Your place for news and information about what OSULP is up to.


Congratulations to several library faculty, Lori Hilterbrand, Kelly McElroy, Dan Moore, as well as Nicole Hindes (Director of Human Services Resource Center).  They have published article about the HSRC textbook lending program  in the Journal of Access Services.  The article, available now as a preprint, is entitled, “Access services are human services: Collaborating to provide textbook access to students.”

 Lori Hilterbrand Kelly McElroy Dan Moore


The CO· 2017 needs your help!  The Corvallis Maker Fair is an exciting day for makers and guests and we need volunteers!  It will take place on April 15th this year.  Help exhibitors get set up, “run” for them throughout the day as need arises, assist at guest sign in, man the information table, be all-around-awesome.  Volunteering at The CO· is a fun way to get involved the local maker community. You can choose the times and roles you might be interested in -- Volunteer sign up can be found here!

Faye wanted to share a message from Darrin Pratt that articulates well the value of university Presses.  Darrin Pratt is  the director of the University Press of Colorado and the current president of the Association of American University Presses.  He published this blog post on the value and mission of university presses.

UABC is moving!  Into a different part of their building, but still.  They’ll be transferring offices on March 27 & 28th.  They ask that if you need to contact them, please do it by e-mail as they’ll be working off-site and can’t answer their phones.

Power Outage!  Campus electricians will test the generator and PA system on Wednesday morning from 6:00-7:30am on Wednesday, March 29.  This could cause problems with power surges and blips.  Make sure ALL electrically powered devices such as computers, printers, scanners, copiers, check out stations are TURNED OFF before you leave on Tuesday, March 28.



Richard, Laurel, and Kerri are in the beginning phases of working on the data extraction for the Sustainable Collections Services.  As a reminder, this is the tool that will help us with deselection decisions.



There’s a webinar opportunity that we though you all might be interested in.  It’s titled “Confronting Misinformation: How Librarians Can Assist Patrons in the Digital Information Age” and is being hosted by the FDLP on March 27th. 



ETS LT3 – This position is on hold.

Acquisitions LT3 – This position is on hold.

Science Librarian – This position is on hold.

Building Manager – The committee finished their phone interviews and is identifying candidates for in-person interviews.

Web Developer – The committee is currently reviewing applicants.

Resource Sharing/CM Unit Manager – The two candidates are scheduled for the 30th of March and 7th of April.


Quote of the Week

“The only thing that you absolutely have to know is the location of the library.”

― Albert Einstein