Welcome to the OSU Libraries News and Events page!

Please join us for the next event in our Classified Staff Association (CSA) and Library Faculty Association (LFA) Seminar Series!

Have you heard of Letitia Carson? Come and learn about one of Oregon’s first Black settlers and how her recently uncovered story is being shared with OSU, local and statewide communities through the Letitia Carson Legacy Project (LCLP). The LCLP honors this remarkable woman, on the Benton County land that she settled, through storytelling, living history, land stewardship, community building, and healing. Retired SCARC director Larry Landis, “co-instigator” of the LCLP and the project’s historical consultant, will share Letitia’s story and discuss the broad range of work of the LCLP since its establishment in 2020.

 Wednesday, March 6th from 2 to 3pm in the Willamette East Classroom

Light snacks and beverages will be available! 

 Join us on Zoom at:  https://oregonstate.zoom.us/j/91389758866?pwd=YTBXbXJFTEt5V2tHSFN0YUJuM0RTdz09

 This event will be recorded.   Contact us if you have questions


CSA/LFA Seminar Series Coordinators

Jennifers Wells – Jennifer.wells@oregonstate.edu

Beth Filar Williams – beth.filar-williams@oregonstate.edu

Sara Trott – sara.trott@oregonstate.edu

OSU Associate Professor & Librarian for College Health, Uta Hussong-Christian has been awarded $1,030 to enable her to register for and complete the MLA (Medical Library Association) Systematic Review Services Specialization I Pathway.

The Robert Lundeen Library Faculty Development Award is an important gift to OSULP that has supported innovative and exemplary library faculty project work for many years. The Lundeen Award was established in 2003 by Bob Lundeen, former member of the Libraries’ Advisory Council, and it supports meaningful faculty development through the pursuit of scholarship or through professional capacity building. A committed supporter of his alma mater, Bob Lundeen was employed most of his career at Dow Chemical where he eventually became the chairman of the board. He also was the CEO and board chair of Tektronix. In addition to this award, Bob and his wife Betty established a number of scholarships to benefit Oregon State University students. When Mr. Lundeen passed away in late 2017, OSULP received an additional boost to the existing endowment which means we are able to extend the number and/or amounts of awards as appropriate.

OSULP faculty interested in applying for Lundeen funding may submit their proposals at any time (and this is your reminder!). Applications will be reviewed as they are received.

The 2023-2024 Lundeen Award Committee: Rachel Lilley (Chair), Beth Shields, Hui Zhang, Adam Lindsley, Taylor Ralph, and Hannah Rempel

Instruction and Digital Initiatives Librarian & Professor at the Valley Library, Laurie Bridges has been awarded $300 to enable Laurie and her international partners to cover the cost of a two-year subscription to dreamhost.com (to include the domain name and email to host a Wordpress site for #EveryBookItsReader).

Per Laurie’s application:

#EveryBookItsReader was launched last year as a volunteer effort to promote adding and editing books during the month of April in many languages across Wikimedia Projects, including Wikipedia and Wikidata. The project was more successful than anticipated (particularly in Latin America). But, it is challenging to organize and promote a program via the Wikimedia platform. Therefore, we would like to have a designated domain and WordPress site that we could all easily edit from our locations (and translate with ease). [See: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/EveryBooksItsReader_2023]

The Robert Lundeen Library Faculty Development Award is an important gift to OSULP that has supported innovative and exemplary library faculty project work for many years. The Lundeen Award was established in 2003 by Bob Lundeen, former member of the Libraries’ Advisory Council, and it supports meaningful faculty development through the pursuit of scholarship or through professional capacity building. A committed supporter of his alma mater, Bob Lundeen was employed most of his career at Dow Chemical where he eventually became the chairman of the board. He also was the CEO and board chair of Tektronix. In addition to this award, Bob and his wife Betty established a number of scholarships to benefit Oregon State University students. When Mr. Lundeen passed away in late 2017, OSULP received an additional boost to the existing endowment which means we are able to extend the number and/or amounts of awards as appropriate.

