New training, open houses, and gifts.
Thanks to the generous support of Elizabeth Anne Merryfield, the library has received another gift of $526,000 as part of her estate. Anne Merryfield served on the Friends of the Library board for many years, and during her time on the board she personally sent handwritten thank-you notes to every individual/couple who made a gift to the Friends of the Library, no matter the size of the gift. Anne passed away this past June, and a previous gift of $500,000 had already been given to the library by Anne's estate back in September of last year. This endowment is currently used to support the purchase of library materials.
Come purchase your favorite Beaver Classic Cheeses. Take home some of our new flavors…Porter Soaked, Hard Cider Soaked or Pinot SoakeCheddars. Or their newest Award Winner…Smoked Cheddar – American Cheese Society 3rd Place 2016. Fridays 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Withycombe 159. They are at the Farmers Market on Saturdays, sharing a booth with The Organic Growers Club. For more information, e-mail .
For prospective presenters: Share your department’s innovations, policies, procedures, systems implementation, or other topic relevant to OSU employees! OSU Training Days 2017 provides an opportunity for you to reach out to employees in up to 65 mini workshops led by OSU topic experts. For more in-depth presenter information, visit Contact Leigh Larkin at X7-3207 or email by Aug. 30 (but, earlier is better!) to schedule your session.
ETS will hold their open house this week on Wednesday, July 26, from 1-4 p.m. The purpose of these hours is for you to drop by and see /hear what ETS is working on and to bring technology issues that you have questions about.
Branding Tips from Daniel Moret
Last week, we looked at the university’s style for photos, and today we’ll take a brief look at the university’s voice and writing style.
As with the photographs that we shoot and select for publication, our writing about the university should be based on these personality traits: Gritty and hard-working;
Determined; Confident; Collaborative; Visionary; Conscientious; Welcoming, friendly, open to all and enriched by difference.
There is more detailed info online in a message map, and the University Relation and Marketing department recommends that we download the message map to our computer desktops for easy reference when composing text about the university.
For more info online about the writing style to use when communicating about the university and on using the personality traits, go to
We have another series of fantastic workshops ready for you coming up in August. The Diamond Law group will be putting on training on implicit bias and another workshop on race here at the Valley Library on August 10th, from 9 a.m. to noon. There are only 30 open seats for this training, so please sign up soon.
In conjunction with this, the same group is also putting on training at the University of Oregon in the afternoon, from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on implicit bias as well as a workshop on gender dynamics. You can sign up for those workshops as well! Please ensure you talk with your supervisor if you intend on traveling down to Eugene for this training. Registration for the workshops can be done here.
Implicit bias webinar: “Controlling for Implicit Bias in Hiring and Managing Student Support Staff and Students to Create More Inclusive Environments.” Learn how implicit bias manifests in our daily work, and how to work with students and student support staff in an inclusive way that addresses potential bias. First hour is the webinar; second hour is discussion with Anne Gillies and Kerry McQuillin. Aug. 1, 9-11 a.m., Memorial Union – 13 Multipurpose Room
PERS Simplified Tier 1 & 2. What role will PERS play in your retirement plan? Understand how your PERS retirement works and explore the various choices, advantages/disadvantages you will need to consider when you decide to retire. Designed for people within 5 years of retirement. Presented by Barbara Koontz, Financial Advisor, CFS*. RSVP to Aug 3, noon, MU 206.
ETS LT3 – This position has been posted and will close on the 20th of August.
Monograph Acquisitions LT3 – This position is on hold.
Serials Acquisitions LT3 – The committee has been formed for this search.
Cataloging LT3 – A committee has been formed and is updating the PD.
Cataloging LT3 – This position is on hold.
Circulation LT2 – The posting for this position has closed and the committee is looking at times for conducting interviews.
Circulation LT2 – The posting for this position has closed and the committee is looking at times for conducting interviews.
Science Librarian – The committee for this position has re-formed and is meeting with Faye to renew their charge.
Resource Sharing/CM Unit Manager – The position has closed and the committee is reviewing the 16 applicants.
“Learning is not attained by chance, it must be
sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence.”
― Abigail Adams