Congratulations to Natalia Fernandez. Her article “Las Historias de Latinos en Oregon: Canby, Oregon An Oral History Project Collaboration Between a Librarian and an Archivist” was just published in the Oregon Library Quarterly. This issue’s theme was the REFORMA Oregon Chapter, and it was guest edited by Martin Blasco of Washington County Cooperative Library Services.
Congratulations to Brooke Robertshaw, Michaela Willi-Hooper, and Kerri Goergen-Doll on their article appearing in Against the Grain. Check it out here.
Saturday’s event about William L. Finley and Herman Bohlman appeared in the Democrat Herald. Check out the story here.
Volunteers are needed to staff the upcoming Move Out Donation Drive, assisting with receiving and sorting donations. Volunteers are needed for the off-campus event on June 14 and 15; details and sign-up here. And for the res. hall event June 8-20; details and sign-up here. Shifts will be held at the OSUsed Warehouse and Surplus Property (644 SW 13th Street) and Benton County Fairgrounds (110 SW 53rd Street).
The LEAD and TED faculty met about the engagement model, renamed it to Liaison model and aligned those participating with Colleges and Schools to conform with faculty, staff and student mental model. They also called out other distinct areas of focus and identified people to be the primary points of contact. They identified back-ups for when they are out. Future actions include updating the web site and conducting both quantitative and qualitative assessment.
Join Michaela Willi Hooper at the Portland State University Library in Portland on July 17th for the ACRL Scholarly Communication Roadshow. Since OSULP is a co-sponsor you will receive priority registration until June 1st for this free, daylong workshop. Lunch is included. If you’re interested, register here.
What role will PERS play in your retirement plan? Understand how your PERS retirement works and explore the various choices, advantages/disadvantages you will need to consider when you decide to retire. May 16, noon, MU 212 Designed for people within 5 years of retirement. Presented by Barbara Koontz, Financial Advisor, CFS*. RSVP to
ETS LT3 – This position is on hold.
Acquisitions LT3 – This position is on hold.
Science Librarian – This position is on hold.
Building Manager – An offer has been made.
Web Developer – An offer has been made.
Resource Sharing/CM Unit Manager – An offer has been made.
“Here was one place where I could find out who I was and what I was going to become. And that was the public library.”
— Jerzy Kosinski