OSULP faculty interested in applying for Lundeen funding may submit their proposals at any time. Applications will be reviewed as they are received.

The 2023-2024 Lundeen Award Committee: Rachel Lilley (Chair), Beth Shields, Hui Zhang, Adam Lindsley, Taylor Ralph, & Hannah Rempel


User Experience Research Library at the Valley Library, Beth Filar-Williams has been awarded $4,500 through the Lundeen Faculty Development Award to attend the UXLibs conference in June. She will also visit area libraries to learn more about: recent or current space/physical service redesigns, user input for those redesigns, and green/sustainable building design, lending, education and culture in these libraries.

The Robert Lundeen Library Faculty Development Award is an important gift to OSULP that has supported innovative and exemplary library faculty project work for many years. The Lundeen Award was established in 2003 by Bob Lundeen, former member of the Libraries’ Advisory Council, and it supports meaningful faculty development through the pursuit of scholarship or through professional capacity building. A committed supporter of his alma mater, Bob Lundeen was employed most of his career at Dow Chemical where he eventually became the chairman of the board. He also was the CEO and board chair of Tektronix. In addition to this award, Bob and his wife Betty established a number of scholarships to benefit Oregon State University students. When Mr. Lundeen passed away in late 2017, OSULP received an additional boost to the existing endowment which means we are able to extend the number and/or amounts of awards as appropriate.


OSULP faculty interested in applying for Lundeen funding may submit their proposals at any time. Applications will be reviewed as they are received.

 The 2023 - 2024 Lundeen Award Comittee: Rachel Lilley (Chair), Beth Shields, Hui Zhang, Adam Lindsley, & Taylor Ralph

The Authors and Editors Recognition Series celebrates the literary and scholarly books published by university faculty by featuring selected authors and editors for readings and discussion.

The 2024 recognition series includes two nights of readings and receptions. Join the OSU Community each night.

OSULP's Chris Petersen is the author of the book Visions of Linus Pauling

Visions of Linus Pauling is "the culmination of 15 years of research," and " a magisterial piece of work, equivalent to previously unseen footage of a blockbuster movie." 

Check out the Pauling Blog for more Linus Pauling history

Tuesday, February 27 

  • David G. Lewis | Tribal Histories of the Willamette Valley
  • Ana Milena Ribero | Dreamer Nation: Immigration, Activism, and Neoliberalism
  • Nicole von Germeten | Death in Old Mexico: The 1789 Dongo Murders and How they Shaped the History of a Nation
  • Adam Schwartz | Spanish So White: Conversations on the Inconvenient Racism of a 'Foreign' Language Education


Tuesday, March 5

  • Ehren Helmut Pflugfelder | Geoengineering, Persuasion, and the Climate Crisis: A Geologic Rhetoric
  • Chris Petersen | Visions of Linus Pauling
  • Alison Johnston | Rating Politics: Sovereign Credit Ratings and Democratic Choice in Prosperous Developed Countries 
  • Jacob Darwin Hamblin and Linda Marie Richards | Making the Unseen Visible: Science and the Contested Histories of Radiation Exposure


Learn more about the authors, editors, and written works at the 2024 Authors & Editors Recognition Series Homepage

OSU Ecampus, our building partners at the Valley Library, are outstanding providers of online education. This year their online bachelor's programs were ranked 4th in the nation by U.S. News & World Report! This is the 10th year in a row that they've made the top 10! OSU is the only school in the nation that can make this incredible claim. 

We are so proud!

Learn more about OSU Ecampus and this triumph

Please join us at the Oregon State University Valley Library for the next session in the Classified Staff Association (CSA) and Library Faculty Association (LFA) Seminar Series!

