Honorable mentions, sustainability tips, and updated collection guides.
Former Oregon attorney general John Koger calls out OSU Press for its unique role in helping all of us “better understand the state’s geography, political history, and values.”
Sustainability Tips for the Holidays: As the season of entertaining and gift giving kicks into high gear, the following tips and ideas are offered to support more sustainable celebrations.
from Corvallis Sustainability Coalition newsletter suggestion doc)
o If you get a print newspaper, use Sunday newspaper comic pages for colorful, fun gift wrap. Or use plain craft paper wrapping and decorate with beautiful, reused ribbons and bows
If you are going to be out for the holidays, please remember to set your delegates/ substitute approvers in BennyBuy so items don’t languish in your approval queues. If you need help on how to set up your delegates, the Tip Sheet can be found here.
SCARC has a host of updated collection guides, such as: graduate catalogs, libraries moving images, Kinsey brothers photgraphs, Fisheries and Wildlife Department films and videotapes, Agricultural and Resource Economics Department motion picture films and videotapes, and the Sphinx Society records.
An advertisement from the Press: It's time to stock up on books for holiday gift giving. From now through December 31, take 25% off selected titles when ordering through the OSU Press website. Just enter the promotion code18HOLIDAY at checkout to receive your discount. This discount is only available through the OSU Press website and only applies to the featured titles. Please note that books are not available for local pickup. Click here to view the complete list of featured titles.
You are invited to join the LBCC librarians at a forum with Ginger McCall, the Oregon Public Records Advocate, on Dec. 5, from 1:00 - 2:30, at the LBCC Albany Campus Library.
Mary is exploring participating in the Local Arrangements Committee for the Medical Library Association Conference being held in Portland in 2020. They are looking for volunteers and you do not have to be a member of MLA to participate.
Learn how to make websites accessible to people with disabilities in this one-day workshop. Please register for one of their sessions, offered November 15th, December 14th, and January 22nd.
Timberline Lodge has a call for proposals out, which ends December 31st. The planning committee is open to Presentations and Table Talks on all aspects of library acquisitions and collection management. Presenters are encouraged to engage the audience in discussion, whether the presentation leans more toward the practical "here's what we did" sessions or toward the more abstract "here's what we think" sessions.
LT2 in Circulation – There are 19 applicants for this position currently.
Acquisitions LT3 – The committee is working on posting this position.
Acquisitions/Monograph LT3 - The committee is working on posting this position.
GovDoc Position – The committee has been formed and they’re working on the PD.
Project Manager Position – The committee has not been formed for this position.
“Education is worthy if it tells you that how you can be a blessing for humanity.”
― Deepak Burfiwala
Can you guess the animal’s person?
Nebbiolo is about five years old and, according to her veterinarian, her ancestors were likely from Syria, due to her blackness, large ears, ultra soft fur and predilection for fish. She's a sweet, sociable and very athletic cat with an amazing jumping ability and loves to be chased around the house, although she also is fond laps and naps.
Answers can be shared with colleagues and guessed among the office. Last week’s pupper was Valerie Sterling’s faithful friend, Maxwell.
I just walked through the library on my way up from a meeting. When I am standing in the middle of the energy and anxiety of Finals Week Monday I can never quite believe that by Friday we will all be feeling that intensity slip away in an almost-empty building. No matter how many times I experience it, it never gets old.
(I'm convinced that even the building lets out a sigh of relief on Friday)
So from the middle of Finals Week Monday all I can say is -- let's go Beavers, we've got this!
-Anne-Marie Deitering
121 The Valley Library
Corvallis OR 97331–4501