Routledge, 2011.
LB1051 .B469 2011eb | Best practices for technology-enhanced teaching and learning [electronic resource] : connecting to psychology and the social sciences / edited by Dana S. Dunn ... [et al.]. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, c2011.
LB1051 .L774 2011eb | The psychology of education [electronic resource] / Martyn Long ... [et al.]. | London New York : Routledge, 2011.
LB1060 .H388 2009eb | Visible learning [electronic resource] : a synthesis of over 800 meta-analyses relating to achievement / John A.C. Hattie. | London New York : Routledge, 2009.
LB1060.2.C65 2011 | Developing Emotional Intelligence in the Primary School [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2011.
LB1060.2.R625 2011 | Understanding Behaviour and Development in Early Childhood [electronic resource] : a Guide to Theory and Practice. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
LB1065 .B776 2010eb | Motivating students to learn [electronic resource] / Jere Brophy. | New York : Routledge, 2010.
LB1092B53 2010 | Education - An 'Impossible Profession'? [electronic resource] : Psychoanalytic Explorations of Learning and Classrooms. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
LB1134 .S74 2011eb | Differentiated assessment [electronic resource] : how to assess the learning potential of every student / Evangeline Harris Stefanakis foreword by Deborah Meier. | San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, 2010, c2011.
LB1137.S585 2011 | Playing to Learn [electronic resource] : the Role of Play in the Early Years. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
LB1139.D7M27 2011 | Children's Drawing and Writing [electronic resource] : the Remarkable in the Unremarkable. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
LB1523.S72 2011 | Teaching Visual Literacy in the Primary Classroom [electronic resource] : Comic Books, Film, Television and Picture Narratives. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
LB1572.D38 2011 | Creating a Speaking and Listening Classroom [electronic resource] : Integrating Talk for Learning at Key Stage 2. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis Ltd., 2010.
LB1573.P195 2011 | Becoming a Teacher Researcher in Literacy Teaching and Learning [electronic resource] : Strategies and Tools for the Inquiry Process. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2011.
LB1574.M59 2011 | 33 Ways to Help with Spelling [electronic resource] : Supporting Children who Struggle with Basic Skills. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
LB1575 .S43 2011eb | Inspiring children to read and write for pleasure [electronic resource] : using literature to inspire literacy learning for ages 8-12 / by Fred Sedgwick. | London New York : Routledge, 2011.
LB1576 .C64 2010eb | Content matters [electronic resource] : a disciplinary literacy approach to improving student learning / Stephanie M. McConachie, Anthony R. Petrosky, editors foreword by Lauren B. Resnick. | San Francisco, CA : Jossey-Bass, c2010.
LB1576 .H234 2010eb | Handbook of research on teaching the English language arts [electronic resource] / edited by Diane Lapp, Douglas Fisher. | New York [N.Y.] : Routledge, c2011.
LB1576 .L57 2011eb | The literate classroom [electronic resource] / edited by Prue Goodwin. | Abingdon, Oxon New York : Routledge, 2011.
LB1576.N24 2010 | Developing Language and Communication Skills through Effective Small Group Work [electronic resource] : SPIRALS: From 3-8. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
LB1576.P254 2011 | How to Teach Writing Across the Curriculum, Ages 6-8 [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
LB1576.P255 2011 | How to Teach Writing Across the Curriculum, Ages 8-14 [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
LB1576 .R518 2011eb | Writing strategies for all primary students [electronic resource] : scaffolding independent writing with differentiated mini-lessons, Grades K-3 / Janet C. Richards, Cynthia A. Lassonde. | San Francisco, CA : Jossey-Bass, c2011.
LB1576.W486282 2011 | Learning to Read the Numbers [electronic resource] : Integrating Critical Literacy and Critical Numeracy in K-8 Classrooms. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
LB1576 .W48875 2011eb | Language knowledge for primary teachers [electronic resource] / by Angela Wilson and Julie Scanlon. | Abingdon, Oxon New York, NY : Routledge, 2011.
LB1585.B633 2010 | The Really Useful Elementary Science Book [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
LB1585.N87 2010 | Teaching Science to English Language Learners [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
LB1623 .C37 2011eb | Enhancing Student Learning in Middle School [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
LB1631 .B762 2011eb | The English teacher's survival guide [electronic resource] : ready-to-use techniques & materials for grades 7-12 / Mary Lou Brandvik, Katherine S. McKnight. | San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, c2011.
LB1631.D28 2011 | Debates in English Teaching [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
LB1631.G635 2011 | The Expert Teacher of English [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
LB1631.P23 2011 | Speaking Frames [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
LB1707 | Teacher Education and the Struggle for Social Justice. [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2009.
LB1707 .P55 2010eb | Becoming a teacher through action research [electronic resource] : process, context, and self-study / Donna Kalmbach Phillips and Kevin Carr. | New York : Routledge, 2010.
LB1731.R465 2011 | Researching and Understanding Educational Networks [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
LB1775 .R524 2010eb | Finding Mrs. Warnecke [electronic resource] : the difference teachers make / Cindi Rigsbee foreword by Donalyn Miller. | San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, c2010.
LB1778.2.G84 2010 | A Guide to Surviving a Career in Academia [electronic resource] : Navigating the Rites of Passage. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
LB1779.S416 2011 | Ethical Leadership and Decision Making in Education [electronic resource] : Applying Theoretical Perspectives to Complex Dilemmas. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
LB2157.A3K67 2011 | Teaching in a Nutshell [electronic resource] : Navigating Your Teacher Education Program as a Student Teacher. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2011.
LB2326.3.D57 2011 | Disciplines of Education [electronic resource] : Their Role in the Future of Education Research. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
LB2331 .N55 2010eb | Teaching at its best [electronic resource] : a research-based resource for college instructors / Linda B. Nilson. | San Francisco, CA : Jossey-Bass, c2010.
LB2331.5 .I528 2010 | International Research Collaborations [electronic resource] : Much to Be Gained, Many Ways to Get in Trouble. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
LB2331.62 .U85 2011eb | Using quality benchmarks for assessing and developing undergraduate programs [electronic resource] / Dana S. Dunn ... [et al.]. | San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, c2011.
LB2336 .S87 2009 | Assessing student learning [electronic resource] : a common sense guide / Linda Suskie foreword by Trudy W. Banta. | San Francisco, CA : Jossey-Bass, c2009.
LB2341 .B742 2011eb (Online) | Academic leadership day by day [electronic resource] : small steps that lead to great success / Jeffrey L. Buller. | San Francisco, CA : Jossey-Bass, c2011.
LB2342 .B3245 2011eb | Budgets and financial management in higher education [electronic resource] / Margaret J. Barr, George S. McClellan. | San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, c2011.
LB2342.82.M373 2011 | The Marketisation of Higher Education and the Student as Consumer [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis Ltd., 2010.
LB2342.92 .B37 2009eb | The handbook of student affairs administration [electronic resource] / George S. McClellan, Jeremy Stringer, and associates. | San Francisco, CA : Jossey-Bass, c2009.
LB2342.92.K65 2011 | The Handbook for Student Leadership Development [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
LB2342.92 .K65 2011eb | Student services [electronic resource] : a handbook for the profession. | San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, c2011.
LB2361.5.A78 2011 | Student Activism and Curricular Change in Higher Education [electronic resource]. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
LB2368 .W35 2010eb | Effective grading [electronic resource] : a tool for learning and assessment in college / Barbara E. Walvoord, Virginia Johnson Anderson. | San Francisco, CA : Jossey-Bass, c2010.
LB2375 .H36 2009eb | The handbook of practice and research in study abroad [electronic resource] : higher education and the quest for global citizenship / Ross Lewin, editor. | New York : Routledge [Washington, DC] : Association of American Colleges and Universities, 2009.
LB2386.D73 2011 | Practitioner Research at Doctoral Level [electronic resource] : Developing Coherent Research Methodologies. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
LB2434.4 .S78 2010eb | Student development in college [electronic resource] : theory, research, and practice / Nancy J. Evans ... [et al.]. | San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, c2010.
LB2805 | Leading for Instructional Improvement [electronic resource] : How Successful Leaders Develop Teaching and Learning Expertise. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
LB2805 .S65 2011eb | Leading change step-by-step [electronic resource] : tactics, tools, and tales / Jody Spiro. | San Francisco, CA : Jossey-Bass, c2011.
LB2806 | Learning Across Sites [electronic resource] : New Tools, Infrastructures and Practices. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
LB2806.22 | Accountability in Higher Education [electronic resource] : Global Perspectives on Trust and Power. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
LB2806.22 .G744 2011eb | Education, professionalism and the quest for accountability [electronic resource] : hitting the target but missing the point / Jane Green. | New York : Routledge, 2011.
LB2822.75 W35 2010eb | Assessment clear and simple [electronic resource] : a practical guide for institutions, departments, and general education / Barbara E. Walvoord foreword by Trudy W. Banta. | San Francisco, CA : Jossey-Bass, c2010.
LB2822.82 | Engaging Students [electronic resource] : the Next Level of Working on the Work. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
LB2822.82 .C434 2010eb | Education nation [electronic resource] : six leading edges of innovation in our schools / Milton Chen foreword by George Lucas. | San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, c2010.
LB2831.58O33 2011 | Strategic Management of Human Capital in Education [electronic resource] : Improving Instructional Practice and Student Learning in Schools. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2011.
LB2842.22 .S73 2010eb | Profit of education [electronic resource] / Dick Startz. | Santa Barbara, Calif. : Praeger, c2010.
LB2866 .M94 2011eb | This is not a fire drill [electronic resource] : crisis intervention and prevention on college campuses / Rick A. Myer, Richard K. James, Patrice Moulton. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
LB3013.3 .B433 2009eb | Bullying prevention for schools [electronic resource] : a step-by-step guide to implementing a successful anti-bullying program / Allan L. Beane. | San Francisco, Calif. : Jossey-Bass, c2009.
LB3013.6 .J33 2011eb | Ethics and law for school psychologists [electronic resource] / Susan Jacob, Dawn M. Decker, Timothy S. Hartshorne. | Hoboken, N.J. : J. Wiley & Sons, c2011.
LB3051.C85 2011 | Cultural Validity in Assessment [electronic resource] : Addressing Linguistic and Cultural Diversity. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
LB3430 .S383 2009eb | School-based mental health [electronic resource] : a practitioner's guide to comparative practices / edited by Ray W. Christner, Rosemary B. Mennuti. | New York : Routledge, c2009.
LB3609 .A78 2011eb | Cultivating the spirit [electronic resource] : how college can enhance students' inner lives / Alexander W. Astin, Helen S. Astin, Jennifer A. Lindholm. | San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, c2011.
LC40 .H6384 2010eb | Home-school connections in a multicultural society [electronic resource] : learning from and with culturally and linguistically diverse families / edited by Maria Luiza Dantas, Patrick C. Manyak. | New York : Routledge, 2010.
LC65.S87 2010 | Sustainability Education [electronic resource] : Perspectives and Practice across Higher Education. | London : Earthscan, 2010.
LC66 .C74 2010eb | Critical pedagogies of consumption [electronic resource] : living and learning in the shadow of the "shopocalypse" / edited by Jennifer A. Sandlin, Peter McLaren. | New York : Routledge, 2010.
LC71 .H364 2009eb | Handbook of social justice in education [electronic resource] / edited by William Ayers, Therese Quinn, David Stovall. | New York : Routledge, 2009.
LC93.G7B36 2011 | Reinventing Schools, Reforming Teaching [electronic resource] : From Political Visions to Classroom Reality. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
LC149.A64 2010 | Re-framing Literacy [electronic resource] : Teaching and Learning in English and the Language Arts. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
LC191.4.E36 2010 | Education as Enforcement [electronic resource] : the Militarization and Corporatization of Schools. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
LC191.8.G7S63 2010 | Social Justice Pedagogy Across the Curriculum [electronic resource] : the Practice of Freedom. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
LC192.4.P44 2011 | Peer Relationships in Early Childhood Education and Care [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
LC201.5 .A44 2009eb | Affirming students' right to their own language [electronic resource] : bridging language policies and pedagogical practices / edited by Jerrie Cobb Scott, Dolores Y. Straker, Laurie Katz. | New York : Routledge Urbana, Ill. : National Council of Teachers of English, 2009.
LC212.2 .C76 2010eb | Critical race theory matters [electronic resource] : education and ideology / Margaret M. Zamudio ... [et al.]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
LC212.92 .G87 2011eb | Boys and girls learn differently! [electronic resource] : a guide for teachers and parents / Michael Gurian with Kathy Stevens, Patricia Henley, and Terry Trueman. | San Francisco, CA : Jossey-Bass, c2011.
LC213.E676 2011 | Equity and Excellence in Education [electronic resource] : Towards Maximal Learning Opportunities for All Students. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
LC238 | Becoming an Engaged Campus [electronic resource] : a Practical Guide for Institutionalizing Public Engagement. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
LC239 .S64 2010eb | Place- and community-based education in schools [electronic resource] / Gregory A. Smith, David Sobel. | New York, NY : Routledge, 2010.
LC1039.5 .R44 2011eb | Recognizing and serving low-income students in higher education [electronic resource] : an examination of institutional policies, practices, and culture / edited by Adrianna Kezar. | New York : Routledge, 2011.
LC1039.8.G7C73 2011 | In at the Deep End [electronic resource] : a Survival Guide for Teachers in Post-Compulsory Education. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
LC1091 .B59 2009eb | Young citizens of the world [electronic resource] : teaching elementary social studies through civic engagement / Marilynne Boyle-Baise, Jack Zevin. | New York : Routledge, 2009.
LC1095.S65 2010 | Cross-border Partnerships in Higher Education [electronic resource] : Strategies and Issues. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
LC1099 .E87 2011eb | Evaluating the effectiveness of academic development [electronic resource] : principles and practice / edited by Lorraine Stefani. | New York : Routledge, 2011.
LC1099 .I53 2010 | Intercultural and Multicultural Education [electronic resource] : Enhancing Global Interconnectedness. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
LC1099 .R685 2009eb | The Routledge international companion to multicultural education [electronic resource] / edited by James A. Banks. | New York London : Routledge, 2009.
LC1099.S29 2011 | Cross-Curricular Teaching and Learning in the Secondary School [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis Ltd., 2010.
LC1099.3.R4854 2011 | Responding to Diversity in Schools [electronic resource] : an Inquiry-Based Approach. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
LC1100 .M49 2009eb | Transformative learning in practice [electronic resource] : insights from community, workplace, and higher education / Jack Mezirow, Edward W. Taylor, and associates. | San Francisco, Calif. : Jossey-Bass, c2009.
LC1568 .R43 2010eb | Reconstructing policy in higher education [electronic resource] : feminist poststructural perspectives / edited by Elizabeth J. Allan, Susan Van Deventer Iverson, and Rebecca Ropers-Huilman. | New York : Routledge, 2010.
LC2683.C47 2011 | Chicano School Failure and Success [electronic resource] : Past, Present, and Future. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
LC2771 .T97 2011eb | Integration interrupted [electronic resource] : tracking, black students, and acting White after Brown / Karolyn Tyson. | New York : Oxford University Press, 2011.
LC3727.S7 2011 | Pathways to Academic Success in Higher Education [electronic resource] : Expanding Opportunity for Underrepresented Students. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
LC3737.J3 | Minorities and Education in Multicultural Japan [electronic resource] : an Interactive Perspective. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
LC4015.S86 2011 | Supporting Inclusive Practice [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
LC4015.W44 2011 | Commonsense Methods for Children with Special Educational Needs [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
LC4704 .F575 2011eb | Essentials of specific learning disability identification [electronic resource] / Dawn P. Flanagan, Vincent C. Alfonso. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
LC4706.G7E39 2011 | The SENCO Survival Guide [electronic resource] : the Nuts and Bolts of Everything You Need to Know. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
LC4802 .O88 2011eb | How to reach and teach children with challenging behavior [electronic resource] : practical, ready-to-use interventions that work / Kaye L. Otten and Jodie L. Tuttle. | San Francisco, CA : Jossey-Bass, c2011.
