Courtyard Bouquet

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Artist: Kacey Joyce

Medium: Linocut

Dimensions: 32.5″ × 26.5″

Location: 2 floor, #19 on the map

Marquesian Memory

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Artist: Scott Sonniksen

Medium: Acrylic (Acrylic on Canvas)

Dimensions: 73″ × 80.5″

Location: 2 floor, #18 on the map


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Artist: Angelita Surmon

Medium: Acrylic (Acrylic on Hand-made Paper)

Dimensions: 41″ × 29″

Location: 2 floor, #17 on the map

A Private Integrity

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Artist: Angelita Surmon

Medium: Acrylic (Acrylic on Hand-made Paper)

Dimensions: 41″ × 29″

Location: 2 floor, #16 on the map

1996 – #16

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Artist: Barry Pelzner

Medium: Oil (Oil Crayon)

Dimensions: 11″ × 16″

Location: 2 floor, #15 on the map

1996 – #7

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Artist: Barry Pelzner

Medium: Oil (Oil Crayon)

Dimensions: 9″ × 12″

Location: 2 floor, #14 on the map

Watching the Moon Set – 1997

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Artist: Audrey Hatfield

Medium: Painting

Dimensions: 30″ × 16″

Location: 2 floor, #13 on the map

Salmon Prince – 1997

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Artist: Audrey Hatfield

Medium: Painting

Dimensions: 30″ × 22″

Location: 2 floor, #12 on the map

Naga (pair) – 1997

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Artist: Lee Kelly

Medium: Steel (Gold Leaf over Steel)

Dimensions: 62.5" h

Location: 2 floor, #11 on the map

Requests for Library Visits by School Groups

Please be sure you have read the information on the School Group Visits page before submitting this request. In response to OSU student requests, The Valley Library does not allow tours during Dead Week and Finals Week of each term. In addition, during the first three weeks of each term, it is less likely that The Valley Library staff will be available to assist with a class project or field trip, due to heavy instruction demands for OSU students. Check the OSU calendar for more information on specific dates.
