Ratifying a contract, carbon footprints, and changes afoot.
A tentative agreement for classified staff at Oregon State has been reached, but employees still need to ratify the contract. E-voting began on Friday, October 3rd, with e-mails going out to members (only members can vote). E-voting closes today, October 14th, at 5:00 p.m.. If you can’t vote electronically, then ballots will go out by mail on Wednesday, October 16th, and are due by October 30th. Let your steward know if you haven’t gotten yours.
The Marine Science Initiative building is coming along, and there are a lot of changes afoot at the Hatfield Marine Science Center. Here’s just a brief snapshot of some of those changes.
Chris has been working on a new oral history site, “Voices of the Forests, Voices of the Mills” which is in the soft launch stage. Check it out online here.
There are changes afoot in Oregon State’s HR team. They’re breaking up responsibilities and establishing teams to handle different requests. So, if you have a question about recruitment and selection you should e-mail UPHR.Recruitment@oregonstate.edu, and questions about things that happen with an employee after they are hired (AKA – the employee lifecycle) should go to UPHR.Banner@oregonstate.edu . As always, you can send questions or concerns to the library’s administrative team (Lise or Don).
Representatives from PERS will be on campus this week on October 17 and 18 to provide retirement information workshops. These are scheduled for: 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. on the 17th in MU 208, and 9-11 a.m. on the 18th in MU 208, and again at 1-3 p.m. in MU 208 on that same day. You can register for them online.
Open enrollment is here and rolling along! Make sure you register for medical or vision/dental benefits, or opt out of them if you have your own insurance.
The call for nominations for the 2020 OSU Distinguished Professor is out. If you have someone in mind, then start looking at preparing your submission now.
Public Services Unit Supervisor – The in-person interview is scheduled for this Friday, October 18th. The presentation is scheduled for 1:15 p.m..
Analyst Programmer 3 – This position has been posted, and applicants can find the posting here.
Monographs LT3 – An offer was made to a candidate, but they declined it.
Serials LT3 – Waiting to re-start this search
Resource Sharing LT2 – The library is finalizing the PD and a committee is being developed.
Guin LT3s – The committee is scheduled to conduct 6 virtual interviews.
“Libraries raised me.”
— Ray Bradbury
Last week’s good pupper lives with Zach Welhouse.
This is Callie. Callie is usually a happy, joyous pup, but she's sad here because she had to have a bath after getting sprayed by a skunk (pee-ew).
Have some good tunes you listen to at work to keep you motivated? Looking to try out something new or different? Than take a look at what your fellow co-workers are listening to at the office here.
Margarita Zamora-Saunders has been listening to the original soundtrack of her favorite Broadway musical, Hadestown. It’s a mix of pop, jazz, and blues.
Where is this project at? What’s going on with it? Here’s the latest and greatest as far as updates go.
Cheryl Middleton is continuing to work on offsite storage move planning with Kerri Goergen-Doll, Laura Ramos, Larry Landis, Marty and Rachel Ziegler. The architects are working on developing plans for the build out of the space and conducting an environmental conditions study of the space to determine that the conditions are favorable to storage of print and other formats in the Nypro building. Faye will be transitioning into the project lead while Cheryl is off on medical leave November and part of December.
121 The Valley Library
Corvallis OR 97331–4501