Welcome to the OSU Libraries News and Events page!

ProQuest, which provides applications and products for libraries, will be down on Saturday, January 16 while it upgrades its systems infrastructure to improve performance, security and overall reliability. The window is scheduled to begin at 7:00 p.m. and will last for eight hours. During this time, access to all ProQuest products (listed on this page: http://guides.library.oregonstate.edu/az.php?v=27204) will not be available.

In September 2015, the Valley Library’s Learning Commons implemented Campus Recycling’s “All in the Hall” program — but with a slight twist. In addition to pairing trash bins with paper and can/bottle recycling bins (the standard model), the library also added compost bins so that food waste and compostable materials would not be sent to the landfill. The strategy worked, and library patrons in the Learning Commons (the library’s pilot site) used all the disposal options available. 

Two waste audits were completed before and after the pilot program was implemented: one on the Sunday of winter finals week and one previously on the Sunday of fall finals week. The amount of trash thrown away on finals Sunday in December decreased by 42% when compared to finals Sunday in March. Way to go, Beavs!

The Learning Commons All in the Hall Compost and Recycling Pilot will continue in winter term 2016. So keep up the good work sorting waste, and, remember, composting and recycling is orange.

In September 2015, the Valley Library’s Learning Commons implemented Campus Recycling’s “All in the Hall” program — but with a slight twist. In addition to pairing trash bins with paper and can/bottle recycling bins (the standard model), the library also added compost bins so that food waste and compostable materials would not be sent to the landfill. The strategy worked, and library patrons in the Learning Commons (the library’s pilot site) used all the disposal options available. 

Two waste audits were completed before and after the pilot program was implemented: one on the Sunday of winter finals week and one previously on the Sunday of fall finals week. The amount of trash thrown away on finals Sunday in December decreased by 42% when compared to finals Sunday in March. Way to go, Beavs!

The Learning Commons All in the Hall Compost and Recycling Pilot will continue in winter term 2016. So keep up the good work sorting waste, and, remember, composting and recycling is orange.

In September 2015, the Valley Library’s Learning Commons implemented Campus Recycling’s “All in the Hall” program — but with a slight twist. In addition to pairing trash bins with paper and can/bottle recycling bins (the standard model), the library also added compost bins so that food waste and compostable materials would not be sent to the landfill. The strategy worked, and library patrons in the Learning Commons (the library’s pilot site) used all the disposal options available. 

Two waste audits were completed before and after the pilot program was implemented: one on the Sunday of winter finals week and one previously on the Sunday of fall finals week. The amount of trash thrown away on finals Sunday in December decreased by 42% when compared to finals Sunday in March. Way to go, Beavs!

The Learning Commons All in the Hall Compost and Recycling Pilot will continue in winter term 2016. So keep up the good work sorting waste, and, remember, composting and recycling is orange.

In September 2015, the Valley Library’s Learning Commons implemented Campus Recycling’s “All in the Hall” program — but with a slight twist. In addition to pairing trash bins with paper and can/bottle recycling bins (the standard model), the library also added compost bins so that food waste and compostable materials would not be sent to the landfill. The strategy worked, and library patrons in the Learning Commons (the library’s pilot site) used all the disposal options available. 

Two waste audits were completed before and after the pilot program was implemented: one on the Sunday of winter finals week and one previously on the Sunday of fall finals week. The amount of trash thrown away on finals Sunday in December decreased by 42% when compared to finals Sunday in March. Way to go, Beavs!

The Learning Commons All in the Hall Compost and Recycling Pilot will continue in winter term 2016. So keep up the good work sorting waste, and, remember, composting and recycling is orange.

The annual OSU Staff Art Exhibit currently showing at the LaSells Stewart Center includes art created by library employees Ruth Vondracek, Karl McCreary, Laura Wilson and Daniel Moret. 

This is a juried show where artists can submit two pieces, and then the best submissions from employees throughout the university are selected for this show. This exhibit is on display in the Giustina Gallery in the lobby of the LaSells Stewart Center through January 22. Many of the pieces are for sale, so if you see something you love, you can enjoy it forever.

