Workshops abounding, system updates, and beans!
It’s world pulses day. What are pulses? They’re beans! They’re an important crop worldwide, and help ensure food security.
There’s an Undergraduate Student Success Summit coming up on Thursday, March 5th from 8-4 in the MU. They’ll be talking about student’s transition experiences, financial aid and scholarships, faculty-student engagement, curricular excellence, and experiential learning. Interested? Than register online now to sign up.
Interested in knowing more about how you can save for retirement? Well, look no further. Representatives from several of the big programs will be on campus monthly to talk to employees about what they can expect going forward. Schedule a meeting with TIAA, Fidelity, or the Oregon Savings Growth Plan today to talk to someone about how you can save for the future. Information about PERS will be available in April.
Do you hire student workers for your department? Than you might have heard about the new Benny Hire system that was rolled out at the start of the month. This new system is streamlining the way we hire students, and help in cutting down the turn-around time to get through all of that paperwork. Check out their website to learn more or to access the system.
There’s a 1-day alma workshop scheduled for Thursday, February 13th in the Autzen classroom. Anyone who works with Alma or is interested about what the system does is invited to attend – just make sure you check with your supervisor first. Lunch will be included.
There’s a community-building event coming up with the broader Corvallis community this February 27th from noon to 4 p.m. at the Corvallis public library main meeting room. The topic of the meeting is “The Open Streets Classroom: A University-Community Partnership for the Public Good.”
Do you use BennyBuy to place orders? You might have noticed some changes in the system today, as they’ve replaced some of the language on the system. “Orders” are now “Document Searches,” and “My Orders” are now “My Documents.”
Analyst Programmer 3 – Corey Gillen was hired into this position, and starts February 17th.
Monographs LT3 – The hiring manager is in the midst of making a decision.
Resource Sharing LT2 – This position is live, with a closing day of February 14th. The link to the posting is here:
Cataloging LT2 (temp) – The search will start soon.
Cataloging LT3 – A search committee has been formed with Margaret as the chair, Ian, Richard, and an external search advocate.
Collections Maintenance LT2 – No new updates.
Circulation LT2 – No new updates.
AUL – LAMP will be discussing the PD sometime in the near future.
“An educated mind is a questioning mind. Or is it?”
― T.S. Welti
These two feline friends are Luke (the black one) and Leia (the grey one). I’m fairly sure they’re named that because objects seem to mysteriously move off of tables and counters whenever they’re around. A fun fact: they’re from separate litters but were born only a week or so apart, so they were raised together. It explains so much.
Last week’s furry friend was Khan, who lives with Faye.
Do you have a favorite fuzzy friend you would like to share with the rest of the library? E-mail a picture and three important things to Don Frier.
Interested in what kind of board games we have in our collection? Well, you’re in luck, because we have a spot to feature some of those right here.
Search & Destroy is the first game OSULP has purchased for use as a course reserves for student’s in Professor Stacy Smith’s History 310 class, “The Historian’s Craft”. It is “Made by librarians for librarians. We know what you need (information literacy) and we know what you want (a break from lecturing).” Learn “database research skills while competing to stay alive”.
Although this game is currently on 3 hour loan, the board game collection contains 100s of games that circulate for 1 week. Check it out!
121 The Valley Library
Corvallis OR 97331–4501