Library Services | Opt in / Opt out? | Additional information |
Viewing physical materials in the Special Collections and Archives Research Center. Personally identifiable information for individuals accessing SCARC material is recorded and may be visible to library or security personnel. |
Opt out by not using this service. Archivists can work with you to scan the material you need, instead. This information is kept for 5 years |
This is a best practice recommended by the archival/rare book community, so it is not expected to change in the future. |
Checking out materials from the library. Currently, our circulation system stores emails that are sent to users regarding recalls, overdue materials, loans, requests and etc. |
In May 2017, our system was upgraded to allow for anonymization of notification messages. Please note that anonymization is turned on by default for all users. There will be a period of no more than 7 days that the messages are stored in the system before this process occurs. For long overdue or billed items, notices are retained for up to a year for financial verification purposes.
Fines and billing data are required records retention so that questions about patron financial accounts can be accurately answered. |
Interlibrary loan. Interlibrary loan usage is governed by the American Library Association Code for the United States. This code requires a retention schedule of interlibrary loan requests for 5 years. Requests contain personally identifiable information and bibliographic information. |
Opt-out of this service by not using interlibrary loan. This data is kept for 5 years. |
This data is used to see trends in service usage over time, and to provide data for collection development decisions. |
Emails received by the library and library units. Emails received are kept by Information Services. Examples of communications that are stored include messages to interlibrary loan, circulation, or the library information desk about anything library related. | Users can receive direct help from library staff by calling the library directly at (541) 737-3331. | |
Chat. When you talk with us through our chat system, a transcript of the discussion (including any personally-identifying information that was shared), date and time of the discussion, and your IP address are all recorded and stored. If you shared your name when starting the transaction, that information is anonymized. This data is retained for 10 years. | Opt out by not using this service. If you have a reference question you’d like to talk to a librarian about, please come into the library or call us. | |
Reference. We use a third party tool to manage and study our reference questions. These questions come in from chat, system form inputs, email, texts, and are recorded after in-person sessions. We use this data to better characterize the types of questions we are addressing. Names and other personally-identifying information, if shared, may be recorded in this database. This data is retained for 10 years. | Opt out by not giving your name or email address when using this service. | |
1Search.Search queries entered into 1Search are anonymized and stored for analytics purposes. | You may opt-out by not using 1Search for your research needs. Your search query in 1Search is routinely anonymized. Please note that 1Search may redirect to a thirdparty vendor that may collect user data. | |
Third-party vendors and publishers. The Libraries license digital content and databases hosted and administered by third parties and participate in consortia that access some of our data. | Opt out by not using these services. |
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