LC4803.G72M433 2011 | Behaviour in the Early Years [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
LC4823 .B47 2010eb (Online) | Low-income students and the perpetuation of inequality [electronic resource] : higher education in America / by Gary A. Berg. | Farnham, Surrey, England Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2010.
LC5115.G85 2011 | Education Policy, Space and the City [electronic resource] : Markets and the (In)visibility of Race. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
LC5115 .P39 2011eb | Urban school leadership [electronic resource] / Thomas W. Payzant. | San Francisco, CA : Jossey-Bass, c2011.
LC5225.L42 R68 2009eb | The Routledge international handbook of lifelong learning [electronic resource] / edited by Peter Jarvis. | London New York : Routledge, 2009.
ML82 .H39 2009eb | Women icons of popular music [electronic resource] : the rebels, rockers, and renegades / Carrie Havranek. | Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 2009.
ML164.S65 2010 | Music in Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity [electronic resource]. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
ML197.F86 2010 | Twentieth Century Music and the Question of Modernity [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
ML246.2.B74 2011 | The Instrumental Music of Schmeltzer, Biber, Muffat and their Contemporaries [electronic resource]. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
ML410.B88G38 2010 | The New Bruckner [electronic resource] : Compositional Development and the Dynamics of Revision. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
ML410.S386 S93 2011eb | Orpheus in Manhattan [electronic resource] : William Schuman and the shaping of America's musical life / Steve Swayne. | New York : Oxford University Press, c2011.
ML1700.O67 2010 | Opera Indigene [electronic resource] : Re/presenting First Nations and Indigenous Cultures. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
ML2075 .M879 2010eb | Music in the horror film [electronic resource] : listening to fear / edited by Neil Lerner. | New York : Routledge, 2010.
ML3506 .W53 2011eb | Why jazz? [electronic resource] : a concise guide / by Kevin Whitehead. | New York : Oxford University Press, 2011.
ML3545 .S63 2011eb | Folk music [electronic resource] : a very short introduction / Mark Slobin. | New York : Oxford University Press, c2011.
ML3580 .B64 2010eb | Focus [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
ML3654 .W56 2010eb | Focus [electronic resource] : Irish traditional music / Sean Williams. | New York : Routledge, 2010.
ML3790 .D33 2010eb | Peer to peer and the music industry [electronic resource] : the criminalization of sharing / Matthew David. | Los Angeles : SAGE, c2010.
ML3800 .R625 2011eb | The Routledge companion to philosophy and music [electronic resource] / edited by Theodore Gracyk and Andrew Kania. | New York : Routledge, 2011.
ML3830 .T167 2010eb | Psychology of music [electronic resource] : from sound to significance / Siu-Lan Tan, Peter Pfordresher and Rom Harre. | Hove, East Sussex [England] New York, NY : Psychology Press, 2010.
ML3918.R63 H35 2010eb | Punks [electronic resource] : a guide to an American subculture / Sharon M. Hannon. | Santa Barbara, Calif. : Greenwood Press, c2010.
ML3918 S74 2010eb | Stereo [electronic resource] : comparative perspectives on the sociological study of popular music in France and Britain / edited by Hugh Dauncey and Philippe Le Guern. | Farnham, Surrey : Ashgate, 2011.
MT1.F42 2011 | Instrumental Music Education [electronic resource] : Teaching with the Musical and Practical in Harmony. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
MT1 .G58 2010eb | What's so important about music education? [electronic resource] / J. Scott Goble. | New York : Routledge, 2010.
MT3.G7F56 2010 | Music Education in England, 1950-2010 [electronic resource] : the Child-Centred Progressive Tradition. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
MT3.G7.M37 2011 | Making Music in the Primary School [electronic resource] : Whole Class Instrumental and Vocal Teaching. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
MT17 .H36 2011eb | Teaching music to students with special needs [electronic resource] : a label free approach / Alice M. Hammel and Ryan M. Hourigan. | New York : Oxford University Press, c2011.
MT50 .T98 2011eb | A geometry of music [electronic resource] : harmony and counterpoint in the extended common practice / Dmitri Tymoczko. | New York : Oxford University Press, 2011.
N72.G55 M48 2011eb | Contemporary art and the cosmopolitan imagination [electronic resource] / Marsha Meskimmon. | London New York : Routledge, 2011.
N72.S6L47 2011 | Cross-Cultural Issues in Art [electronic resource] : Frames for Understanding. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
N7480 .A79 2009eb | The art of art history [electronic resource] : a critical anthology / edited by Donald Preziosi. | Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009.
NA200 .C493 2011eb | A global history of architecture [electronic resource] / Francis D.K. Ching, Mark Jarzombek, Vikramaditya Prakash. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
NA680 .U59 2010 | Twenty Buildings Every Architect Should Understand. [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
NA997.A58P67 2010 | Will Alsop [electronic resource] : the Noise. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
NA1614 .T48 2011eb | Third world modernism [electronic resource] : architecture, development and identity / edited by Duanfang Lu. | New York, NY : Routledge, 2011.
NA2500 .O78 2011eb | Decoding theoryspeak [electronic resource] : an illustrated guide to architectural theory / Enn Ots with contributions by Michael Alfano Jr. ... [et al.]. | London New York : Routledge, 2011.
NA2541 .W38 2011eb | Design for flooding [electronic resource] : architecture, landscape, and urban design for resilience to flooding and climate change / Donald Watson and Michele Adams. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2011.
NA2542.4.S535 2010 | Environmental Issues for Architecture [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
NA2543.G46S73 2011 | Building Bangalore [electronic resource] : Architecture and urban transformation in India's Silicon Valley. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
NA2543.S6 K24 2011eb | Architecture, crisis and resuscitation [electronic resource] : the reproduction of post-Fordism in late-twentieth-century architecture / Tahl Kaminer. | Abingdon, Oxon New York, NY : Routledge, 2011.
NA6600 | University Planning and Architecture [electronic resource] : the Search for Perfection. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
NA9053.I53B47 2010 | Redeveloping Industrial Sites [electronic resource] : a Guide for Architects, Planners, and Developers. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
NB70 | Interpreting Ancient Figurines [electronic resource] : Context, Comparison, and Prehistoric Art. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
NB1296.3 .P78 2010eb | From face to face [electronic resource] : recarving of Roman portraits and the late-antique portrait arts / by Marina Prusac. | Leiden [Netherlands] Boston : Brill, 2010.
NK1520.N43 2010 | New Directions in Sustainable Design [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
NK1548 .H66 2011eb | Understanding color [electronic resource] : an introduction for designers / Linda Holtzschue. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
NX280 .R68 2010eb | The Routledge companion to research in the arts [electronic resource] / edited by Michael Biggs and Henrik Karlsson in collaboration with Stiftelsen Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, Stockholm, | London New York : Routledge, 2010.
NX456.5.M64 C49 2010eb | Second skin [electronic resource] : Josephine Baker & the modern surface / Anne Anlin Cheng. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, 2010.
NX652.A37 J33 2011eb | Violence, visual culture, and the black male body [electronic resource] / Cassandra Jackson. | New York : Routledge, 2011.
P29 .R67 2010eb | The Routledge linguistics encyclopedia [electronic resource] / edited by Kirsten Malmkjaer. | London New York : Routledge, 2010.
P37 .F47 2011eb | Fundamentals of psycholinguistics [electronic resource] / Eva M. Fernandez and Helen Smith Cairns. | Chichester Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
P53.85 .F37 2010eb | The Discourse of Teaching Practice Feedback [electronic resource] : a Corpus-Based Investigation of Spoken and Written Modes. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
P57.J3 L36 2010 | Language Life in Japan [electronic resource] : Transformations and Prospects. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
P90.M3679 2010 | Media Perspectives for the 21st Century [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
P91 .I58 2009eb | An integrated approach to communication theory and research [electronic resource] / edited by Don W. Stacks, Michael B. Salwen. | New York : Routledge, 2009.
P91.3 .C623 2009eb | Communication research measures II [electronic resource] : a sourcebook / [edited by] Rebecca B. Rubin ... [et al.]. | New York, NY : Routledge, 2009.
P95.3.P35 2011 | Speaking Frames [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
P95.46 .L55 2010eb | Listening and human communication in the 21st century [electronic resource] / edited by Andrew D. Wolvin. | Chichester, U.K. Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
P95.82.A4 P67 2010eb | Popular Media, Democracy and Development in Africa [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
P95.82.A8 | How Australia Decides [electronic resource] : Election Reporting and the Media. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
P96.T47S45 2010 | Global Terrorism and New Media [electronic resource] : the Post-Al Qaeda Generation. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
P98.5.I57 C75 2011eb | Internet linguistics [electronic resource] : a student guide / David Crystal. | Abingdon, Oxon New York, NY : Routledge, 2011.
P106 .Y85 2010eb | The study of language [electronic resource] / George Yule. | Cambridge, UK New York : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
P115.3 .C36 2009eb | Cambridge handbook of linguistic code-switching [electronic resource] / edited by Barbara E. Bullock and Almeida Jacqueline Toribio. | Cambridge, UK New York : Cambridge University Press, 2009.
P115.3 .G36 2009 | Code-switching. [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2009.
P115.4 .L36 2011eb | Language and bilingual cognition [electronic resource] / edited by Vivian Cook and Benedetta Bassetti. | New York, NY Hove : Psychology Press, c2011.
P116.L43 2010 | Linguistic Relativities [electronic resource] : Language Diversity and Modern Thought. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
P118.C544 2010 | Linguistic Nativism and the Poverty of the Stimulus [electronic resource]. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
P128.C68 H86 2011eb | Corpus approaches to evaluation [electronic resource] : phraseology and evaluative language / Susan Hunston. | New York : Routledge, 2011.
P130.5 .B58 2010eb | The sociolinguistics of globalization [electronic resource] / Jan Blommaert. | Cambridge, UK New York : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
P130.5 .H358 2010eb | The handbook of language and globalization [electronic resource] / edited by Nikolas Coupland. | Malden, Mass. : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
P302 .G398 2010eb | How to do discourse analysis [electronic resource] : a toolkit / James Paul Gee. | New York : Routledge, 2011.
P302 .G4 2011eb | An introduction to discourse analysis [electronic resource] : theory and method / James Paul Gee. | New York, NY : Routledge, 2011.
P302.815 .B536 2009eb | Register, genre, and style [electronic resource] / Douglas Biber, Susan Conrad. | Cambridge, UK New York : Cambridge University Press, 2009.
P306 .R68 2009eb | The Routledge companion to translation studies [electronic resource] / edited by Jeremy Munday. | London New York : Routledge, c2009.
P306.8.I8C67 2010 | Vernacular Translation in Dante's Italy [electronic resource] : Illiterate Literature. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
P306.8.J3 T73 2010eb | Translation in Modern Japan [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
PA3877 .A2 2010eb | Three plays by Aristophanes [electronic resource] : staging women / translated and edited by Jeffrey Henderson. | Abingdon, Oxon [England] New York : Routledge, 2010.
PA3975.T8 PA3975.T8S53 2009 | Trojan Women. [electronic resource]. | Oxford : Oxford University Press, USA, 2009.
PA4037 | Homer's Trojan Theater [electronic resource] : Space, Vision, and Memory in the Iiiad. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
PA4167.L67 2010 | Homer's Odyssey and the Near East [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
PA5610.E43Z84 2011 | Mediterranean Modernisms [electronic resource] : the Poetic Metaphysics of Odysseus Elytis. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
PA6825 .C64 2010 | A companion to Vergil's Aeneid and its tradition [electronic resource] / edited by Joseph Farrell and Michael C.J. Putnam. | Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom Malden : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
PA6825.S633 2011 | Virgil [electronic resource] / R. Alden Smith. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
PC4105 .B38 2010eb | A reference grammar of Spanish [electronic resource] / R.E. Batchelor, Miguel Angel San Jose. | Cambridge, UK New York : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
PC5444 .W45 2011eb | Modern Brazilian Portuguese Grammar [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
PE1074.7.A53 2011 | Analysing Variation in English [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
PE1128.A2 | Teaching ESL/EFL Listening and Speaking. [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2008.
PE1128.A2 B4577 2010eb | Understanding Advanced Second-Language Reading [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
PE1128.A2B66 2010 | Nonnative Speaker English Teachers [electronic resource] : Research, Pedagogy, and Professional Growth. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
PE1128.A2E29 2011 | The Reflexive Teacher Educator in TESOL [electronic resource] : Roots and Wings. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
PE1128.A2 H223 2010eb | How to teach English language learners [electronic resource] : effective strategies from outstanding educators / Diane Haager, Janette K. Klingner, Terese C. Aceves. | San Francisco, CA : Jossey-Bass, c2010.
PE1128.A2 H43 2009eb | Teaching readers of English [electronic resource] : students, texts, and contexts / John S. Hedgcock, Dana R. Ferris. | New York London : Routledge, 2009.
PE1128.A2M255 2010 | Teaching the Arts to Engage English Language Learners [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
PE1128.A2 M369 2011eb | Teaching secondary English as if the planet matters [electronic resource] / Sasha Matthewman. | Abingdon, Oxon New York : Routledge, 2011.
PE1128.A2 N345 2009eb | Teaching ESL/EFL reading and writing [electronic resource] / I.S.P. Nation. | New York : Routledge, 2009.
PE1128.A2 N38 2010eb | Language curriculum design [electronic resource] / I.S.P. Nation and John Macalister. | New York London : Routledge, 2010.
PE1335.H63 2011 | Preposition Placement in English [electronic resource] : a Usage-based Approach. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
PE1460.C484 2011 | Hyperbole in English [electronic resource] : a Corpus-based Study of Exaggeration. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
PG3458.Z8W49 2010 | Anton Chekhov [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
PJ6381 .A58 2010eb | The syntax of Arabic [electronic resource] / Joseph Aoun, Lina Choueiri, Elabbas Benmamoun. | New York : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
PL909.Y49 2011 | A History of the Korean Language [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
PL1241 .H855 2009eb | The syntax of Chinese [electronic resource] / C.-T. James Huang, Y.-H. Audrey Li, Yafei Li. | Cambridge New York : Cambridge University Press, c2009.
PM4063 | An introduction to classical Nahuatl [electronic resource] / Michel Launey translated and adapted by Christopher Mackay. | New York : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
PN55 .R68 2010eb | The Routledge Companion to Literature and Science [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
PN56.E6 | What Literature Teaches Us about Emotion [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
PN56.3.J4 F73 2011eb | A thousand darknesses [electronic resource] : lies and truth in Holocaust fiction / Ruth Franklin. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, 2011.
PN86 .H23 2011eb | Literary criticism from Plato to the present [electronic resource] : an introduction / M.A.R. Habib. | Chichester, West Sussex, U.K. Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
PN98.E36 C53 2011eb | The Cambridge introduction to literature and the environment [electronic resource] / Timothy Clark. | Cambridge New York : Cambridge University Press, c2011.
PN171.F56 H43 2010eb | MLA made easy [electronic resource] : citation basics for beginners / Marilyn Heath. | Santa Barbara, Calif. : Libraries Unlimited, c2010.
PN228.M4E93 2010 | Metaphor and Writing [electronic resource] : Figurative Thought in the Discourse of Written Communication. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
PN441.C75 2011 | Criticism, Crisis, and Contemporary Narrative [electronic resource] : Textual Horizons in an Age of Global Risk. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
PN688 .R67 2011eb | Ethics and enjoyment in late medieval poetry [electronic resource] : love after Aristotle / Jessica Rosenfeld. | Cambridge New York : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
PN1101.M64 2011 | How to Teach Poetry Writing [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
PN1101.M643 2011 | How to Teach Poetry Writing [electronic resource] : Developing Creative Literacy. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2011.
PN1590.F55 V6 2011 | Entertainment Industry Economics [electronic resource] : a Guide for Financial Analysis. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
PN1590.W64B38 2010 | Feminist Visions and Queer Futures in Postcolonial Drama [electronic resource] : Community, Kinship, and Citizenship. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
PN1992.3.G7B37 2010 | Television Personalities [electronic resource] : Stardom and the Small Screen. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
PN1992.3.U5 T48 2011eb | Parody and taste in postwar American television culture [electronic resource] / by Ethan Thompson. | New York : Routledge, 2011.
