The students at Oregon State are what make this institution truly great. The library supports the educational mission of OSU in many ways, and is able to support some specific opportunities thanks to generous contributions from library donors. A few of the ways that the library seeks to give back to students is through:
Library Undergraduate Research Awards
Thanks to the generous contribution of Gilbert and Marie Cleasby, this award allows the library to provide two annual scholarships of $1,000 to students who have excelled by using the library. Students have the opportunity to submit research papers or research projects that they’ve done for a class through the month of January in an effort to win these funds.
Experiential Learning Opportunities
The library hosts 12 internship opportunities that provide students at Oregon State with the opportunity to both learn and work during the school year. These paid internships provide opportunities for students to gain experiences in librarianship, outreach and marketing, and archival collection work. Library internships are funded through the generous contributions of many donors and include the George P. Griffis OSU Press Internship fund and the Stephens T. Shou Library fund.
Study Abroad Program
The library hosts an annual study abroad class called Information and Global Social Justice that’s part of a campus immersion program. This seminar occurs during the summer with a seven-day trip to Europe. Funding for the instructors and a student organizer are provided through donations to OSU Libraries and Press.