Many congratulations for awards and publications, new books, and more community interviews.
Congratulations Bryan Feyerherm! Bryan was selected as this year’s OSU Exemplary Employee.
Congratulations to Chris Petersen and Tiah Edminson-Morton on the publication of their case study: CASE 3: Fostering Historical Empathy in Unusual Times: A Case Study of the Course "OSU, Women and Oral History: An Exploration of 150 Years. The study is part of the Society of American Archivists’ Case Studies on Teaching with Primary Sources, and is based on the Honors College seminar on oral history that they taught this past spring.
Congratulations to Brooke and her co-authors on their ACRL SPEC kit on Learning Analytics and Privacy.
Congratulations to Stefanie on the publication of her article about OER and Social Justice.
To coincide with the October publication of A Deadly Wind: The 1962 Columbus Day Storm by journalist John Dodge, the OSU Press has launched a companion Facebook group to collect stories and photographs from readers. If you weathered the storm—or have stories from family members or friends who did—please share!
The OSU Access wifi system will be discontinued because it is insecure. We don’t know when it will go offline in the library, but there are alternatives – Eduroam or OSU_Secure. If you need help setting that up, then contact ETS.
The OSULP Community Interviewing Project has completed 26 interviews as of last week, and they are all on line on the project webpage.
panel discussion on the constitution and what it says about citizenship, immigration, and questions of inclusion and exclusion today (Monday) at 2 p.m. in the MU La Raza room (208). Stop by if you’re interested.
There’s a SEIU Sub-Local 083 membership meeting on the 20th from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Willamette West. Lunch will be served during the meeting.
The BennyBuy (eProcurement) team will be offering Shopper/Requestor and Approver trainings through the end of September. See the professional development site at under the category Business Affairs training.
Dates for shoppers/requestors is September 20th from 2:30 – 4:00 p.m..
Professional grant development workshop will be held on September 20-21, 2018, from 8:30-4:30 at PSU. If interested, register online. Make sure you fill out a travel request first.
Science Librarian – Diana Park was hired for this position. She’ll start 17 September 2018. Stop by her cubicle on the fourth floor and say hello.
College of Business/Social Sciences Data Librarian – Diana Castillo was hired for this position. Her start date is October 22nd 2018.
Metadata Librarian – Interviews are scheduled for the 21 and 24 of September.
LT2’s in Circulation – Two candidates have been hired for these positions. Lucinda Amerman and Nancy Rawley. Lucinda starts on September 245th, and Nancy starts today.
LT3 in Acquisitions – The committee has been formed and the position has been posted.
LT3 in Collections – A committee has not yet been formed for this search.
Head of Cataloging and FDLP – A PD is being developed and the committee is being identified.
“Perhaps the most valuable result of all education is the ability to make yourself do the thing you have to do, when it ought to be done, whether you like it or not. It is the first lesson that ought to be learned and however early a man's training begins, it is probably the last lesson that he learns thoroughly.”
― Thomas Henry Huxley
Can you guess the animal’s person?
This fuzzy feline likes to sleep under the covers. Don’t be fooled by her sweet appearance, she’s actually a ferocious feline killing machine. She also doesn’t like to be caged, and will “scratch” at mirrors and windows to try and get out.
Answers can be shared with colleagues and guessed among the office. Last week’s pet Margaret Mellinger’s cat Cleo.
As we turn the corner from summer and enter the last stretch towards the first day of school, we're going to try something new. For the next four weeks, we will each highlight a few of the books we read in school that were particularly meaningful (or - at least memorable!).
I discovered in junior high school that I have a love of poetry but realized as I was reflecting on what I read now, that I don’t make time to read poetry anymore. Definitely going to add this back into my eclectic reading habits. Edna St. Vincent Millay was and is a favorite poet of mine. I have always loved British fiction and a series that hooked me was P.G. Wodehouse’s Jeeves and Wooster.
-Cheryl Middleton
121 The Valley Library
Corvallis OR 97331–4501