OSU Libraries and Press, like other units of OSU, is maintaining essential functions onsite to support remote teaching and learning. As of March 20, public access to library spaces at the Valley Library (Corvallis campus), Cascades Library (Bend) and the Guin Library (Hatfield Marine Science Center in Newport) is temporarily suspended. The libraries will not be open to the public nor to faculty, staff and students. Building access is being controlled to comply with COVID-19 restrictions. The limited access to OSU libraries will continue into the 2020 spring term for an indefinite period.
OSU Libraries is focusing on digital services and on delivering materials to all OSU students, staff and faculty at all campus locations and for OSU users who are off-campus. For those requests that cannot be met via digital access or delivery, we encourage you to contact staff to make arrangements for pickup. Users can contact Valley Library staff through email, text, phone or chat to make arrangements. Cascades Library users can contact library@osucascades.edu. Users of the Guin Library in Newport can make arrangements by contacting staff at hmsc.library@oregonstate.edu.
For current info on the libraries' services and hours during the response to COVID-19, see https://library.oregonstate.edu/valley-library-hours.
OSU Libraries and Press has prepared a guide with more details about specific services, access to collections, and, most importantly, contact information at https://guides.library.oregonstate.edu/coronavirus. We update this site continuously, so please refer to it for current information about operations.
Resources for Families
OSU’s Family Resource Center has developed a webpage with a lengthy and useful list of resources for families, especially those with younger children, This site is at https://familyresources.oregonstate.edu/COVID-19FamilyResources. It includes a homeschooling guide developed by OSU librarians along with lists for food resources, educational resources, entertainment options, and tips for coping and talking with children.
News and Research on COVID-19
For news and research (articles, databases, and other resources) about COVID-19, go to https://guides.library.oregonstate.edu/covid-19.