Please join us for the next event in our Classified Staff Association (CSA) and Library Faculty Association (LFA) Seminar Series!
Have you heard of Letitia Carson? Come and learn about one of Oregon’s first Black settlers and how her recently uncovered story is being shared with OSU, local and statewide communities through the Letitia Carson Legacy Project (LCLP). The LCLP honors this remarkable woman, on the Benton County land that she settled, through storytelling, living history, land stewardship, community building, and healing. Retired SCARC director Larry Landis, “co-instigator” of the LCLP and the project’s historical consultant, will share Letitia’s story and discuss the broad range of work of the LCLP since its establishment in 2020.
Wednesday, March 6th from 2 to 3pm in the Willamette East Classroom
Light snacks and beverages will be available!
Join us on Zoom at:
This event will be recorded. Contact us if you have questions
CSA/LFA Seminar Series Coordinators
Jennifers Wells –
Beth Filar Williams –
Sara Trott –