See actual student culture and activities from late in the last century. As part of the continuing fun around Oregon Archives Month, join us for dance, music, big hair and catwalks from Oregon State in the 1980s and 1990s. To celebrate amazing footage that we archived from KBVR-TV this year, there will be a showing of excerpts from historic student performances captured on video — including the 1987 Mom’s Weekend Fashion Show, 1994 Indonesia Cultural Night, and the 1992 Ms. OSU Pageant.
The screening of selected TV news clips will happen on Wednesday, October 21 from noon-1:00 p.m. in the Willamette Room East on the third floor of the Valley Library. Snacks and beverages will be available. For added flair, we will also show Benny Beaver on the slopes for the Chips Invitational Mascot Ski Race. Can Benny really ski? Here’s your chance to find out.