Your place for news and information about what OSULP is up to.


Lisa GreenfieldIt is with a heavy heart that we say good bye to two of our beloved staff members.  Last week marked the last full day for Lisa Greenfield and Diane Siple.  Both will be able to join us for part time temporary assignments for a little while longer, so say thank you to them if you do have a chance to see them around the library.



A Conversation with Brenda Tracy and Jackie Sandmeyer about Sexual Violence on Campus will be held on April 27th from 4-6pm in the MU Horizon Room.  Please RSVP (refreshments will be available) at or 541-737-2030.


Bring Your Kids to Campus Day is coming up soon!  It’ll be here on Friday of next week, April 14th. There’s a schedule of fun activities that you can find at the childcare and family welfare website.  



SCARC is co-hosting a Horning Lecture with SHPR, “Vesalius in Wonderland”.  It’ll be this Wednesday at 4pm in the SCARC reading room.


iPads are Available for Checkout!  Find them on the loanable equipment page or look them up in Primo to request iPad


Students try on some cardboard VR goggles.

Beth Filar-Williams attended ACRL and wrote about her experiences.  Find them here on her travel blog.


Margaret led a group of ChickTech (and OSU student) volunteers on an alternative Spring Break trip to Hood River and The Dalles. We partnered with Open Campus/Juntos and 4-H Outreach to deliver 2 days of Spring Break Tech Camp with 30 middle and high school students.  Students learned about virtual reality with Google Cardboard (see photo) and made “frankenanimals” by disassembling and reassembling stuffed animals and adding electronic circuits, among other activities.


The Portland area receives between 1,300 and 1,800 refugees each year.  These families arrive with very little and need to settle in and begin to build their lives here.  We are collecting items for refugee restart kits for the kitchen.  There are large post-it notes up in the staff lounge, each with a needed item written on it.  Please take one or more and buy that item new and bring it to Deborah Carroll’s cube on the third floor before Wednesday April 19.  We will assemble the kits and Faye will bring them up to Portland.


There’s a new director for the Corvallis-Benton County Public Library.  Check out the news about Ashlee Chavez on the library’s website. 



Conversational Skills for Influencing Decisions will have another series of workshops for those who are interested.  Details can be found online, but the foundational training will be April 17 and April 18 from 8:00am to 3:00pm on both days.  Check with your supervisor if you’re interested.


Stats Chat with Brooke and Mary Ellen is this Friday from 10-11am in Drinkward.  If you have the time, please check out their quick survey to find out what you know about stats.



ETS LT3 – This position is on hold.

Acquisitions LT3 – This position is on hold.

Science Librarian – This position is on hold.

Building Manager – The committee finished their phone interviews and identified three candidates to come to campus next week.

Web Developer – All phone interviews have been completed and the committee has identified candidates for half-day interviews.

Resource Sharing/CM Unit Manager – The last candidate will be on campus on Friday of this week.


Quote of the Week

“A library outranks any other one thing a community can do to benefit its people. It is a never failing spring in the desert.”

— Andrew Carnegie