To Deposit a Paper to the ScholarsArchive@OSU open access repository
Select the 'Share Your Work' button on the ScholarsArchive@OSU home page to deposit your article. Deposit help for this method is available here.
After your article is deposited, it will be indexed in Google Scholar. To allow everyone to access your article in the repository, please ensure you have converted your manuscript file into an accessible PDF before deposit. You can do this by following these step-by-step instructions.
The Policy
The Oregon State University Open Access policy was unanimously approved by the Faculty Senate in June 2013. The policy applies to scholarly articles published by OSU faculty after the policy was adopted on June 13, 2013.
In recognition of Oregon State University’s land-grant mission, the Faculty is committed to disseminating its research and scholarship as widely as possible. In addition to the public benefit of such dissemination, this policy is intended to serve faculty interests by promoting greater reach and impact for articles. The policy directs faculty to submit an electronic copy of the author's accepted (post-peer review, pre-typeset) manuscript of their articles to OSU Libraries for dissemination via the ScholarsArchive@OSU institutional repository.
Author Rights
The OSU OA Policy is intended to preempt or augment publisher default copyright terms. This is true whether the publisher requires a copyright transfer or not. If your publisher isn’t requiring you to opt out of the policy by getting a waiver, you are fully within your rights to take advantage of OSU’s policy. As OSU faculty, you retain copyright to the accepted manuscript (post-peer review, pre-typeset) version of your articles and can deposit them to the ScholarsArchive@OSU open access repository and other disciplinary open access repositories such as PubMed Central, use them for your classes, develop derivative works, and the like.
To Amend a Publisher Agreement:
Oregon State University has made publishers aware of the terms of the license under which the University retains "permission to make available [Oregon State University faculty] scholarly articles and to reproduce and distribute those articles for the purpose of open dissemination." This license will have force unless it is waived for a particular article (see above for obtaining a waiver).
Some publisher's agreements contain provisions that are inconsistent with the prior license granted to Oregon State University under the terms of the Policy. If you wish to prepare an "author addendum" to attach to your publisher agreement, follow the steps described here.