A new book titled
Visions of Linus Pauling has been released by World Scientific Publishers. Edited by Oregon State University Libraries archivist and faculty member Chris Petersen, the book primarily consists of chapters that were originally written as serialized blog posts by OSU students for publication on The Pauling Blog, which Petersen edits. Each of these students was employed by the OSU Libraries Special Collections and Archives Research Center to conduct original research in the Ava Helen and Linus Pauling Papers for publication on the blog.
A 1922 graduate of Oregon Agricultural College, as OSU was once known, Linus Pauling (1901-1994) went on to a remarkable career as a scientist and peace activist, and remains history’s only recipient of two unshared Nobel Prizes (Chemistry, 1954; Peace, 1962). At twenty-three chapters and nearly 400 pages,
Visions of Linus Pauling offers a selection of The Pauling Blog’s most unique contributions to the ever-evolving study of Linus Pauling’s life and work.
The book is intended for a general audience and is available for purchase in hardback and as an e-book. For more information, see:
Posted - February 16, 2023