Items lost in the Valley Library may be reclaimed at the Circulation counter on the library's second floor near the main entrance.
Unclaimed items valued at more than $100, or items containing personal information, are collected by OSU Public Safety. These items include phones, wallets, laptops, passports, driver’s licenses, and USBs. All unclaimed keys (personal and OSU) are also sent to Public Safety, and then distributed to the key shop if necessary. To inquire about your item, check first at the Circulation counter (541) 737-7254 /, then contact Public Safety at (541) 737-3010.
OSU keys may be routed to the key shop after we send them to Public Safety. You may contact the key shop at (541) 737-3565.
Unclaimed OSU IDs are taken to the ID Center in the Memorial Union (room 103). You may contact them at (541) 737-2493.
Other unclaimed items (such as water bottles, notebooks, shoes, umbrellas) are removed to campus recycling. It's best to check first with the Circulation counter (541) 737-7254 / before contacting
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