PN1992.6 .F575 2010 | Flow TV [electronic resource] : Television in the Age of Media Convergence. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
PN1992.77.A216A15 2010 | 30 Rock and Philosophy [electronic resource] : We Want to Go to There. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
PN1992.77.H63 H653 2011eb | House [electronic resource] : the wounded healer on television : Jungian and post-Jungian reflections / edited by Luke Hockley and Leslie Gardner. | Hove, East Sussex New York, NY : Routledge, 2011.
PN1992.77.L67 U48 2011eb | The ultimate Lost and philosophy [electronic resource] : think together, die alone / edited by Sharon Kaye. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
PN1993.5.S72 A15 2009eb | 100 years of Spanish cinema [electronic resource] / Tatjana Pavlovic ... [et al.]. | Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.
PN1994.R5735 2010 | The Routledge Companion to Film History [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
PN1995.9.C45 B56 2010eb | Disney, Pixar, and the hidden messages of children's films [electronic resource] / M. Keith Booker. | Santa Barbara, Calif. : Praeger, c2010.
PN1995.9.E79 E76 2010 | The Epic Film in World Culture [electronic resource] : Epic Film in World Culture. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
PN1995.9.F34 Z57 2011eb | The enchanted screen [electronic resource] : the unknown history of fairy-tale films / Jack Zipes. | New York : Routledge, 2011.
PN1995.9.H6 C44 2009eb | Horror [electronic resource] / Brigid Cherry. | London New York : Routledge, 2009.
PN1995.9.R4 M39 2011eb | Encyclopedia of religion and film [electronic resource] / Eric Michael Mazur. | Santa Barbara, Calif. : ABC-CLIO, 2011.
PN1995.9.S3C365 2011 | Distributing Silent Film Serials [electronic resource] : Local Practices, Changing Forms, Cultural Transformation. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2011.
PN1996 .A64 2010eb | Analysing the Screenplay [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
PN1998.2 .F53 2011eb | Fifty contemporary film directors [electronic resource] / edited by Yvonne Tasker. | London New York : Routledge, c2011.
PN1998.3.C72W66 2011 | Wes Craven [electronic resource] : the Man and his Nightmares. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
PN2101 .T44 2010eb | Theatre histories [electronic resource] : an introduction / Phillip B. Zarrilli ... [et al.]. | New York : Routledge, 2010.
PN2193.E86B35 2011 | Performance Theatre and the Poetics of Failure [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
PN2598.V37 A313 2010eb | Notes From An Odin Actress [electronic resource] : Stones of Water. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
PN3331 .B35 2011 | A Future for Criticism [electronic resource]. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
PN3433.6.B49 2010 | Beyond Cyberpunk [electronic resource] : New Critical Perspectives. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
PN4749 .D68 2010eb | Doing news framing analysis [electronic resource] : empirical and theoretical perspectives / edited by Paul D'Angelo and Jim A. Kuypers. | New York : Routledge, 2010.
PN4784.C7 R68 2011eb | Show me the money [electronic resource] : writing business and economics stories for mass communication / Chris Roush. | New York : Routledge, 2011.
PN4785.J64 2010 | Journalism Education, Training and Employment [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
PN4815.2.C35 2011 | Journalism Studies [electronic resource] : a Critical Introduction. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2011.
PN4815.2.J68 2010 | Journalists, Sources, and Credibility [electronic resource] : New Perspectives. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
PN4888.S47G74 2011 | Language, Ideology and Identity in Serial Killer Narratives [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2011.
PN6149.P5 M67 2009eb (Online) | Comic relief [electronic resource] : a comprehensive philosophy of humor / John Morreall foreword by Robert Mankoff. | Chichester, U.K. Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.
PN6725 .C57 2011eb | Classics and comics [electronic resource] / edited by George Kovacs and C.W. Marshall. | Oxford [U.K.] New York : Oxford University Press, 2011.
PN6728.W386 W38 2009eb | Watchmen and philosophy [electronic resource] : a Rorschach test / edited by Mark D. White. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2009.
PN6728.X2 X24 2009eb | X-Men and philosophy [electronic resource] : astonishing insight and uncanny argument in the mutant X-verse / edited by Rebecca Housel and J. Jeremy Wisnewski. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2009.
PQ158.G34 2011 | Constructions of Childhood and Youth in Old French Narrative [electronic resource]. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
PQ239.R43 2011 | Birthing Bodies in Early Modern France [electronic resource] : Stories of Gender and Reproduction. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
PQ653.N45 2011 | Opera in the Novel from Balzac to Proust [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
PQ6142.P74 2011 | Reading, Writing, and Errant Subjects in Inquisitorial Spain [electronic resource]. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
PR71.G76 2011 | The Seventeenth - Century Literature Handbook [electronic resource]. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2002.
PR113.C83 2011 | Stuart Women Playwrights, 1613-1713 [electronic resource]. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
PR121.A56 2011 | Anonymity in Early Modern England [electronic resource] : What's in a Name?. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
PR275.D43 | Living Death in Medieval French and English Literature [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
PR408.P62 R47 2010eb | Representing the Plague in Early Modern England [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
PR428.W63L56 2011 | Dangerous Women, Libertine Epicures, and the Rise of Sensibility, 1670-1730 [electronic resource]. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
PR441 .B36 2011eb | The Wiley-Blackwell encyclopedia of eighteenth-century writers and writing, 1660-1789 [electronic resource] / Paul Baines, Julian Ferraro, Pat Rogers. | Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
PR468.M385M43 2011 | Media, Technology, and Literature in the Nineteenth Century [electronic resource] : Image, Sound, Touch. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
PR468.R65R66 2010 | Romanticism/Judaica [electronic resource] : a Convergence of Cultures. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
PR590 .C58 2010eb | A companion to romantic poetry [electronic resource] / edited by Charles Mahoney. | Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
PR641 | The Virgin Mary in Late Medieval and Early Modern English Literature and Popular Culture [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
PR830.C513H67 2011 | History and the Construction of the Child in Early British Children's Literature [electronic resource]. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
PR830.T3 M37 2011eb | The transatlantic gothic novel and the law, 1790-1860 [electronic resource] / Bridget M. Marshall. | Farnham, Surrey Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2011.
PR888.C513 C76 2011eb | Humor in contemporary junior literature [electronic resource] / Julie Cross. | New York : Routledge, 2011.
PR990 .P38 2011eb | The children's book business [electronic resource] : lessons from the long eighteenth century / Lissa Paul. | New York : Routledge, 2011.
PR1139.R663 2011 | Romanticism and Revolution [electronic resource] : a Reader. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
PR1924.C33 2011 | Twentieth-Century Chaucer Criticism [electronic resource] : Reading Audiences. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
PR2037.S69 2011 | Imaginings of Time in Lydgate and Hoccleve's Verse [electronic resource]. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
PR3011.E87 2011 | Masculinity and Marian Efficacy in Shakespeare's England [electronic resource]. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
PR4038.R4W55 2011 | Jane Austen's Anglicanism [electronic resource]. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
PR4803.H44Z6245 2010 | Gerard Manley Hopkins [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
PR5267.E3A78 2011 | Ruskin's educational ideals [electronic resource] / Sara Atwood. | Farnham, Surrey Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2011.
PR5907 .P79 2011eb | W.B. Yeats, Ezra Pound, and the poetry of paradise [electronic resource] / by Sean Pryor. | Burlington, Vt. : Ashgate, c2011.
PR6045.O72Z7578 2010 | Hellenism and Loss in the Work of Virginia Woolf [electronic resource]. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
PR6068.O93 Z538 2011eb | Heroism in the Harry Potter series [electronic resource] / edited by Katrin Berndt and Lena Steveker. | Farnham Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2011.
PR6068.O93 Z73 2009eb | Critical perspectives on Harry Potter [electronic resource] / edited by Elizabeth E. Heilman. | New York : Routledge, 2009.
PR8825.I75 2010 | Irish Children's Literature and Culture [electronic resource] : New Perspectives on Contemporary Writing. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
PR9080.5.C37 2011 | Postcolonial Tourism [electronic resource] : Literature, Culture, and Environment. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
PR9084 .H84 2010a | Postcolonial ecocriticism [electronic resource] : literature, animals, environment / Graham Huggan and Helen Tiffin. | London New York : Routledge, 2010.
PR9084 .W35 2011eb | Postcolonial nostalgias [electronic resource] : writing, representation and memory / Dennis Walder. | New York : Routledge, 2011.
PR9210.S36 2010 | Theorizing a Colonial Caribbean-Atlantic Imaginary [electronic resource] : Sugar and Obeah. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
PR9265.05.S35 2010 | Representing Mixed Race in Jamaica and England from the Abolition Era to the Present [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
PR9489.6 .I538 2011eb | The Indian postcolonial [electronic resource] : a critical reader / edited by Rosinka Chaudhuri and Elleke Boehmer. | Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon New York : Routledge, 2011.
PS88 .G726 2011 | A Brief History of American Literature [electronic resource]. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
PS153.I52C59 2011 | Reading Native American Literature [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2011.
PS217.G75H46 2011 | Grief and Genre in American Literature, 1790-1870 [electronic resource]. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
PS221.Y36 2011 | American Literature in Context after 1929 [electronic resource]. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
PS379 .M255 2011 | The twentieth-century American fiction handbook [electronic resource] / Christopher MacGowan. | Chichester, West Sussex Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2012, c2011.
PS3515.U789 Z745 2010eb | "The inside light" [electronic resource] : new critical essays on Zora Neale Hurston / Deborah G. Plant, editor. | Santa Barbara, Calif. : Praeger, c2010.
PS3566.A7727Z83 2011 | Reading the Adolescent Romance [electronic resource] : Sweet Valley High and the Popular Young Adult Romance Novel. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2011.
PS3613.E979 Z89 2009eb | Twilight and philosophy [electronic resource] : vampires, vegetarians, and the pursuit of immortality / edited by Rebecca Housel and J. Jeremy Wisnewski. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2009.
PT8899.G56 2010 | Global Ibsen [electronic resource] : Performing Multiple Modernities. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
Q175.32.C65 M58 2009eb | Complexity [electronic resource] : a guided tour / Melanie Mitchell. | Oxford [England] New York : Oxford University Press, 2009.
Q175.32.T78 | Axiomatic Theories of Truth [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
Q175.5.L63 2010 | Re-crafting Rationalization [electronic resource] : Enchanted Science and Mundane Mysteries. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
Q180.55.I48O24 2010 | Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies [electronic resource] : a Primer. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
Q181 | Teaching Lab Science Courses Online [electronic resource] : Resources for Best Practices, Tools, and Technology. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
Q181.E66 2010 | Epistemology and Science Education [electronic resource] : Understanding the Evolution vs. Intelligent Design Controversy. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
Q181 .N78 2011eb | Innovating Science Teacher Education [electronic resource] : a History and Philosophy of Science Perspective. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
QA10.5 .S85 2011eb | The mathematics that every secondary school math teacher needs to know [electronic resource] / Alan Sultan, Alice F. Artzt. | New York : Routledge, 2011.
QA11.P6325 2011 | Teaching Mathematics Creatively [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
QA13.L43 2011 | Learning to Teach Mathematics in the Secondary School [electronic resource] : a Companion to School Experience. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
QA21 .B767 2011eb | A history of mathematics [electronic resource] / Uta C. Merzbach and Carl B. Boyer. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley, c2011.
QA37.3.R55 2011 | Essential Mathematical Methods for the Physical Sciences [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
QA76.585 .C58 2011eb | Cloud computing [electronic resource] : principles and paradigms / edited by Rajkumar Buyya, James Broberg, Andrzej Goscinski. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
QA76.59 .W37 2011eb | Professional flash mobile development [electronic resource] : creating Android and iPhone applications / Richard Wagner. | Indianapolis, IN : Wiley Pub., 2011.
QA76.6 | Modern Computer Arithmetic [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
QA76.625.S2593 2011 | Smashing HTML5 [electronic resource]. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
QA76.642 .H55 2011eb | Professional parallel programming with C [electronic resource] : master parallel extensions with .net 4 / Gaston C. Hillar. | Indianapolis, IN : Wiley Pub., 2011.
QA76.73.A35M375 2011 | Building Parallel, Embedded, and Real-Time Applications with Ada [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
QA76.73.F163 P76 2011eb | Professional F 2.0 [electronic resource] / Ted Neward ... [et al.]. | Indianapolis, IN : Wiley, c2011.
QA76.73 .G75 2010eb | Beginning Python [electronic resource] : using Python 2.6 and Python 3.1 / James Payne. | Indianapolis, IN : John Wiley & Sons Inc, c2010.
QA76.73.J38 R895 2011eb | Smashing jQuery [electronic resource] / Jake Rutter. | Chichester, West Sussex : Wiley, 2011.
QA76.73.J39 W55 2010eb | Beginning JavaScript [electronic resource] / Paul Wilton, Jeremy McPeak. | Indianapolis, IN : Wiley Chichester : John Wiley [distributor], c2010.
QA76.73.M296 J64 2011 | The Elements of MATLAB Style [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
QA76.758 .C57 2011 | Making Sense of Agile Project Management [electronic resource] : Balancing Control and Agility. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
QA76.758 .R67 2011eb | The dark side of software engineering [electronic resource] : evil on computing projects / Johann Rost and Robert L. Glass. | Hoboken : IEEE Computer Society, Wiley, c2011.
QA76.76.H94 D73 2010eb | Beginning HTML, XHTML, CSS, and JavaScript [electronic resource] / Jon Duckett. | Indianapolis, IN : [Wrox]/Wiley, c2010.
QA76.76.H94H678 2010 | Foundations of XML Processing [electronic resource] : the Tree-Automata Approach. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
QA76.76 .O63 | Professional Windows 7 Development Guide [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
QA76.76.O63M37 2010 | Mastering Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2. [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
QA76.76.O63P3366 2011 | Microsoft Windows 7 Administration Instant Reference [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
QA76.76.S46B46 2010 | Successful OSS Project Design and Implementation [electronic resource] : Requirements, Tools, Social Designs and Reward Structures. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
QA76.76.T48 W38 2010 | Testing IT [electronic resource] : an Off-the-Shelf Software Testing Process. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
QA76.76.T55 S26 2011 | Design of multithreaded software [electronic resource] : the entity-life modeling approach / by Bo Sanden. | Oxford : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
QA76.8.I64 A443 2011eb | Professional iPhone and iPad database application programming [electronic resource] / Patrick Alessi. | Indianapolis, IN : Wiley Pub., c2011.
QA76.8.I64 B33 2011eb | Professional iPhone and iPad application development [electronic resource] / Gene Backlin. | Indianapolis, IN : Wiley Chichester : John Wiley [distributor], c2011.
QA76.8.W56 R36 2011eb | Professional Windows Phone 7 application development [electronic resource] : building applications and games using Visual Studio, Silverlight, and XNA / Nick Randolph, Christopher Fairbairn. | Indianapolis, IN : Wiley, c2011.
QA76.889 .N54 2010eb | Quantum computation and quantum information [electronic resource] / Michael A. Nielsen & Isaac L. Chuang. | Cambridge New York : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
QA76.9.C65 | Building Software for Simulation [electronic resource] : Theory and Algorithms, with Applications in C++. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
QA76.9.D3 | Access 2010 Programmer's Reference [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
QA76.9.D3 G76 2010eb | Access 2010 bible [electronic resource] / Michael R. Groh. | Indianapolis, Ind. : Wiley Pub., 2010.
QA76.9.D343M335 2009 | Data Mining with Microsoft SQL Server 2008. [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2009.
QA76.9.F48 | Adobe Acrobat X PDF Bible [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
QA76.9.H85 | Human Attention in Digital Environments [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
QA76.9.V5 F56 2011eb | Mastering Hyper-V deployment [electronic resource] / Aidan Finn, Patrick Lownds. | Indianapolis, Ind. : Wiley, c2011.
QA135.6 .P35 2011eb | Maths Homework for Key Stage 2 [electronic resource] : Activity-based Learning. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis Ltd., 2010.
