New employee introductions, congratulations, and reminders.
Welcome to Cara Key, our new Metadata Librarian. Cara is sitting in her new cube next to Lise Hull on the 4th floor in the Administrative Area. Cara comes to us from Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge where she was the Metadata and Digital Strategies Librarian there and worked chiefly on the Louisiana Digital Library. She made the trip to Oregon with two dogs, a cat, and her family. Stop by and invite her to coffee when you have a chance.
Congratulations to our Cascades colleague Sarah Fay Philips. She co-authored the chapter, “Designing a Collaborative Cross-Campus Drop-in Workshop Series to Motivate Lifelong Learners” with her former Humboldt University colleague, Tim Miller. This chapter is included in the recent ACRL publication “Motivating Students on a Time Budget: Pedagogical Frames and Lesson Plans for In-Person and Online Information Literacy Instruction,” edited by Sarah Steiner and Miriam Rigby.
A fond farewell to Trevor Sandgathe who is resigning from SCARC effective February 8th. Trevor has served OSULP in many capacities – as a student employee, intern, and a classified employee. Trevor is going to pursue a new opportunity outside of academe. Take a moment to wish him well if you see him.
The Research & Writing Group is this week, Friday February 1st from 10-11:30 a.m. in Drinkward. Do you have a piece of writing, a fuzzy idea, a presentation to give in 2019 that you would like some input on? Then please let Lindsay or Jane know! During the meeting some of the time will be spent discussing ways to navigate writing collaboratively. Please visit the wiki for two short readings that will help inform the conversation.
LT2 in Circulation – Waiting on the background check to clear.
Acquisitions LT3 – The position has been posted.
Acquisitions/Monograph LT3 – This position has been posted.
SCARC LT3 – The committee is finalizing the PD.
SCARC Public Services Unit Supervisor – SCARC is working on the PD for this position.
Acquisitions Editor for the Press – The position is posted and the committee is planning to review applicants next week.
GovDoc Position – No new updates on this position.
Project Manager Position – The committee has been formed and is receiving its charge this week.
Cascades LT3 – The first round of video interviews should be occurring this week.
“The more Adams thought about the future of his country, the more convinced he became that it rested on education. Before any great things are accomplished, he wrote to a correspondent, a memorable change must be made in the system of education and knowledge must become so general as to raise the lower ranks of society nearer to the higher. The education of a nation instead of being confined to a few schools and universities for the instruction of the few, must become the national care and expense for the formation of the many.”
― David McCullough, John Adams
Can you guess the animal’s person?
This is Bettie. Bettie was originally from Jacksonville, FL, and has lived a colorful life since then. She's moved around a lot, having lived in seven different US states altogether. She even once visited the grand canyon, though you'll have to ask her chauffer about the story behind that one..
Answers can be shared with colleagues and guessed among the office. Last, last, last week’s pupper was Glory, Don’s chocolate lab partner in mischief.
121 The Valley Library
Corvallis OR 97331–4501