Learning Innovation Grants, new eProcurement stuff, and PERs workshops.
Congratulations to Hannah Rempel and Karen Hanson of the Graduate School. They had submitted a Scaled Learning Innovation Grant (LIG) proposal earlier in the academic year. This proposal described a plan to develop a Graduate Student Success Center on the 6th floor of the Valley Library. Though the LIG grant was not successful, the University Information and Technology Strategic Leadership team agreed with the LIG Review Team’s that there is a critical need to invest in graduate student support at Oregon State. The UIT has decided to provide $85,545 to fully fund phase one of the renovation plans. Hats off to the others involved in this project as it is the culmination of a prolonged effort to collaborate with the Graduate School to create a shared space in the Valley Library that serves graduate students’ needs.
The eProcurement team is looking for test users to try the new shopping interface. If you want to help give them some feedback, then send the eProcurement team an e-mail letting them know you’re interested.
The eProcurement team has added a bunch of new tips to their library that cover submitting a contract request form, adding a contract to a requisition, creating an invoice from a contract, and searching contracts.
OSU is hosting several PERS workshops for employees this fall. Sign up now, as space is often limited and they generally fill up fast.
Are you artistically inclined? The Giustina Gallery at the LaSells Stewart Center is hosting a Community Art Exhibit that will run from July 17 to August 22nd. The submission deadline is July 15th, with a limit of one piece per artist.
Acquisitions/Monograph LT3 – This posting closes on the 26th of July and currently has 3 applicants.
Serials LT3 – This posting closes on 19 July and currently has 3 applicants.
Resource Sharing LT2 – This position is still on hold.
The ETS Unit Manager – Beth Shields was hired to fill this position and will begin on July 29th.
Cataloguing Gov Docs – There’s a dual hiring opportunity that the library is trying to take advantage of to fill this position.
LT3 Metadata Technician – Two candidates are being interviewed via Zoom next week.
Public Services Unit Supervisor – This posting consideration ends on 31 July and currently has 5 applicants.
Online Learning Librarian – Zach Welhouse was hired for this appointment and begins on September 3rd.
LEAD Evening Supervisor – Sagan Wallace will start on July 22nd with a summer work schedule of 12:30 to 9:30 p.m..
Operating Systems/ Network Administrator I – Christa Wright has been hired for this position and starts today, July 15th.
“...Rather than assuming that education is primarily about preparing for jobs and careers, what would it mean to think of education as a process of guiding kids' participation in public life more generally, a public life that includes social, recreational, and civic engagement.”
― Mizuko Ito
Can you guess whose pet this is?
This is Spot. See Spot sleep. See Spot avoid the camera. Last, last week’s cat is the good friend of Abigail Mason.
121 The Valley Library
Corvallis OR 97331–4501