Open Enrollment, workshops, and calls for proposals.
Open Enrollment for employee benefits is here! Get online now to enroll (or disenroll) for your benefits. Participation is mandatory, so you have to do it.There have been some changes to the medical, dental, and vision plans, so take the time to review the information on their website to see if those plans are right for you.
Are you a search advocate? Looking for more professional development opportunities? Well, if you are the Carlson College of Vet Med is hosting a workshop this Wednesday (2 October) with Basic Rights Oregon entitled “Transgender Inclusion.” If you’re interested and meet those criteria, then register for the training today.
The IRS is warning taxpayers and tax professionals of a new scam going around. Check out their press release for more information, but always remember that the IRS does not initiate contact with taxpayers via e-mail.
There’s a call for chapters (aka recipies) for ACRL’s Scholarly Communications Cookbook. You can submit your proposals online, or send questions to Brianna and Emily (the editors) by e-mail. They’re seeking these chapter proposals on practice-based examples of lesson plans or projects that support scholarly communication efforts in academic libraries.
Chris has been working on a new oral history site, “Voices of the Forests, Voices of the Mills” which is in the soft launch stage. Check it out online here.
Public Services Unit Supervisor – The interview was cancelled, and the committee is looking at re-scheduling it for October 18th.
Temp for Engineering Librarian – Kei Lin was hired for this part-time, 6-month appointment. She’ll be sitting next to Uta on the 3rd floor.
Analyst Programmer 3 – Waiting for HR to post the position.
Monographs LT3 – No new updates.
Serials LT3 – No new updates.
Resource Sharing LT2 – No new updates.
Guin LT3s – This position has been posted, and applicants can find the posting here (if you want to share it out).
“Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe.”
― H.G. Wells
Last week’s good pupper lives with Brandon Straley.
This is Artemis, named after the ancient Greek goddess of hunting and wildlife. She's a big fan of retrieving things, going for long walks in the woods, swimming, and chasing those pesky birds. She also enjoys rolling in a good mud puddle or two if one were to appear. Over-all, she's a very good dog.
Have some good tunes you listen to at work to keep you motivated? Looking to try out something new or different? Than take a look at what your fellow co-workers are listening to at the office here.
Currently soliciting recommendations for songs.
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Corvallis OR 97331–4501