New public lecture, Press presentations, and libguides on the news.
Larry will be giving a public lecture next Thursday at 6 p.m.. Join him at the Old World Deli as he talks about John V. Bennes, the prolific Portland architect who played a significant role in shaping OSU’s campus prior to WWII.
Congratulations to Jane Nichols on the publication of Women’s Lives Around the World, a Global Encyclopedia by Susan M. Shaw, general editor, and Nancy Staton Barbour, Patti Duncan, Kryn Freehling-Burton, and Jane Nichols, editors. Also to Anne-Marie Deitering and Beth Filar-Williams on “Make It Work: Using Service Design to Support Collaboration in Challenging Times.” That was published in The International Information & Library Review, January 2018.
Interested in what’s going on with the government shutdown? Valery has prepared an awesome libguide that goes over some of the basic facts.
Check out the new exhibit “Community, Collaboration, Craft: A Glimpse of Art at OSU” at the OSU Special Collections and Archives Special Center Gallery on the 5th floor of the Valley Library. Discover what puppet noses, danceramics, and wood marquetry have in common in this celebration of artistic inspiration on campus. On display until May 31st.
Instructor of printmaking Gordon Gilkey played many influential roles in the OSU and Oregon art community. He served as a longtime professor (1947-1976), a renown print maker, Art Department Chair, first Dean of the School of Social Sciences and Humanities, one of the “monuments men” in the recovery of art stolen by the Nazis during WWII, and a major patron of the Portland Art Museum.
(Gwil Evans Photograph Collection (P082), 1951)
OSU Press author, Ambassador Thomas Graham, Jr., is giving a lecture on Monday 29 January at 3:00 p.m. in the MU Journey Room 104 (see attached flyer). His presentation is based on his recent book The Alternate Route: Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zones. Copies of the book will be for sale at the event.
Take a look at the university’s art exhibit, with artwork from some of your fellow co-workers! The exhibit will last until January 28th, and there will be a reception this Thursday from 5-7 p.m. at the LaSells Stewart Center.
Scaled Grants (up to $100,000) - Scaled Grants will be awarded to multi-departmental teams at the OSU Corvallis campus who are launching new initiatives or expanding existing ones. Co-contributed resources of staff time and/or funds are expected, and a sustainability plan for maintaining the initiative should be included with the proposal. Deans need to review and actively support the project. Projects should directly contribute to student learning and experience: although research may be conducted on a funded project, the grant funds are not intended to support research itself.
Phase One short proposals for Winter 2018 Scaled Grants are due by February 9. Full proposals are due March 16, 2018. Both phases must be submitted for a proposal to be considered for award.
Winter workshops: Winter-term training workshops for employees, presented by the Center for Training & Organizational Development, are open for registration. Workshops include De-Junking Your Life, Core Curriculum for Supervisors and Managers, Cultural Competency, Giving Feedback: A Gift or a Brick?, Delivering Exceptional Service, Strategic Planning & Execution, and Coaching: A Process for Developing Talent. Details, times, dates and registration (no cost)
Monograph Acquisitions LT3 – The posting for these two positions can be found online. Feel free to share the link to the position and encourage others to apply. The deadline has been extended to January 30th for this posting.
Serials Acquisitions LT3 – Angela Martinelli has officially joined the library. Stop by and say hello when you get a chance
Science Librarian – The search will re-open in the near future.
Resource Sharing/CM Unit Manager – Laura Ramos will start in this position on January 29th.
Circulation LT2 – The committee is interviewing applicants for this position.
If you haven’t had a chance to say hello to Marisol Ortiz, then stop by her cube, located on the 4th floor. Marisol is the new diversity scholar in the library, and will work with many of the departments in the library through the summer.
“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.”
― Aristotle
Can you guess the animal’s person?
Jampa is a St. Berdoodle, an interesting mix of Ber and doodle.
Jampa is almost 2 years old and about 110 pounds. Her favorite activities include tug, hiking, and chase.
Answers can be shared with colleagues and guessed among the office. Next week’s newsletter will have the owner’s name. Last week’s pet was Lisa Greenfield’s pupper, Tucker.
Every year I look forward to February for two reasons. First, I have a love of Valentine’s Day but the second and most important, we have a chance to fight hunger in Benton and Linn counties. Each year the faculty, staff and students of OSULP make a commitment to supporting the OSU Food Drive through a variety of activities. In this AUL’s corner, I want to take a little time to share a bit of information about hunger in our corner of the world and urge you to support this year’s food drive.
Food security is defined as having enough to eat, and being able to purchase or obtain healthy food in socially acceptable way.
In Benton County 16% of our total population has food insecurity. This translates to approximately 13,800 people.
In Linn County the rate is 15.8%, translating to 18,510 people.
“Feeding America, a national nonprofit that monitors food security, estimates that 27 percent of children in the region are living in food insecure households, more than one out of every four children.”
For every dollar we donate, Linn-Benton Food Share can distribute 15 pounds of food.
I urge you to take advantage of all of the food drive events we’ve scheduled in the library and help stamp out hunger.
- Cheryl Middleton
121 The Valley Library
Corvallis OR 97331–4501