Surveying our community, and those who work at OSU Libraries and Press, is an important component to the assessment work we invest in. Some of our faculty and staff include short 1-2 question surveys at the bottom of emails in order to get on-going feedback about the work they are doing. We also have a small, 1 question survey, that is attached to our virtual reference chat service.

We also invest time in larger-scale surveying. This academic year, during Spring 2019, we are conducting a survey of our entire community that asks questions about the types of collections and services that they are using, as well as the types of collections and services that are important to the work they do as a part of the OSU Community. After the survey is run and psychometrics have been run on it, the survey will be made available for others to use or adapt. 

In 2017 we delievered a workplace climate survey. This was done to understand how we can make OSU Libraries and Press a better place to work for everyone. The survey we delievered can be found here: The psychometrics run on this survey found it to be reliable, a=0.926 for the entire survey. Factor analysis was not run as the sample size wasn't large enough. Prior to deciding to use this survey, a scan of climate surveys was created. This can be found here: