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Anna Dvorak

Public Services Assistant

Phone: (541) 737-7310

Brief CV

  • PhD, History of Science, Oregon State University (2019) 
    • Nuclear history with a focus on science in early Cold War policy, Leo Szilard, and science in literature
  • MA, History of Science, Oregon State University (2014)
    • Nuclear history with a focus on science communication through the 1958 Pauling-Teller debate
  • BS, History, Philosophy, and Sociology of Science, Michigan State University (2011)
    • Specialization in history of the Second World War and early developments in nuclear science in Germany and the US



Selected Presentations:
  • Presentation on NSF Grant Project, “OSU Downwinders Project” covering the archival aspects of curation and intricacies of working with the collection as it is a collection that demonstrates use in litigation, Cascadia Environmental History Collaborative, September 2018
  • Poster Presentation, “Illustrating a Future Nuclear War," History of Science Society, November 2017
  • Paper Presentation, ““If They Cannot Take it Straight, They Will Get it in Fiction:” Communicating Fictional Truths during the Early Cold War,” History of Science Society, November 2016
  • Paper Presentation, “A Better View of Science: Examining Italian Chemistry and European History Through Primo Levi’s The Periodic Table,” Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts, November 2016

Curated Exhibits:

  • Design of auxiliary exhibit in conjunction with “Beautiful Science, Useful Art: Data Visualization through History," Oregon State University, April 2017
  • Design of auxiliary exhibit in conjunction with “The Nuclear Age: Seventy Years of Peril and Hope," August 2015 - March 2016
  • Curation of “The Nuclear Age: Seventy Years of Peril and Hope," Oregon State University, January 2015 - March 2016  (team-curated with grad students and faculty)


Professional Associations and Committees:
  • Society of American Archivists (SAA), 2019-present
  • Society for Literature, Science and the Arts (SLSA), 2015-present
  • Cascadia Environmental History Collaborative (CEHC), 2014-present
  • Columbia History of Science Group (CHSG), 2014-present
  • History of Science Society (HSS), 2015-present