QA166 | Graph Spectra for Complex Networks [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
QA166.T47 2010 | Zeta Functions of Graphs [electronic resource] : a Stroll through the Garden. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
QA169.A31993 2010 | Algebraic Theories [electronic resource] : a Categorical Introduction to General Algebra. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
QA247.3.A76 2010 | Dynamics, Statistics and Projective Geometry of Galois Fields [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
QA267.7 .A76 2009eb | Computational complexity [electronic resource] : a modern approach / Sanjeev Arora, Boaz Barak. | Cambridge New York : Cambridge University Press, c2009.
QA275 .B54 2011eb | Latent class analysis of survey error [electronic resource] / Paul P. Biemer. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
QA276 .W2986 2011eb | Reliability in scientific research [electronic resource] : improving the dependability of measurements, calculations, equipment, and software / I.R. Walker. | Cambridge New York : Cambridge University Press, c2011.
QA276.4 .E423 2010eb | SAS essentials [electronic resource] : a guide to mastering SAS for research / Alan C. Elliott, Wayne A. Woodward. | San Francisco, CA : Jossey-Bass, 2010.
QA276.4 .M245 2010eb | Data analysis and graphics using R [electronic resource] : an example-based approach / John Maindonald and W. John Braun. | Cambridge New York : Cambridge University Press, c2010.
QA278 .G685 2011 | Understanding biplots [electronic resource] / John Gower, Sugnet Lubbe, Niel le Roux. | Chichester, West Sussex, UK [Hoboken, NJ] : John Wiley, 2011.
QA278.2 .S497 2011eb | Spatial statistics and spatio-temporal data [electronic resource] : covariance functions and directional properties / Michael Sherman. | Chichester, West Sussex, U.K. : Wiley, 2011.
QA278.6 .C65 2010eb | Latent class and latent transition analysis [electronic resource] : with applications in the social behavioral, and health sciences / Linda M. Collins, Stephanie T. Lanza. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2010.
QA279.5 .L37 2010eb | Large-scale inverse problems and quantification of uncertainty [electronic resource] / edited by Lorenz Biegler ... [et al.]. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, 2010.
QA279.5 .N89 2009eb | Bayesian modeling using WinBUGS [electronic resource] / Ioannis Ntzoufras. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2009.
QA312.5 .V54 2010eb | Statistical methods for fuzzy data [electronic resource] / Reinhard Viertl. | Chichester, West Sussex : Wiley, 2011.
QA372 .B657 2009eb | Differential equations with linear algebra [electronic resource] / Matthew R. Boelkins, J.L. Goldberg, and Merle C. Potter. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, 2009.
QA372.K247 2010 | Nonlinear Resonance Analysis [electronic resource] : Theory, Computation, Applications. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
QA402 .M425 200eb | Thinking in systems [electronic resource] : a primer / Donella H. Meadows edited by Diana Wright. | London Sterling, VA : Earthscan, 2009.
QA611.3 .R63 2011eb | Dimensions, embeddings, and attractors / James C. Robinson. | Cambridge New York : Cambridge University Press, 2011, 2011.
QA845 | Adaptation in Dynamical Systems [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
QA901 | Hydromechanics [electronic resource] : Theory and Fundamentals. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
QA913.D58 2011 | Turbulence and Shell Models [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
QA913 .D94 2011eb | Statistical theory and modeling for turbulent flow [electronic resource] / P.A. Durbin, B.A. Pettersson Reif. | Chichester, West Sussex, UK : Wiley, 2011.
QB62.5.D83 2011 | Practical Astronomy with your Calculator or Spreadsheet [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
QB65.M85 2010 | The Cambridge Atlas of Herschel Objects [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
QB806 | An Introduction to Star Formation [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
QB856.M33 2010 | The Multiwavelength Atlas of Galaxies [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
QC16.F79 A4 2010 | Coming of Age With Quantum Information [electronic resource] : Notes on a Paulian Idea. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
QC20.7.D43 S55 2009eb | Density functional theory [electronic resource] : a practical introduction / David S. Sholl, Janice A. Steckel. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2009.
QC73.8.E53 M39 2011 | Charge and energy transfer dynamics in molecular systems [electronic resource] / by Volkhard May, Oliver Kuhn. | Weinheim : Wiley-VCH Chichester : John Wiley [distributor], 2011.
QC173.58 .H36 2011eb | Practical relativity [electronic resource] : from first principles to the theory of gravity / Richard N. Henriksen. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, 2011.
QC173.6 .S38 2009 | A first course in general relativity [electronic resource] / Bernard F. Schutz. | Cambridge New York : Cambridge University Press, c2009.
QC174.12 .A854 2009 | Quantum mechanics [electronic resource] / Gennaro Auletta, Mauro Fortunato, Giorgio Parisi. | Cambridge, UK New York : Cambridge University Press, 2009.
QC174.12 .S26 2011 | Quantum Physics for Scientists and Technologists [electronic resource] : Fundamental Principles and Applications for Biologists, Chemists, Computer Scientists, and Nanotechnologists. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
QC174.17.M35 | Non-Hermitian Quantum Mechanics [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
QC174.17.M35D56 2011 | Quantum mechanics and quantum field theory [electronic resource] : a mathematical primer / Jonathan Dimock. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
QC174.26.W28S55 2010 | Waves and Oscillations [electronic resource] : a Prelude to Quantum Mechanics. | Oxford : Oxford University Press, USA, 2010.
QC176.8.N35 | Nanoparticles [electronic resource] : From Theory to Application. | Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2010.
QC176.8.N35 Q56 2011 | Optical Properties of Nanoparticle Systems [electronic resource] : Mie and Beyond. | Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2011.
QC178.B625 2010 | Canonical Gravity and Applications [electronic resource] : Cosmology, Black Holes, and Quantum Gravity. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
QC527.2 | Atom Chips [electronic resource]. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
QC611.8.M38 C37 2011eb | Mercury cadmium telluride [electronic resource] : growth, properties, and applications / Peter Capper and James Garland. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, 2011.
QC688 .M55 2010eb | Laser physics [electronic resource] / Peter W. Milonni, Joseph H. Eberly. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2010.
QC689.5.L35 O68 2009eb | Optical refrigeration [electronic resource] : science and applications of laser cooling of solids / edited by Richard Epstein and Mansoor Sheik-Bahae. | Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, c2009.
QC753.2 .C64 2010 | Magnetism and Magnetic Materials [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
QC793.3.Q35C675 2011 | The Pinch Technique and its Applications to Non-Abelian Gauge Theories [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
QC880.4.D44 | Factor Separation in the Atmosphere [electronic resource] : Applications and Future Prospects. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
QC903 | The Challenges of Climate Change [electronic resource] : Which Way Now. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
QC903 .B53 2010eb | Global warming [electronic resource] / Brian C. Black and Gary J. Weisel. | Santa Barbara, Calif. : Greenwood, c2010.
QC903 .C448 2011 | Climate change adaptation and international development [electronic resource] : making development cooperation more effective / edited by Ryo Fujikura and Masato Kawanishi. | London Washington, DC : Earthscan, 2011.
QC903 .D47 2010eb | The science and politics of global climate change [electronic resource] : a guide to the debate / Andrew E. Dessler, Edward A. Parson. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
QC903.G47 2010 | Gender and Climate Change [electronic resource] : an Introduction. | London : Earthscan, 2010.
QC903.R48 2011eb | Climate change [electronic resource] : global risks, challenges and decisions / Katherine Richardson, Will Steffen, Diana Liverman and Terry Barker ... [et al.] with contributions to chapters by Myles R. Allen ... [et al.]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
QD79.C454 S58 2010 | Introduction to modern liquid chromatography [electronic resource] / Lloyd R. Snyder, Joseph J. Kirkland. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2010.
QD96.F56 S28 2011eb | Handbook of fluorescence spectroscopy and imaging [electronic resource] : from single molecules to ensembles / Markus Sauer, Johan Hofkens, and Jorg Enderlein. | Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, c2011.
QD96.P7 R529 2011eb | Essential practical NMR for organic chemistry [electronic resource] / S.A. Richards and J.C. Hollerton. | Chichester, West Sussex, U.K. : John Wiley, 2011.
QD96.R34 S87 2011 | Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy [electronic resource] : analytical, biophysical and life science applications / edited by Sebastian Schlucker. | Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, c2011.
QD139.P6 P625 2010eb | Light scattering, size exclusion chromatography, and asymmetric flow field flow fractionation [electronic resource] : powerful tools for the characterization of polymers, proteins, and nanoparticles / Stepan Podzimek. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2010.;Electronic reproduction. Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley InterScience, 2011. Mode of access: World Wide Web. System requirements: Web browser. Title from title screen (viewed on Mar. 2, 2011). Access may be restricted to users at subscribing institutions.
QD181.K1 O94 2010 | Anomalous effects in simple metals [electronic resource] / Albert Overhauser. | Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2010.
QD181.S6 | Monolithic Silicas in Separation Science [electronic resource] : Concepts, Syntheses, Characterization, Modeling and Applications. | Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2011.
QD251.3 | Catalyzed Carbon-Heteroatom Bond Formation [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Wiley-VCH, 2010.
QD381 .H34513 2011eb | Polymer materials [electronic resource] : macroscopic properties and molecular interpretations / Jean-Louis Halary, Francoise Laupretre, Lucien Monnerie. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
QD549.2.P64 M53 2011 | Microgel Suspensions [electronic resource] : Fundamentals and Applications. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
QD562.I65 | Electrochemical Aspects of Ionic Liquids [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
QE461.T526 2010 | Timescales of Magmatic Processes [electronic resource] : From Core to Atmosphere. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
QE471 .L375 2011eb | Sedimentology and sedimentary basins [electronic resource] : from turbulence to tectonics / Mike Leeder. | Chichester, West Sussex, UK Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011
QE471.15.C3 Q38 2010eb | Quaternary carbonate and evaporite sedimentary facies and their ancient analogues [electronic resource] : a tribute to Douglas James Shearman / edited by Christopher G. St. C. Kendall and Abdulrahman Alsharhan. | Hoboken : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
QE508 | Optically Stimulated Luminescence [electronic resource] : Fundamentals and Applications. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
QE511.4 | Mantle Convection for Geologists [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
QE534.3 .S54 2009eb | Introduction to seismology [electronic resource] / Peter M. Shearer. | Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, c2009.
QE721.2.E97 L48 2011eb | Once & future giants [electronic resource] : what Ice Age extinctions tell us about the fate of Earth's largest animals / Sharon Levy. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, 2011.
QE861.4 .F27 2009eb | Dinosaurs [electronic resource] : a concise natural history David E. Fastovsky and David B. Weishampel with illustrations by John Sibbick. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2009.
QH84.F73 2009 | Mapping Species Distributions [electronic resource] : Spatial Inference and Prediction. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
QH323.5 | Mathematics of Bioinformatics [electronic resource] : Theory, Methods and Applications. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
QH323.5 .D98 2011eb | Choosing and using statistics [electronic resource] : a biologist's guide / by Calvin Dytham. | Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
QH323.5.L645 2010 | Biostatistical Design and Analysis Using R. [electronic resource]. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
QH326.O75 2010 | Origins and Evolution of Life [electronic resource] : an Astrobiological Perspective. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
QH332.P48 2011 | The Politics of Bioethics [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
QH345 | Biological Therapeutics [electronic resource]. | London and Chicago : Pharmaceutical Press, 2011.
QH353 .D38 2009eb | Invasion biology [electronic resource] / Mark A. Davis. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, 2009.
QH353.F54 2011 | Fifty Years of Invasion Ecology [electronic resource] : the Legacy of Charles Elton. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
QH353 .I6185 2009eb | Invasive species management [electronic resource] : a handbook of principles and techniques / edited by Mick N. Clout and Peter A. Williams. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, 2009.
QH366.2 .S4946 2009eb | Big questions in ecology and evolution [electronic resource] / Thomas N. Sherratt, David M. Wilkinson. | Oxford : Oxford University Press, c2009.
QH375 .G63 2009eb | Darwinian populations and natural selection [electronic resource] / Peter Godfrey-Smith. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, 2009.
QH445.2 .N49 2011 | Next generation sequencing and whole genome selection in aquaculture [electronic resource] / [edited by] Zhanjiang (John) Liu. | Ames, Iowa : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
QH447 .I58 2011 | Genomics [electronic resource] : essential methods / edited by Mike Starkey, Ramnath Elaswarapu. | Chichester : Wiley-Blackwell, c2011.
QH455 .D76 2011eb | Haldane, Mayr, and beanbag genetics [electronic resource] / Krishna Dronamraju. | New York : Oxford University Press, 2011.
QH491 | Evolution [electronic resource] : a Developmental Approach. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
QH491.H35 2011 | The Shaping of Life [electronic resource] : the Generation of Biological Pattern. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
QH506 .A44 2011eb | Algorithms in computational molecular biology [electronic resource] : techniques, approaches and applications / edited by Mourad Elloumi, Albert Y. Zomaya. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
QH512.C85 2011 | Biominerals and Fossils Through Time [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
QH541.15.E25 E36 2010eb | The economics of ecosystems and biodiversity [electronic resource] : ecological and economic foundations / edited by Pushpam Kumar. | London Washington, DC : Earthscan, c2010.
QH585.5.F56 F575 2011 | Flow cytometry in drug discovery and development [electronic resource] / edited by Virginia M. Litwin, Philip Marder. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
QK50 .K46 2011eb | Reaching for the sun [electronic resource] : how plants work / John King. | Cambridge, UK New York : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
QK533 .I57 2009eb | Introduction to bryophytes [electronic resource] / edited by Alain Vanderpoorten and Bernard Goffinet. | Cambridge, UK New York : Cambridge University Press, 2009.
QK570.25 .B45 2010eb | Freshwater algae [electronic resource] : identification and use as bioindicators / Edward G. Bellinger and David C. Sigee. | Chichester, West Sussex, UK Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
QK617.M819 2010 | Mushrooms in Forests and Woodlands [electronic resource] : Resource Management, Values and Local Livelihoods. | London : Earthscan, 2010.
QL458.4 .F6313 2011eb | Biology of spiders [electronic resource] / Rainer F. Foelix. | New York : Oxford University Press, 2011.
QL615 .H44 2009eb | The diversity of fishes [electronic resource] : biology, evolution, and ecology / Gene Helfman ... [et al.]. | Chichester, UK Hoboken, NJ : Blackwell, 2009.
QL638.S2 A873 2011eb | Atlantic salmon ecology [electronic resource] / edited by Oystein Aas ... [et al.]. | Ames, Iowa : Blackwell Pub., 2011.
QL737.P9 F53 2011eb | Field and laboratory methods in primatology [electronic resource] : a practical guide / edited by Joanna M. Setchell and Deborah J. Curtis. | Cambridge New York : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
QM16.R89 K6613 2011eb | Death defied [electronic resource] : the anatomy lessons of Frederik Ruysch / by Luuc Kooijmans translated by Diane Webb. | Leiden Boston : Brill, 2011.
QP84.S727 2011 | A Cybernetic View of Biological Growth [electronic resource] : the Maia Hypothesis. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
QP91.D354 2010 | Essential Guide to Blood Groups [electronic resource]. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
QP144.F56 H36 2011eb | Handbook of seafood quality, safety, and health applications [electronic resource] / edited by Cesarettin Alasalvar ... [et al.]. | Ames, Iowa : Blackwell Pub., 2011.
QP321.S885 2011 | Strength and Conditioning [electronic resource] : Biological Principles and Practical Applications. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
QP356.4 | Hormones in Neurodegeneration, Neuroprotection, and Neurogenesis [electronic resource]. | Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2011.
QP360.5 .J64 2011eb | Developmental cognitive neuroscience [electronic resource] : an introduction / Mark H. Johnson with Michelle de Haan. | Chichester, West Sussex : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
QP435 .K44 2009eb | Sensory evaluation [electronic resource] : a practical handbook / Sarah E. Kemp, Tracey Hollowood, Joanne Hort. | Chichester, U.K. : Ames, Iowa : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.
