Your place for news and information about what OSULP is up to.
The Library was mentioned in the Daily Barometer Blast as they talked about the rally for more affordable textbooks.
Mark Your Calendars: Earth Day 2017 Celebrations and Events! OSU is hosting multiple Earth Day/ Beyond Earth Day events including the 2017 Earth Day of Service and the OSU Organic Growers Club Earth Day Hoo Haa, both on Saturday April 22. On April 25th swing by the SEC Plaza and visit the Earth Day Fair, including the Valley Library table (recycling/compost jeopardy and crafts with old maps). Also if you happen to not be at work on Tuesday, April 18, Patagonia will be down in Eugene holding a clothing and gear repair event.
A Conversation with Brenda Tracy and Jackie Sandmeyer about Sexual Violence on Campus will be held on April 27th from 4-6pm in the MU Horizon Room. Please RSVP (refreshments will be available) at or 541-737-2030.
Bring Your Kids to Campus Day is coming up soon! It’ll be here on Friday of next week, April 14th. There’s a schedule of fun activities that you can find at the childcare and family welfare website.
Anne-Marie returned from the Next Generation Learning Spaces 2017 conference and has some interesting notes to share. Check them out on her travel blog.
You may have seen in a previous newsletter that Richard had a poster accepted to IFLA. Well, he also had a paper accepted! The topic of the paper will be about the exclusion of some Native Tribes of Oregon in the LC Subject Headings.
The Portland area receives between 1,300 and 1,800 refugees each year. These families arrive with very little and need to settle in and begin to build their lives here. We are collecting items for refugee restart kits for the kitchen. There are large post-it notes up in the staff lounge, each with a needed item written on it. Please take one or more and buy that item new and bring it to Deborah Carroll’s cube on the third floor before Wednesday April 19. We will assemble the kits and Faye will bring them up to Portland.
Taking on new job responsibilities can feel daunting—but it doesn’t have to be. In this month’s episode of American Libraries Live, an expert panel will provide tips for remaining stress-free and share advice that will help you prepare for change. Join American Libraries Live for this free webinar on Thursday, April 13 from 1–2pm Eastern and learn how you can master new tricks!
Conversational Skills for Influencing Decisions will have another series of workshops for those who are interested. Details can be found online, but the foundational training will be April 17 and April 18 from 8:00am to 3:00pm on both days. Check with your supervisor if you’re interested.
ETS LT3 – This position is on hold.
Acquisitions LT3 – This position is on hold.
Science Librarian – This position is on hold.
Building Manager – The candidates will be visiting campus this week for their interviews. Say hello if you see them walking around.
Web Developer – The committee is planning out the in-person interviews now.
Resource Sharing/CM Unit Manager – The last candidate was interviewed last week, and the committee is seeking your feedback. Provide it now!
Rachel Lilley, the new LT3 in SCARC, will be starting next Monday. Come by the 5th floor and say hello!
“Google can bring you back 100,000 answers, a librarian can bring you back the right one.”
— Neil Gaiman