To avoid scheduling problems, please read the information below before requesting a room.

Reservation Guidelines and Priorities

Classroom assignments will be determined by considering availability, technology requirements, class size and preference.

Reservations are on a first-come, first-served basis, following these guidelines:

  • The highest priority is given to library instruction and library presentations.
  • Each department/group is permitted to use the classrooms once per term. Exceptions may be made if availability allows; however, due to the popularity of the rooms, exceptions are generally not possible.
  • Library staff have priority for scheduling the Autzen classroom for the first 6 weeks of the term.
  • Media Hub has priority for Willamette West.
  • Students who want to schedule a class presentation or thesis defense should contact Media Hub.

Placing Reservations

Classroom scheduling is maintained by the Valley Library.

Note: Requests are filled based on availability and priority use guidelines. Please submit your request 1-2 weeks ahead of time. All rooms are only for university business.

  • Read guidelines for the room that you wish to request:
  • Check availability using the OSU Libraries classroom calendar before requesting a room and time:
  • Fill out the Valley Library Classroom Reservation Form.
  • For your room request you will receive an e-mail confirmation or denial during normal business hours, Monday through Friday 8 a.m.-to 5 p.m. We try to respond within two business days to requests. Reservations are not complete until a confirmation notice has been sent.
  • All non-library reservations are tentative until one week prior to the event.

Canceling Reservations

If you need to cancel or reschedule, please send an email to the classroom Outlook account.

Using the Rooms

  • The person who reserves the room is responsible for the equipment, furniture and physical space during the time that the room has been scheduled.
  • If you have not used the equipment before or need a refresher, please request an orientation on the reservation form.
  • Please do not use the classroom longer than your allotted time.
  • Rooms in the Valley Library may be reserved for university business only.
  • Willamette Seminar Rooms: The crank for opening and closing the wall partition is checked out with the key card at the Circulation Desk. Please carefully follow the directions posted on the wall when you open and close the partition.

Key Cards (Willamette Seminar Rooms Only)

  • You must show a picture ID when you check out the room key card from the Circulation Desk.
  • The person who checks out the key card is responsible for its return. Please do not hand key cards over to people who might be using the room immediately after you. It is a bit inconvenient, but the key cards need to be checked in after each use.

Leaving the Classroom

  • Quit all programs and applications and log out, but please do NOT turn off or shut down the computers.
  • Turn off all projection equipment.
  • Willamette Seminar Rooms: Turn off microphones and lights.
  • Return all furniture to the original configuration.
  • Wipe off tables if food was served.
  • Close and lock all doors.
  • Autzen Classroom: Turn the outside sign back to " available for open study" side when leaving.
  • Report any technology problems when returning the key card to the Circulation Desk.


If a technician is required to perform special classroom setup, a $45/hour charge will be made (minimum one hour charge). If special software is needed, make sure to mentioned that when scheduling the room, and allow two weeks time for setup.