QP455 | Artificial Receptors for Chemical Sensors [electronic resource]. | Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2010.
QP517.B56 | Molecular Assembly of Biomimetic Systems [electronic resource]. | Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2010.
QP519.9.I42 I439 2011eb | Immunoassays in agricultural biotechnology [electronic resource] / edited by Guomin Shan. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
QP535.A7 | Biological Chemistry of Arsenic, Antimony and Bismuth [electronic resource]. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
QP552.C24 P457 2010 | Calcium binding proteins [electronic resource] / Eugene Permyakov and Robert H. Kretsinger. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, 2010.
QP552.G16 | G Protein-Coupled Receptors [electronic resource] : Structure, Signaling, and Physiology. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
QR48 .B58 2011eb | Wastewater microbiology [electronic resource] / Gabriel Bitton. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley-Blackwell, c2011.
QR201.A6B33 2011 | Bacillus Anthracis and Anthrax [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
R119.M444 2011 | Medical Writing in Early Modern English [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
R119.9 .F66 2011eb | Telemedicine technologies [electronic resource] : information technologies in medicine and telehealth / Bernard Fong, Alvis Fong, C.K. Li. | Chichester, West Sussex, U.K. : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
R507.B7 .A83 2011eb | Brown-Sequard [electronic resource] : an improbable genius who transformed medicine / Michael J. Aminoff. | New York : Oxford University Press, 2011.
R690.B64 2011 | Essential Guide to Becoming a Doctor [electronic resource]. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
R723.7 .G33 2011eb | Practice-based evidence for healthcare [electronic resource] : clinical mindlines / John Gabbay and Andree Le May. | London New York : Routledge, 2011.
R735 .M75 2011 | Modeling and simulation in the medical and health sciences [electronic resource] / [edited by] John A. Sokolowski, Catherine M. Banks. | Hoboken : Wiley, c2011.
R737 .E93 2009eb | How to succeed at medical school [electronic resource] : an essential guide to learning / Dason Evans, Jo Brown. | Chichester, UK Hoboken, NJ : BMJ/Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.
R853.P75H33 2011 | How to Write a Grant Application [electronic resource] : For Health Professionals and Life Sciences Researchers. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
R858 .G457 2010eb | Genetic and evolutionary computation [electronic resource] : medical applications / edited by Stephen Smith, Stefano Cagnoni. | Chichester, U.K. : Wiley, 2010.
R858 .W35 2009eb | Health care information systems [electronic resource] : a practical approach for health care management / Karen A. Wager, Frances Wickham Lee, John P. Glaser foreword by Lawton Robert Burns. | San Francisco, CA : Jossey-Bass, c2009.
RA394.9.A43 2011 | Planning in Health Promotion Work [electronic resource] : an Empowerment Model. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis Ltd., 2010.
RA395.A3 J327 2010eb | Health care reform and American politics [electronic resource] : what everyone needs to know / Lawrence R. Jacobs and Theda Skocpol. | New York : Oxford University Press, c2010.
RA409 .E527 2010eb | The encyclopaedic companion to medical statistics [electronic resource] / edited by Brian S. Everitt and Christopher R. Palmer with a foreword by Richard Horton. | Chichester, West Sussex, U.K. : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
RA410.53 .B73 2010eb | Health economics [electronic resource] / Jordan Braverman. | London Chicago : Pharmaceutical Press, c2010.
RA418.3.U6 S52 2010a | The healthcare debate [electronic resource] / Greg M. Shaw. | Santa Barbara, Calif. : Greenwood, c2010.
RA440.4 .H37 2010 | Evaluating public and community health programs [electronic resource] / Muriel J. Harris. | San Francisco, CA : Jossey-Bass, c2010.
RA441 | Global health and global health ethics [electronic resource] / edited by Solomon Benatar and Gillian Brock. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
RA441 .B38 2009eb | Textbook of international health [electronic resource] : global health in a dynamic world / Anne-Emanuelle Birn, Yogan Pillay, Timothy H. Holtz. | New York : Oxford University Press, 2009.
RA443 .V35 2011eb | Value by Design [electronic resource] : Developing Clinical Microsystems to Achieve Organizational Excellence. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
RA564.5 .A36 2009eb | Adolescent health [electronic resource] : understanding and preventing risk behaviors / Ralph J. DiClemente, John S. Santelli, Richard A. Crosby, editors. | San Francisco, Calif. : Jossey-Bass, c2009.
RA565 .E482 2010 | Environmental health [electronic resource] : from global to local / Howard Frumkin, editor. | San Francisco, CA : Jossey-Bass, c2010.
RA591.7 .F74 2009 ebook | The fluoride wars [electronic resource] : how a modest public health measure became America's longest-running political melodrama / R. Allan Freeze, Jay H. Lehr. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2009.
RA643.86.A356 S87 2009eb | AIDS, sex, and culture [electronic resource] : global politics and survival in southern Africa / Ida Susser with a contribution by Sibongile Mkhize. | Chichester, West Sussex, U.K. Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.
RA644.C3 H28 2009eb | Cholera [electronic resource] : the biography / Christopher Hamlin. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, 2009.
RA644.C3H47 2011 | Disease, Health Care and Government in Late Imperial Russia [electronic resource] : Life and Death on the Volga, 1823-1914. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
RA644.E52 E53 2011eb | Encephalitis lethargica [electronic resource] : during and after the epidemic / edited by Joel A. Vilensky. | New York : Oxford University Press, 2011.
RA644 I527 2010eb | Influenza and public health [electronic resource] : learning from past pandemics / edited by Tamara Giles-Vernick and Susan Craddock with Jennifer Gunn. | London : Earthscan, 2010.
RA644.L94 O88 2010eb | Lyme disease [electronic resource] : the ecology of a complex system / Richard S. Ostfeld. | New York : Oxford University Press, 2010.
RA644.R3 K86 2008eb | Rabies [electronic resource] / P. Dileep Kumar. | Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 2008.
RA645.C34 M48 2011eb | Metabolic risk for cardiovascular disease [electronic resource] / edited by Robert H. Eckel. | Dallas, TX : American Heart Association Chichester, West Sussex, UK : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
RA645.N87 L5613 2010a | Food and western disease [electronic resource] : health and nutrition from an evolutionary perspective / Staffan Lindeberg. | Oxford Ames, Iowa : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
RA645.9 .D57 2011eb | Disaster rules [electronic resource] / Rob Russell ... [et al.] contributors, Steve Bland ... [et al.]. | Chichester, West Sussex : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
RA650.6.I8 C64 2010eb | Cultures of plague [electronic resource] : medical thinking at the end of the Renaissance / Samuel K. Cohn. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, 2010.
RA651 .W385 2011eb | Essential epidemiology [electronic resource] : an introduction for students and health professionals / Penny Webb and Chris Bain. | Cambridge, UK New York : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
RA652.2.M3 S453 2011eb | Statistical tools for epidemiologic research [electronic resource] / Steve Selvin. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, c2011.
RA781.7 .S568 2010eb | Yoga body [electronic resource] : the origins of modern posture practice / Mark Singleton. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, 2010.
RA971 | ABC of Clinical Leadership [electronic resource]. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
RA971.3 .Z45 2009eb | Financial management of health care organizations [electronic resource] : an introduction to fundamental tools, concepts, and applications / William N. Zelman, Michael J. Mccue, Noah D. Glick. | San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, c2009.
RA1057.5 .G67 2011eb | An introduction to forensic genetics [electronic resource] / William Goodwin, Adrian Linacre, Sibte Hadi. | Chichester, West Sussex, UK : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
RA1148.F557 2010 | Forensic Psychology [electronic resource] : Concepts, Debate and Practice. | Hoboken : Willan Pub., 2010.
RA1151.S227 2011 | Ethical Issues in Forensic Psychiatry [electronic resource] : Minimizing Harm. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
RA1213 .O88 2011 | The dose makes the poison [electronic resource] : a plain-language guide to toxicology / Patricia Frank, M. Alice Ottoboni. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
RA1238 | Predictive Toxicology in Drug Safety [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
RA1250 .H47 2011eb | Herbal supplements [electronic resource] : efficacy, toxicity, interactions with western drugs and effects on clinical laboratory tests / edited by Amitava Dasgupta, Catherine A. Hammett-Stabler. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Son, c2011.
RB127.B44 2010 | Behavioral and Psychopharmacologic Pain Management [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
RB155 .G3584 2011eb | Gene discovery for disease models [electronic resource] / edited by Weikuan Gu. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
RB155 .P566 2010 | Debating Human Genetics [electronic resource] : Contemporary Issues in Public Policy and Ethics. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
RB155.5.M36 2010 | Management of Genetic Syndromes [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
RC48.6 .H365 2009 | Handbook of women's health [electronic resource] / edited by Jo Ann Rosenfeld. | Cambridge, UK New York : Cambridge University Press, 2009.
RC78.7.D53A3887 2010 | Advances in Optical Imaging for Clinical Medicine [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
RC78.7.D53 D43 2011 | Medical image analysis [electronic resource] / Atam P. Dhawan. | Oxford : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.;Electronic reproduction. Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley InterScience, 2011. Mode of access: World Wide Web. System requirements: Web browser. Title from title screen (viewed on Jan. 4, 2011). Access may be restricted to users at subscribing institutions.
RC78.7.D53 H35 2011eb | Advanced biomedical image analysis [electronic resource] / Mark A. Haidekker. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2011.
RC78.7.D53 H55 2011eb | The sorcerer's apprentice [electronic resource] : how medical imaging is changing health care / Bruce J. Hillman, Jeff C. Goldsmith. | New York : Oxford University Press, 2011.
RC78.7.D53 L48 2010eb | Medical imaging [electronic resource] / Harry LeVine, III. | Santa Barbara, Calif. : Greenwood, c2010.
RC78.7.D53 S65 2011eb | Introduction to medical imaging [electronic resource] : physics, engineering, and clinical applications / Nadine Barrie Smith, Andrew Webb. | Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
RC180.2 .W473 2009eb | Polio [electronic resource] / Daniel J. Wilson. | Santa Barbara, Calif. : Greenwood Press/ABC-CLIO, c2009.
RC262 | Depression and Cancer [electronic resource]. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
RC266 .P48 2011eb | Perspectives on cancer care [electronic resource] / edited by Josephine (Tonks) N. Fawcett and Anne McQueen. | Chichester, West Sussex : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
RC268.57 .C357 2011eb | Infectious causes of cancer [electronic resource] : a guide for nurses and healthcare professionals / Kenneth Campbell. | Chichester, West Sussex : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
RC269.C366 2011 | Cancer Symptom Science [electronic resource] : Measurement, Mechanisms, and Management. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
RC269 .T86 2011eb | Tumor microenvironment [electronic resource] / edited by Dietmar Siemann. | Hoboken : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
RC280.B8B6728 2011 | Breast Cancer Nursing Care and Management [electronic resource]. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
RC280.B8 S845 2011eb | Pink ribbon blues [electronic resource] : how breast cancer culture undermines women's health / Gayle A. Sulik. | New York : Oxford University Press, 2011.
RC280.P25 | Pancreatic Cancer. [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2008.
RC336 .W58 2011 | Workplace-Based Assessments in Psychiatric Training [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
RC346.T27 2011 | Neurology [electronic resource] : a Clinician's Approach. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
RC347.5 .W36 2011 | Developmental neurotoxicology research [electronic resource] : principles, models, techniques, strategies, and mechanisms / edited by Cheng Wang, William Slikker Jr. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
RC350.B72.D445 2010 | Deep Brain Stimulation Management [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
RC377 .I29 2010eb | Multiple sclerosis [electronic resource] / Lisa I. Iezzoni. | Santa Barbara, Calif. : Greenwood, c2010.
RC382.H34 2011 | Handbook of Atypical Parkinsonism [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
RC387.5 .N543 2011eb | Therapists' guide to overcoming grief and loss after brain injury [electronic resource] / Janet P. Niemeier, Robert L. Karol. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, 2011.
RC423 .T46 2011eb | Therapeutic processes for communication disorders [electronic resource] : a guide for clinicians and students / edited by Robert J. Fourie. | Hove, East Sussex New York : Psychology Press, 2011.
RC424.5.C57 2011 | Cluttering [electronic resource] : a Handbook of Research, Intervention and Education. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2011.
RC435 .S54 2009 | Depersonalization [electronic resource] : a New Look at a Neglected Syndrome. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2009.
RC437.5 .S65 2011eb | Systems theory in action [electronic resource] : applications to individual, couples, and family therapy / Shelly Smith-Acuna. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2011.
RC440.8.P76 2010 | Professionalism in Mental Healthcare [electronic resource] : Experts, Expertise and Expectations. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
RC451.4.A5 M433 2011eb | Mental Health and Later Life [electronic resource] : Delivering an Holistic Model for Practice. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
RC451.4.A5 S66 2011eb | Aging and mental health [electronic resource]. | Chichester, West Sussex, U.K. Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
RC451.4.E45M53 2011 | Migration and Mental Health [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
RC451.4.M44 S57 2011eb | The resilient practitioner [electronic resource] : burnout prevention and self-care strategies for counselors, therapists, teachers, and health professionals / Thomas Skovholt, Michelle Trotter-Mathison. | New York : Routledge, 2011.
RC451.4.M47 | Challenging Behaviour [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
RC451.4.S7 T49 2010eb | Mental health care in the college community [electronic resource] / editors, Jerald Kay, Victor Schwartz. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
RC455 .C66 2011eb | Challenging the stigma of mental illness [electronic resource] : lessons for therapists and advocates / Patrick W. Corrigan, David Roe, Hector W.H. Tsang. | Chichester, West Sussex, UK : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
RC455 .D38 2010eb | The roots of the recovery movement in psychiatry [electronic resource] : lessons learned / Larry Davidson, Jaak Rakfeldt, John Strauss. | Chicester, UK Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
RC455.2.M38 W54 2009eb | The clinical documentation sourcebook [electronic resource] : the complete paperwork resource for your mental health practice / Donald E. Wiger. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2009.
RC455.4.B5B62 2011 | The Biological Basis of Mental Health Nursing [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
RC455.4.E8 C785 2009eb | Culture and mental health [electronic resource] : sociocultural influences, theory, and practice / edited by Sussie Eshun and Regan A.R. Gurung. | Chichester, U.K. Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.
RC465 .G73 2011 | Competency-Based Assessments in Mental Health Practice [electronic resource] : Cases and Practical Applications. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
RC467.P56 2011 | Contemporary Clinical Psychology [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
RC469 .W75 2011eb | Conducting psychological assessment [electronic resource] : a guide for practitioners / A. Jordan Wright. | New York : Wiley, 2011.
RC473.B7U53 2010 | Understanding Neuropsychiatric Disorders [electronic resource] : Insights from Neuroimaging. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
RC475.A76 2010 | Psychotherapy and the Highly Sensitive Person [electronic resource] : Improving Outcomes for That Minority of People Who Are the Majority of Clients. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
RC480.7 .S66 2009eb | Clinical interviewing [electronic resource] / John Sommers-Flanagan, Rita Sommers-Flanagan. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2009.
RC488.5 .O395 2011eb | The couples psychotherapy treatment planner [electronic resource] / K. Daniel O'Leary, Richard E. Heyman, Arthur E. Jongsma. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2011.
RC488.5 .W553 2009eb | The Wiley-Blackwell handbook of family psychology [electronic resource] / edited by James H. Bray and Mark Stanton. | Chichester, U.K. Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.
RC489.A32 F55 2011eb | Acceptance and commitment therapy [electronic resource] : distinctive features / Paul E. Flaxman, J.T. Blackledge and Frank W. Bond. | New York : Routledge, 2011.
RC489.C63G46 2009 | General Principles and Empirically Supported Techniques of Cognitive Behavior Therapy. [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2009.
RC489.C63S365 2009 | Simply Effective Cognitive Behaviour Therapy [electronic resource] : a Practitioner's Guide. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2009.
RC489.D3 V5313 2009eb | The art and science of dance/movement therapy [electronic resource] : life is dance / edited by Sharon Chaiklin and Hilda Wengrower. | New York : Routledge, c2009.
