Events, conference feedback, and congratulations
Congratulations to our University Librarian, Faye Chadwell, for being elected by the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) membership to serve on the ACRL Board as a member-at-large.
Uta Hussong-Christian was voted in as the ALA Sustainability Round Table coordinator-elect, and Richard Sapon-White as the chair-elect of the International Relations Round Table. Congratulations to all of you for the hard work that you do.
The annual bring your kids to campus day returns on Friday, April 20th. You can find a list of activities for children at the Family Resources website, or contact the center with any questions at 541-737-4906 and .
The school of Public Policy is hosting an event titled The Cultural Functions of Climate: Historical and Geographical Perspectives with Professor Mike Hulme. It’ll be Tuesday, April 17, at 2:30 pm in MU 013.
During CNI, Cheryl attended a presentation from Stanford on RIALTO. RIALTO is their information intelligence system, and could inform conversations with the research office and international affairs here at OSU.
Beyond Earth Day celebration happening April 20th-27th. OSU’s and the Corvallis Community’s long-standing Beyond Earth Day celebration goes beyond the typical Earth Day! Running for a whole week (April 20th-27th) and hosted at a variety of locations, the celebration offers events focused on sustainable earth ecosystems, social progress and justice, and a healthy economy. Whether you’re interested in checking out all the interactive booths at the annual Community Fair, enjoying live music at the Organic Growers Club Hoo Haa, or giving back through the Earth Day of Service, this year’s Beyond Earth Day offers all that and much more! See the full calendar and details at
CIAzumano, OSU’s contracted travel agency, will be giving a presentation on travel services and their online booking tool (nuTravel) on Tuesday, April 24th at 9:30-11:00am. The training will be in Cascades Hall, room 118, and you can sign up at the Professional Development website.
Monograph Acquisitions LT3 – The search is closed and two individuals have been hired: Sarah Viscuso and Debbie Du Tell. They start today, Monday, April 16th. Stop by RAS sometime and say hello.
Science Librarian – The search for this position has been canceled due to having a small pool of applicants. The PD is being reconfigured and should be finalized sometime soon
Metadata Librarian – The committee has finished its phone interviews and are working on scheduling on-site interviews. Those should occur the first and second week of May.
“Do not give them a candle to light the way, teach them how to make fire instead. That is the meaning of enlightenment.”
― Kamand Kojouri
Can you guess the animal’s person?
This is Stuart, more often Stu. And sometimes (more often) Punk. Stu’s favorite activities include: soulful declarations of love for smoothies and apple cores, playing keep-away with things no one else could possibly want to touch, and questioning authority (specifically when authority seems obsessed with sitting). Stu is about to turn ten this spring, but his spirit animal is pure puppy.
Answers can be shared with colleagues and guessed among the office. Next week’s newsletter will have the owner’s name. Last week’s hen was Kerri Goergen-Dolls.
Last Thursday, Provost Ed Feser hosted an all-day Summit in support of his Student Success Initiative. He set the stage with remarks that focused on justice, inclusion and removing barriers to success. As he pointed out, the data we have clearly shows that while OSU has made some gains, we still have a way to go to be a truly inclusive organization where all of our students can flourish.
Four task forces have been gathering data about student success at OSU throughout the year. This event was an opportunity for them to share their work, and for that work to provide a foundation for some broader conversations about student success at OSU. While the event was not designed to develop solutions, the feedback gathered here will largely shape the Provost’s student success strategy for the next few years. If you have questions or want to know more, the library was well represented by: Beth, Jane, Kelly, Erin and Brooke. I think it is fair to say that we all got something different out of the experience, and that together, we made a good case for the library as an essential part of the student success picture.
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