Congratulations to Kimberly Clairmont, a Political Science & Speech Communication OSU student and Valley Library employee of three years on her graduation!
Graduating student employees are routinely celebrated within the library with the acquisition of a book that they feel best represents them as part of the READ campaign.
Kimberly chose the book, "The Way Women Are: Transformative Opinions and Dissents of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg." This book can now be checked out at the Valley Library.
"Former Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg inspired me to pursue a career in law. Her work as a trailblazing lawyer and activist for women's rights gave me the confidence to attend law school, fight for justice, and speak out against oppressive systems. This book dives deep into Ginsburg's brilliant legal mind and eloquent legal writing that shaped legal doctrine for centuries granting equal protection under the law for all women and men alike. I hope others enjoy reading about her history and life's work as she is truly one of the most influential women in American history. Ginsburg will always be a beacon of hope and a symbol of strength to so many women like myself across the nation and around the globe." -Kimberly Clairmont on why she chose "The Way Women Are"
She has aspirations to practice family law after she graduates Gonzaga University of Law, writing that: "As a graduate of Gonzaga University of Law, I aim to practice family law in the hopes of advocating for children in peril. Giving a voice to the voiceless and pursuing justice remain my strongest values and goals in life. My dream of becoming a legal advocate will present me with many challenges, but I am excited to pursue a noble cause in the hopes of making the lives of others better in any way I possibly can."
Thank you for your service to the Valley Library and for your future service in family law!