Contraction Fracture

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Artist: Terry Toedtemeier

Medium: Print (Silver Print)

Dimensions: 17″ × 26.6″

Location: 2 floor, #47 on the map

Pothole Erosion

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Artist: Terry Toedtemeier

Medium: Print (Silver Print)

Dimensions: 26.26″ × 16″

Location: 2 floor, #46 on the map

Basalt Clastics

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Artist: Terry Toedtemeier

Medium: Print (Silver Print)

Dimensions: 24.75″ × 18.75″

Location: 2 floor, #45 on the map

Palomino Lake

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Artist: Terry Toedtemeier

Medium: Print (Silver Print)

Dimensions: 17″ × 26.5″

Location: 2 floor, #44 on the map

Sweet Medicine

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Artist: Drex Brooks

Medium: Print (Silver Print)

Dimensions: 14″ × 21″

Location: 2 floor, #43 on the map


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Most of the work in the Fragments Series pertains to the passage of time – time evidenced in one form or another. The photographs that comprise this piece (six in all) were made over the period of 20 minutes when the full moon was setting and the sun was rising. From the elevation provided by Zabriskie Point one is given the chance to experience the protraction of the brief series of moments when the moon is just ready to drop behind the western horizon while at the same time the sun is peaking above the eastern.

Artist: Terri Warpinski

Medium: Photography (Multimedia/Photography)

Dimensions: 28″ × 40″

Location: 2 floor, #42 on the map

Home Creek Canyon

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This piece is based on a wilderness study area in the areas of Steens Mountain southeastern Oregon. The particular site of this photograph depicts the remnants of a homestead from the heyday of dryland farming. All that remains is evidence of the root cellar and some trees that are not native to the geographic region of this site. Many of the named plants have disappeared from this location and others like where at one time they were abundant.

Artist: Terri Warpinski

Medium: Photography (Multimedia/Photography)

Dimensions: 26″ × 20″

Location: 2 floor, #41 on the map


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Photographs abstract time and manipulate space. The monocular view through the camera lens collapses deep space onto a 2-dimensional picture plane. Often this collapse renders a powerful physical experience of place quite impotent when translated to the photographic surface. Maps are also an abstraction of space, as well as a code or language that describes the place to those that know the language. These two abstracted views are combined to give multiple readings of the same place – an edge overlooking Big Indian Gorge seen through a curtain of Mountain mahogany.

Artist: Terri Warpinski

Medium: Photography (Multimedia/Photography)

Dimensions: 30″ × 22″

Location: 2 floor, #40 on the map

Constant Movement

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Diamond Craters is among those places that call to me because the land forms openly reveal their origins – their history is clearly written upon the surfaces before me. "Constant Movement" is a phrase drawn from old geology text and in this place is meant to speak not only about the geomorphology of the region, but also about the human experience of the moment in this place as the wind whips the mullein plants into motion.

Artist: Terri Warpinski

Medium: Photography (Multimedia/Photography)

Dimensions: 36″ × 22″

Location: 2 floor, #39 on the map


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I began doing the Flower Studies seven years ago when I wanted an appropriate subject for platinum printing. Georgia O'Keefe, who had always been one of my heroes, was famous for her flower studies. Both stationary and beautiful, flowers were the obvious choice. Their static quality allowed me to make a proper negative. Their sensual curves and tonality enchanted me.

Artist: Susan Seubert

Medium: Print (Platinum Print)

Dimensions: 14″ × 11″

Location: 2 floor, #38 on the map

Series: Flower Studies