This installment features three presentations from library employees working to improve services for often-underrepresented groups:

  • Zach Welhouse, Online Learning Librarian, and Beth Filar Williams, User Experience Research Librarian, will share feedback from their conversations with transfer students and what it could mean for the Valley Library.
  • Richenda Hawkins, Head of the LEAD Dept, will share how the LBCC Library used grant funds to increase equity in library services, specifically for low-literacy and Spanish-speaking patrons.
  • Sagan Wallace, LEAD Evening Supervisor, will talk about the work that goes into making our digital materials more accessible, where to find more information about digital accessibility and how to get accessibility help at OSU Libraries and Press.

Wednesday, February 21st from 2 to 3pm in the Willamette East Classroom

Join us on Zoom at:


This event will be recorded and shared after the event.

Please let any of the coordinators know if you have any questions.


CSA/LFA Seminar Series Coordinators

Jennifers Wells – Jennifer.wells@oregonstate.edu

Beth Filar Williams – beth.filar-williams@oregonstate.edu

Sara Trott – sara.trott@oregonstate.edu


Please join us for the next event in our Classified Staff Association (CSA) and Library Faculty Association (LFA) Seminar Series!

·         Anne Bahde from Special Collections and Archive Research Center (SCARC) will be presenting on Using Data Visualizations to Analyze Archival Collections

This proof-of-concept experiment uses publicly available data about archival collections to visualize trends and to consider how factors such as date span, material type, subject coverage, content direction, extent, and collection source can overlap and interplay to yield new insights.

·         Adam Lindsley from the Research and Learning Department will be talking about Using Photogrammetry to Share Library Special Collections and Archives Objects Online


Tuesday, December 5th from 2 to 3pm in the Willamette East Classroom located within the Valley Library. 

Accommodation requests related to a disability for library events can be made to: LibraryAccommodations@oregonstate.edu


Join us on Zoom at:


This event will be recorded.

See you there!

Cara Key, LK Borland, Diana Park, Jane Nichols, and Clara Llebot Lorente have been granted the Lundeen Award to explore the data repository ecosystem and the role of OSU’s Institutional Repository, ScholarsArchive@OSU, within it. They’re interested in learning about the “factors that influence researchers’ decisions when choosing a data repository.” 

The Robert Lundeen Library Faculty Development Award is an important gift to OSULP that has supported innovative and exemplary library faculty project work for many years. The Lundeen Award was established in 2003 by Bob Lundeen, former member of the Libraries’ Advisory Council, and it supports meaningful faculty development through the pursuit of scholarship or through professional capacity building. A committed supporter of his alma mater, Bob Lundeen was employed most of his career at Dow Chemical where he eventually became the chairman of the board. He also was the CEO and board chair of Tektronix. In addition to this award, Bob and his wife Betty established a number of scholarships to benefit Oregon State University students. When Mr. Lundeen passed away in late 2017, OSULP received an additional boost to the existing endowment which means we are able to extend the number and/or amounts of awards as appropriate.

OSULP faculty interested in applying for Lundeen funding may submit their proposals at any time. Applications will be reviewed as they are received.

Congratulations OSULP!

As I am writing this, week 6 of the term is winding down.  OSU has a ten-week term, so that means midterms! It’s a busy time for Beaver Nation and the energy level in our libraries is off the charts. Our public services workers are working hard to anticipate what every student’s needs to study effectively. Behind the scenes our technical services workers are busy ordering books and doing all of the work they do to make them findable and available. Up in the special collections librarians and archivists are processing collections of rare and unique materials, digitizing them and sharing them with the world. We do all of these things all of the time, but at this time of year, we really see how much all of these things matter to student success. 


Need a textbook?  Forgot your charger?  Looking for a quiet room?  We’ve got you covered.  


In the new year, we are going to be assessing the Valley Library Learning Commons – our busiest study space –  and the OSU Libraries’ website. It is essential to us that both of these spaces, physical and virtual, are welcoming and useful.  We are working to engage all of the communities we serve in these projects, and we would love to hear from you. 
