Space design process underway, a community interview project starts, and librarians on the radio.
The first survey for the workflow analysis has been sent out to those departments affected by the 3rd/4th floor move. A meeting is also scheduled for this Friday with those departments to discuss the results from the survey. Interested in knowing more about Joe Marquez and what he does? Check out his website at LUX Service Design.
Chris Petersen is leading an OSULP Community Interview Project. We are attempting to use oral history to build community and capture institutional knowledge about our organization. All faculty and staff working in OSULP are invited to participate as interviewees. We will also be reaching out to recent retirees as well as a selection of our current student workers. If you’re interested, please fill out this brief survey to sign up for the interviews. The interviews will require about one hour of your time and will be conducted in such a way as to minimize the anxiety that can sometimes be a part of the oral history setting.
OPB’s Oregon Experience will be airing in Corvallis on June 6th for their one-hour episode on Oregon State University. Special guests include the producer, Kami Horton. Tickets are free, but required, so reserve your seats now. Our very own Larry Landis and other members of SCARC will be play some role in the broadcast.
OSU will once again work both on- and off-campus with the Corvallis community to collect reusable goods from students during the Great Move Out. Volunteers are needed for the off-campus event on June 15; details and signup here. Volunteers are needed for the residence hall program June 11-19; details and signup here. For more information on the Great Move Out, visit the website.
The Office of Human Resources is offering several financial and retirement workshops soon. If you are interested in learning more about Social Security, retirement, PERS, and other financial topics, you will find more information here. There is also information about having one-on-one consultations with TIAA and Fidelity representatives.
There are new Social Justice Education Initiatives from Faculty Affairs. Sign up for one of the half-day courses online.
Detours and Distancing within Affinity Groups: What White People Do is Thursday, June 7th, from 10:00 to 12:30am in 124 Cascade Hall. This experiential learning workshop invites participants to do small group work that identifies common detours and distancing that White people do to explain good intentions. The goal of our work today will be to recognize these patterns and move toward corrective justice practices in the future. Pre-requisite: Must have completed Social Justice Education Initiative - Session 1 & 2 before attending this workshop. Register online now.
Science Librarian – Science Librarian applications are coming in. Recruitment closes today, May 29, 2018.
Metadata Librarian – LAMP is re-working the PD for this position, and a new search will be announced soon.
“As for myself, I always willingly acknowledge my own self as the principal cause of every good and of every evil which may befall me; therefore, I have always found myself capable of being my own pupil, and ready to love my teacher.”
― Giacomo Casanova
Can you guess the animal’s person?
This is a repeat pupper who last appeared in an earlier newsletter article, but we decided to re-run him because he’s grown up an awful lot since that original article. Copper continues to be too smart for his own good and loves playing in the water. Also, chewing on bones as big as he is.
Answers can be shared with colleagues and guessed among the office. Next week’s newsletter will have the owner’s name. Last week’s bovine was Margarita Zamora-Saunders friend Ferdinand.
Last week, I got to spend most of a day out at Guin. I was there to talk about the proposed strategic plan, and we had a really great conversation -- the highlight of the day. Plus, there were a few other highlights along the way.
I got to see the octopus playing with a toy! A school group from Bend raised money to buy new toys for the animals in the Visitors' Center displays.
And the visiting artist display was right up my alley.
Thanks to Mary, Judy and Rachel for a great day.
- Anne-Marie Deitering
121 The Valley Library
Corvallis OR 97331–4501