RC489.E24G55 2011 | Integrative Therapy [electronic resource] : 100 Key Points and Techniques. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
RC489.M43 S557 2011eb | Meditation and yoga in psychotherapy [electronic resource] : techniques for clinical practice / Annellen M. Simpkins, C. Alexander Simpkins. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley, c2011.
RC489 .P72P75 2011eb | Psychodynamic psychotherapy [electronic resource] : a clinical manual / by Deborah L. Cabaniss ... [et al.]. | Chichester, West Sussex, UK Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
RC489.R3 B47 2011eb | Rationality and the pursuit of happiness [electronic resource] : the legacy of Albert Ellis / Michael E. Bernard. | Chichester, West Sussex, UK Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
RC489.R3D825 2010 | Understanding psychological health [electronic resource] : the REBT perspective / Windy Dryden. | London New York : Routledge, 2011.
RC489.S25H6613 2010 | Sandplay Therapy [electronic resource] : Research and Practice. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
RC489.S34R34 2010 | Schema Therapy [electronic resource] : Distinctive Features. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
RC489.S65 D64 2010eb | Doing something different [electronic resource] : solution-focused brief therapy practices / edited by Thorana S. Nelson. | New York : Routledge, c2010.
RC512 .P738 2010 | Psychosis and spirituality [electronic resource] : consolidating the new paradigm / edited by Isabel Clarke. | Chichester, West Sussex : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
RC514 .P71897 2009eb | Psychotherapeutic approaches to schizophrenic psychoses [electronic resource] : past, present and future / edited by Yrjo O. Alanen ... [et al.]. | London New York : Routledge, 2009.
RC514 .S33413 2011eb | Schizophrenia [electronic resource] / [edited by] Daniel R. Weinberger, Paul J. Harrison. | Chichester, West Sussex, UK Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
RC516 .B5223 2010eb | Bipolar disorder [electronic resource] : clinical and neurobiological foundations / editors, Lakshmi N. Yatham and Mario Maj. | Chichester, West Sussex, UK Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
RC516 .C64 2010 | Cognitive therapy for bipolar disorder [electronic resource] : a therapist's guide to concepts, methods, and practice / Dominic H. Lam, Peter Hayward, and Steven H. Jones. | Chichester, West Sussex, UK : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
RC516.P665 2010 | Practical Management of Bipolar Disorder [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
RC531 .S687 2010eb | Anxiety disorders in adults [electronic resource] : a clinical guide / Vladan Starcevic. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, 2010.
RC537 .A567 2010eb | Encyclopedia of depression [electronic resource] / Linda Wasmer Andrews. | Santa Barbara, Calif. : Greenwood Press, c2010.
RC537 .D42746 2011 | Depression and heart disease [electronic resource] / editors, Alexander Glassman, Mario Maj, Norman Sartorius. | Chichester, West Sussex : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
RC537.D43835 2011 | Depression in Primary Care [electronic resource] : Evidence and Practice. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
RC537.L75 2010 | Object Relations in Depression [electronic resource] : a Return To Theory. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
RC537 .U547 2011eb | Unified protocol for transdiagnostic treatment of emotional disorders [electronic resource] : therapist guide / David H. Barlow ... [et al.]. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, 2011.
RC547.5.S55 2011 | Sleepiness [electronic resource] : Causes, Consequences and Treatment. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
RC552.P67M356 2010 | Managing Trauma in the Workplace [electronic resource] : Supporting Workers and Organisations. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
RC552.P67 T767 2009eb | Treatment of traumatized adults and children [electronic resource] / Allen Rubin & David W. Springer, editors. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2009.
RC552.S4 M36 2009eb | Managing self-harm [electronic resource] : psychological perspectives / edited by Anna Motz. | London New York : Routledge, 2009.
RC553.A88 B47 2010eb | Autism spectrum disorders [electronic resource] : a reference handbook / Raphael Bernier and Jennifer Gerdts. | Santa Barbara, Calif. : ABC-CLIO, c2010.
RC553.A88 F45 2010eb | A history of autism [electronic resource] : conversations with the pioneers / Adam Feinstein. | Chichester, West Sussex : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
RC553.A88 R48 2011eb | Researching the autism spectrum [electronic resource] : contemporary perspectives / edited by Ilona Roth, Payam Rezaie. | Cambridge New York : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
RC553.A88 W545 2011eb | Effective programs for treating autism spectrum disorder [electronic resource] : applied behavior analysis models / Betty Fry Williams, Randy Lee Williams. | New York : Routledge, 2011.
RC553.D35.R33 2010 | On Delusion [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
RC553.D5 D54 2009eb | Dissociation and the dissociative disorders [electronic resource] : DSM-V and beyond / edited by Paul F. Dell, John A. O'Neil. | New York : Routledge, c2009.
RC564.D66 2011 | Treating Adult Substance Abuse Using Family Behavior Therapy [electronic resource] : a Step-by-Step Approach. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
RC569.5.B64 V43 2010eb | Body dysmorphic disorder [electronic resource] : a treatment manual / David Veale and Fugen Neziroglu. | Chichester, West Sussex, UK Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
RC569.5.B67 S93 2009eb | Dialectical behaviour therapy [electronic resource] : distinctive features / Michaela A. Swales and Heidi L. Heard. | Abingdon, UK : Routledge, 2009.
RC569.5.D44D87 2010 | Duped [electronic resource] : Lies and Deception in Psychotherapy. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
RC569.5.I46G74 2011 | Treating Impulse Control Disorders [electronic resource] : a Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Program, Therapist Guide. | Oxford : Oxford University Press, USA, 2011.
RC569.5.I54 I53 2011eb | Internet addiction [electronic resource] : a handbook and guide to evaluation and treatment / edited by Kimberly S. Young, Cristiano Nabuco de Abreu. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2011.
RC569.5.I54 J64 2009eb | The multiplicities of Internet addiction [electronic resource] : the misrecognition of leisure and learning / Nicola F. Johnson. | Farnham, Surrey, UK : Ashgate, c2009.
RC569.5.M8 A845 2011eb | Attachment, trauma and multiplicity [electronic resource] : working with dissociative identity disorder / edited by Valerie Sinason. | Hove, East Sussex : Routledge, 2011.
RC628 .W57 2009eb | Obesity [electronic resource] / Kathleen Y. Wolin, and Jennifer M. Petrelli. | Santa Barbara, Calif. : Greenwood Press, c2009.
RC662.4 .M53 2011eb | Metabolic syndrome [electronic resource] : underlying mechanisms and drug therapies / edited by Minghan Wang. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2011.
RC681 .H36 2001eb | ABC of colorectal cancer [electronic resource] / edited by D.J. Kerr, Annie M. Young and F.D. Richard Hobbs. | London : BMJ Books, c2001.
RC682.9 .C368 2011eb | Cardiovascular effects of inhaled ultrafine and nano-sized particles [electronic resource] / edited by Flemming R. Cassee, Nicholas L. Mills, David E. Newby. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
RC684.A48 I58 2011eb | Integrative cardiology [electronic resource] / edited by Stephen Devries, James E. Dalen. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, 2011.
RC776.O3 A23 2011eb | ABC of COPD [electronic resource] / edited by Graeme P. Currie. | Chichester, West Sussex, UK : Wiley-Blackwell, BMJ Books, 2011.
RC848.P6 B38 2011 | Portal hypertension V [electronic resource] : proceedings of the Fifth Baveno International Consensus Workshop / edited by Roberto de Franchis. | Chichester, West Sussex : Wiley & Sons, 2011.
RC927.3.C53 2009 | Fibromyalgia [electronic resource]. | Oxford : Oxford University Press, USA, 2010.
RC963 .O22 2011eb | Occupational and environmental health [electronic resource] : recognizing and preventing disease and injury / edited by Barry S. Levy ... [et al.]. | New York : Oxford University Press, 2011.
RC963.48 .L86 2011eb | The science of occupational health [electronic resource] : stress, psychobiology, and the new world of work / Ulf Lundberg and Cary L. Cooper. | Chichester, West Sussex, U.K. : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
RC969.H43 H65 2011eb | Managing healthy organizations [electronic resource] : worksite health promotion and the new self-management paradigm / Mikael Holmqvist and Christian Maravelias. | New York : Routledge, 2011.
RC1230 .D786 2011eb | Drugs in sport [electronic resource] / edited by David Mottram. | London New York : Routledge, 2011.
RC1235.G457 2011 | Genetic and Molecular Aspects of Sports Performance [electronic resource]. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
RC1235 .O59 2009eb | Olympic textbook of science in sport [electronic resource] / edited by Ronald J. Maughan. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2009.
RC1236.N47N48 2010 | Neuromuscular aspects of sport performance [electronic resource] / edited by Paavo V. Komi. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
RD598 .B64 2011eb | Manual of perioperative care in adult cardiac surgery [electronic resource] / by Robert M. Bojar. | Chichester, UK : Wiley-Blackwell, c2011.
RG135 .D34 2011eb | In-vitro fertilization [electronic resource] / Kay Elder, Brian Dale with contributions from Yves Menezo, Joyce Harper, John Huntriss. | Cambridge New York : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
RG613.P58 2011 | The Placenta and Human Developmental Programming [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
RG627.5 .A55 2010eb | More than genes [electronic resource] : what science can tell us about toxic chemicals, development, and the risk to our children / Dan Agin. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, c2010.
RG732.M29 2011 | Pain in Childbearing and its Control [electronic resource] : Key Issues for Midwives and Women. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
RG852 .K448 2010eb | Depression in new mothers [electronic resource] : causes, consequences, and treatment alternatives / Kathleen A. Kendall-Tackett. | Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon New York, NY : Routledge, 2010.
RJ399.C6 P74 2010 | Preventing childhood obesity [electronic resource] : evidence, policy and practice / edited by Elizabeth Waters ... [et al.]. | Chichester, West Sussex Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell : BMJ Books, 2010.
RJ499 .U477 2011eb | Understanding children and young people's mental health [electronic resource] / edited by Anne Claveirole, Martin Gaughan. | Chichester, West Sussex, U.K. : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
RJ504.I565 2010 | Innovative Interventions in Child and Adolescent Mental Health [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
RJ505.B4 S49 2011eb | Functional family therapy in clinical practice [electronic resource] : an evidence-based treatment model for working with troubled adolescents / Thomas L. Sexton. | New York : Routledge, c2011.
RJ505.P6 H66 2011eb | Sandtray therapy [electronic resource] : a practical manual / Linda E. Homeyer, Daniel S. Sweeney. | New York : Routledge, c2011.
RJ506.A9 B76 2010eb | Doing therapy with children and adolescents with Asperger syndrome [electronic resource] / Richard Bromfield. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2010.
RJ506.B44U55 2011 | Understanding Girls' Problem Behavior [electronic resource] : How Girls' Delinquency Develops in the Context of Maturity and Health, Co-occurring Problems, and Relationships. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
RJ506.D55 D567 2010eb | Dissociation in traumatized children and adolescents [electronic resource] : theory and clinical interventions / edited by Sandra Wieland. | New York : Routledge, 2010.
RJ506.H9 C47 2010eb | The science of ADHD [electronic resource] : a guide for parents and professionals / Chris Chandler. | Chichester, West Sussex : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
RJ506.H9 K447 2009eb | Encyclopedia of attention deficit hyperactivity disorders [electronic resource] / Evelyn Kelly. | Santa Barbara, CA : Greenwood Press/ABC-CLIO, c2009.
RJ506.H9K493 2011 | Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder [electronic resource] : What Can Teachers Do?. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
RJ506.O66 M38 2010eb | Oppositional defiant disorder and conduct disorder in childhood [electronic resource] / Walter Matthys and John E. Lochman. | Chichester, West Sussex, UK Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
RJ506.P55 F63 2009eb | Prolonged exposure therapy for adolescents with PTSD [electronic resource] : emotional processing of traumatic experiences : therapist guide / Edna B. Foa, Kelly R. Chrestman, Eva Gilboa-Schechtman. | New York, N.Y. : Oxford University Press, c2009.
RK521 | Essentials of orthodontics [electronic resource] : diagnosis and treatment / by Robert N. Staley, Neil T. Reske. | Oxford : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
RL74.A23 2009 | ABC of Dermatology. [electronic resource]. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2009.
RM169 | Injectable Drugs Guide [electronic resource]. | London and Chicago : Pharmaceutical Press, 2011.
RM222.2 .W2968 2010eb | Weight control and slimming ingredients in food technology [electronic resource] / [edited by] Susan S. Cho. | Ames, Iowa : Wiley-Blackwell, c2010.
RM315 .P367 2010 | The use and misuse of psychiatric drugs [electronic resource] : an evidence-based critique / Joel Paris. | Chichester, West Sussex : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
RM315 .W46 2010 | Your Brain on Food [electronic resource] : How Chemicals Control Your Thoughts and Feelings. | Oxford : Oxford University Press, USA, 2010.
RM333.5 .G37 2011 | Antipsychotics and their Side Effects [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
RM666.H33 | Evaluation of herbal medicinal products [electronic resource] : perspectives on quality, safety and efficacy / edited by Pulok K. Mukherjee, Peter J. Houghton. | London : Pharmaceutical Press, 2009.
RM666.H33 T68 2011 | Traditional herbal medicine research methods [electronic resource] : identification, analysis, bioassay, and pharmaceutical and clinical studies / edited by Willow J.H. Liu. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2011.
RM666.P835 P78 2011 | Probiotics and health claims [electronic resource] / edited by Wolfgang Kneifel, Seppo Salminen. | Chichester, West Sussex : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
RM725 .H337 2009 | Physical activity and health [electronic resource] : the evidence explained / Adrianne E. Hardman and David J. Stensel. | London New York : Routledge, 2009.
RM871 .K36 2011eb | Clinical electrophysiology [electronic resource] : a handbook for neurologists / Peter W. Kaplan, Thien Nguyen. | Chichester, West Sussex, UK Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
RS92 | Pharmacy in Public Health [electronic resource]. | London and Chicago : Pharmaceutical Press, 2010.
RS189 .X8 2010eb | Analytical methods for therapeutic drug monitoring and toxicology [electronic resource] / Q. Alan Xu and Timothy L. Madden. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
RS201.C64 O725 2010eb | Oral controlled release formulation design and drug delivery [electronic resource] : theory to practice / edited by Hong Wen, Kinam Park. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2010.
RS403 | Pharmaceutical Process Chemistry [electronic resource]. | Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2010.
RS403 .A78 2010 | The Art of Process Chemistry [electronic resource]. | Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2010.
RS403 .H37 2011eb | Pharmaceutical process chemistry for synthesis [electronic resource] : rethinking the routes to scale-up / Peter J. Harrington. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
RS429 .C47 2011eb | Chiral separation methods for pharmaceutical and biotechnological products [electronic resource] / edited by Satinder Ahuja. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
RS431.R34 | Sampson's Textbook of Radiopharmacy [electronic resource]. | London and Chicago : Pharmaceutical Press, 2010.
RT73 .E38 2010eb | Educating nurses [electronic resource] : a call for radical transformation / Patricia Benner ... [et al.] foreword by Lee S. Shulman. | San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, c2010.
RT81.5.K47 2011 | The Delphi Technique in Nursing and Health Research [electronic resource]. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
S451.W4M35 2011 | Back to the Land [electronic resource] : Arthurdale, FDR's New Deal, and the Costs of Economic Planning. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
S477.C9 W75 2009eb | Sustainable agriculture and food security in an era of oil scarcity [electronic resource] : lessons from Cuba / Julia Wright. | London Sterling, Va. : Earthscan, 2009.
S494.5.S86 I5 2010eb | Imagining sustainable food systems [electronic resource] : theory and practice / edited by Alison Blay-Palmer. | Farnham, Surrey Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2010.
S494.5.U72 A42 2009eb | Agriculture in urban planning [electronic resource] : generating livelihoods and food security / edited by Mark Redwood. | Ottawa, ON : International Development Research Centre London Sterling, VA : Earthscan, 2009.
S592.17.U73 | Understanding Soils in Urban Environments [electronic resource]. | Melbourne : CSIRO Pub., 2011.
