New library publication, updates from Midwinter, and volunteer events.
Exciting news from the publication front. Nike Onifade and Laurie Bridges' article, "Sister Library Cooperation: Inspiring Cross-Cultural Capability for Librarians", has been published in IFLA Journal. Access and read it here.
Our sister library partnership has not been active in the last 18 months because Nike (the coordinator in Nigeria) has been launching an LIS program at her university and was most recently promoted to acting University Librarian. However, it looks like she has the time and wants to further our collaboration. (Hooray!) The sister library partnership began in August of 2015 and will conclude in August of 2020. You can find the agreement on the wiki. With all this in mind, Laurie would like to invite anyone who is interested to join the Sister Library Team (or remove yourself from the team). You can find a list of current team members and more information about the sister library partnership on the wiki.
Check out the new exhibit“Community, Collaboration, Craft: A Glimpse of Art at OSU” at the OSU Special Collections and Archives Special Center Gallery on the 5th floor of the Valley Library. Discover what puppet noses, danceramics, and wood marquetry have in common in this celebration of artistic inspiration on campus. On display until May 31st.
Interested in how ALA Midwinter went? Check out Beth’s travel blog and get a sense for Colorado in the winter.
Thanks to everyone who volunteered at the food share warehouse Tuesday morning to help package some 300 pounds of seeds.
Monograph Acquisitions LT3 – No new updates
Science Librarian – The posting for this position is live. Feel free to share the link with those who might be interested in applying.
Metadata Librarian – No new updates.
“The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education.”
― Martin Luther King, Jr.
Last week’s pet was Valerie Sterling’s dog, Maxwell. Do you have a pet? Would you like them to achieve internet fame? Then send their photo to Don Frier or Lise Hull, along with three interesting things about them.