Lot closures, business affair closeouts, and colleague retirements.

Your place for news and information about what OSULP is up to.



Michaela Willi-HooperAfter several years on the faculty of the Oregon State University Libraries, Maura Valentino has announced she is taking a new position at Central Washington University Library.   She will be CWU’s new Scholarly Communication Librarian and Head of Digital Initiatives.  Please join me to thank Maura for her contributions to the our achievements at Oregon State University Libraries and to wish her well as she moves to her new position.

Maura Valentino

Michaela Willi-Hoopper will leaving Oregon State University for Linn-Benton Community College to be their OER and Textbook Affordability Librarian. LBCC is getting a terrific librarian to shepherd this emerging area of strength among Oregon community colleges. Her last day will be August 28th.



If anyone from Valley Library is so inclined, you can visit Cascades campus anytime in late September or October -- perhaps for a couple days of open workshops? Visiting with new faculty?  If you are interested in doing that, there might be an option to get a cheap room in our brand new residence hall.  Contact Nathan Moses -- nathan.moses@osucascades.edu -- to get details.  Sami would just need to know well in advance so she can promote it across campus and / or get appointments set up for you.


Due to parking lot maintenance, street maintenance and repairs the following lots will be closed or have partial closures: Washington Avenue Northwest Lot (#3202), Crop Science Building West Lot (#3332), and N. 27th St./Arnold Way Lot (#3311). The closure will be from 6:00 am to 5:00 pm June 30, 2017 – July 07, 2017 (View Map). The lots will reopened when the work is finished and the area is safe to enter.  For questions or comments on this closure, contact Hank Kemper at (541) 737-9618.

Parking lot closures.

Library administration is happy to offer professional photo shoots for our faculty, staff, and student employees.  If you’re interested in having some high definition portraits for use on the website or otherwise, please fill out this survey and let our photographer know when you would be available to take them.  It shouldn’t take more than an hour out of your day.


Do you have projects that need graphic design?  If the answer is yes, then now's a good time to submit a request for graphic design work. Simply complete the Graphic Design Request form (available in the Communications and Marketing folder on CN-Share or from Dan at daniel.moret@oregonstate.edu) and email the completed form to Daniel Moret, and he'll assign your request to a Graphic Design Intern. There is typically a major wave of requests for graphic design work in August and September, which can cause a logjam backup, so to avoid those possible delays, send in your requests early.



Fiscal year end close is upon us.  Please ensure that purchases are made prior to these deadlines.  Obviously, emergency/rush exceptions can be made, but we’d like to limit those since that expense will be added to the new FY and require extra work for staff to do reconciliation.

  • July 6th
    • Budget Changes – Budget change requests for changes crossing college/unit boundaries are due to UABC by Noon.
    • Invoices & JV’s – FY17 Invoices, reimbursements, and JV’s are due to UABC for processing by 5pm.  (Any invoices for less than $500, submitted after this date, will not be posted to FY17.)  Please keep in mind that this deadline applies to personal reimbursements and invoices for goods or services received on or before June 30, 2017, as well as, travel reimbursements for travel completed on or prior to June 30, 2017.
    • Grants – Last day to provide OSRAA with expense information on Kxxxxx Grants
  • July 7th – Requests for Budget clean-up JVs on 1xGF, 1xGP, and 1xAS rules codes are due to UABC by 5pm.
  • July 10th – Last day!


Branding Tips from Daniel Moret

Last week, we looked at the university’s logos, and today we’ll look at the university’s new brand positioning statement.

Here’s some excerpts from the new Brand Guide:

Positioning Statement

With steadfast determination, people from Oregon and around the globe gather to explore frontiers and to solve today’s most pressing issues. Together, we innovate to deliver far-reaching solutions that guarantee the prosperity of our state and world, enriching the lives of all people. We transform students into leaders. We are unwavering and accountable because the world can count on us for a healthier, more sustainable future.

Note: The brand positioning statement is for internal inspiration and focus only. It should not be used verbatim in external communications.

For more info about the brand’s positioning, go to communications.oregonstate.edu/brand-guide/brand-positioning.


July 6 - early!!! Rally for a Fair Contract - Harrison Street Bridge, meet up as early as 6:30 am behind Super 8 (407 NW 2nd St) - public parking available - we will be on bridge from 6:40 am - around 8:00 am to catch morning traffic and let them know We can't survive on a .5 (Raise?)!! Coffee and donuts will be available.


You may also have seen some notifications about an upcoming change to our courier service.  Not only do we get a new service that offers faster delivery and tracking, we also get a new delivery/pick-up time of 10:30-11:30AM.  Guin and Cascades are also working out their services with this change.  Thanks to the great minds in ILL/Summit/CM, that group generated a new game plan for our day.  See the details below.


As of Wednesday of last week, SCARC had submitted 5,823 items for the Alliance Harvester project, an LSTA funded effort that allows for aggregation of digital content into the Digital Public Library of America and Primo. OSULP had made a commitment of submitting between 5,000 and 10,000 items to this project.




ACRL invites its committees, sections, interest groups and individual members to consider submitting program proposals for the 2018 ALA Annual Conference in New Orleans. For the first time, program proposals will be submitted via a centralized submission site for all ALA Divisions, Round Tables, Committees, and Offices. ACRL members must choose “ACRL” on the first screen of the submission form in order to have the program included in the ACRL pool of programs to be reviewed. 2018 ALA Annual Conference program proposals are due August 25, 2017. The ACRL Professional Development Committee will review the proposals and select 2018 Annual Conference programs, with notifications issued in October 2017. 



ETS LT3 – This position is on hold.

Monograph Acquisitions LT3 – This position is on hold.

Serials Acquisitions LT3 – The committee has been formed for this search.

Cataloging LT3 – A committee is in the process of being formed.

Cataloging LT3 – This position is on hold.

Circulation LT2 – The PDs for this position is being updated.  A search advocate is being sought.

Circulation LT2 – The PDs for this position is being updated.  A search advocate is being sought.

Science Librarian – This position is on hold.

Building Manager – Rachel Ziegler has accepted the position, and will start in July.

Resource Sharing/CM Unit Manager – The position has been posted and people are open to apply.


Quote of the Week

“We get schooled by the people around us, and it stays inside us deep.”

― George Pelecanos