We are well into the rainy season. There is something about looking out on a cold and damp world from inside a warm and cozy library that puts me in an introspective mood. This Fall term has been invigorating. The library has been full during quiet times and full to bursting during busy times. And there is something in the air that is more than the numbers. The students are coming to our events and are excited about our programs, both academic and social. Last year, I could honestly say that the students were back in this library. This year, I can say that the study groups are back. The social activities are back. The energy in the building is productive, collaborative and inspiring.
We have gone through so much change in the last few years that it is easy to think of change only as a challenge — as something that needs to be managed or survived. This term has been a good reminder to me that change is more complicated than that. Every group of students that comes to OSU brings a different set of experiences with them, and those experiences shape how they interact with their professors, with the library and with each other. Every year I get the chance to see the world from their perspective and learn new things. That’s one of the great joys of working in the library, and of being part of the OSU community.
Anne-Marie Deitering
Delpha and Donald Campbell Dean of Libraries
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