While most OSU-Cascades services and functions occur on main campus, there is an additional Cascades building under a mile away. Known as the Graduate Research Center, or GRC, this building is home to graduate programs, faculty offices, the student equity lounge, as well as a handful of undergraduate classes each term. Despite being close to main campus as the crow flies, many commuter students do not find themselves back on main campus, where the library is located, especially for those who’s classes take place primarily at the GRC.
As April Witteveen, Library Director of OSU-Cascades Library, continues working to increase awareness of both the campus library and OSU library services as a whole, she wanted to bring a library presence to the GRC. She began this by brainstorming during the summer of 2024, and felt that a staffed library pop-up could be an interesting pilot project. As the only librarian working at Cascades, April would need to investigate the possibilities of having library student workers running the pop-up.
Library Dean Anne Marie Deitering previously shared information about the Summers Innovative Student Worker fund, an endowment meant to support peer learning and career development for student workers in the library system. April and Anne Marie discussed if this fund could apply to a new student position at Cascades, specifically for staffing the pop-up; since the pop-up requires significant independent work, along with assessment of services and engagement, the funding source was a great fit.
April feels lucky to have Riley, a Hospitality Management student, working at the library, who was offered the opportunity to be the first pop-up staff person. April and Riley worked out what would be the standard kit for this outreach program and settled on bringing a variety of library materials (books, hobby kits, equipment, etc) along with library swag and information, and a laptop to access the library website and circulation software. Riley has been working at the GRC pop-up for 12 hours a week and has not only circulated library materials but has great conversations with OSU faculty, staff, and engages regularly with many passing students. She is keeping a log to track observations and considerations as the OSU-Cascades Library move through this pilot.
April and Riley will continue the GRC pop-up for the rest of the academic year and then assess the program. As the OSU-Cascades campus continues to grow, outreach like this pop-up and other remote services will all support the mission of the Cascades library and all of OSULP.
Article written by April Witteveen & adapted by Robin Weis