Your place for news and information about what OSULP is up to.


Congratulations to Maura Valentino, recipient of the Margaret E. and Thomas R. Meehan OSU Honors College Course Development Grant.  Her proposal, Improving Communication Through Improv, beat out some very difficult competition.


Thanks to David Manela for setting up our new 4 webcams with the 3D printers.  Now we can see a time lapse of prints as they’re happening!  Live streams coming soon.

3D printers in the Valley Library

Labyrinth Walk: An open Labyrinth Walk will be offered to the OSU community Monday, March 6, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., in MU Room #13 (multipurpose room on the ground floor level of the east wing of the MU).  Claim some time to let go of the stress, find a focus, or experience a centering for your life and work.  Come and go as your schedule allows. Free.  Hosted by United Campus Ministry at Westminster House.

If you are interested in creating a small exhibit of books/material, please follow this link to get to the procedures of starting a “floating collection”.

With March comes the return of Spring! Spring makes us want to celebrate all things bright and beautiful. To help you do so sustainably, the Valley Library Sustainability Committee is pleased to announce the availability of the OSULP Party Pack for your next library-related eventReserve it now before it runs out!

The sustainable party-pac, with bowls, utensils, and cups.


Linus Pauling on his 90th birthday

Our study room intern Ben Miller is wrapping up the last of his analysis of new locking/reservation systems including several surveys to study and research room users. Stay tuned for him to share his report at the next Admin Briefing.

A page on the Wiki has been created for LEAD Social Photos – activities outside of work -  including last weekend’s sledding trip!

SCARC celebrated Linus Pauling's birthday on Feb. 28 with a special Pauling blog post; we also participated in a birthday event on Feb. 24 at Ava's Cafe in the Linus Pauling Science Center.


Webinar: Bystander Intervention for Hate/Bias Incidents, hosted by Prevention, Advocacy, and Wellness – Student Health Services. This one hour webinar plus hour discussion will introduce research around bystanders’ action and inaction and the methods shown to assist bystanders to intervene safely. The webinar will also cover microaggressions and steps that can be taken to address them. March 7, 10 a.m.-noon, MU 208.

Sara and co-panelists from our upcoming ACRL talk on Post-Apocalyptic Information Literacy will be moderating next week's #critlib twitter chat on "Teaching beyond the academy"  Tuesday the 7th at 6 pm. 


ETS LT3 – This position is on hold.

Acquisitions LT3 – The PD is being developed for this position.

Science Librarian – The committee met and reviewed the PD.

Building Manager – The position closed on 3 March, with 19 applicants.

Web Developer – Currently scheduling 10 phone interviews.

Resource Sharing/CM Unit Manager – 2 in-person interviews are scheduled, one for the end of March, one for the beginning of April.

Quote of the Week

“ A library … is a space ship that will take you to the farthest reaches of the universe, a time machine that will take you to the far past and the far future, a teacher that knows more than any human being, a friend that will amuse you and console you — and most of all, a gateway, to a better and happier and more useful life.”

— Isaac Asimov