Promotions, publications, and projects.
Congratulations to Erin McCaslin Kooyman on her appointment as the Coordinator of Reference Services in LEAD!
OSU Libraries and Press in conjunction with Ecampus raised $1,306 for the February food drive. Thank you, everyone!
Congratulations to Natalia Fernandez on her recently published case study article “When Building Namesakes Have Ties to White Supremacy: A Case Study of Oregon State University’s Building Names Evaluation Process.” The article was published in the Journal of Western Archives.
If you have new projects that involve cataloging, please check out the process for starting that conversation and to see what the catalogers current projects are here.
The OSU Press Spring 2019 catalog is now available online.
TIAA will be on campus throughout March to discuss retirement options. It’s never too early to start saving. Go online to register for one of their 1-on-1 consultations.
Acquisitions/Monograph LT3 – No change.
Serials LT3 – No new update.
The ETS Unit Manager – No new updates.
Cataloguing Gov Docs – No new updates.
LT3 Metadata Technician – No new updates.
Public Services Unit Supervisor – No new updates
Press Acquisitions Editor – In-person interviews are scheduled for this week and the next.
E-Campus Librarian – No new updates.
“What a school thinks about its library is a measure of what it feels about education.”
— Harold Howe
Can you guess the animal’s person?
This mother-daughter duo couldn’t have more different personalities. Ripley is very shy and very stealthy, whereas Squeaker is more open to strangers. Both love to sun themselves and groom one another, and they also chase each other up and down the stairs, which causes an echo throughout the house.
Answers can be shared with colleagues and guessed among the office. Last week’s kitten was ETS’ Christa Wright’s feline friend, Tostito.
A new section for the newsletter. Thanks to the ingenuity (or inanity) of our students and the thoughtfulness of our staff to catch some things in picture form, we have a new section of the weekly newsletter. The goal here will be to guess where these things took place, or just to marvel at the going-on’s across the building. The first one is a bit easy.
Answers will be shared in the next edition of the newsletter.
121 The Valley Library
Corvallis OR 97331–4501