The annual OSU Staff Art Exhibit currently showing at the LaSells Stewart Center includes art created by library employees Ruth Vondracek, Karl McCreary, Laura Wilson and Daniel Moret. 

This is a juried show where artists can submit two pieces, and then the best submissions from employees throughout the university are selected for this show. This exhibit is on display in the Giustina Gallery in the lobby of the LaSells Stewart Center through January 22. Many of the pieces are for sale, so if you see something you love, you can enjoy it forever.

Altmetrics, or “alternative metrics,” represent an emerging field of new methods for measuring the impact and usage of scholarly works. Based on the results of a faculty survey and a trial of providing altmetrics to articles in ScholarsArchive@OSU, the OSU Libraries are looking forward to using PlumX to provide article-level, and optionally institutional-level, altmetrics to all scholarly works produced by OSU researchers.

On February 2 from 9:30-11:00 a.m. in the Willamette Rooms on the third floor of the Valley Library, Victor Castellanos from Plum Analytics will give a presentation about PlumX, a suite of programs that use modern metrics to help answer questions about research impact, engagement and visibility. The presentation will be followed with a live demo of the product and a Q&A session. 

Altmetrics have a number of advantages compared to citation-based measures including speed of accumulation, breadth of impact, and diversity of research products (software and videos). 

Plum Analytics, a division of EBSCO Information Services, designs a suite of programs called PlumX that tracks and gathers metrics in five different categories related to their usage, captures, mentions, social media and citations.  

The presenter has more than fifteen years of experience working with academic, corporate and medical libraries as well as offices of research and sponsored programs, and he has experience with funding opportunities software to locate financing for research and helping academic institutions promote research by providing bibliographic reference management tools. 

Altmetrics, or “alternative metrics,” represent an emerging field of new methods for measuring the impact and usage of scholarly works. Based on the results of a faculty survey and a trial of providing altmetrics to articles in ScholarsArchive@OSU, the OSU Libraries are looking forward to using PlumX to provide article-level, and optionally institutional-level, altmetrics to all scholarly works produced by OSU researchers.

On February 2 from 9:30-11:00 a.m. in the Willamette Rooms on the third floor of the Valley Library, Victor Castellanos from Plum Analytics will give a presentation about PlumX, a suite of programs that use modern metrics to help answer questions about research impact, engagement and visibility. The presentation will be followed with a live demo of the product and a Q&A session. 

Altmetrics have a number of advantages compared to citation-based measures including speed of accumulation, breadth of impact, and diversity of research products (software and videos). 

Plum Analytics, a division of EBSCO Information Services, designs a suite of programs called PlumX that tracks and gathers metrics in five different categories related to their usage, captures, mentions, social media and citations.  

The presenter has more than fifteen years of experience working with academic, corporate and medical libraries as well as offices of research and sponsored programs, and he has experience with funding opportunities software to locate financing for research and helping academic institutions promote research by providing bibliographic reference management tools. 

Altmetrics, or “alternative metrics,” represent an emerging field of new methods for measuring the impact and usage of scholarly works. Based on the results of a faculty survey and a trial of providing altmetrics to articles in ScholarsArchive@OSU, the OSU Libraries are looking forward to using PlumX to provide article-level, and optionally institutional-level, altmetrics to all scholarly works produced by OSU researchers.

On February 2 from 9:30-11:00 a.m. in the Willamette Rooms on the third floor of the Valley Library, Victor Castellanos from Plum Analytics will give a presentation about PlumX, a suite of programs that use modern metrics to help answer questions about research impact, engagement and visibility. The presentation will be followed with a live demo of the product and a Q&A session. 

Altmetrics have a number of advantages compared to citation-based measures including speed of accumulation, breadth of impact, and diversity of research products (software and videos). 

Plum Analytics, a division of EBSCO Information Services, designs a suite of programs called PlumX that tracks and gathers metrics in five different categories related to their usage, captures, mentions, social media and citations.  

The presenter has more than fifteen years of experience working with academic, corporate and medical libraries as well as offices of research and sponsored programs, and he has experience with funding opportunities software to locate financing for research and helping academic institutions promote research by providing bibliographic reference management tools. 
