Things happening on campus, sad farewells, and new hellos.

NEWSCole Crawford

Cole Crawford, a temporary staff worker and former intern for Korey, was offered a position as Humanities Research Computing Specialist at Harvard's Digital Arts and Humanities division. He'll be moving to Boston/Cambridge around the end of July. Korey couldn't be more proud of him—and Cole told him that his internship last summer and the developer job this summer were instrumental in his successful job search, which showcases the library's role in student success. 



July is National Ice Cream Month and National Ice Cream Day is this Sunday!  Get your scoop on!


The OSUsed Store is open for its weekly public sales Tuesday 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. and Friday noon to 3 p.m. at 644 SW 13th. Personal purchases must be made during public sales. Staff may shop for their department 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays. More information is available on their website.


Come purchase your favorite Beaver Classic Cheeses. Take home some of our new flavors…Porter Soaked, Hard Cider Soaked or Pinot Soaked Cheddars. Or their newest Award Winner…Smoked Cheddar – American Cheese Society 3rd Place 2016. Fridays 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Withycombe 159. They are at the Farmers Market on Saturdays, sharing a booth with The Organic Growers Club. For more information, e-mail .


ETS held an open house this week – the idea is that they will do this periodically to answer questions, to entertain ideas about projects and to be more transparent and available. Their next open house is Wed. 7/26 1-4 in Autzen. 



Circ got just got (via IS)  dozens of new Chromebooks and 3 new carts for them, working on getting them ready to be loaned soon.

 Circulation staff help a patron

We lost another Info Specialist to a full time job – Clare Sobotka – who will now be a Reference Assistant for the LBCC Healthcare Occupations Center Library in Lebanon. Rumor another Info Spec may be leaving end of the summer. Victoria and Beth with some input from others in the library, are looking at new models for staffing the desk, to help with high turnover.


There are now 15,000 items migrated into the new version of Scholar’s Archive!   This is real progress. ETS will be sprinting now through August to get the production version completed for training and user testing. 


Branding Tips from Daniel Moret

Last week, we looked at the university’s brand personality, and today we’ll look at the university’s style for photography and how it can best represent the university’s confident personality.

At the all-day brand symposium for the university’s marketing faculty and staff, a presenter said that ”Photography is probably the most dramatic shift” in the new branding.

So photographs will have more prominence than before. The categories for university photos now include what are described as “gorgeous, cinematic landscapes,” candid shots of people working hard, campus lifestyle shots that are authentic and look unposed, and extreme close-ups of the tools that are used by students, faculty and staff.

All photos should look natural for greater authenticity and credibility. One prominent aspect of the photo style will be superimposing text over photos. Another is a shift away from having human subjects look toward the camera.

As in the past, release forms are required, and the brand guide says that, “All recognizable subjects in imagery must sign a model release form.” These forms are on the website, on CN-Share in the Marketing and Communications folder, or people can just contact me and I’ll provide the forms. There is a release form for individuals and another version for groups.

For more info about photo style and the new brand, go to



Financial Strategies for Women.  Designed for women (and people who like women) who want to take control of their finances: July 19, noon, MU 206. Presented by Barbara Koontz, Financial Advisor, CFS*.  RSVP to


Implicit bias webinar: “Controlling for Implicit Bias in Hiring and Managing Student Support Staff and Students to Create More Inclusive Environments.” Learn how implicit bias manifests in our daily work, and how to work with students and student support staff in an inclusive way that addresses potential bias. First hour is the webinar; second hour is discussion with Anne Gillies and Kerry McQuillin. Aug. 1, 9-11 a.m., Memorial Union – 13 Multipurpose Room


PERS Simplified Tier 1 & 2.  What role will PERS play in your retirement plan? Understand how your PERS retirement works and explore the various choices, advantages/disadvantages you will need to consider when you decide to retire.  Designed for people within 5 years of retirement.  Presented by Barbara Koontz, Financial Advisor, CFS*.  RSVP to Aug 3, noon, MU 206.



ETS LT3 – This position is on hold.

Monograph Acquisitions LT3 – This position is on hold.

Serials Acquisitions LT3 – The committee has been formed for this search.

Cataloging LT3 – A committee is in the process of being formed.

Cataloging LT3 – This position is on hold.

Circulation LT2 – The posting for this position closes July 18th.

Circulation LT2 – The posting for this position closes July 18th.Rachel Ziegler

Science Librarian – This position is on hold.

Building Manager – Rachel Ziegler starts today.  Say hello if you have a chance.  Her office is in Jim’s old cubicle, right outside of Victoria’s office.

Resource Sharing/CM Unit Manager – The position has been posted and people are open to apply.


Quote of the Week

“Upon the subject of education, not presuming to dictate any plan or system respecting it, I can only say that I view it as the most important subject which we as a people can be engaged in.”

― Abraham Lincoln