S597.G68 W45 2009eb | Understanding vineyard soils [electronic resource] / Robert E. White. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, c2009.
S605.5 .R378 2010eb | Rebels for the soil [electronic resource] : the rise of the global organic food and farming movement / Matthew Reed. | London Washington, DC : Earthscan, 2010.
S627.M36 H36 2011 | Handbook of erosion modelling [electronic resource] / edited by R.P.C. Morgan and M.A. Nearing. | Chichester, West Sussex, UK Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, 2011.
SB123.34.A35E26 2010 | The Economics of Managing Crop Diversity On-farm [electronic resource] : Case studies from the Genetic Resources Policy Initiative. | London : Earthscan, 2010.
SB307.V2 H36 2011eb | Handbook of vanilla science and technology [electronic resource] / edited by Daphna Havkin-Frenkel, Faith C. Belanger. | Oxford, U.K. Ames, Iowa : Blackwell Pub., 2011.
SB472.3 .C66 2011eb | Sustainable landscape management [electronic resource] : design, construction, and maintenance / Thomas Cook, Ann Marie VanDerZanden. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
SB475.9.D37 T35 2009eb | Google Sketchup for site design [electronic resource] : a guide to modeling site plans, terrain, and architecture / Daniel Tal. | Hoboken, N.J. : J. Wiley, c2009.
SB750 .W35 2011eb | Plant defense [electronic resource] : warding off attack by pathogens, pests and vertebrate herbivores / Dale R. Walters. | Chichester, West Sussex, U.K. Ames, Iowa : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
SD418 .A86 2009eb | Avoided deforestation [electronic resource] : prospects for mitigating climate change / edited by Charles Palmer and Stefanie Engel. | London New York : Routledge, 2009.
SD418.3.N34 K74 2010eb (Online) | Deforestation and reforestation in Namibia [electronic resource] : the global consequences of local contradictions / by Emmanuel Kreike. | Leiden Boston : Brill, 2010.
SF105 .T87 2010eb | Animal breeding, welfare and society [electronic resource] / Jacky Turner. | London Washington, DC : Earthscan, 2010.
SF140.B54 T85 2010eb | Animals as biotechnology [electronic resource] : ethics, sustainability and critical animal studies / Richard Twine. | London Washington, DC : Earthscan, 2010.
SF250.5.D34 2011 | Dairy Ingredients for Food Processing [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
SF524 .K75 2010eb | The quest for the perfect hive [electronic resource] : a history of innovation in bee culture / Gene Kritsky. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, 2010.
SF780.3 .P37 2010 | Pathogenesis of bacterial infections in animals [electronic resource] / edited by Carlton L. Gyles ... [et al.]. | Ames, Iowa : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
SF951.E577 2011 | Equine MRI [electronic resource]. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
SF985 .F46 2011eb | The feline patient [electronic resource] / editor, Gary D. Norsworthy founding authors, Gary D. Norsworthy ... [et al.]. | Ames, Iowa : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
SF992.K53N47 2011 | Nephrology and Urology of Small Animals [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
SH21 .N37 2011eb | The history of aquaculture [electronic resource] / Colin E. Nash. | Ames, Iowa : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
T7 .S5 no.56 | The Winton M. Blount Postal History Symposia select papers, 2010-2011 / Thomas Lera, editor. | Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press, c2012.
T10.5.Q54 2010 | Qualitative Research in Technical Communication [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
T11 .C327 2009eb | Writing scientific research articles [electronic resource] : strategy and steps / Margaret Cargill and Patrick O'Connor. | Chichester, UK Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.
T11 .K4184 2010eb | Virtual words [electronic resource] : language on the edge of science and technology / Jonathon Keats. | New York : Oxford University Press, 2010.
T58.5 .C46 2011eb | Technology at the margins [electronic resource] : how IT meets the needs of emerging markets / Sailesh Chutani, Jessica Rothenberg Aalami, Akhtar Badshah. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2011.
T60.8 .R37 2011eb | Management by Design [electronic resource] : Applying Design Principles to the Work Experience. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2008.
T385 .D38 2010eb | Photoshop CS5 Bible [electronic resource] / Lisa DaNae Dayley and Brad Dayley. | Indianapolis, IN : Wiley, c2010.
T385 .L66 2010 | SolidWorks 2010 bible [electronic resource] / Matt Lombard. | Indianapolis, Ind. : Wiley, c2010.
T385 .O48276 2011eb | Mastering AutoCAD for Mac [electronic resource] : Autodesk official training guide / George Omura, Rick Graham. | Indianapolis, Indiana : Wiley Publishing, Inc., c2011.
T385.P328 2010 | Adobe Creative Suite 5 Bible [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
T385 .R855 2010eb | SolidWorks 2010 [electronic resource] : no experience required / Alex Ruiz with Gabi Jack. | Indianapolis, Ind. : Wiley, c2010.
TA160 .S35 2011 | Science as Psychology [electronic resource] : Sense-Making and Identity in Science Practice. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
TA168.D43 2010 | Decision Making in Systems Engineering and Management [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
TA168 .K68 2011 | Systems Engineering Principles and Practice [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
TA169.N38 2011 | Multistate Systems Reliability Theory with Applications [electronic resource]. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
TA170 .S24 2010eb | Sustainable infrastructure [electronic resource] : the guide to green engineering and design / S. Bry Sarte. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2010.
TA340 .G49 2011eb | Advanced kalman filtering, least-squares and modeling [electronic resource] : a practical handbook / Bruce P. Gibbs. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
TA352 .J39 2011 | Advanced dynamics [electronic resource] : rigid body, multibody, and aerospace applications / Reza N. Jazar. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, 2011.
TA355 .B674 2011eb | Noise and vibration analysis [electronic resource] : signal analysis and experimental procedures / Anders Brandt. | Chichester Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, 2011.
TA355.R34 2010 | Vibration-based Condition Monitoring [electronic resource] : Industrial, Automotive and Aerospace Applications. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
TA403 | Phase-Field Methods in Materials Science and Engineering [electronic resource]. | Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2010.
TA403.6.S62 2009 TA403.6 | Solution Processing of Inorganic Materials. [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2008.
TA417.6 .F36 2011eb | Multiscale analysis of deformation and failure of materials [electronic resource] / Jinghong Fan. | Chichester, West Sussex, U.K. : Wiley, 2011.
TA418 .B667 2011 ebook | Elasticity in engineering mechanics [electronic resource] / Arthur P. Boresi, Ken P. Chong, James D. Lee. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
TA418.2 .L349 2009eb | Viscoelastic materials [electronic resource] / Roderic Lakes. | Cambridge New York : Cambridge University Press, 2009.
TA418.7 | Advances in Speckle Metrology and Related Techniques [electronic resource]. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
TA418.9.P6 P667 2010eb | Porous materials [electronic resource] / edited by Duncan W. Bruce, Dermot O'Hare, Richard I. Walton. | Chichester, West Sussex, U.K. Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, 2010.
TA418.9.P6 P684 2011 | Porous polymers [electronic resource] / edited by Michael S. Silverstein, Neil R. Cameron, Marc A. Hillmyer. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
TA418.9.S62 H36 2011 | Handbook of stimuli-responsive materials [electronic resource] / edited by Marek W. Urban. | Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, c2011.
TA418.9.T45T82 2010 | Electronic thin-film reliability [electronic resource] / King-Ning Tu. | Cambridge New York : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
TA480.M3 M325 2011 | Magnesium, magnesium alloys, and magnesium composites [electronic resource] : a guide / edited by Manoj Gupta, Nai Mui Ling Sharon. | New York : Wiley, 2011.
TA633 .A43 2011eb | Simplified engineering for architects and builders [electronic resource] / James Ambrose and Patrick Tripeny. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2011.
TA1225 | Sustainability and the Design of Transport Interchanges [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2011.
TA1570 .B8313 2011eb | Thermal infrared sensors [electronic resource] : theory, optimization, and practice / Helmut Budzier and Gerald Gerlach translated by Dorte Muller. | Chichester, West Sussex, U.K. Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, 2011.
TA1632.I4826 2010 | Image Registration for Remote Sensing [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
TA1634 .P36 2011 | Model-based Visual Tracking [electronic resource] : the OpenTL Framework. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
TA1637 .S65 2011eb | Fundamentals of digital image processing [electronic resource] : a practical approach with examples in Matlab / Chris Solomon, Toby Breckon. | Chichester : Wiley-Blackwell, c2011.
TA1660 .G36 2011 | Optoelectronic integrated circuit design and device modeling [electronic resource] / Jianjun Gao. | Singapore Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
TA1675 .K36 2009 | Principles of laser materials processing [electronic resource] / Elijah Kannatey-Asibu, Jr. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2009.
TA2020 | Physics of Radio-Frequency Plasmas [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
TC171 .J66 2011eb | Gravity-driven water flow in networks [electronic resource] : [theory and design] / Gerard F. Jones. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
TC409 .W369155 2011eb | Water resources planning and management [electronic resource] / edited by R. Quentin Grafton, Karen Hussey. | Cambridge New York : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
TC513.M45 C67 2009eb | Contested waterscapes in the Mekong Region [electronic resource] : hydropower, livelihoods and governance / edited by Francois Molle, Tira Foran and Mira Kakonen. | London Sterling, VA : Earthscan, 2009.
TD192.5.E97 2011 | Environmental Biotechnology [electronic resource] : Theory and Application. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
TD196.A77H46 2009 | Arsenic [electronic resource] : Environmental Chemistry, Health Threats and Waste Treatment. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2009.
TD345 .I538 2009eb | Integrated water resources management in practice [electronic resource] : better water management for development / edited by Roberto Lenton and Mike Muller with the assistance of Sarah Carriger. | London Sterling, VA : Earthscan, c2009.
TD346 .N68 2010 | Water centric sustainable communities [electronic resource] : planning, retrofitting, and building the next urban environment / Vladimir Novotny, John Ahern, Paul Brown. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2010.
TD353 .M543 2011eb | Modelling the impact of climate change on water resources [electronic resource] / edited by Fai Fung, Ana Lopez, Mark New. | Chichester, West Sussex, UK Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
TD370 .O7 no.1 | Water quality standards, Goose Lake, Lake County, Oregon / Oregon State Sanitary Authority. | [Portland, Or.] : Oregon State Sanitary Authority, [1966]
TD370 .O7 no.4 | Water quality standards, Willamette River and Multnomah Channel. | Salem, Or. : Oregon State Sanitary Authority, 1967.
TD370 .O7 no.5 | Proposed water quality and waste treatment standards Rogue River Basin. | [Portland, Or.?] : State of Oregon Dept. of Environmental Quality, [1969]
TD370 .O7 no.6 | Water quality standards for Umpqua River Basin, Oregon / State of Oregon, Dept. of Environmental Quality. | [Salem?] : Dept. of Environmental Quality, [1969]
TD370 .O7 no.8 | Proposed water quality and waste treatment standards, Tualatin River Basin. | Portland, Or. : State of Oregon Dept. of Environmental Quality, [1969]
TD657.B88 2009 | Urban Drainage [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
TD791 .V38 2009eb | Waste management [electronic resource] : a reference handbook / Jacqueline Vaughn. | Santa Barbara, Calif. : ABC-CLIO, c2009.
TE228.3.S34 2010 | The Safety of Intelligent Driver Support Systems [electronic resource] : Design, Evaluation and Social Perspectives. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
TF140.L66 H49 2011eb | Engineer of Revolutionary Russia [electronic resource] : Iurii V. Lomonosov (1876-1952) and the Railways. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
TH146.R93 2011 | Traditional Construction for a Sustainable Future [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2011.
TH216 .D57 2009 | Distributed Intelligence In Design [electronic resource]. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
TH435 .G66 2011eb | Introduction to building procurement [electronic resource] / Brian Greenhalgh and Graham Squires. | Abingdon, Oxon New York : Spon Press, 2011.
TH439.N68 2011 | Building Surveys and Reports [electronic resource]. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
TH880 .T39 2011 | Guide to LEED 2009 estimating and preconstruction strategies [electronic resource] / Thomas A. Taylor. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
TH6010 .S74 2010eb | Mechanical and electrical equipment for buildings [electronic resource] / Walter T. Grondzik ... [et al.]. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2010.
TJ163.2 .A763 2011eb | Energy for a sustainable world [electronic resource] : from the oil age to a sun-powered future / Nicola Armaroli and Vincenzo Balzani. | Weinheim, Germany : Wiley-VCH, c2011.
TJ163.2 .C73 2010 | A Cubic Mile of Oil [electronic resource] : Realities and Options for Averting the Looming Global Energy Crisis. | Oxford : Oxford University Press, USA, 2010.
TJ177.S56 2010 | Vibration of Mechanical Systems [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
TJ260 .T493 2011eb | Thermal energy storage [electronic resource] : systems and applications / Ibrahim Emir Dincer, Marc A. Rosen. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, 2011.
TJ808 .K36 2011eb | The renewable revolution [electronic resources] : how we can fight climate change, prevent energy wars, revitalize the economy, and transition to a sustainable future / Sajed Kamal. | London Washington, DC : Earthscan, 2011.
TJ808 .Q38913 2010eb | Renewable energy and climate change [electronic resource] / Volker Quaschning translator, Hedy Jourdan. | Chichester, West Sussex, U.K. Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2010.
TJ808.R4173 2010 | Renewable Energy and the Public [electronic resource] : From NIMBY to Participation. | London : Earthscan, 2010.
TJ820 .M374 2009eb | Wind energy explained [electronic resource] : theory, design and application / J.F. Manwell and J.G. McGowan, A.L. Rogers. | Chichester, U.K. : Wiley, 2009.
TJ901 | Hydrodynamics of Pumps [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
TJ1075 .M36 2010 | Industrial Tribology [electronic resource] : Tribosystems, Wear and Surface Engineering, Lubrication. | Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2010.
TK454.4 .E5 D38 2010 | Computational Electromagnetics for RF and Microwave Engineering [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
TK1005 .Z58 2009 | Optimization of power system operation [electronic resource] / by Jizhong Zhu. | Piscataway, N.J. : Wiley-IEEE Chichester : John Wiley [distributor], 2009.
TK1007.Y39 2010 | Voltage-Sourced Converters in Power Systems. [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
TK1010 | Direct Methods for Stability Analysis of Electric Power Systems [electronic resource] : Theoretical Foundation, BCU Methodologies, and Applications. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
TK1056 .V64 2010 | Large-scale solar thermal power [electronic resource] : technologies, costs and development / Werner Vogel and Henry Kalb. | Weinheim : Wiley-VCH Verlag & Co. KGaA, c2010.
TK2391.K185 2010 | Applications of High Temperature Superconductors to Electric Power Equipment [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
TK2945 .L56 | High Energy Density Lithium Batteries [electronic resource] : Materials, Engineering, Applications. | Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2010.
TK2960 .S652 2010eb | Solar cells and their applications [electronic resource] / [edited by] Lewis Fraas, Larry Partain. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2010.
TK3001.S325 2010 | Electric Distribution Systems [electronic resource] : Planning and Utilization. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
TK4058 .S8513 2011 | Control of electric machine drive system [electronic resource] / S. Sul. | [S.l.] : Wiley : IEEE, 2011.
TK5015.59 .D39 2011eb | Implementing SSL/TLS using cryptography and PKI [electronic resource] / Joshua Davies. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley Chichester : John Wiley [distributor], c2011.
TK5102.9 .K484 2011eb | Digital design of signal processing systems [electronic resource] : a practical approach / Shoab Ahmed Khan. | Chichester, West Sussex : Wiley, 2011.
TK5102.92 .M63 2011 | Modulation and coding techniques in wireless communications [electronic resource] / edited by Evgenii Krouk, Sergei Semenov. | Chichester, West Sussex, U.K. Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, 2011.
TK5102.92 .N43 2010eb | Near-capacity variable length coding [electronic resource] : regular and exit-chart aided irregular designs / L. Hanzo ... [et al.]. | Chichester, West Sussex, U.K. : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
TK5103.2 .A848 2010eb | Next generation mobile communications ecosystem [electronic resource] : technology management for mobile communications / Saad Z. Asif. | Chichester, West Sussex, UK Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, 2010.
