
Students, faculty, and staff can check out laptops from Borrowing and Information. 
For laptop availability: Library of Things.
Faculty laptops for instruction across campus and other OSU buisness: faculty equipment


  • Loan for one week.
  • One per person.
  • Can automatically renew up to three times, so long as no one is on the waitlist.
  • Requested laptops will remain on the hold shelf for three days.
  • Loan requires checkout of bag and charger. Computer mice may be borrowed separately.
  • Additional software cannot be installed. Installed Software.
  • You must log into an OSU WiFi network before leaving campus. All laptops can connect to non-OSU wifi networks.
  • User content will be erased when the laptop is returned.
  • A replacement fee of up to $1500 will be charged for unreturned and/or damaged items.

Important note about logging in and leaving campus:

  • Windows Dell Latitude: Log in to the laptop using your ONID account before leaving campus.

  • HP Chromebook: Log in to the laptop using your full Oregon State email:

Checkout of laptops implies agreement with the following statement:

Laptops must be used in compliance with state and federal laws and with University Policy: 08-005 Acceptable Use of University Resources. Those who violate this policy or state or federal laws may be subject to criminal or disciplinary proceedings.

Borrowing and Information