Your place for news and information about what OSULP is up to.
Hannah Gascho-Rempel shared the results of a recent study just published in College and Research Libraries once again recognizing the productivity of OSU’s library faculty.
The authors studied contributions to LIS journal literature by U.S academic librarians between 2003-2012. They found that the top 20 high-publication librarians were from public research universities like OSU. Oregon State University library faculty were ranked #2 for articles published per professional staff member, edged out of the #1 slot by 0.09. This represents the efforts of a super productive OSU library faculty. "Publication Patterns of U.S. Academic Librarians and Libraries from 2003 to 2012.” Deborah D. Blecic, Stephen E. Wiberley Jr., Sandra L. De Groote, John Cullars, Mary Shultz, and Vivian Chan. College and Research Libraries vol. 78, no. 4 (2017)
The OSU/Marys Peak Connection: 1870-2017, on Tuesday May 9, 6:00-7:30 pm at the Old World Deli (341 SW 2nd Street, Corvallis). Hear OSU archivists Michael Dicianna and Karl McCreary share stories and history about OSU’s longtime association with Mary’s Peak through colorful photos, published poems and prose, theses, maps, and other materials archived at the OSU Special Collections and Archives.
The OSU Spring Repair Fair is this Wednesday, May 10th from 5:30pm-7:30pm. Bring your broken items and go home with functional items. Volunteers will be on hand who can do small repairs on: appliances/electronics, bicycles, clothing, computer diagnostics, housewares, jewelry, woodwind instruments, and more. DIY drop-in demonstrations will also be available for bike tire care/repair, seed planting, T-shirt bags, and protruding bra wires. Directions to 644 SW 13th St. and more information about the Repair Fairs are online: This is the last Repair Fair of the academic year so don’t miss out!
Pedal Corvallis, a bike share program, has arrived on campus! Does your lunch-time errand really require you to get in the car? If not, bikes are stationed at Kerr and Weniger Hall. While you’re thinking about more sustainable transit options, check out Beyond Corvallis!
good news to share with all of you. Former
OSULP staffer Philip Vue has been selected as the University of Portland Library's new Digital Services Librarian. He
starts this position on July 1, 2017. As he indicated to Larry in a recent
message, his new position "will be a great opportunity for me to drive the
vision for the Clark library's digital services and programs."
OSU Press book Diary of a Citizen Scientist was reviewed in Discover Magazine. Check it out here if you haven’t already read it yourself.
Collections at the Center, Wednesday, May 10, 4pm
Beyond Daly's Promise: Lessons from America's Oldest Place Based Scholarship
Presented by Dr. Sam Stern, Professor and Dean Emeritus, Oregon State University
College of Education
The Daly Scholarship, first awarded in 1922, is America's oldest place-based
scholarship. When the first scholarships were awarded, it took three days to
travel the 300 miles from Lakeview, in SE Oregon's Lake County, to the nearest
college. Yet, each year scholarships have been awarded to the majority of
qualified high school graduates. Drawing
on interviews, archival materials, a survey of scholarship recipients, and a
summer-long cross-country bike trip with stops to meet with recipients, Sam
Stern describes the history and impact of the remarkable Daly Fund. Light refreshments will be served.
Women in science play reading, Thursday, May 11, 7pm
Join friends and colleagues for a reading of the play Stella by Siobhán Nicholas. This play is about the 18th Century German astronomer Caroline Herschel and her astronomer brother William. Caroline Herschel contributed extensively to the field of astronomy. She discovered several comets and is known for the discovery of the planet Uranus. Herschel survived typhus as a child and overcame many challenges to win her place in scientific history. This reading follows staged readings of plays about chemist Rosalind Franklin and astronomer Henrietta Leavitt. The performance will be in the Special Collections and Archives Research Center reading room on the 5th floor of the Valley Library. The reading is free.
Cheryl attended her first library
legislative day where she was a part of a delegations from ACRL and Oregon.
There were over 500 people at the event from all 50 states, the largest
turnout they have had in years. Issues that we advocated for
included: Funding LSTA and IAL, Privacy and Surveillance Law Reform,
E-Rate program, Open Access to Government Data and tax funded information and
research, Ratification of the Marrakesh Treaty and Net Neutrality
Protections. She met with staff from Congressman Earl Blumenauer’s
office, Senator Merkley’s office and Senator Gardner’s office regarding funding
libraries and discussing the preserving data in government
act. Cheryl commented that need more academic librarians to
participate in these events from Oregon, as she was the only one there in
Kelly got a super-snazzy new job as a web coordinator on campus and will be leaving library service after Tuesday, May 16! Circ will be planning an official (and maybe an un-official) get together for her exit, and looking at options for staffing to finish out the busy end of spring term.
Food4Fines finished up with more than $1000 waived on overdue OSU materials and multiple boxes of yummies for the Food Pantry at the HSRC.
Interested in what your fellow colleagues thought of OLA? Check out Amila’s travel notes and see what she thought of the conference here.
Join Michaela Willi Hooper at the Portland State University Library in Portland on July 17th for the ACRL Scholarly Communication Roadshow. Since OSULP is a co-sponsor you will receive priority registration until June 1st for this free, daylong workshop. Lunch is included. If you’re interested, register here.
Join us this week for the 10th annual Ecampus Faculty Forum and watch your colleagues demonstrate the innovation and excellence they pour into their work and how it sets OSU apart nationally.
When: 8 a.m. to 3:15 p.m., Tuesday, May 9
Where: CH2M Hill Alumni Center
ETS LT3 – This position is on hold.
Acquisitions LT3 – This position is on hold.
Science Librarian – This position is on hold.
Building Manager – An offer has been made.
Web Developer – An offer has been made.
Resource Sharing/CM Unit Manager – The candidate declined the offer for this position
“Every mountain top is within reach if you just keep climbing.”
― Barry Finlay, Kilimanjaro and Beyond