TK5103.2.C6625 2011 | Cooperative Cellular Wireless Networks [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
TK5103.2.R376 2011 | Reliable Communications for Short-Range Wireless Systems [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
TK5103.2.S28 2011 | From GSM to LTE [electronic resource] : an Introduction to Mobile Networks and Mobile Broadband. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
TK5103.2.S85 2011 | Modelling and Dimensioning of Mobile Wireless Networks [electronic resource] : From GSM to LTE. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
TK5103.4815 .L58 2011eb | Cognitive radio networking and security [electronic resource] : a game-theoretic view / K.J. Ray Liu, Beibei Wang. | Cambridge New York : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
TK5103.483 .S24 2010 | GSM/Edge [electronic resource] : evolution and performance / Mikko Saily, Guillaume Sebire, Eddie Riddington. | Chichester, West Sussex U.K. Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2010.
TK5103.4835 .Y66 2011eb | 60GHz technology for Gbps WLAN and WPAN [electronic resource] : from theory to practice / Su-Khiong Yong, Pengfei Xia, Alberto Valdes Garcia. | Chichester, West Sussex, U.K. Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, c2011.
TK5103.484 .H36 2010 | MIMO-OFDM for LTE, Wi-Fi, and WiMAX [electronic resource] : coherent versus non-coherent and cooperative turbo-transceivers / by L. Hanzo, J. Akhtman, M. Jiang, L. Wang. | Chichester, West Sussex, U.K. Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, 2010.
TK5103.59.P74 2011 | Light Propagation in Gain Media [electronic resource] : Optical Amplifiers. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
TK5105 | Convert! [electronic resource] : Designing Web Sites to Increase Traffic and Conversion. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
TK5105.15 .P38 2010 | Digital video distribution in broadband, television, mobile, and converged networks [electronic resource] : trends, challenges, and solutions / Sanjoy Paul. | Chichester, West Sussex, U.K. Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, 2010.
TK5105.525 .D693 2010eb | Beginning PHP 5.3 [electronic resource] / Matt Doyle. | Indianapolis, IN : Wiley Pub., c2010.
TK5105.573 .M56 2010 | MPLS-Enabled Applications [electronic resource] : Emerging Developments and New Technologies. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
TK5105.59 .A45 2010 | Network Security [electronic resource] : a Decision and Game-Theoretic Approach. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
TK5105.875.I57 | Next-Generation Internet [electronic resource] : Architectures and Protocols. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
TK5105.875.I6 B44 2011eb | Beginning SharePoint Designer 2010 [electronic resource] / Woodrow Windischman ... [et al.]. | Indianapolis, IN : Wiley, 2011.
TK5105.875.I6 B44 2011eb | Beginning SharePoint 2010 [electronic resource] : building business solutions with SharePoint / Amanda Perran ... [et al.] technical editors, Martin W.P. Reid, Charlie Lee. | Indianapolis, Ind. : Wiley Pub., c2011.
TK5105.875.I6 C346 2011eb | Mastering Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010 [electronic resource] / Callahan. | Indianapolis, Ind. : Wiley Pub., [2011], 2011.
TK5105.875.I6 G45 2011eb | SharePoint 2010 six-in-one [electronic resource] / Chris Geier ... [et al.]. | Indianapolis, Ind. : Wiley Pub., 2011.
TK5105.875.I6 P76 2011eb | Professional SharePoint 2010 branding and user interface design [electronic resource] / Randy Drisgill ... [et al.]. | Indianapolis, IN : Wiley, c2011.
TK5105.875.I6 R43 2011eb | Real World SharePoint 2010 [electronic resource] : indispensable experiences from 22 MVPs / Scot Hillier, editor ... [et al.]. | Indianapolis, IN : Wiley Pub., 2011.
TK5105.8865.B36 2011 | VoIP Emergency Calling [electronic resource] : Foundations and Practice. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
TK5105.8865 .H47 2011eb | IP telephony [electronic resource] : deploying VoIP protocols and IMS infrastructure / Olivier Hersent. | Hoboken, NJ : John Wiley, 2011.
TK5105.888 .P583 2011eb | Website design and development [electronic resource] : 100 questions to ask before building a website / George Plumley. | Indianapolis, IN : Wiley, c2011.
TK5105.888 .V44 2010eb | Web development with the Mac [electronic resource] / by Aaron Vegh. | Indianapolis, Ind. : Wiley Pub., c2010.
TK5105.8885.E38 C38 2011eb | Ektron developer's guide [electronic resource] : building an Ektron powered website / Bill Cava, Bill Rogers, Aniel Sud technical editors, Jason Arden, Joseph Cicchetto. | Indianapolis, IN : Wrox/Wiley Pub., c2011.
TK5105.8885.W66S74 2010 | Professional WordPress. [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
TK6560 | Filter Bank Transceivers for OFDM and DMT Systems [electronic resource]. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
TK6560 .D38 2010 | Radio Frequency Circuit Design [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
TK6680.3.C38 2010 | Video Tracking [electronic resource] : Theory and Practice. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
TK6680.5 .H33 2010 | The Handbook of MPEG Applications [electronic resource] : Standards in Practice. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
TK7836.B38 2010 | Lead-Free Solder Process Development [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
TK7871.67.H54 G73 2011eb | Broadband communications via high-altitude platforms [electronic resource] / David Grace, Mihael Mohorcic. | Chichester, West Sussex, U.K. Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, 2011.
TK7871.67.M5 M53 2011eb | Microstrip and printed antennas [electronic resource] : new trends, techniques, and applications / editors Debatosh Guha, Yahia M.M. Antar, editors. | Chichester : Wiley, 2011.
TK7871.89.L53 L46 2011eb | Practical lighting design with LEDs [electronic resource] / Ron Lenk, Carol Lenk. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley-IEEE Press, c2011.
TK7871.99.M44 | Nanoscale MOS Transistors [electronic resource] : Semi-Classical Transport and Applications. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
TK7871.99.M44 B35 2010eb | CMOS [electronic resource] : circuit design, layout, and simulation / R. Jacob Baker. | Hoboken, N.J. : IEEE Press/Wiley, 2010.
TK7871.99.O74 S45 2011 | Self-organized organic semiconductors [electronic resource] : from materials to device applications / edited by Quan Li. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, 2011.
TK7872.D48 F86 2011 | Fundamentals of Sensor Network Programming [electronic resource] : Applications and Technology. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
TK7875.K46 2011 | Inertial MEMS [electronic resource] : Principles and Practice. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
TK7876 .H66 2011 | Microstrip filters for RF/microwave applications [electronic resource] / Jia-Sheng Hong. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, 2011.
TK7881.15.S27 2010 | Ultra Low Power Bioelectronics [electronic resource] : Fundamentals, Biomedical Applications, and Bio-Inspired Systems. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
TK8304 .O23 2011eb | Computational photonics [electronic resource] / Salah Obayya. | Chichester, West Sussex, U.K. Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, 2011.
TK8322 .S34 2011 | Chalcogenide photovoltaics [electronic resource] : physics, technologies, and thin film devices / by Roland Scheer, Hans-Werner Schock. | Weinheim : Wiley-VCH Chichester : John Wiley [distributor], 2011.
TL552 .B38 2010eb | Airline operations and scheduling [electronic resource] / Massoud Bazargan. | Farnham, Surrey, England Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2010.
TL789.8.U5 | The Politics of Space [electronic resource] : a Survey. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
TL796 .M28 2011eb | Satellite technology [electronic resource] : principles and applications / Anil K. Maini, Varsha Agrawal. | Chichester, West Sussex, U.K. Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, 2011.
TN690 .C66 2011 | Complex metallic alloys [electronic resource] : fundamentals and applications / edited by Jean-Marie Dubois and Esther Belin-Ferre. | Weinheim : Wiley-VCH Verlag, c2011.
TN871.5 .H45 2011eb | Metallurgy and corrosion control in oil and gas production [electronic resource] / Robert Heidersbach. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
TP155 .R28 2011eb | Fluid mechanics, heat transfer, and mass transfer [electronic resource] : chemical engineering practice / K.S.N. Raju. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
TP155.7.M355 2011 | Chemical Process Simplification [electronic resource] : Improving Productivity and Sustainability. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
TP155.7.S28 2010 | Teach Yourself the Basics of Aspen Plus [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
TP155.75 .K56 2011eb | Process Control [electronic resource] : a Practical Approach. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
TP156.S57S66 2010 | Spouted and Spout-Fluid Beds [electronic resource] : Fundamentals and Applications. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
TP200.F525 2010 | Fine Chemicals [electronic resource] : the Industry and the Business. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
TP248.25.M45 M46 2011 | Membranes for membrane reactors [electronic resource] : preparation, optimization, and selection / [edited by] Angelo Basile, Fausto Gallucci. | Chichester, West Sussex Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, 2011.
TP248.25.M46 M44 2011eb | Membrane Process Design Using Residue Curve Maps [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
TP248.27.P55G87 2010eb | Gasoline, diesel and ethanol biofuels from grasses and plants [electronic resource] / Ram B. Gupta, Ayhan Demirbas. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
TP248.27.P55P554 2011 | Plant Biomass Conversion [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
TP248.3 .G85 2011eb | Guidelines for process safety in bioprocess manufacturing facilities [electronic resource] / Center for Chemical Process Safety. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley-AIChE, c2011.
TP248.65.P64 E54 2011 | Engineered carbohydrate-based materials for biomedical applications [electronic resource] : polymers, surfaces, dendrimers, nanoparticles, and hydrogels / edited by Ravin Narain. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
TP331 .B56 2009eb | Biochar for environmental management [electronic resource] : science and technology / edited by Johannes Lehmann and Stephen Joseph. | London Sterling, VA : Earthscan, 2009.
TP339.B54155 2009 | Biofuels. [electronic resource]. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2009.
TP370.P62 2011 | Practical Food Rheology [electronic resource] : an Interpretive Approach. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
TP371 .T83 2011eb | Essentials of thermal processing [electronic resource] / Gary Tucker, Susan Featherstone. | Chichester, West Sussex, U.K. Ames, Iowa : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
TP371.2 .T442 2011 | Thermal processing of foods [electronic resource] : control and automation / edited by K.P. Sandeep. | Raleigh : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
TP451.D53 G58 2009eb | Gluten-free food science and technology [electronic resource] / edited by Eimear Gallagher. | Chichester, U.K. Ames, Iowa : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.
TP456.E58 E63 2010eb | Enzymes in food technology [electronic resource] / edited by Robert J. Whitehurst and Maarten van Oort. | Chichester, U.K. Ames, Iowa : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
TP456.H93 H93 2010eb | Hydrocolloids in food processing [electronic resource] / [edited by] Thomas Laaman. | Ames, Iowa : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
TP877 .L485 2011 | Advanced concrete technology [electronic resource] / Zongjin Li. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
TP919 .B43 2009 | Handbook of Natural Colorants. [electronic resource]. | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2009.
TR146 .M58 2011eb | Reframing photography [electronic resource] : theory and practice / Rebekah Modrak with Bill Anthes. | London New York : Routledge, 2011.
TR886.3 .F75 2010eb | Saving cinema [electronic resource] : the politics of preservation / Caroline Frick. | New York : Oxford University Press, 2010.
TS103 .B343 2010eb | Thinking design [electronic resource] / S. Balaram. | Los Angeles : SAGE, 2010.
TS171.B795 2010 | Design Economies and the Changing World Economy [electronic resource] : Innovation, Production and Competitiveness. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
TS183 .H85 2011eb | Manufacturing best practices [electronic resource] : optimizing productivity and product quality / Bobby Hull. | Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2011.
TX353 .T6413 2009 | A history of food [electronic resource] / Maguelonne Toussaint-Samat translated by Anthea Bell. | Chichester, West Sussex, U.K. Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.
TX359 .H84 2011eb | Practical public health nutrition [electronic resource] / Roger Hughes and Barrie Margetts. | Chichester, West Sussex, U.K. : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
TX360.G7M85 2010 | Food, Energy and the Creation of Industriousness [electronic resource] : Work and Material Culture in Agrarian England, 1550-1780. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
TX392 .C85 2010eb | Cultural encyclopedia of vegetarianism [electronic resource] / Margaret Puskar-Pasewicz, editor. | Santa Barbara, Calif. : Greenwood, c2010.
TX531 .F663 2011eb | Food safety for the 21st century [electronic resource] : managing HACCP and food safety throughout the global supply chain / Carol A. Wallace, William H. Sperber, Sara E. Mortimore. | Aimes, Iowa : Blackwell Pub., 2011.
TX541 .A75 2011eb | Analysis of endocrine disrupting compounds in food [electronic resource] / Leo M.L. Nollet, editor. | Ames, Iowa : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
TX612.V4M63 2011 | Modified Atmosphere Packaging for Fresh-Cut Fruits and Vegetables [electronic resource]. | Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
TX725.M35 H46 2009eb | Food culture in the Mediterranean [electronic resource] / Carol Helstosky. | Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 2009.
TX767.C5C56 2009 TX767.C5G747 2009 TX767.C5 | Chocolate [electronic resource] : history, culture, and heritage / edited by Louis Evan Grivetti, Howard-Yana Shapiro. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2009.
U21.2.G845 2011 | Reimagining War in the 21st Century [electronic resource] : From Clausewitz to Network-Centric Warfare. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
U22.O47 2010 | Military Ethics and Virtues [electronic resource] : an Interdisciplinary Approach for the 21st Century. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
U162.6.S525 2011 | Military Threats [electronic resource] : the Costs of Coercion and the Price of Peace. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
U264 .Q54 2009eb | Thinking about nuclear weapons [electronic resource] : principles, problems, prospects / Michael Quinlan. | Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, 2009.
UA23.K414 2010 | Justifying America's Wars [electronic resource] : the Conduct and Practice of US Military Intervention. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
UA646.K47 2011 | The Transformation of Europe's Armed Forces [electronic resource] : From the Rhine to Afghanistan. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
UA647.G6923 2010 | Strategic Review [electronic resource] : the Process of Strategy Formulation in Complex Organisations. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
UB403 .F353 2011eb | Families under fire [electronic resource] : systemic therapy with military families / edited by R. Blaine Everson and Charles R. Figley. | New York, NY : Routledge, c2011.
UB416.G38 2011 | Military Integration after Civil Wars [electronic resource] : Multiethnic Armies, Identity and Post-Conflict Reconstruction. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
UF767 .B37 2010 | Deadly metal rain [electronic resource] : the legality of Flechette weapons in international law : a reappraisal following Israel's use in the Gaza Strip (2001-2005) / Eitan Barak. | Dordrecht Boston : Martinus Nijhoff, 2010.
UG435.E3R36 2011 | Muslim Fortresses in the Levant [electronic resource] : Between Crusaders and Mongols. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
UH629.3 .F56 2011eb | Veterans and active duty military psychotherapy homework planner [electronic resource] / James R. Finley, Bret A. Moore. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011.
V51.N377 2010 | Naval Power and Expeditionary Wars [electronic resource] : Peripheral Campaigns and New Theatres of Naval Warfare. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
VB57 | The Making of the Modern Admiralty [electronic resource] : British Naval Policy-Making, 1805-1927. | Leiden : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
Z286.S37J64 2010 | Publishing from Your PhD [electronic resource] : Negotiating a Crowded Jungle. | Farnham : Ashgate Pub., 2011.
Z665 .C778 2010eb | Critical theory for library and information science [electronic resource] : exploring the social from across the disciplines / Gloria J. Leckie, Lisa M. Given, and John E. Buschman, editors. | Santa Barbara, Calif. : Libraries Unlimited, c2010.
Z675.U5 U5475 2011eb | University libraries and digital learning environments [electronic resource] / edited by Penny Dale, Jill Beard [and] Matt Holland. | Farnham, Surrey Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2011.
Z7963.S55B45 2011 | Women in the United States Military [electronic resource] : an Annotated Bibliography. | Hoboken : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
ZA4235 .K38 2010eb | Web analytics 2.0 [electronic resource] : the art of online accountability & science of customer centricity / Avinash Kaushik. | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2010.